Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1716: Followers

Yin Haojun looked at Nicole's earnest eyes, what else could he say.

"Well, Nicole, let's go home."

Yin Haojun said, and when Nicole heard this, he immediately held Yin Haojun's arm and looked like a bird.

Yin Haojun wanted to struggle a little, but a voice in his heart told him that it seemed to be fine.

The two came all the way to a fairy island, and this is where Yin Haojun lived in the high school.

Although it is said that high school students are now eligible to own a fairy island as a residence, in fact, it is either a third-year student in the high school or a high-school student in the first or second year with a particularly good grade.

There are many fairy islands, and only those who are able to live are eligible.

Yin Haojun is not the best student in high school, but he is also the best among them. The fairy island he lives in is 800 miles away, and the location is also very good. If you count it, it is also the top 100 fairy island in high school. Don't underestimate this top 100. Currently 39 of the top 100 immortal islands have been given to teachers of the senior middle school, 12 of them have been used for teaching in the middle school, and the remaining 49 cents are actually given to the high school. Students of the Ministry live.

Among them, Yin Haojun, the immortal island, ranked twenty-seventh out of forty-nine places.

Definitely very forward.

And these 49 immortal islands are also the residences that high school students have been fighting for. Being able to live on these 49 immortal islands is also a symbol of strength.

"Hao Jun, is this your island?"

Nicole hasn't landed on Xiandao yet, but he looks strange at that Xiandao outside.

Why do other people's Xiandao look lush from the outside, but this Xiandao looks black in front of them, not green at all.

It's completely bare, it's too ugly.

"That ... it was actually pretty good at first, but for a while I was short of money, so I pulled out the top spirit plant ... I sold it, but it might be pulled out a bit, and the mountain was bald." Yin Haojun Very embarrassing to say, and if you want to let the students who know the details hear him, you will definitely be disdainful. You have a period of time that is relatively short of money. You are a short of money. You have developed this fairy island to the extreme. You can sell all the things that can be sold on top of it, and the ones that cannot be sold are ruined by you.

Even some time before Yin Haojun left, he had a sign on the college forum to rent out his own fairy island.

This is to give Huo Huo all the things on Xiandao. I plan to rent out Xiandao with a brain. I want to earn the last money from the high school who is not qualified to distribute Xiandao.

Unfortunately, this was stopped by the college and the post was deleted.

After all, according to the college's system, Xiandao is a college. Even if he lives for Yin Haojun, Yin Haojun only owns the land use right. If you want to be a second landlord, don't think about it.

The most important college is unlikely to contribute to this trend, but that's it. This fairy island can now remain in Yin Haojun's hands.

Nicole nodded, but believed the words of Yin Haojun.

The woman in love seems to be such an idiot, she believes what her boyfriend said.

On Xiandao, the only two-story villa on the entire island, this is where Yin Haojun lives.

The two-storey cottage was full of flowers and grass around it, especially a row of bamboo forests in front of the door, and small river water. It was very artistic, but later Yin Haojun knew that the bamboo was a treasure, what was called Lei bamboo, and it was sold as soon as possible.

"Master, you are back."

At this time, a voice came, only to see a dwarf come quickly.

The dwarf is less than one meter and two meters tall, but looks very strong.

"Uncle Dwarf, no one came to me during my absence." Yin Haojun asked.

"No one else, but there was a second-year senior high school student who came to see the mountain. I think he meant to rent."

"The college didn't say that, Xiandao cannot be rented out."

"I think he meant to trade privately. In the future, the owner of Xiandao will still be you, but he will also live on it. After all, although this Xiandao already looks like a bear, the cosmic energy is still strong."

"I'm going, Uncle Dwarf, what's the name of this bear?" Yin Haojun said silently. "And, go and tell that bastard, my fairy island can't be rented out. My Yin Haojun is poor and eats soil, neither Maybe rent out Xiandao. Huh, I ’m just kidding, some people really take it seriously, thinking that I want to rent out Xiandao, I really do n’t know what their brains think, a group of idiots. "

Hearing this, Uncle Short's eyes widened, this is really what you should say.

You prodigal, when did you turn around?

You shouldn't say this broken island, what do you want it to do, what is the best place to live, rent it for a little money, let ’s go to the elementary school 蹭 student apartment.

"Haojun." Nicole looked aside, her eyes were moist, she felt that Yin Haojun had suffered too much in the college, and even rented out the place where she lived.

"It's okay, Nicole, since you followed me, I can make you have nowhere else to live." Yin Haojun took a photo of his chest. "Uncle Dwarf, go to the college to collect some living materials, and then organize the second floor and let Princess Nicole stayed. "

"Master, this Princess Nicole?" Uncle Dwarf looked at Nicole at this moment, and his first feeling was that what such a beautiful woman was following Yin Haojun was blind, or Yin Haojun's creditor.

Yin Haojun looked at Uncle Dwarf's small eyes, but he didn't understand his thoughts: "Kee, this is my friend, good friend, don't think about it."

Suddenly, Uncle Diao suddenly rejoiced: "Not a creditor, or a good friend. I understand, I understand ... I will inform the master and wife in a while."

Then, Uncle Dwarf excitedly cleaned the room on the second floor for Nicole.

Yin Haojun was dumbfounded, what did you understand, and said that it would not let you think about what was going on.

"Hao Jun, this dwarf is your family?" Nicole said strangely at this time.

"Yes, no. Our high school students have Xiandao, so they can recruit some servants to help them take care of the college. We do n’t need any servants. But when we went to the dwarves thirty thousand years ago, Uncle Dwarf defeated the Dwarven King, and was later expelled from the country of the Dwarf and chased and killed by the new King. In the end, I saw him as pitiful, so I reluctantly accepted him and brought him to the college. "Yin Haojun said slowly, his expression Something dignified.

"Oh." Nicole nodded, she could see that Yin Haojun's relationship with Uncle Dwarf was not ordinary, not his family, but it was almost the same.

a new day.

On Xia Yumo's planet, three golden dice appeared in her hands, almost the same as those used to play mahjong.

She felt something and threw it out.

Only three fools were shown in a font, and the numbers were displayed as one, two, three.

Suddenly Xia Yumo frowned: "This is to break the fortune ... but I don't even leave the college, where can I break fortune?"

But at this moment, a voice came.

"Xia Yumo, there are so many bamboos on your island. How about a few mu of land for me?"

"Yin Haojun, it's you!"

Xia Yumo looked up, and found that Yin Haojun was about to dig, and he suddenly became angry: "What are you doing, this is how I grew up."

"It's almost a hundred acres. I'm going to buy a land of seven or eight acres. First, decorate my door."

"Drinking, you still pay attention to the facade now? So what have you done before, and the thunder bamboo at your door is much more beautiful than my clean bamboo, and the wind blows, there are faint and strange The thunder came like a wind chime. "

"Last look back, don't talk."

"Then you tell me what you want to do to dig out my clean bamboo. From what I know of you, even if your mountain is bare, you can't feel ugly because you don't care."

"Well, I don't care, but Nicole likes green." Yin Haojun was silent for a long time, some blushed.

"Nicole?" Xia Yumo rolled the dice in her hand, and then smiled: "Haha, it turned out to be Xingdong Xingdong, and you came to hostess there. It's a real laugh to me, you Yin Haojun has today ..."

"What kind of red star is moving, your martial arts can still be considered a marriage ... that, don't talk nonsense, I dug, if I go back late, Nicole will wake up, then there will be no surprises."

"Dig, dug, it's my money."

Xia Yumo smiled. No wonder she counted herself to be a fortune. It turned out she had to follow her own.

Yin Hao's guilty gritted teeth, whatever you want, but this is what you want me to dig, then I'm welcome.

He grabbed it at hand, and the bamboo near ten acres of land was dug out. Then, without waiting for Xia Yumo to say anything, he ran away and hurried away.

Later, he came to Ye Ying's Fairy Island.

"Goddess Ye, your three hundred acre garden ..."

"I already know ~ ~ Xia Yumo has told me, Nicole likes it, I will send you ten acres, no, twenty acres."


Yin Haojun was suddenly speechless, how quickly the news spread, okay you Xia Yumo, when did you get so bad.

He went to dozens of localizations later. One morning was really fruitful, and visible to the naked eye, his bald fairy island gradually became green.

In the morning, Nicole came out of the room.

"The most expensive princess, good morning."

Yin Haojun appeared on Nicole's door every morning, just like on the Viper continent.

Nicole looked at Yin Haojun, then noticed the thick green at the door and smiled.

This smile is enough.

Yin Haojun also laughed. It seemed that he was not busy in the morning and was worth it.

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