Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1745: The routine was copied

Chapter 1746: The Routine Was Plagiarized

Yao Jie was aggressive when he heard the news.

But he thought about Yin Haojun's words carefully, I am grass, right!

If I perform too much, who else dares to challenge me below, it is all merit.

He had noticed the eyes of the soldiers around the Fengshen Army, and indeed they were a little skeptical.

Act, this time must act.

Yao Jie's body stood still, and he took three steps back, then his face was still red and red, and it looked like he had suffered an internal injury.

Yin Haojun was completely speechless when he saw this.

Nima, what **** acting, how did he find this pig opponent, I would have known that he would not cooperate with Liu Fan.

What else can you do at this time?

He only heard him lower his voice and said, "Sneak attack, this is a sneak attack, shameless, shameless!"


Others may not be able to hear it, but Yao Jie paid attention to Yin Haojun for a long time. He watched Yin Haojun shout at the back, and the whole person was bad.

Nima, who attacked.

But do n’t you say, Yin Haojun shouted so many soldiers from Fengshen Army also scolded.

They are also very proud, how can they admit that King Jin defeated.

Yes, a sneak attack is definitely a sneak attack.

Emperor Jin himself was aggressive, was it a sneak attack?

Yao Jie watched a group of people yell at him and hated him, but at this time Yin Haojun spoke to him.

"What are you doing, pulling ridicule, will you, you haven't played the game?"

"I **** ..."

Yao Jie really regretted his death, but since he got on Yin Haojun's thief boat, he can only go all the way to the end.

"Huh, all the shouts started, and I still walk away, deserve it."

"What are you still doing, a thousand merits?"

"Why, want to rely on the account, the soldiers of Fengshen Army are all such people?"

After the emperor Jin stood up, he had to transfer a thousand merit points to Yao Jie, but his mouth resentfully said, "Here you are, but you are invincible. I will challenge you again when I recover."

Yao Jie is speechless. People say that I am a sneak attack, even if you are the client, do n’t you deceive yourself.

But I still like you.

Yao Jie has seen that many soldiers of the Fengshen Army are already eager to try.

"I'll challenge you!"

A small man with a pair of swords jumped across from Yao Jie.

He felt that he had seen through Yao Jie's strength. After all, Yao Jie had attacked King Emperor, and he had taken three steps back and even suffered internal injuries. It seems that this strength is not good.

When you win, you will be able to catch fire in Fengshen Army.

"it is good."

Yao Jie nodded.

At this time, Yin Haojun was afraid that Yao Jie would smash again, and hurriedly said: "I grass, you don't have to be handsome anymore, you have to pretend to be very difficult to win, so that those below feel that they only need to click again, and then gently Can beat you. "

Yao Jie was speechless, but still accepted Yin Haojun's suggestion.

Sure enough, the next battle was much fiercer.

Yao Jie fought against the opponent for hundreds of rounds and almost lost several times, but in the end it was very difficult to win.

Seeing this, Yin Haojun nodded secretly. Although Yao Jie still had a lot of flaws in his acting skills, it was almost enough to confuse these like the aeolian Fengshen soldiers.

"Who else is going to fight me? Who else? Coward, little girl, come on!"

Yao Jie held the sword in his hands and looked at the Fengshen Army soldiers, and his heart became dark, but just a thousand credits were added to the account.

"I'll fight you!"


So, Yao Jie was defeated every time he watched, and even several times were teetering, but he always won.

After winning 15 games in a row, 15,000 achievements have been earned.

Yin Haojun stopped Yao Jie at this time, how to stop, and pretend to be dizzy ... After all, if this is going to continue, it will be a little too much, take it slowly, and come back in two days.

So, after pulling another wave of hatred, the two went back to the accounts.

Three days later, the challenge continued.

However, the last time there were only more than 1,000 Qingshen soldiers. Today, more than 2,000 people gathered directly. This situation made Yao Jie aggressive.

But it ’s okay, it ’s all about merit.

The results are naturally self-evident.

This lasted for three months in a row, and the two of them even earned one hundred points of merit by virtue of this low-level routine.

I have earned so many meritorious points before going to the battlefield. It is a subversion of the three views of everyone. Even Wang Xing couldn't help crying and laughing.

However, fewer and fewer people challenge Yao Jie.

In order to make more people challenge Yao Jie, Yin Haojun racked his brains and thought of an idea.

He found a trust from Fengshen Army, and then issued a reward, saying that who can defeat Yao Jie, rewarded 10,000 merit points.

Not to mention, under the reward, there will be brave men.

After this wave of operation, the two earned more than 300,000 merit points.

But next, it seems that no one really challenged Yao Jie. After all, the two lower gods in the Fengshen Army were defeated.

Within Yao Jie's camp.

"President, I just discovered something?" A member of Xianmeng whispered.

"What's the matter?" Yao Jie was in a good mood at the moment. Seeing that he had achieved millions of achievements, it was really cool.

"I find Yin Haojun has millions of achievements."


Hearing this, Yao Jie was all bad.

Did n’t you say that the good September 1st division, why are you **** more than me?

"what happened?"

"It seems ... it seems that Yin Haojun secretly opened the hand in the Fengshen Army when you were fighting with others."

The member said that he was very helpless.

Yao Jie was completely embarrassed. Can Nima still do this?

Angered, Yao Jie went to Yin Haojun, now he just wants to slap people.

No wonder it was ninety-nine percent at the beginning, and you also agree that this is the case, I **** believe your evil.

"Yin Haojun!"

"Yao Jie, you're here." Yin Haojun looked at the person, not angry, but was a little proud, "What's the matter, I'm mad at you ... I know, now there is less fool, our revenue is not good. Now, this business is almost over. But rest assured, I will definitely come up with a way to make contributions. "

Yao Jie looked at Yin Haojun male, straightened his teeth, you still pretend to be me, right?

"What's wrong, what else?"

"Did you open a handicap in the Aeolus Army?"

Yin Haojun looked at Yao Jie like this, a little embarrassed, "You all know?"

Yao Jie clenched his fist at this moment, and wanted to slap someone.

"Yao Jie, what do you want to do ..." Yin Haojun was startled. "I didn't steal it. I said, I didn't violate the rules of the college. If you dare to stab me, I'll go to the dean. Report you there. "

"Calm, calm down." Yao Jie looked at Yin Haojun, holding back his anger. "Frankly tell you, how much did you earn?"

"Five million ... contribution points," Yin Haojun said.

"Give me half." Yao Jie said without hesitation. Then he said you wouldn't give it. Let's walk and see.

"Half?" Yin Haojun gritted his teeth. He already knew that Yao Jie could not hide this, but it was too much.

"Don't give it, then I will deliberately lose to others tomorrow, and let the soldiers of Fengshen Army come to challenge you ..."

"Stop, up to two million merit points, or you'll find someone to kill me."

"it is good."

Yao Jie nodded, contented.

Adding this to his current one-million-merits merits, it is almost the same as Yin Haojun's merits, and it is not a loss.

But the two were sharing the spoils here, but a message came suddenly.

Then ~ ~ both of them couldn't laugh.

The news was nothing else, but they found that their routine was plagiarized. The plagiarist was not someone else, it was Luo Qiu.

Luo Qiu asked me to cooperate with a teacher of God, and I am a god, but the practice of fulfilling the pinnacle of God, the practice of space or the law of space, can fight the Great God.

As a result, the two directly persuaded the Fengshen Army ’s perfection **** and great perfection god, and they immediately earned tens of millions of merits.


Yin Haojun really scolds his mother, can this **** still operate like this?

Knowing this, I'm looking for Yao Jie.

"My **** man wants to talk to people." Yin Haojun said, and Yao Jie nodded seriously.

PS: Thanks to Tang Tieguang for the reward of ten thousand coins, plus a chapter, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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