Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1717: Public class

The restaurant in the villa is very welcoming.

Uncle Short has prepared a lot of food on the earth, and Nicole likes it very much.

For Nicole, she had never had such a fine breakfast, and she was with her beloved.

After breakfast, Yin Haojun left the college with Nicole and went to the Earth Federation.

Nicole saw the vast sky for the first time and saw the stars, she finally knew that the universe was so big.

Yin Haojun also took Nicole to the shopping mall and bought a lot of things that Nicole had never seen before.

Everything is wonderful.

The next day Yin Haojun writes his own training report. This is an assignment that is completed routinely by each student. No matter how good your experience is, but the experience report is very general. If you ca n’t express your experience clearly, your experience may change from A + to A or even B.

Experienced evaluation is also related to task rewards.

Yin Haojun felt that he had done well this time, so he naturally requested a large book.

"Ma'am, if you're okay, you can go to the college's public class." Uncle Xiao thought about it, he was mainly worried that Nicole would be bored.

"Open class, can I also listen?" Nicole froze, and then her eyes lighted up. She had seen two snake kings offend the academy teacher Ye Fan before, and she had changed from a hundred thousand miles snake king to ten. The small earthworm that is a centimeter long, so I feel that Xian College may keep the students' courses confidential, and no one is allowed to go to those places.

Uncle Diao laughed unconsciously: "Of course, some professional courses in the college do not allow outsiders to listen, but some public courses can be attended by anyone. However, professional courses generally do not teach specific exercises, but Talking about some cultivation concepts and ideas, many of them are still very controversial. But many people have been inspired by these public courses and studied various magical skills of the Department. "


"Of course it is true, and do you know which teacher in the college has the most open classes?"

"Which teacher?"

"Actually, the dean." Uncle Diao said with some dignity, "Since 100,000 years ago, as long as the dean started classes, 99% of them were public classes, and every time the dean's public classes could inspire many students. .I have been there a few times before, but only once squeezed into the classroom. I remember that the dean was talking about Fu Yu. To be honest, this is too upset. Not many students take Fu Yu in the college. , But that was also the time when I realized a secret technique from the Fu Fu taught by the dean, and this is the way ... "

Speaking, just seeing the uncle's two-handed drawing, the action is like an artist drawing a beautiful painting.

He kept waving his hands to draw, drawing up the cosmic energy of the surrounding hundreds of miles, and then this energy condensed on his fist, and then he punched out, and the space shuddered.

Nicole was extremely surprised. She saw that Uncle Dwarf was just a third-order creation of creation, but the power of this fist reached at least the fourth or even fifth order of creation.

The dwarf's strength is obviously increased.

"I named this boxing fist."

Uncle Dwarf is quite proud, this is also a fairy art he created.

He remembered that Yin Haojun praised him after he knew it, saying that he was qualified to become a student of Xian Academy.

However, Uncle Diao knew that Yin Haojun had no choice but to raise him, because afterwards he learned that after listening to the dean's elective course, he realized that there were not one hundred people like Fuyu attacking Famen, and seventy or eighty.

"It's amazing."

Nicole was surprised: "The dean of the Immortal College is really a sage, he is really amazing. It is just an elective course, so that you can realize such a peerless experience."

Uncle Dwarf smiled: "So you can also go to open classes, and there are open classes almost every three minutes away from the college, like two open classes today."


"Of course it's true. One is Ximen Blizzard's open swordsmanship course, and the other is the Jinlong Fawang's open book of Buddhist scriptures. How about it, would you like to hear it?"


Nicole nodded heavily, looking forward to it.

"Even if the Buddhist scriptures are open, if the master doesn't like it, if you learn it, it is estimated that the master will be annoyed when you come back to Amitabha every day. I will take you to the open lesson of Ximen Blowing Snow."


"All right, let's go," said Uncle Dwarf, and introduced Nicole along the way. "The teacher Xuemen Xuexue is a very good teacher at the college. His skill in swordsmanship ranks among the top five in the college. It is said that although he only has Jinxian second-level cultivation, his sword cannot be taken even by Jinxian third-level teachers. Moreover, he is one of the early teachers in the college and has a great influence in the college. force……"

The two went all the way to a fairy island in high school, and today's public class begins on this fairy island.

At present, there are more than 100 students on Xiandao.

As soon as Nicole and Uncle Dawn came over, everyone looked at them all at once, full of curiosity.

"Wow, is this beauty a new school girl, so pretty!"

"It's impossible, I have seen the beauties of the college, who is this!"

"No, I'm going to get a contact.


In a blink of an eye, several high school boys came by Nicole's side.

"Beautiful lady, can you add a friend?"

A bold male student said, looking a little dazed.

Suddenly, many people started to coax.

"Well, this is my young lady. My young master's name is Yin Haojun."

"Yin ... Haojun!"

After hearing this, the few male students who started to come around were all sweaty and turned out to be Yin Haojun's evil star.

If Yin Haojun let them know that they took Nicole, they would not be able to eat and walk around.

At this time, some uncles were also found. No wonder they were so familiar. This was not the big housekeeper on Yinhao Junxian Island.

"Beauty, when I have never been."

"me too."

"I just passed by soy sauce and had no other meaning."

Suddenly, a few people disappeared.

No way, Yin Haojun's name in the college is too loud, they really can't provoke it.

"Uncle Dwarf, they are so interesting." Nicole couldn't help but cover his mouth and laughed, thinking these people were too funny, and ran away when he heard Yin Haojun's name.

"They are afraid of Master." Uncle Xiao smiled.

Next, they found a spot and sat down.

At this time, a male student walked over from a distance, and then stepped to the front seat step by step. Looking at this male student, all of them gave way.

Nicole also saw the male student, and was curious: "Uncle Dwarf, who is he? I think everyone is afraid of him."

Uncle Dwarf froze for a while, and then responded: "His name is Yi Tian. Currently he is a half-graduate student. The practice of the five elements in one practice is very powerful. Under the rotation of the five elements, it is a world of its own. Interest. Three thousand years ago, he once killed an alien **** in the Longguhe Starfield with a sword. "

Nicole was suddenly surprised, the person in front of him could even use Jinxianxiu to kill Jinxian.

It is terrible. No one can do it on their Viper continent.

"Master should have this strength."

Uncle Dwarf thought for a while, and he knew that Yin Haojun had always been an underrated student of Xian Academy.


Nicole nodded, and gradually learned something about the awesomeness of the college.

Yi Tian slowly came to the front, but stopped when he passed Nicole's side.

"Uncle Dwarf, how about Yin Haojun?"

"Master Yitian ..."

"Just call me Yi Tian, ​​and that's why Yin Haojun likes to be called Master by others."

"Well, classmate Yi Tian, ​​my young master is writing a training report in his residence."

"Well, when he's finished writing, let him come to me. I'd like to ask him, how did the swordfish I raised come together in the morning, and I found that there were more than a hundred tails missing."


Uncle Dwarf was dumbfounded, he thought unconsciously of the more than a hundred fish in the pool at the door.

Well, in order to beautify his own fairy island, Yin Haojun mostly changed his fate, but some of the masters of the fairy island were not there, so he didn't ask for some.


Then, Yi Tian slowly came to the front.

Nicole didn't understand what was going on, but looking at her, she was obviously worried for Yin Haojun.

"Relax, Master and this Master Yi Tian are classmates. The relationship is not bad. He won't be embarrassed to master. Even if he wants to find trouble with Master, Master's face will not know who is suffering." Uncle knows Yin Haojun very well, so he is not worried at all.

After waiting for another hour, a sword flashed in the sky, and then no one waited for everyone to react. A man appeared in front of him.

That's exactly what Ximen blowing snow and ice face looks scary.

"Today's public class, the content I want to talk about is very simple. There are only eight words. That is the martial arts in the world, but it won't break." Simon Bluff came up and glanced at the lecturer, and immediately said, Many people may not have noticed these eight characters after they have cultivated into the realm of human fairy, or even the mysterious realm. They feel that what is faster, where there are fairy magic and usefulness, and where there are laws useful. And I have to It's simply wrong, to say. "

"Quick, it will be useful at all times."

"And my sword, even now, has only one word, that is fast."

"What law, what fairy law, what mystery, unless it can make my sword faster, it is worthless to me."

"This is my Kendo, the pursuit of speed is extreme, and it has been so since the day I entered the academy."

"Just for quickness, no sword skills, no immortals, or even powerful rules."

With that said, a sword appeared in Ximen Blizzard's hand.

The crowd looked at him at this time, but only saw his hand move, but did not see the sword move, but a dark crack appeared in the distant space.

Everyone was surprised when they saw it, including Yi Tian.

"This ... this is great."

Nicole has lost her voice, and she feels that even her mother can't resist it, because it is too fast. She has not only broken the limitation of space, but also the limitation of time.

"It's really scary."

Uncle Dwarf groaned, and was quite dignified.

Ordinary sword, maybe it contains the rules, maybe there is some unknown fairy magic secrets, but all this is to make the sword faster.

In this way, Ximen Blizzard relied on the second-grade Jinxian repair, and even a sword tore the space where the high school can only be torn by the fourth-grade Jinxian.

"See? This is the ultimate power, ignoring space, ignoring rules, or even ignoring time."

"In response to this fast, I once discussed with the Dean. The Dean thinks that the speed beyond the extreme should be divided into ninth or tenth grade. Then, based on the kendo I practiced, I decided to name it the sword speed, which is the first sword speed, The second sword speed ... all the way to the ninth or tenth sword speed. But I just cast the third sword speed, but I can already ignore the space, unless it is a Jinxian fourth-level strong, otherwise the track of the sword Nothing can be captured. "

Hearing this, everyone was horrified.

Beyond the extreme speed, the third sword speed can ignore the space, then if the back can reach the ninth and tenth sword speed, how terrible.

"My current limit is also the third sword speed, but I have seen the dean cast the seventh sword speed, the sword has not yet moved, but the sword gas has torn the space and penetrated the ghost. The director of that sword called it The sword of the future means that when the sword is not moving, the attack caused by the sword is like crossing through from the future. Do you see that the seventh sword speed can already ignore time, or pass time, or surpass time? . "

When Simon Blizzard was talking, Wang Xing's sword appeared again in his mind unconsciously.

It was also the sword that made him firmly think.

That's why this public course is also available.

At this time, all are whispering voices. Many people did not expect that this public class was related to the dean.

It's just that they have benefited a lot.

Nicole gestured her fingers, she felt her speed was extremely fast, but she also knew that let alone the third deceleration, it is estimated that even the first sword speed could not reach.

Next, Simon Blizzard also talked about many ways to increase the speed of the sword, many of them even guessed ~ ~ and Nicole listened very well.

She felt the joy of learning for the first time, and when Ximen Blizzard's open class was over, she was still using her hand to draw a sword.

"You are Nicole?"

A familiar voice came from Yi Tian.

Nicole froze and nodded.

"I just received the news from Ye Ying. Then I know that Yin Haojun did not ask for my swordfish for you." Yi Tian slowly said, "Since this is the case, I will not investigate the swordfish. I gave it to you, but you asked him to take care of me, don't give me death. "

"OK ... OK." Nicole felt a little flattered.

"Also, I wish you happiness." Yi Tian said, leaving with a smile.

At the same time, in another place, the two snake kings were also attending classes, and still overhearing.

The key is the curriculum for the elementary school.

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