Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1720: Dean's named disciple

Her speed has really become faster. Although she has no specific feeling how much faster, she has improved at least one tenth.

Don't underestimate the tenth. After the speed reaches the limit, it is difficult to improve one percent, let alone one tenth.

Sometimes the growth rate of one thousandth can make two opponents with similar strength, one can easily suppress the other.

Not to mention one-tenth.

Nicole also felt that the speed had increased by a tenth, and her overall combat power had increased by at least a third.

This is definitely a great improvement. The realm has not been improved, but the combat power has been greatly improved. I do n’t know how terrible it is to say it.

The key is that someone just pointed her a few words casually, not even her teacher.

She was stunned, looking at Wang Xing, the whole person was full of worship.

Can it really be so amazing?

No wonder Yin Haojun said that Xianxian Academy is a magical place, otherwise how can even a sweeping floor have such eyesight.

This is really a holy land for cultivation, but unfortunately she is not a student of the college.

"What's wrong, are you surprised?"

Wang Xing smiled: "In fact, what is this, you have this power, but it has never been developed."

Nicole nodded, thinking that Wang Xing was right.

But it is not her own strength, her cultivation has not increased, this is just to explore her own potential.

"Senior, what next?"

Nicole looked eagerly at Wang Xing, and wanted to get greater promotion.

I can't help running into a person who can point to one's own cultivation, and the effect is so good. It doesn't matter whether it is sweeping the floor or not.

"Okay, I continue to talk to you." Wang Xing put down the broom. "After you have mastered the most suitable waving position, then you will form a habit. Yes, it is habit, which is what you are facing at any time. Enemies, wherever they are, they can wield such a knife. This is simple to say and not easy to do, because it requires a lot of practice to develop this habit, and finally engraving this way of wielding a knife into you Your body memory, and even your soul, make it a part of yourself. "

Nicole tried it, and if she stopped paying attention, she would have a hard time wielding such a knife.

Sometimes it takes more than a hundred times to succeed.

Sometimes if you can't calm down, you can't succeed at once.

Habits matter.

She had this idea and looked at Wang Xing even more admired. The seemingly simple truth contained great wisdom.

"After getting used to it, it's a method of exertion."

Wang Xing continued: "You have mastered the best method of wielding a knife. You cut one thing, that is, you can cut exactly every time. You cut quickly, but your power has not increased."

Nicole froze and shook her head: "My cultivation is difficult to improve in a short time. How can I increase my strength?"

Hearing this, Wang Xing laughed.

"If you don't increase your strength, you cannot increase your strength? Who told you."


Nicole thought about it for a while, as if no one had said it to her, it was only she thought.

This is common sense.

"So let me give you a very common example. When fighting, but sometimes when a person is on the verge of dying, he is able to play a blow far superior to his cultivation, and successfully counter-kill each other. You At this time, did this person's cultivation increase? It doesn't seem to be, but why can his power increase so much, isn't this the power contained in himself? "

Nicole was completely dumbfounded and totally speechless.

She has also experienced countless battles. This example is too much for her. Sometimes not only humans, but those vipers will exert their power far more than their own when they are dying.

"How is this going?"

"To put it simply, when a person is dying, a person's spiritual will, physical strength, divine energy, blood, and everything are combined with his weapons, of course, not just weapons, condensed into a rope, That power will naturally increase a lot. You can understand that there are countless kinds of power in the human body. When you perform an attack, some of these powers may be in a latent state, and some may not be your help at all. It ’s still pulling your hind legs, and there will be a bit of power in the end. ”

Nicole thinks about it, it really makes sense.

However, she was still a bit incomprehensible, so she asked, "Senior, some of the power you said is in a latent state. It's easy to understand. You said that it is impossible to pull the hind legs?"

"Impossible?" Wang Xing laughed. "It is very possible. The biggest force that pulls your hind legs is the power of the mind. For another example, when you face an unattainable enemy, it's like me. I'm the dean of the college again, and now let you pull me a knife, even if you dare, how many percent of your strength can you show?

Nicole's face changed slightly, and she brought herself into that scene.

If the dean of Immortal Academy is in front of her, she is definitely not an opponent, and the other person may turn her into flying ash with one finger.

At this time, knowing that you are out of reach, do you dare to pull the sword? This is why, because I have fear in my heart, I am afraid, and the strength of my heart is not hindering myself at this time.

"Senior, I understand."

At this time, Nicole respectfully saluted Wang Xing. These words really benefited her: "You tell me, no matter who we are facing, or what kind of enemy we are facing, we practitioners should go straight forward, There must be no fear. Cutting it out with one stroke is like your last blow. "

Wang Xing nodded with satisfaction, a bitch-like look.

"Senior, you go on."

"If you continue, you will go a little deeper." Wang Xing thought for a while. "When a person fully grasps the strength of his whole body, abandons the tedious method of leaving the knife, leaving only the simplest knife, the most suitable knife for himself, If you keep practicing this knife, that's the beginning of the knife path. "

getting Started?

Nicole is dumbfounded, so much to do, is this considered an entry.

She thought it was enough.

"Forget it, you can't chew more than you can chew. Let's get started first, and then I will tell you how to cultivate next." Wang Xing waved his hand, obviously not going to tell any more.

"Senior said that makes sense." Nicole thought about it, because she also knew that she had a long distance from getting started, and she was really greedy and chewed. "Senior, can I ask you for advice in the future."

"This is not impossible. But I was just sweeping the floor and you saw it."

"No, although the predecessor was a sweeper, but my understanding of the knife path is many times greater than mine. So I have a relentless invitation. I want to worship the predecessor as a teacher?"

"Worship me as a teacher?" Wang Xingyi smiled ~ ~ laughed, "I'm a sweeper, you can see clearly."

"I know, I don't mind." Nicole thought for a moment, sincerely.

"Interesting, there are people who are willing to worship a college sweeper as a teacher. Well, I will accept you as a disciple. But, I still have a little self-knowledge, so I will accept you as a named disciple." Wang Xing thought I think it seems to be in a good mood.

Named disciple?

Nicole didn't know the difference between this named disciple and his disciple, and immediately worshiped Wang Xing.

"I have disciples."

Wang Xing murmured, unable to help a smile on his face.


Student, named disciple?

Well, that's great.

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