Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1701: 1 flicker

Ye Ying and Qi Yuan were stunned. They came together to complete the task. What does this alliance mean?

Yin Haojun next to me, just wanted to say something to Luo Qiu, you grab my line.

Luo Qiu saw the two men still look aggressive and deeply felt the suppression on IQ. Although he only listened to Yin Haojun, who let him know first.

"Do n’t you all see that? I ’m from Xianxian, Yin Haojun is from Yandi Society, Liu Fan is from Brahma, Ye Goddess is from Goddess Alliance, Qiyuan is from Science and Technology Society, Rennes is from Exotic Society And Long Tianyu's Yixian Society is the representative of other communities besides the six major groups. Do you really think this is a coincidence? With your IQ, obviously you have not seen the intention of the dean. Steel said, and the scene was simply too similar.

Yes, Yin Haojun said Luo Qiu at the beginning.

"It's ... weird?" Qi Yuan frowned, frowning.

If it is a coincidence, it is too coincidental. It happens to be one in a community, just like a good discussion.

Does the dean really mean something else.

"Luo Qiu, I don't read much, don't lie to me." Ye Ying asked for a moment.

"Goddess Ye, I dare not lie to you."

"Then what do you mean by the dean?"

"In fact, this is basically a knockout match between the clubs. I am afraid that the six major clubs will be replaced." Luo Qiu sighed, a feeling that she had seen through the truth, it was a copy of Yin Haojun.

For a while, Ye Ying and Qi Yuan were dumbfounded.

The six major communities need to be replaced, and the dean really wants to redefine the ranking among the communities through this experience.

Wait, it's not impossible.

Not to mention anything else, the number and strength of the Dragon Fairy ’s editorials on Alien Fairy are already comparable to the six major societies.

Is it the truth?

Ye Ying and Qi Yuan looked at each other and could see the shock in each other's eyes.

Both seem to have a sense of infatuation.

"Although this is sensational, it does have some truth." Ye Ying thought about it, "that ... or what do you mean by alliance?"

"Hey, that's alliances. The dean wants to look at the situation of our respective communities through the performance of us. Without saying anything else, there are definitely problems with those with very poor relationships. So, let's have four of us ... No, coupled with Liu Fan, they formed an alliance, and then achieved good experience in the experience, the ranking will definitely not be countdown. "Luo Qiu showed a wretched smile, this is It seems like everyone is taking an exam together, but a few of them can cheat together.

"Why bring Liu Fan?" Qi Yuan frowned, and he liked Liu Fan in general.

"Are you stupid, don't bring Liu Fan, we are his opponents, when he gets angry and knocks us all down, who do we want to justify?" Luo Qiu scorned, but this is how so Familiar.

If you think about it, I rely on what Yin Haojun said.

"That makes sense." Ye Ying nodded. "All that's left is Rennes of the Alien Society and Dragon Fish of the Alien Society."

"Yin Haojun, do you have anything to say?" Qi Yuan looked at Yin Haojun with a stunned look, which was strange.

"All the things I want to say have been finished by Luo Qiu asshole. Damn, he snatched my lines." Yin Haojun said silently.

"Haha." Luo Qiu laughed, he finally understood a little why Yin Haojun was so happy every day.

Subsequently, the four of them all showed an unspoken smile.

Next, the four began to formally form an alliance.

They did not leave in a hurry, but also began hunting snakes in the forest, taking snake blood.

They are not stupid. Once they return to the task, it will not be easy to collect viper blood in this world in the future.

At this time, how can you first temper your body into a first-order **** body.

"Wait, I suddenly thought of a problem. The world is so big. Although there are many vipers, but the higher-order vipers are not easy to grow. If they are all killed, what will happen to the people later. Let's implement a sustainable development strategy. "Yin Haojun looked at the viper of the nine immortals in front of him and said slowly.

"Sustainable development?" Luo Qiu was dumbfounded. His first feeling was that Yin Haojun's brain was broken, he reached out and touched it, and did not have a fever.

"I'm not mistaken." Ye Ying also choked, do you still have this statement?

"My grass, don't you see me as good as an idiot, do I have so two. Think about it yourself. Now that we have determined that the viper blood is the key to the task, but we kill the higher-level viper with a brain. After a clean, how would the dean see it when I went back, "Yin Haojun said sadly.

"This ... will the dean think we are selfish."

"Whether it will be, but it will definitely be. At that time, our mission evaluations may be all D."

"D?" A few people took a sip of air-conditioning, which was not a failure of the mission.

What a vicious dean. I was waiting here.

They almost hit the road.

Wang Xing's gaze penetrated time and space, and he was silent for a long time when he was completely led by Yin Haojun and did not know where to go.

This Nima was too fool, even his dean almost believed.

"Then what do we say?" Luo Qiu asked stupidly, completely without opinion.

"It ’s okay to take snake blood, and the snake wo n’t kill. Anyway, take some blood and not die. After a hundred years, when the blood of these vipers is made up again, we can happily return to harvest again. You said this is It's not sustainable development. Hey, we will have a continuous stream of viper blood in our college. "Yin Haojun said proudly.

The other three listened, and they felt so **** reasonable.

This is not what sustainable development is.

"What are you waiting for, Qi Yuan is on the needle tube, the thickest ... drawing blood." Ye Ying looked at the Shengxian Nine-level Viper in front of him, his eyes were hot.

The next four went up, beat them up, and beat the nine-level viper of the immortal, and then began to draw blood happily.

"It's seven buckets, almost."

"Okay, I pulled the needle."

"Snake snake, you can go and wait for you to recover, we will draw your blood again."

The Shengxian Nine-level viper listened, only feeling that his body was trembling. What was this stuff in front of him? It was just a group of demons.

But I did not expect that I could survive, it was really good.

In this way, the four have been hunting snakes in the forest and taking snake blood, and they have been busy for more than a month.

During this period, the four also continued to train their bodies with snake blood, and each of them was strengthened and began to ascend toward the gods.

"Ryan and Long Tianyu are coming soon." Yin Haojun said reluctantly.

"There is no way, you can't help others to come over." Ye Ying spread his hands, "In fact, they are better to come, so their every move is under our control."

"Well, it makes sense." Qi Yuan thought about it.

Three days later, Ren and Dragonfish arrived.

"How is it, what have you gained?" Ye Ying asked.

"Don't mention it, we were chased by snakes for almost two months." Ryan sat on the ground with his hips, then summoned a small skeleton, and carried himself on his back.

"what happened?"

"Liu Fan found that snake blood was a good thing, so he grabbed the snake wantonly, Jinxian first-class snakes caught several, but this was improper, and as a result, he provoked a snake king, called the black-winged snake king, one person and one snake. After fighting for hundreds of rounds, Liu Fan was not his opponent, was injured, and was taken away. But we were out of luck. At that time, we were going to join Liu Fan. As a result, nobody saw it and was hunted by countless snakes. I'm running away every day. "Rennes was a little speechless, and felt that they were unlucky at home, so he didn't get any useful information.

Ye Ying and the others were all looking at each other, and they were quickly practicing the first-order **** body, and the two of them were still dead.

Misery, really miserable.

Especially when they saw the embarrassing look of the two, in comparison, they really did a great job.

"what about you?"

Long Tianyu said at this time, he felt that the breath of the four people in front of him was obviously much stronger, which was a characteristic of cultivation.

"We are okay, it is too boring every day, every day is to take a snake blood bath, take a barbecue in the open air, it is okay to have a few people fighting the landlord, it is too boring, nothing to say." Yin Haojun said at this time, and did not notice Lei at all Eun and Long Tianyu's eyes were about to get angry.

A day later.

"Yin Haojun, this alliance you said ..." Ren said.

"Now I, Ye Ying, Qi Yuan and Luo Qiu are allies. We can say that we are invincible."

"I know, but when you asked me to come to you, didn't you say that I could join the alliance?"

"This is no problem, but this alliance must have been established by me. If you want to join, that ... you know." Yin Haojun rubbed his fingers inadvertently. This action is too familiar, is it good?

"Yin Haojun, things can be given to you, but you are sure to join your alliance, and our alien society will be able to keep it? If you lie to me, you know who our president is, and I will definitely knock you out.

"Relax, your president is He Yunze, I can't mess with him."

"Okay, you come closer to me and I'll give you something."

"Hey, rest assured, after you gave me the benefits, your exotic society is absolutely stable."

In private, they completed an unseen deal.

Yin Haojun harvested a bottle of blood stimulating liquid, worth three thousand immortal crystals, and made a big hair.

after an hour.

Yin Haojun organized a chat group and said in it: "Everyone, I think about it again. I think our six communities should help each other, and the Dragon Fairy's Alien Club wants to take the place of any of our communities, and we should all give it a place. Counterattack. Everyone may have forgotten what is the relationship between the presidents of our six major communities and how many years we have known each other. How can the descendants of Long Tianyu be comparable. "

"Yin Haojun, what do you mean?"

"Our six major communities should not be split, they should be unanimously external ~ ~ this ..."

"Long Tianyu is something. The six major societies can only be six societies."

"Do you mean we should pull Rennes together again?"


"Then, as you said, pull on Liu Fan again, let's have seven of us and six of us ally ..."

"Isn't it possible? If Long Tianyu's performance is the worst, the six major societies are still the six societies."

"I'm going, can I really play like this?"

"How do I feel, a group of us are flickering alone."

Yin Haojun said secretly, this is not a group of people flickering alone, but a group of people flickering alone.

He felt like he was going to be super-god, side by side with the sun.

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