Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1705: Poisoned

? With the White Snake King's army of snake clan, Yin Haojun and Qi Yuan seemed to be taken to the battlefield.

The two were helpless, what was this.

Long snakes cross the border and trees fall over. You can imagine how many large snakes, even ten thousand meters long, are running in the forest, and walking in the sky.

That's a galloping horse, this is a galloping snake.

Yin Haojun doesn't want to pay attention to Qi Yuan now, he feels that he has been cheated by Qi Yuan, the biological poison must be a fake.

Qi Yuan didn't want to ignore Yin Haojun either. He was also very proud.

This is common in colleges, and every student with professional expertise is proud of his or her major.

Half a day later, the Snake Army arrived on the battlefield.

A group of large snakes hovered in the air, scolding at the army of the Eastern Kingdom, as if a shrew scolded the street.

"King Donzer, you bastard."

"You guy who has no son, give it to me."

"Why, you have the courage to invade my territory, you have the courage to come out."

The white-winged snake king's voice was very loud, forming a specific sonic attack, which caused many warriors in the Eastern Kingdom to lift their heads and fall.

At this time, a figure flew from the rear of the army, and there were more than twenty generals of the Eastern Kingdom in armor.

The breath of these people is very strong, especially the breath of King Dongse has even reached the third level of Jinxian.

"Female ... woman!"

Yin Haojun was stunned at this time, because at this time he discovered that King Dongse turned out to be a woman.

Where is this king, queen?

Qi Yuan couldn't believe it either.

"White-winged snake king, my people need more places to survive, and your viper tribe occupy 90% of this continent. So I hope you can cede me a little bit and let me build another city. "This is also true," said King Tserius.

Today, the nine cities of the Donse Kingdom are actually overcrowded.

The Donse Kingdom needed more places to build cities and thrive.

"The beauty you want, my place is my place, every piece of land is mine, you want it, come and come, see if I give it to you." Whitewing Snake King hummed. " Why, you are not convinced, you have to know who is the boss of this continent. "

"That's the case, I'm offended." King Donther pondered for a moment, waved his hand, and the army advanced directly forward.

"Baby, eat them." The White Winged Snake King also roared.

Yin Haojun has been watching for a while, do you play like this, do not need to set up a battle or something?

Nima, this is too much fun.

"Brother Bailong, you protect yourself," Baker said.

"Baker, don't worry, I will take care of myself." Yin Haojun said in his mouth, and he had cursed him more than ten times.

The battle was amazing, and Yin Haojun obviously didn't care about it.

He only thought about how to slip away, but there were still a group of vipers around him, making him unable to get away.

"Brothers snakes, can you understand me?"


Several snakes stuck their tongues out, not sure what they meant.

"Can you speak?"


"Ha ha."

Yin Haojun rolled his eyes, did he play the piano against the snake at all?

After the battle lasted for an hour, layers of corpses began to appear underground.

The battle is getting fiercer.

Yin Haojun saw the opportunity, and he shouted at this moment: "Brother Baker is careful, dangerous!"

Then, he rushed to Baker with a knife and suddenly got rid of several viper warriors in charge around him.

Qi Yuan has always been paying attention to Yin Haojun, and when he saw the other party to get rid of the viper warrior guarded in such a shameless way, he immediately shouted and rushed up.

"General Baker, I'm here to save you too."

The two rushed towards Baker one after the other, making Baker aggressive.

I'm fine now. Is it really dangerous?

However, thinking that both Yin Haojun and Qi Yuan came to save him, he was so moved that he was really a good brother.

But only to see Yin Haojun just rushing over, an immortal warrior of the Dongse Kingdom just touched him a little, and he flew out tens of thousands of miles.

"So strong, I'm not an opponent."

Then, a spit of blood spurted out, all sprayed straight on Baker's body.

Baker froze and was more moved.

In order to save him, Yin Haojun vomited blood.

As for Qi Yuan, at this moment, he refreshed his knowledge of Yin Haojun again, how can a person be shameless to this point.

"Oh, I'm not my opponent."

He said, rubbing a Yuanxian warrior from the Dongse Kingdom, and flew out 100,000 miles away.

Later, many people were aggressive.

You are a Shengxian not a Yuanxian opponent. How strong is the warrior in the Eastern Kingdom?

Yin Haojun looked at Qi Yuan, who was vomiting blood towards him, but he was speechless for a long time.

It's too much, you're so awkward.

Fortunately, the current situation is chaotic, and no one can ignore it.

The two successfully got rid of the guards and immediately thought of leaving the battlefield, but at this time, a scream came.

Seeing only the void, the White Winged Snake King's body suddenly stopped, and then gave up rebellion. He was cut by the sword of King Dongse, and the scales dropped a large piece.

"I'm going, what's the situation?"

Yin Haojun couldn't understand why the White Wing Snake King did not hide.

The King Dongse was also stunned. This sudden hit was a bit evil.

"It has taken effect, it is my biological poison that has taken effect." Qi Yuan was very surprised at this time, "I understand that these large snakes are large and cold-blooded animals, and they have inherent anti-toxicity, so My biological poison entered their body, and it did not take effect immediately. But as they continued to fight, blood and blood flowed, and the biological poison circulated into their whole body. At this time, the toxicity gradually began to exert itself. "

"I'm going, it seems like it really is." Yin Haojun found that not only the white-winged snake king, other snake generals also have slight physical cramps, which is the phenomenon of poisoning.

"I'll just say, my medicine is not fake and it's not expired." Qi Yuan hummed.

"Well, it's not fake, it's not fake." Yin Haojun let go of his lips, completely ignorant of Qi Yuanfa's such a bad temper, "Let's go quickly, this time we will pit the White Wing Snake King. He responded, and we're finished. "

"Go ~ ~ Hurry away." Qi Yuan also thought about this, especially when it seems that the White Wing Snake King still has a fight, don't stop fighting with King Dongse at that time. A culprit was slaughtered.

With that said, the two quickly left the battlefield.


"Of course go picking flowers and fruits, don't wait any longer."

Yin Haojun said almost without thinking, how could he be willing without getting the remaining fourteen cypress flowers in his hand.

Qi Yuan pondered for a moment and nodded.

But at this moment, a voice came: "Hao ... Haojun!"

Yin Haojun was a spirit, looking behind him, he could not be more familiar with that figure.


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