Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1744: Are you stupid, aren't you stupid!

Chapter 1745 Are You Silly, Are You Silly?

What the **** is this, am I being hacked?

No such thing.

Yao Jie, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person.

Yao Jie looked calmly at Yin Haojun: "What's wrong, is there anything else?"

Yin Haojun gritted his teeth, did my **** admit that it was not possible.

Yao Jie, you are great!

But you wait, September 1 is right, you are too proud.

You thought I was in business with you, huh, you are still too young.

Yin Haojun has gone through more routines than you have. You know nothing about the flickering god.

The next day, Yao Jie and Yin Haojun set off.

In order to make things look good, dozens of students from Xianxian went together, but these students were actually from Xianxian.

The lake in front of the Fengshen Army station and the Xian Academy station has no name yet.

However, Yin Haojun has given his name to Weiming Lake.

Well, that's the name. As soon as it sounds very friendly, Yao Jie is speechless.

By the name of the lake, more than a thousand Aeolus soldiers have gathered at this moment, not to mention living on the lake, the air is much fresher than elsewhere.

Seeing this, Yin Haojun yelled: "The enchantment of Fengshen Army, young ladies, courageous rats, shrinking turtles ... You are out of bounds, get out!"

This series of nonsense made Yao Jie almost blink, how the **** feels ashamed to walk with Yin Haojun.

Then, many people in Xianmeng shouted.

"Get out of here, guys!"

"Fengshen soldier, haha, how weak is like a girl."

"I'm going, it's true, I feel I can trample them all with one kick."

On the side of Fengshen Army, the rage value of more than a thousand people really increased.

They were fighters of the Aeolus Army. After hundreds of battles, they even said that they were sacks, little maidens, and turtles, which was unbearable to the uncle.

Fuck, you folks at Xianxian, we have long seen you displeased, occupying such a large premises, why.

Yao Jie was stunned when he saw the killing breath erupting from more than a thousand people at the same time.

Nima, this is really lit a gunpowder barrel.

Yin Haojun was very excited, and even a little proud. Seeing that he didn't laugh, I was professional.

He looked at Yao Jie again, and it was about to rely on you right now, so you have to give it a boost.

"Why, not convinced yet?"

Yin Haojun looked at a group of Fengshen Army fighters who had successfully blasted his hair, and continued to provoke: "Come, be unconvinced to hit me, who dare not fight, who is a grandson!"

When saying this, Yin Haojun was frightened.

Nima, I have just made a breakthrough. Do n’t really do it. Hold on, hold on.

"Well, no courageous rat, even this courage hasn't rushed back to your kennel."

"Haha, a bunch of cowards, silly, second goods ..."

"What's the matter, look what you think, you think you blush, I'm afraid of you."


Yin Haojun was like a laser gun alone. This time it was not only Yao Jie, but all members of Xianmeng were stunned.

In this Nima, you are full of ridicule.

"I want to challenge you!"

Finally someone couldn't help it, roared in anger.

Yes, I dare not hit you, I am afraid of violating military regulations, but I challenge you, this head office.

And if you look closely, it's a big man who is three meters tall, a golden retriever, and a power type at first sight.

When I heard this, Yin Haojun was very helpless. It was so good that there was no sense of accomplishment. Why was everything expected? I was really the smartest in the college.

Su Yu, Liu Fan, Qin Yan, huh, huh.

Where can you compare with me, I am the best student of Xianxian College.

"War, war, war!"

Many soldiers of the Fengshen Army shouted, and for a while the emotions were excited, and Yin Haojun, who was almost overpowered, was out of breath.

Yin Haojun coughed and said boldly, "You are who you are, and it is ridiculous to challenge me. Challenge me. It is ridiculous. I am within the era of Xianxian College, and even the most wise and martial within these eras. Handsome and most talented student. If you want to challenge me, you are not worthy. "

Seeing the disdain of Yin Haojun's face, a group of soldiers of Fengshen Army were about to bite their teeth.

Yao Jie and others in the back are not much better. This **** is really shameless. Is there anything like you to brag about yourself, what is the most wise and handsome, the most handsome and aggressive, the most gifted, the least shameful Right.

Now Yao Jie doesn't want to make any contribution points, and he wants to repair Yin Haojun well. This guy really owes a lot.

Yin Haojun also seemed to know that he was overdone, and turned back to signal Yao Jie, which meant calmness, calmness, all to earn task points.


The Golden Retriever man pointed at Yin Haojun, and the whole man was almost speechless.

Seeing this, Yin Haojun feels almost the same. Don't really anger people first, then it's not worth it.

"What does it mean ... You are not convinced. Okay, don't say I won't give you these garbage opportunities. The one behind me is my brother, and you or any of you only need to spend a thousand merit points, of course, magic weapon. You can fight against him if you are a source artifact. You can challenge me if you win him, "Yin Haojun said lightly.

A thousand merit points?

The more than one thousand soldiers of the Fengshen Army were all choked, and the turn was too urgent.

The point is, this is too much.

You need to know that killing a common alien **** is only one hundred merits. Are you robbery or robbery?

Yin Haojun was immediately embarrassed when he saw the situation.

Nima, the situation is wrong.

The anger value of these guys started to decline.

I'll go, this won't work!

The atmosphere that had just been hard to create, how could it have collapsed, so he quickly added: "Of course, if you win, this merit is still yours. How about, cowards, dare?"

Hearing these words, especially the word of the coward, made the anger that had originally fallen suddenly rise again.

Sure enough, just listening to the golden retriever shouting, "Okay, call your little brother, I'll fight him now."

Yao Jie had the heart to cry at this moment. When did Nima become Yin Haojun's younger brother? I didn't discuss this before.

However, there are a thousand points of merit in a fight, which is really a good business.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

"Gold Emperor, kill him!"

"The **** who killed the immortal college ~ ~ drove them home."


Yin Haojun hid quietly at this time and wiped his sweat silently. This Nima was really thrilling.

Yao Jie looked at this guy, what's his name, King Emperor, and I'll get you started.


I don't know who shouted, Yao Jie rushed up and then punched out, then the King Emperor got down before he could react.

Yin Haojun was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

Nima, aren't you stupid, and you gave me a handsome show, how did I find you, this pig teammate.

He almost immediately sent a message to Yao Jie: "You have a second cargo, fast loading is injured, no, the pretend strength is exhausted ... You are so powerful, who else dares to go below, I say you are stupid Isn't it silly! "

(End of this chapter)

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