Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1729: New teacher

Chapter 1730 New Teacher

Is there a shortage of new teachers in the college?

And it is scarce.

Especially now that colleges have higher and higher requirements for teachers, teachers in the elementary school must start at the level of Xuanxian.

It is impossible to say that there is no shortage of teachers.

What to do without a teacher, in addition to Wang Xing using unlimited contract to recruit people, there is another channel is Wanjie recruitment.

However, it seems that the difficulty of Wanjie recruitment is getting higher and higher.

The second day, under the organization of the Qingdi teacher, the college started the fifth recruitment of Wanjie.

This time Wanjie recruited a total of five people to come for an interview.

However, this time Wang Xing did not participate in the recruitment interview. Instead, there were several teachers such as Qingdi who first interviewed to determine the candidate, and then had him make a final appearance.

In the afternoon, Wang Xing met four pre-accepted interviewers.

Then he was stunned.

The four interviewees were not others, but turned out to be the growth of King Liliqing, the wide-eyed King Wanglili, the multi-wen King Wanglilihai, and the kingdom King Wanglilihou.

What else can Wang Xing say? No wonder you are admitted to the four of you.

Your four brothers are like wearing a pair of pants. You must be admitted, or you ca n’t recruit any of them.

It's just **** seeing a ghost. The system has you open a position or write a round of eyeballs, so many gods, how did you do it, and you chose these four all at once.

If this is a coincidence, let the ghosts go.

"Dean, these are the four powerful men of the world we have to admit this time." Qingdi said.

He was helpless.

As soon as the five interviewers came out, he knew the pit at a glance.

The remaining interviewer can only be brushed unless he is particularly good.

"Well, there are even Jinxian third-level Luo Jinxian Xiuwei, it is enough to be a university teacher." Wang Xing nodded, then looked at the four kings, "Welcome the four kings to teach in our college, I have no opinion on you. By the way, did the Qingdi teacher tell you about your treatment? "

Hearing here, the four brothers of the magic house all had their eyes brightened.

Still treatment?

Fuck, no one told them this. Is this what you want them to do for free?

Hum, you guys are such a college.

The Qing Emperor reluctantly spread his hands, without the consent of the dean, how dare I tell them how the college is treated.

What's more, every teacher is treated similarly. I naturally know when I join the post.

Wang Xing thought for a while and slowly said: "Since the Qingdi teacher didn't say it, I will simply talk to you. Since our college was unblocked from the high school, the college teachers and students have implemented a system of contribution and task points. Among them, the students implement the task point system. There are three main ways to obtain task points. One is to complete some tasks issued by the college, the second is to achieve a certain achievement and obtain the college reward, and the third is some special salary, like the presidents of six major communities. Every hundred years, you can get a fixed reward for a task point, and you can get a maximum of 100,000 task points in total, while some other colleges have a small number of task point rewards for work and study, but most of them reward some items. "

"As for the teachers, they have implemented a contribution system, and there are three ways to get it. The first and most important one is teaching. The courses offered by each teacher are evaluated by the college for their contribution and then selected based on the elective students. The amount of the situation is directly sent to the teachers' accounts. The second is the cultivation research results, which is also the second more common way for teachers to obtain contribution values, for example, the teachers have developed a powerful fairy method , That time, you can get tens of thousands of contributions. The third is to participate in some of the college's work tasks. Others are not the main way to obtain, you can go to the background to check after you go back. "

When the four kings heard this, they were very aggressive.

What are you talking about?

Wang Xing smiled, knowing that they did not understand, and simply explained: "The task points and contribution value can be exchanged for college items, which is equivalent to a currency you consume at the college. Only the items that can be exchanged for the task points will be slightly different in category. More than the contribution value. Of course, this is no way. Our college runs a school, and some scarce resources naturally need to hold students first. "

"Well, I won't say much."

"You only need to have a rough impression, and these can be understood slowly."

"In addition to salary, you have become college teachers, and you will have a special residence. Well, there are super invincible magnificent villas carefully designed by our college. I hope you like it."

"Furthermore, the teachers also have a place for leisure and entertainment. You can enjoy all kinds of special services that you could not enjoy in the original world."


The four kings nodded, we didn't understand anyway, but they felt terrible.

So in a blink of an eye, ten years have passed, and the salary of the teachers of the college is exactly every ten years.

Qingdi found Wang Xing on this day: "Dean, the salaries of the teachers have been counted, it's just about the four new teachers who are newly hired, that is, the four Kings ..."

Having said that, the emperor stopped.

"What's wrong, what's wrong?" Wang Xing said strangely.

"Yes, there is a big problem. According to our college's salary algorithm, the four new teachers' salaries have been negative in the past ten years." Qingdi said very embarrassingly, what the **** is going on. He has been in college for so many years, and for the first time has calculated a negative salary.

"What!" Wang Xing's whole body is not good. The meaning of looking at Qingdi's eyes is so obvious that you are kidding me.

No matter how it is calculated, it cannot be negative.

The emperor was helpless and had to give Wang Xing the salary list for Wang Xing to see for himself.

Wang Xing took it over and looked closely, and found that each of the above salary categories was clearly listed. After the four kings joined the company, only one salary income was the salary of teaching. For the new teachers like them, the school does not schedule less. Almost they have as many as ten lessons per year. In this way, it is a total of one hundred lessons, and the guaranteed contribution value of one lesson is ten points. Ten years later, there is a thousand contributions.

It's just that Wang Xing found the pit father's place.

These four people had a total of 100 lessons, and they actually took an average of only 60 lessons. That was a total of 40 lessons.

When I went, Wang Xing was stunned.

Is there such a thing as a teacher, you are really great.

Key colleges punish teachers for absenteeism, which is much heavier than students. Missing forty lessons like four Heavenly Kings, you need to deduct 120 lessons' salary ~ ~ In this way, they still owe the college's salary of 60 lessons, and this That's six hundred contributions.

Of course, even if they took sixty lessons, many of them did not reach the full time. According to the rules of the college, a lot of salary was deducted.

"People brought them over."

Wang Xing thought about it, he was really tired.

When he met such a teacher, his dean was helpless.

The Qing Emperor nodded, and this informed people to go.

But within an hour, Qingdi returned with a bitter smile: "Dean, just received the news, Teacher Saitama and the four heavenly kings are fighting."

Wang Xing was suddenly aggressive, Saitama and the four heavenly kings fought. How did this Nima sound even worse than Guan Gong and Qin Qiong?

PS: Thanks for the award of two thousand coins for the award of Xianzun, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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