Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1743: This is not the same as saying

The battle in the tent camp lasted for an entire hour before ending.

After the incident, Tyro and Fire Monkey sat opposite each other, the two eyes widened and their eyes narrowed, and then they laughed in unison.

"Why are you laughing?"

"What are you laughing at?"

The fire ape is embarrassed. Can I **** not laugh.

I asked you to pretend to be there at Xianxian College, and have the ability to come to me, I will wait in the camp, whoever does not come is a grandson.

Well, people really come in the evening, now you know who is the grandson.

"The people at Xianxian Academy are a bit sturdy." Tyro groaned slowly, slowly.

Beacon nodded in agreement.

This is more than Biao, it's simply too Biao. 揍 My general, even if you, even the commander of your army, fights.

Anyone, who dares.

"You said that I am now taking more than a hundred generals, can I get revenge?" Tyro asked, and now he was unwilling, wasn't he going to be beaten for nothing?

The bee ape heard this, and the idiot looked at Tyro generally.

看看 If you look at me now, you know if you can get revenge.

"Well, it makes sense." Tyro said without thinking of the fire monkey, "The people at Xianxian Academy certainly won't admit it, and please those **** to pass, please don't."

The beacon ape is silent, and you are afraid to spend money.

You army commander, what is there to do, why not let me forget.

"Fire ape, how can you say that the people of Xianxue can be so strong?" Tyro took a deep breath and couldn't believe it.

I said nothing else. Yesterday, the three people who shot at him felt that none of them were opponents.

He, especially one of them, came up with Fabao to cover his head, which directly cut off his telepathy, and did not give him a chance to fight back.

This Nima, everyone is the main god, how can the gap be greater than the gap between humans and dogs.

"Head of the army, didn't I tell you a long time ago that these two words, Honghuang Battlefield, originated from others. What this shows is that the original one who killed 122 alien gods in the Honghuang Battlefield overnight. The strongest person must be the teacher or dean of Xianxian Academy, not even the students of Xianxian Academy. "The fire monkey was helpless, I said this at the beginning, you are like an idiot.

Now you believe it.

Youxian Academy, you can't afford to provoke it, and even avenge me, I hope you can't.

"Is Immortal College so amazing?"

"The unknowable place of the Immortal Academy, maybe there is a cosmic **** hidden, so you are afraid?"

Cosmic God!

Taero didn't dare to say a word, Nima stopped talking about the God of the universe, even the God King, he was also afraid.

仙 This immortal college is really a grandpa and can't afford it.

"I still have something, let's go first."

Beacon Ape thought for a while, or stay here, and after a while Tyro was furious and violent against him again.

Now Tyro can't be trusted, and he won't have to kneel to lick him in the future.

Well, it's better to go first.

He Tailuo did not stop the fire ape, but when the fire ape was about to go out, he thought of something and hummed, "If I hear any bad news outside, be careful of your ass."

The fire ape's body trembled.

Be careful of my ass, you beast, what do you want to do to me.

The key point is that even if I do n’t say that you have been stabbed, now your face is swollen into a pig's head, but if the people at Xianxian say it, you ca n’t count it on me.

But he looked back at Tylor's look, and that was exactly what he meant.

I don't care who said it, as long as I heard any gossip, it's all your fire ape's pot.

"This Nima ... is unreasonable."

The beacon ape has the heart to die, don't they have to go to Xianxian College to kneel and lick a wave, begging them not to talk nonsense.

他 What the **** has anything to do with me?

还有 "Also, I will take three years off. Don't come to me in these three years."

"Yes, I understand."

The beacon ape scorned, and was still on vacation for three years. Are you afraid that others will see your swollen pig's face, or your image of the commander of the army will be completely destroyed.

Then, the fire ape quietly looked at his communication watch, secretly proud of his heart.

He has just been secretly afraid of several, and will this become a powerful killer later?

Wait, Tyro, to make you look good in the future.

Station of Xixian College.

Teacher and student dreams are very boring. Originally, I thought that there would be wars when they came over, but now it seems that the truce period.

"Dean, that army commander named Taylor is on vacation." Feng Yun sips tea with Wang Xing and laughs.

"Um." Wang Xing nodded, but couldn't help laughing, this guy was arrogant yesterday, and today it was thoroughly persuaded.

One month passed in a blink of an eye.

The Fengshen Army next to it seems to understand the details of Xianxian Academy, mainly because they have determined that Xianxian Academy is a master god, and the rest, whether it is teachers or students, seems to be just as ordinary.


You, a small team with less than a thousand people, can completely ignore the existence on the extraterrestrial battlefield, even occupying such a large place.

What's wrong, soldiers of Fengshen Army constantly crossed the border, and some even held their tents directly and camped at the faculty of Xianxian.

别 Don't say anything, it's still a comfortable place to stay.

The students and teachers of Wuxian College are naturally reluctant. Why do you say that we are a small group, but this is also our resident. Come over without saying a word, grab the land.

This is not okay, we must make you look good, at least pay the accommodation fee.

Yao Jie's residence, a person came over sneakily today, he is Yin Haojun.

"What are you doing?"

Yao Jie felt that he didn't have any good ideas when he saw this guy.

Yin Haojun didn't care about Yao Jie either. He sat directly in the chair and laughed: "Yao Jie, do you think it's boring now?"

Yao Jie nodded, don't say it, it's really boring.

Seeing Yao Jie's appearance, Yin Haojun said in a low voice: "So, I don't think you're fine, let's discuss it."

Yao Jie is not stubborn, and Yin Haojun knows that Yao Jie is waiting for him.

"Yes, you should have noticed that now people from Fengshen Army frequently come to provoke. For the transboundary behavior of Fengshen Army, I and the college teachers and even the dean are deeply disgusted. I'm sorry to take a shot, so it's up to us. "Yin Haojun said rightly, but Yao Jie didn't believe it for half a word.

Students and teachers are just angry. You brought the dean with you. Isn't this a **** and a banner? It's here to talk to me.

This kind of thing can alarm the dean, and that dean is too busy.

"Hurry up and say something, don't make corners."

"Okay, okay, look at you in a hurry, death!" Yin Haojun waved his hand, but when he saw Yao Jie's eyes to kill, he dared not talk nonsense, "I observed those who came to us Most of the Aeolus soldiers are actually the lower **** realm, and they are all proud and proud. Now these people are stationed by the small lake where we and the Aeolus Army station, waiting for tomorrow to pass, Let ’s start with a wave of taunts. Their anger value will definitely increase. However, in the army, private fights are against military regulations. When that happens, I will give you a trust, and they will challenge you, but the challenge does not violate the army. regulation."

Yao Jie listened, the whole person was bad.

What do you mean, I flew into a fight.

Seeing Yao Jie's gaze, Yin Haojun hurriedly said: "Don't worry, I haven't finished it yet. Think about it, since it is a challenge, do you want to be a little bright, hey ... I have already inquired about these soldiers of Fengshen Most of them are battle-hardened, they have a lot of babies, and some even have millions of achievements ... "

Immediately, Yao Jie understood.

Nima, dare to want to make yourself gamble with others, and then take the opportunity to make a fortune.

Yao Jie doesn't know what to say, this shameless idea can only be thought of as a scum like Yin Haojun.

"How about, okay? I feel that if we run this wave well, we can earn hundreds of thousands for merit alone. If the other party is stupid and sweet, it will be millions. You see Liu Fan At the beginning of the extraterritorial battlefield, Niubi was a mess, but in fact it took so long to kill, and only gained hundreds of thousands of merits. "Yin Haojun analyzed, especially mentioning Liu Fan specifically, which was simply stimulating Yao Jie what.

That meaning is simply saying that you get more meritorious points than Liu Fan, which means that he is better than him.

Yeah, that's it.

Yao Jieton became silent, his face was cloudy and uncertain. He looked at Yin Haojun, but after a long time he suddenly became angry: "You jerk, what do you think of me, do you show off martial arts clowns in front of others? I am Xianmeng Mr. President, there are tens of thousands of members. How far can you **** get me? "

Yin Haojun stunned, my grass, the response was so great.

I'm not scientific.

"Wait, you won't be trying to plagiarize my creativity! I tell you absolutely not, otherwise I will definitely tear you apart. Of course, even if I don't tear you apart, without my best wingman, the contribution points you can get It must be greatly discounted, and it is you who loses. "Yin Haojun looked at Yao Jie suspiciously, and he turned around with a sigh of anger.

"Don't panic, how about the September 1st division?" Yao Jie, who looked out when he was about to go out, ~ ~ slowly said, his face also became cheerful.

Qi Yin Haojun turned back, and the whole person was bad.

You Nima, I was almost fooled by you asshole. You are really the president of Xianmeng. The college recognizes that the most like a fairy, lie to a ghost.

I ca n’t get the ninety-one, but that ’s too much.

"Five-five!" Yin Haojun started the big counter-offering mode. Huh, I also tried to kill in the vegetable market at first.

"Brother, there is no such bargain." Yao Jie couldn't help crying. "Isn't it supposed to be like this, you say 91, I say June 4, you say 82, I say 73, and then you say 73, I say deal You see, July 3 is actually fair. "

Yin Haojun thinks about it carefully.

The first thing he hoped for, he could get 20% of himself, which was eighty-two.

After all, he just kept yelling at 666 next to salty fish, and the real one was actually Yao Jie.

"Do you understand?"

"it is good."

"Then you start to bargain!"

"nine one!"

"Okay, deal!" Yao Jie said lightly, and Yin Haojun was dumbfounded. This **** is different from saying good. ...

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