Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1719: Wang Xing and Nicole

Bai Suzhen came step by step and saw the Black Wing Snake King and the White Wing Snake King.

"It's interesting, these two little snakes are very strange."

She said, as soon as she moved the Black Wing King and White Wing King to her palm, "Where did you come from, so big that you can talk."

The two snake kings didn't feel a joy in their hearts and asked where they came from. It seemed that they didn't know their identities. In fact, this is not surprising. As soon as they arrived at the college, Ye Fan was dismissed as two small snakes with a length of ten centimeters. Otherwise, with their 100,000-long body, they already knew the college.

"We ... we don't know where we came from," said the black-winged snake king Hu Huo, but at this time he could not reveal his identity.

"You don't know where you came from. Are you the little monsters born naturally in the college?" What did Bai Suzhen think of?

There are too few monsters in the college, and there are even fewer monsters born in the college.

Xiao Qing also had her eyes brightened at this time, and felt that this was very possible.

The White Winged Snake King is already stunned on one side. Is this okay?

Oh my god, isn't this a lie?

Are the teachers of this immortal college all single-celled.

And this is what the two snake kings do n’t know. Few outsiders can come here, let alone two little snakes. Not only white snakes and green snakes, even if they are replaced by other unknown teachers, it is estimated that they will be both. A little snake is a monster born in the college.

"Do you want us to keep it?"


The two snake kings immediately nodded their heads and refused you to keep them. How can we learn the art of transformation.

"All right, you will live on our fairy island in the future."

Bai Suzhen hardly thought about it. If there were two little snakes, it would be an excellent thing.

Xiao Qing nodded and thought it was pretty good.

"Two sisters, we ..." The Blackwing Snake King was moved, but her purpose was not to stay here.

"What are you guys?"

"We want to learn metamorphosis!"

The Black Winged Snake King gritted his teeth, decided to fight, and directly stated his purpose.

The White Wing Snake King was dumbfounded. Isn't this an idiot? You just stated our purpose so directly. Isn't this exposed?

Xiaohua, Xiaohua, you are really too young.

But looking at the appearance of the black-winged snake king, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing both laughed.

"What are you laughing at?"

"I thought it was a major event, wasn't it the technique of metamorphosis? We are all demons. If you don't say it, my sister and I will teach you, too." Xiaoqing thought for a while. It ’s better for our monsters to go straight. When I first had my sage, I was just like you, thinking about being transformed as soon as possible, and we can understand your mood. "

"Is that true ... We can really learn." The Black Wing Snake King himself couldn't believe his ears. He thought about various methods, even selling blood and meat, but he didn't expect that it was not necessary , He said a word, the other party agreed.

What is this, good guy!

The White Winged Snake King is a bit aggressive, isn't it too much for you, do you have any requirements?

A day later.

Where the Black-winged Snake King and the White-winged Snake King could not stand, and immediately entangled Xiaoqing, he had to teach him the technique of transformation.

After all, there are not many of them. When the dean returns, they will definitely leave, and they will probably be exposed by then.

At that time, if you can't learn the art of metamorphosis, wouldn't you have to stop cooking.

"Okay, I teach, I will teach you today." Xiaoqing couldn't help crying. "But if you want to learn the art of metamorphosis, you must first know what a monster is?"

"The monster beast?" The two snake kings looked at each other. They had been listening to Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing saying that they were monsters, but to say what a monster was, they knew a hammer.

"Yes, the so-called monsters are actually a class of beasts who have opened their minds and have initially absorbed the spirit of the world." Xiao Qing said slowly, but looking at the aggressive looks of the two snake kings, he was helpless. "Just with a little wisdom, I started to evolve myself, thinking about the animals that became stronger."

This explanation might as well not explain it.

However, Xiao Qing's temperament is not bad. After changing dozens of expressions, the two snake kings finally knew the difference between monsters and beasts.


Time passed slowly, and in an instant, four weeks passed.

In these days, Yin Haojun's training report has been written and submitted to the emperor.

Nicole, in addition to accompanying Yin Haojun every day, is to listen to the public classes that she loves to listen to, and her favorite is Ximen Blowing Snow.

In particular, Ximen Blow Snow's kendo gave her great inspiration, and she also wanted to pursue the extreme speed of sword.

No, it should be the knife speed.

However, since Ximen Blowing Snow's public class, Ximen Blowing Snow has never given a second public class. She heard others say that the public class like Ximen Blowing Snow sometimes takes only years or even decades.

In fact, she really wanted to go to Ximen to blow snow and ask him how he could increase his knife speed.

It's just a pity that if you ask a university teacher directly, unless you are a student of Xianxian College, then even those borrowing students are not eligible.

And she is not even a student.

Yin Haojun went out this day. She knew what Yin Haojun was going to do, and returned to his home on earth.

She knew that Yin Haojun's parents were there.

However, Yin Haojun did not bring her. Although Yin Haojun said a lot of reasons and bought her many small gifts, she was still very unhappy.

The fairy island where Ximen Blows Snow had an open class, she came here alone.

When she remembered the horror sword speed demonstrated by Simon Blizzard in class, it was the only way to make her forget those unhappy.

She was imitating Simon's gesture of blowing snow, but no matter what she did, her knife speed did not increase in any way.

It seems that with her current practice, this speed is already her limit, and she can't cross such a threshold at all.

She tried to imitate so much that one hour, two hours, and five hours passed in an instant.

She immersed herself in it, but she didn't find that someone passed by here an hour ago, and finally did it on the flower bed next to it, and then looked at her quietly like that.

And this person is Wang Xing.

He had just returned to the college and was going to return to his office, but was accidentally stopped by a knife.

It's not how powerful the sword is, mainly because the sword is scattered, and many of the spiritual plants on Xiandao have been cut off.

Originally, he thought he was a student of the college, and he was going to punish him. Let the student know that this is not the place where you practice your sword. But when he arrived, he saw a strange face, and in the college's student file, he could not find Nicole's name.


Wang Xing sat down quietly, watching Nicole quietly.

Then, he discovered an extraordinary thing. Nicole had a star-level talent. Generally, there are not many people in a large galaxy.

This made him feel his eyes light up and felt that his luck was really good. He even encountered a talent in the college who was not a college student.

Isn't this a self-injection?

Unconsciously, Wang Xing's mouth just smiled.

Then he looked at Nicole to practice the knife, and found that the method was not good, but there was a shadow of Simon's kendo in the snow, which made his eyes even brighter.

About half an hour later, Nicole finally stopped.

At this time, she looked around, and the leaves fell to the ground. Several ancient trees were cut into two sections, and she immediately knew that there was a disaster.

However, she heard Yin Haojun say that the college's flowers and trees cannot be destroyed, or they must be compensated.

Her face was red, but she couldn't afford it, but she hurried away, which was taught by Yin Haojun.

Although she felt a bit immoral, she was right to listen to her husband.

Watching Nicole want to leave like this, Wang Xing slowly stood up: "This classmate, are you going to leave like this?"

Nicole froze, and the first feeling was that he was discovered.

She looked back and saw Wang Xing beside the flower bed. At this moment, Wang Xing was watching her with a smile.

"I, I didn't mean it."

Nicole was extremely embarrassed. In the college of others, he destroyed things and wanted to slip away, but he was caught. You said that it was embarrassing.

What a shame.

"I know you didn't do it on purpose, but look at how many spirit plants you destroyed, what grade are you and what's your name?" Wang Xing asked knowingly.

"I ... I'm a second-year senior in high school. My name is Koni." Nicole thought for a moment, and said it casually. At this time, she felt that she couldn't trouble Yin Haojun, just reported a name, and let go.

"Stupid, this name is good." Wang Xing nodded.

Nicole froze, who is stupid? Although my real name is Nicole, my pseudonym is not stupid.

"That stupid ni, look at the leaves you lost, the damaged uncle, I won't say anything else, deduct you two credits, and one hundred tasks will count." Wang Xing pretended to take out I wrote a small book and wrote a line of words on it.

Nicole knew it must have been written down.

However, she had some surprises. Anyway, the second year of high school in the college was not called Stupid. If you remember it, remember it, can you still find me?

I'm so smart, Hao Jun will praise me.

"I know, I won't dare next time." Nicole pretended to be very remorse. If Wang Xing didn't know she was kidding herself, she really believed it.

This little Nizi is very dishonest.

I do n’t know who to learn it for, how it looks like someone.

"Well, can I go now?" Nicole thought for a moment, but still felt better to leave early.

"What's so panic about, I just saw you practicing your sword, didn't you? What surprised me was that your sword was integrated into our teacher's Kendo. But I also watched you practice for hours. It seems to be a little tricky. It's like there is a theory in the air, but I don't know how to apply it, so it looks like a blind practice. "Wang Xing thought for a while, and talked about Nicole's heart. .

"You, you understand this?" Nicole looked at Wang Xing in surprise, "You must be a college teacher, aren't you?"

"That's not it." Wang Xing said, and a broom appeared in his hand. "I'm the college sweeper. The leaves you cut and the trees you cut down are all cleaned up by me. Otherwise, you think I will come here. "

"You, sweeping the floor?" Nicole looked at Wang Xing carefully. To be honest, she didn't see any cleaning of the college.

"Yes, there must always be someone responsible for cleaning at such a large college. I am that person. You can call me a sweeping monk." Wang Xing smiled.

"Sweeper monk?" Nicole nodded, and then thought to gather courage. "Big sweeper monk, you can see at a glance that my sword is integrated into the sword of Teacher Simon, do you know what I should do? Cultivation? "

Nicole thought for a while. The cleaning of the floor was not a teacher of the college. It should be possible to ask.

Mainly, she has been practicing for a day, she really lacks a person to give directions, and now she feels a little crazy.

"Slightly understand one or two."


"Of course. After all, I have swept the land for hundreds of thousands of years in the college. How can I be considered as a half teacher of Xian College?"

When Nicole heard it, that was the truth.

Suddenly, she looked at Wang Xing expectantly, hoping that Wang Xing could explain to her.

"It's pretty honest to see your girl. If someone else destroys these green plants, I'm sure you don't even want to say the name, then I will tell you." Wang Xing said, and this made Nicole flush immediately. After all, she said the name, but it was all made up.

What a shame.

However, a sweeping monk is pointing himself, so excited.

"Ximen Blizzard ’s kendo pursuit of speed is about martial arts in the world, but it is not quick to break. The core of all this is the pursuit of speed. There is no trick at all. The best trick is the one that makes the fastest. And this, falling on each person is completely different, and you and Teacher Xuemen Xuexue use a sword and a knife, even weapons, not to mention the trick ~ ~ so you have been Imitating him is very wrong. "

"This one……"

"Close your eyes and wave a knife directly, don't think about it that much. The knife you subconsciously wave is your fastest and fastest knife move."


"Well, you can try it now, remember not to think about it that much, brain air defense is a subconscious shot."

"Okay, let me try."

Nicole said, her eyes closed, and she took a deep breath, becoming extremely clear.

Then she cut it out.

This sword slashed straight in front of her, just like a Western knight wielding a sword, but this knife was not traced, and the whole knife seemed to be integrated with her to achieve a kind of man-knife integration. Realm.

She felt it, too, with an unbelievable look on her face.

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