Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1728: Husband

The next day, when Yin Haojun went out, he saw Ximen blowing snow.

You Yinhao's expression of resentment, you are too diligent.

"Yin Haojun, what about Nicole?"

When Ximen opened the door to see the mountain, he just asked, and didn't want to talk to Yin Haojun at all.

Yin Yinhao has a sense of being unseen, pointing to the room: "It's still inside."

At this time, Nicole should have heard the voice and walked out quickly: "Teacher Simon blowing snow, you're here, it's really good, I have long wanted to ask you about it. The last time you talked The open class about Jiansu has given me a lot of inspiration. It is also because of this that I want to incorporate your theory into my sword skills. "

Ximeng nodded and said, "It's my pleasure to give Princess Nicole some inspiration."

Yin Haojun, who was about to leave, heard this, and the whole person was bad.

Nyima, is this still an honor?

He really suspected that he had heard it wrong. Is this what the arrogant Simon Blizzard should say?

I dare to love Nicole after listening to your public class, you are also honored, what are you doing?

Do you want to fuck?

Although Yin Haojun knows that the teachers of the college are assimilated by modern thought, isn't it just a disciple of a dean, and a named disciple?


Xun's heart was defamated, and Yin Haojun went away sadly.

Then, according to Wang Xing's request, Simon Blowing Snow said that pointing Nicole a day, that is, pointing a day.

Yin Haojun went back to work with a broom and found that Ximen Blow Snow had gone, and Nicole was practicing her own sword skills.

"Hao Jun, today I listened to the explanation of Mr. Ximen Fuxue, and my skill was improved again." Nicole watched Yin Haojun come back and immediately walked over and said.

"I saw it." Yin Haojun said helplessly, don't you show off in front of me, you are no longer a little girl.

Crucial, you also think about my feelings.

I really hit people.

"Hao Jun, I just received another message from the headquarters of the Qingshen Army. They wanted to invite me to be their instructor." Nicole was excited again. "And the annual salary is very high, saying there is a billion universe coins. Well, I promised, so that I can make money later, and I can support you at that time. "

Yin Yinhao Jun vomits blood immediately.

Support me?

What do you mean, do you want me to be a little white face for soft rice?

You are really insulting my dignity.

Speaking of which, I almost broke through to Jinxian Realm, why haven't I received the invitation of the Qingshen Army.

Damn, you guys are discriminating, and I will protest tomorrow.

"Haojun, what's wrong with you?" Nicole looked at Yin Haojun's face constantly changing. In fact, she wasn't really stupid and sweet. She already knew why because she just didn't say anything.

"It's okay." Yin Haojun smiled awkwardly.

"Husband." Nicole suddenly put down the knife in his hand, approached Yin Haojun, and slowly hugged him. "I know, you don't really like me very much, you are the proud son of Xianxian Academy, and you have a bright future Immeasurable, and I just come from a little princess behind the plane, that is, the indigenous people in your mouth, I know that I am not worthy of you. If it is not for my thick skin, I must follow you to the college, maybe I am your life A passer-by on the road, you will soon forget me. "

Yin Haojun shuddered, especially Nicole's husband, making him tremble.

It was strange that he had a strange feeling.

"I am humble, but I really like you." Nicole was still talking, and that was definitely the most sincere confession in the world. "I want to be with you forever, and I will try to make myself match you. of."

"I heard Mr. Simon Blizzard said that you can break through the Jinxian realm at any time, and in the future you will at least become a Jinxian sixth-class powerhouse, equivalent to the main **** of the outer universe, even my mother is completely inferior. on."

"Then I will become the Lord God."

"Don't you dislike me, Haojun?"

"Stupid girl, you are not humble at all, and now who dares to disapprove you, you are now the disciple of the dean." Yin Haojun smiled bitterly, he did not expect that Nicole would suddenly confide in him.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Nicole looked at Yin Haojun with some pity.

Yun Yin Haojun was silent, he was a little bit cold to Nicole these days, he was really a bit too much.

In retrospect, I always refused and avoided Nicole.

But Nicole came to the academy with herself. Although there was a reason for King Donser, it must be the result of her own efforts.

Why did she come to college just to be with herself.

There is no second reason.

But myself, she used her at first, then rejected her and avoided her, but when she could n’t get rid of her, she could only take her to the college, even though she really liked her in her heart and admitted that she was her own Girlfriend, but it behaves like his helpless choice.

I go, I am really a beast.

Nicole was accepted by the dean to remember his name, and he was full of jealousy.

Your wife are you jealous of shit, shouldn't you be happy about it.

The more I thought about it, the more Yin Haojun felt that he was a little too much, and he was too sorry for Nicole.

Nicole could stay with her like that, she had already given up all her dignity, and he pretended to be a fart.

I am known as the flickering god, and I can flicker very much, but is it necessary to flicker even the person I love the most and the person who is sincere to myself.

"Husband ..."

"Nicole, I like you."

Yan Yinhao said, holding Nicole and kissing hard.

At this moment, even Nicole was shocked.

Suddenly, the two knots of the heart were all untied, and the invisible barrier disappeared.

The next day, Yin Haojun logged into the forum and posted a post with a domineering attitude: "Nicole is my wife, so you jealous!"

Suddenly, another scold came.

Yin Yinhaojun was totally disregarded ~ ~ proudly carrying a broom to sweep the floor.

The mood of his whole person has completely changed, and now listening to others talking about Nicole, especially praised Nicole, he will immediately get up and show off.

"Yes, yes, Nicole is my wife."

"I think it ’s worth saying that Nicole was spotted at a glance among millions of people. Not right, we were in love at first sight, you know the fart."

什么 "What, you say that Nicole is a disciple of the dean, I want to eat soft rice? Well, you are right, I just want to eat my wife's soft rice, you kill me."

Uh ...

I just had less than a month, Yin Haojun had filled the hatred of all the boys in the college.

director's office.

Pluto King stared for a moment and thought: "Yin Haojun has done a good job recently. If he breaks through to Jinxian realm, the ground won't need to be swept."

The emperor Qingdi stunned for a while, which was still good. Now I don't know how many people will kill that guy.

Wang Xing smiled without saying a word: "Also, the next Wanjie recruitment is about to start, you prepare."


Emperor Yun Qing answered, with some excitement on his face, is it finally time for a new teacher to join the post?

Uh ...

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