Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1704: My personality was insulted

Yin Haojun followed Baker to the peak and reached the White Wing Snake King.

"Snake King, your wings are even more beautiful under the sun's rays, and they almost set you up like an angel." Yin Haojun Tian licked shamelessly.

"Haha, I like you who are so honest." The King of Snakes was very happy. "Come, look there, know what it is?"

Yin Haojun followed the words of the snake king and looked towards the middle of a group of mountains.

I only saw that it was a thousand-meter-high tree with very thin leaves and yellowing. However, just above this big tree, there are actually 37 large fruits with a diameter of one meter. Each fruit is red and red, just like tomatoes.

"Yanhuaguo?" Yin Haojun tried.

"Yes, this is the fruit of the lotus flower. It will bloom once every ten thousand years, and it will produce once every ten thousand years. Once every ten thousand years, it will not be more than one hundred fruits. This one thirty thousand years, there are fewer than forty." The White Wing Snake King said, "I remember that when I was just a little snake, it was by coincidence that I had eaten one of these pimple flowers and fruits, and then I became wise."

"Good stuff." Yin Haojun listened, and his saliva was about to stay. "Snake King, I didn't expect you to think of me at this time, you are really good. I'm moved, um, oh ..."

Well, Yin Haojun forced himself to shed a few tears.

The Snake King looked at him a little aggressively at this time: "What are you moving?"

"Snake King, aren't you going to give me a lotus flower?"

"Here you?" The White Wing Snake King looked at Yin Haojun and gave Yin Haojun a glance. "You think more. There are 22 generals under my command. Each of the three generals will be divided into three cymbals and fruit, and the general will be divided. One, how many are this? "


"Yes, that's 28. You're right.

"That's not left ..."

"The remaining nine are mine."

Hearing this, Yin Haojun's heart was cool.

Snake King, you're really digging.

"Why did you come to see me?"

"Although this fruit is not very useful to us, it is better than nothing. However, this fruit is bitter and extremely bitter. It is difficult to swallow each time you eat it. Can you see if there is a solution? "The snake king said lightly.

Well, Yin Haojun is completely speechless.

It turns out that you are such a snake king. If you have a good thing, you don't want to share it with me. You even want me to help you find a way.

You wait, I will not call Yin Haojun without killing you.

He stunned, and the numerous snakes around him looked at him. The heads of the snakes were like a mountain, which made him scared.

Even if you want to kill this group of snakes, you can't show it, otherwise you might be excreted in the afternoon.

"Brother Bailong, if you have a way, when the snake king is happy, the spitting nucleus may be rewarded to you."


Yin Haojun looked at Baker, you **** treat me like a dog.

You eat flesh and let me eat nuclear.

You guys really do.

"What are you still doing? Is there any way?" Said a snake general, looking impatient.

"Yes, how can there be no way." Yin Haojun thought for a while, "I know that there are some spices that can cover the bitterness, but what seasonings are needed to cover the bitterness of the flower and fruit, and I need to go back and experiment."

"It's good to go. Twenty-three will be picked down. Let's go back to enjoy it today," said the White Wing Snake King.

At this time, a giant snake more than 5,000 meters long hovered on the linden fruit tree and picked 23 linden fruit from it.

Fourteen are left above.

"Go, go back."

"go back."

A group of serpents rushed back, Yin Haojun was wrapped around him, how could he feel a sense of captivity.

It seems that this white-winged snake king is not so good at flickering, or this guy is just a slapstick.

In the Snake Palace, twenty-three cymbals and flowers were neatly arranged, and Yin Haojun called Qi Yuan for the first time.

"Yin Haojun, what are you looking for?"

"Qiyuan, you are proficient in biopharmaceuticals. Is there a potion that can poison the third-tier Jinxian strongman?"

Yin Haojun preached, completely planning to fight with the snake king.

The snakes in the Golden Immortal Realm of the Snake King Palace are all here. If it is a nest, then he will be able to put the remaining pimple fruit into his pocket.

"My grass, what are you doing?"

Qi Yuan was stunned, how could he be so big if he didn't agree.

"Today, my personality is insulted. I want revenge. I want to poison all these snakes. Why, no?"

"You have personality ..."

"This is not the point. Is there such a poison? Do you see the big tomatoes over there? But that ’s a good thing. It blossoms for thousands of years, and it turns out that it matures forever. . By the way, have you ever eaten a peach? "

"Haven't eaten."

"Oh, I will just ask casually, let's continue. Including the white-winged snake king, this group of golden fairy-like snakes, one person wants to eat one of these lotus fruits, but hatefully there are fourteen lotus fruits, This **** snake king didn't intend to reward me, it was really annoying. You said, instead of you, are you angry? "

"Why should I be angry, I'm just the snake king's chef."

"Looking at your prosperous look, it is really a shame to your science and military society. Well, this is not the point. After all, even if you are shameful, you are also a person of the science and military society. It has nothing to do with me. Now, King of Snake Because this lotus flower fruit is very bitter, so it ’s not easy to swallow. Let ’s give him a bitter taste. You said that if we poisoned the lotus flower fruit at this time and gave these big snakes in the snake palace a nest, what would it feel like? Back at the college, I feel enough that we brag for a thousand years. "

"If it succeeds, bragging for more than a thousand years, but if it doesn't succeed, we will die."

"Kill the timid and starve the timid, what are you afraid of, just tell me if you have such a poison?"

"There is a kind, and it is only a strong person who can theoretically turn Jinxian III, but it is not poisonous, but it makes the Jinxian III strong body convulsed and unable to move."

"This is enough."

"But we really want to do this?"

"Do you think I've talked to you for a long time?"

"Okay, fight it."

Next, the two men blatantly poured a kind of biological poison into the flowers and fruits by giving them bitterness.

"What are you hitting into the fruit?" The snake king asked curiously.

"Pesticide," Yin Haojun said casually.


"Well, a particularly delicious seasoning called King Pesticide can not only cover up the bitterness, but also make people forget all their troubles."

"Oh, I need to do more of that. I'm not only afraid of suffering, but I'm very upset recently."


Yin Haojun said, pulling Qi Yuan toward the largest one, and injecting fiercely about 30 liters of biological poison with a three-needle tube.

"how about it?"

"Rest assured, it is colorless and tasteless, and mixed with sweeteners that cover bitterness, it is even impossible to taste it."

"Good job."

Yin Haojun praised in his heart, and then the regular and Qi Yuan backed away.

"Snake King, General Snakes, please enjoy."

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

A group of big snakes roared and ran to their own pimple flowers.

The white-winged snake king opened his mouth and sucked, and the largest one came to his mouth. He didn't open the mouthful, but he directly bit off half of the flower.

Yin Haojun was distressed to look aside. This is a treasure of heaven and earth, so bad for your beasts.

"Yin Haojun, I just did a test while injecting the poison into the fruit." Qi Yuan whispered.

"What test?"

"The composition of the quince flower, as a result, I found a particularly amazing thing. The nutritional content in the quince flower and the factor that strengthens the body in the blood of the snake is exactly one thing. This factor that strengthens the body is more pure and better. It should be the first generation of this kind of strengthening factor. "

"Can you just say a little bit more and say that if we eat a quince, what will happen?"

"It stimulates our body and encourages it to strengthen itself. It is better than Viper Blood."


"I feel that the words of Viper's blood can at most strengthen our bodies to the peak of the first-order **** body, but Qiuhuagu fundamentally promotes the evolution of the body, which should allow us to reach the level of the second-order **** body."

"I'll go. If we haven't Jinxiu Xiu, but we have a second-order **** body, wouldn't it be enough to fight the second-level Jinxian strong man."

"Almost, at least life-saving is no problem. After all, there is no special means of tempering the body. Generally, a second-order **** can at least have a higher god."

At this moment, both of them had bright eyes, and felt that a lot of cypress flowers had rushed towards them.

"May five!"

"Two eight!"

The two said almost at the same time, completely thinking of one place.

"Qi Yuan, I have given you two good achievements, after all, this is my idea."

"My biological poison."

"Twenty percent is about two and a half cymbals, three for you."

"To complete the evolution from body to second-order **** body, at least three are needed."

"That's not right."

"Oh, just in case three or more aren't enough. Besides, I need one more study. If you can make such a biological agent, do you know what the concept is ..."

"I know, money, a lot of money, you'll send it by then."

"Can you be great."

"Okay, I can give you five." Yin Haojun pondered for a moment. "Why, don't bargain anymore. If it weren't for me, you would hang in the water cell of Snake Cave to accompany Dragon Fish."


Speaking of this, Qi Yuan really has nothing to say.

Especially today, he went to see Long Tianyu and was trapped in the water cell of Snake Cave. It was really miserable.

Fortunately, he was rescued by Yin Haojun.

"Five are five."

"I still have a condition. If you really research the biological agent that can strengthen the body, I want 50% of the income."

"Why don't you die, the society will take 50% of what I researched."

"Isn't that 50% still?"

"Then you plan to let me dry, at most I grit my teeth and give you 10%."

"Yicheng, you send Hanako, at least 20%."

"Twenty successes and two successes. Deal."

The two talked, and even discussed how to distribute the biological agents that were later researched.

They all felt that they were going to the top of their lives.

The snake king and the twenty-two generals ate all the flowers and fruits, and looked very enjoyable.

"Eat it, eat you guys right away."

Yin Haojun thought viciously, but after an hour, he found something wrong.

I'll go. There's nothing wrong with these snakes.

"Qi Yuan, you haven't heard of a joke. A person wants to commit suicide, but he bought a bottle of pesticide. After drinking it, there was no fart. Finally, he looked at the top of the bottle cap of the pesticide. "

"Yin Haojun, these are actually two jokes."

Qi Yuan said solemnly that he did not see Yin Haojun's fire-breathing eyes at all.

"Oh, don't you understand me? What kind of biological poison are you doing, it's expired, or is it fake?"

"Yin Haojun, you can doubt me, but you cannot doubt my medicine."

"Then explain to me why the uncles of these snakes have nothing to do, and they are lazy one by one. I don't think they have been poisoned, but they are going to be comfortable, you liar selling fake drugs."

"You said I was a liar? I'm going to fight with you."

Qi Yuan felt that his personality had been insulted, and no matter where it was, he directly fought with Yin Haojun.

A group of big snakes are dumbfounded.

But at this moment, a thousand-meter-long snake suddenly rushed over.

"Hmm ..."

For a while, Yin Haojun and Qi Yuan did not understand.

But following that, he saw the angry tail of the White Wing Snake flutter, and the void burst.

Yin Haojun quietly approached Baker at this time, and after asking, he knew what had happened. It turned out that the Dongse Kingdom sent troops, felled trees, and penetrated into the territory of the White Wing Snake King for thousands of kilometers, to build a city inside.

Many snakes and grandchildren of the White Wing Snake King have killed and injured millions.

No wonder the White Wing Snake King is about to run away.

"King, do him."

"Yes, get him."

"Well, you generals are with me. This time, you must give King Donser a hard lesson."

As soon as the White Wing King's body moved, he would go straight into the sky.

The snake generals are following closely at this moment, and many viper warriors outside are quickly assembled.

"General, the little white dragon brothers in the waves ..." Baker suddenly thought of Yin Haojun ~ ~ at this time.

"I'm going, you're a pit." Yin Haojun watched the White Winged Snake King leaving. He was already happy. These Jinxian vipers were gone. This is not his world. By then, those flowers and fruits will be him In the bag.

But this Baker was better, and immediately reminded the Whitewing Snake King.

"Are they ... together with them, let them grill the soldiers."

"Okay, King."

Baker said, quietly approaching Yin Haojun, excited: "The snake king is really kind to you, and he still takes you at this time, what is this and trust?"

Yin Haojun hehe, I believe in your evil, you are the darkest person.

No, it's a snake.


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