Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1718: Seek to stay

This elementary school course is, strictly speaking, a fifth-year elementary school course.

All the students in the class practiced in the realm of true gods.

These students are about to break through into the realm of immortals and rise to the junior middle school, all working very hard.

Why the two snake kings chose to go to the elementary school for lessons was decided after careful consideration.

One of the main reasons is that there are teachers in Jinxian Realm everywhere in the high school, and there are many in the junior middle school. Only the Junior School does not have as many Jinxian Realm teachers.

They are here and should be the hardest to find.

Well, that's what they think.

Who asked them to interrupt Ye Fan's class before, now they are very scared of this.

The content of this course is the fairy course, which is a basic course, so only two fairy courses are taught, one is fireball, and the other is wind blade.

But after a class, some students were drowsy, but the two snake kings listened with interest and spirit.

Because of an ordinary immortal lesson, they have been shocked to heaven.

They feel that they have really lived on dogs these years. Although they are snakes, they only know how to fight with brute force, and they do not know that there is such an immortal technique that urges the power of God to perform.

After class, most students left the classroom.

The remaining students did some exercises and discussions on the immortality taught by the teacher in the classroom.

The White Wing Snake King and the Black Wing Snake King are hiding in a corner. They have been eager to try it, only to see him follow the method of immortalism taught by the teacher, and a big fireball appeared as soon as he opened his mouth.

Suddenly, he was very excited.

"Wife, look at me, I'm casting Fireball Fairy."

The White Wing Snake King shouted, and at this time he hadn't noticed that the temperature in the classroom was several degrees higher, and many people looked at him in this direction.

The Black Winged Snake King is not as reckless as the White Winged Snake King. She knows it is not good at first glance. Now it attracts people's attention. If it is known that they are overhearing the lesson, that would be bad.

"White hair, hurry up."


Bai Mao stunned, and also came over.

"So strange two little snakes."

"Is that a snake? Why are there two little wings?"

"Is this a pet in the college?"

"Absolutely not a pet. You have seen which pets will perform immortality. I guess it must be a little monster."

"Little monster?"

With that said, everyone came together curiously.

The two kings of snakes were about to escape, but only felt dark before their eyes, and they were already on the palm of a person when they appeared again.

They looked at the master of this palm, the teacher who taught.

They remember what the teacher called it, as if it were Feng Qingxue, but the reason is that there is only the Holy Realm, which is incomparable to them.

"Women, what are you looking at, be careful I eat you."

The Whitewing Snake King threatened when he saw him caught.

But before he finished speaking, Feng Qingxue flicked his fingers, which made him smashed.

The White Wing Snake King himself was aggressive, but he wanted to fight back, but was pressed under the Black Wing Snake King.

"I'm sorry, we just passed by and didn't deliberately come to overhear the class." The Black Wing Snake King saluted respectfully. She wouldn't say anything if she had eaten Feng Qingxue. If it was really eaten, they two Estimated to be sliced.

"You two little snakes, let's call them little snakes. It's really interesting to talk." Feng Qingxue thought about it. He didn't go to the middle school, so he didn't know the news of the two snake kings coming to the college. "I Guess you are in front of Bai Niangzi and Xiaoqing. But you can tell what you are saying. Why hasn't you transformed? Your body has become so small, it seems you have learned some deformation techniques. "

"Transformation, deformation?" Whitewing Snake King's eyes lightened.

"I do n’t understand. Teacher Niang and Xiaoqing did n’t teach you? Transformation is to transform into an adult form, so that you have human bodies. This is the only way for monsters to practice. Deformation is to change their body size. , Or simply change the shape of your body, but it is just a change in shape. Even if you deform into humans, there is a difference from the real human body. "A student couldn't help it at this time.

Both Blackwing and Whitewing Kings were shocked.

Is there such a magical method?

Deformation and deformation?

Change body size?

Don't look at their 100,000-mile long bodies, but they are not very useful for fighting.

No matter in the Viper continent or in the Immortal Academy, they found that intelligent life has no such form.

The key is that they are like this kind of body, they can only speak in Jinxianjing, it is really a daddy.

They moved their minds as soon as possible. How can they learn this immortal method that can change the size of their bodies.

For them, this is simply magic.

"This ... we still have something, let's go first." The Black Wing Snake King knew that the filling was about to be revealed, but it was a tail that first pumped the White Wing Snake King out, and then she jumped away from Feng Qingxue's palm and blinked. Just disappeared.

Five days later.

During these five days, Nicole went to public classes every day as long as he had time, and after returning, he was excited to share his class experience with Yin Haojun.

Yin Haojun sometimes feels that Nicole is a student of Xian Academy, and he is here to be a guest.

In these five days, the two snake kings searched for many ways, and finally found the so-called white lady and Xiaoqing's fairy island.

They were so excited that they flew up to Xiandao.

When Xiao Qing opened the door in the morning, she saw two small snakes appearing at the door, and the whole person was choked.

"Should be kept."

Black Wing Snake King and White Wing Snake King, both said.

God knows what they went through in order to find the white lady and Xiaoqing's fairy island, and now the transformed and transformed fairy art has beckoned them.

"Sister, come and see, there are two long, ugly snakes."

Xiaoqing shouted, she couldn't believe the two snakes in front of her were their kind, apparently even the high imitations, or were they fakes.

The Black Wing Snake King is okay ~ ~ The White Wing Snake King has secretly scolded in his mouth, you are so ugly, and your whole family is so ugly.

In this hand, among a mountain peak in Xiandao, a 30,000-mile-long white snake flew over.

Seeing a white snake of this length, the two snake kings were so excited that they called out a loved one.

The white snake flew towards them.

Finally, the 30,000-mile-long white snake turned into a beautiful woman in front of them.

This is naturally White Lady, Bai Suzhen.


Seeing the magic of transformation in person, the 30,000-mile-long white lady turned into a living human being before herself.

The two snake kings were stunned, and they were all bad.

Oh my god, the art of transformation is even more amazing than they thought, and they must learn it.

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