Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1748: Wrong person

Within Tyrol's camp, he had just finished his one-year retreat and was finally able to meet people.

Today, he is in a good mood.

He sang an unknown song, and the cheerful rhythm made the guards sway with his body.

Just then Savin came.


When Savin saw Tyro, he mourned: "You have to decide for us!"

Hearing this, Tyro couldn't figure out what was going on.

Although the Fengshen Army is not the most powerful army of the Seventh Army, its strength is not weak. Among them, Savin is also the title god, and the strength can fight with the dead fire ape. Not only that, there are nine great gods under Savin, all of whom are in battle.

In general, no one dared to provoke Fengshen.

"What's the matter, which **** dared to bully our Seventh Army Corps. You say it boldly, General Ben decides for you."

Tylo was so imposing that he had been repaired before, and he was trying to find a personal outlet.

Now someone slammed into the door, just for him.

"Xian Academy is the **** of Xian Academy. They are close to our station, and we have just come down from the battlefield, and it is time to rest, but those students and teachers of Xian Academy are carnival every day, Ye Ye Sheng Ge, seriously affected our rest. So Chief of the Corps, I formally lodged a complaint with you to Xian Academy. "Savin said rightly.

Just hearing that, Tyro was aggressive.

You **** asked me to do this. I thought it was a big deal.

Just thinking for a moment, Tyro showed a terrified look.

You bastard, who did you complain about, if I heard correctly, it seems that you are speaking of Xianxian College.

Originally, Taylor had just emerged from the shadow of Xianxian Academy. After all, the people who had pained him a bit were probably Xianxian Academy.

Now Savin came to complain about Xian Xue again, what do you mean, you want me to go to the trouble of Xian Xue.

Hehe, my injury just got better. The lumps on this face have disappeared. You can't be stupid when I am.

"Savin, do you still need to complain about this trivial matter? Just go and speak to the people at Xian Academy. I believe that the teachers of Xian Academy are profoundly righteous. If you know that they have affected your rest, you will definitely Stopped. "Tyro said solemnly.

Affect the rest, you **** treat me as a fool.

In your Fengshen army, the weakest should also be the practice of the realm of the realm of the kingdom. It is not easy to close the five senses, and it will be strange to be affected by the rest.

Take a step back and say that I have not heard of any emperor in the world who needs to rest.

Ha ha!

Don't worry, Tyro guessed that Savin had suffered a great loss at Xianxian College, after all, he was a lesson learned.

However, Savin wanted him to take the lead in the Fengshen Army, but that's fine. He was young and wanted to live for two more years.

"Head of the Corps, this ..." How did Savin feel a bit wrong? The style of the Legion has changed too quickly. You just looked like you had to take charge of our Fengshen Army. Now it ’s all of a sudden nothing to do. Look like.

If you go to your sister, if I dare to speak to the teachers of Xianxian College, I will come to you for what.

"Oh, I'm dizzy and I should rest."

Tylor looked at Savin before leaving, and put his hands on his forehead as if trying to sleep.

Savin was aggressive, what are you doing?


Yes, Savin is really stunned. This Nima is not what the acting is. You, a legion leader, half step into the existence of the seventh stage of immortality, will feel dizzy.

It's just that your acting skills are a bit poor.

"General, I'll leave now."

Savin was helpless. He could see that this unreliable legionary commander was simply avoiding the problem.

Why avoid, this guy just doesn't want to provoke that fairy college.

After thinking about it, Savin became more depressed.

"Damn, I'm asking for the wrong person."

Savin muttered, and went back helplessly.

Next, there are still people from Xianxian University to challenge every day. Originally, Fengshen Army also occupied some of the campuses of Xianxian University.

However, step by step by the Immortal Academy, Fengshen Army retreated 100,000 miles directly.

Nine months later, the drums of war started.

When Savin heard this voice, the whole person was crying with excitement: "It is finally time to fight, and we can finally have a reason to stay away from this **** college."

Hearing Savin's words, a group of great perfection gods and perfection gods all felt the same.

Looking at them, there are still six people with blue noses and swollen faces, ashamed.

In the Immortal Academy, Wang Xing suddenly raised his head and murmured, "It's time to go to war."

There was an amazing sense of warfare on the side of the situation. He led so many students to the extraterritorial battlefield to run the war. This day is really exciting.

For the first time, students in many colleges heard the sound of the drums of war, and they were a little ignorant.

Tyro's camp.

One hundred and three army generals arrived and took their seats in turn.

Tyro nodded: "Are all people here, you, fire ape ..."

Tyro saw one person, and the whole person was a little bad.

The Seventh Army said it was 103. However, the Red Flame Army of the Fire Ape now has less than 10,000 people.

The fire ape did not feel anything, and stood up and said, "Head of the army, call me anything?"

Tyro bluntly said: "The Red Flame Army now has less than 10,000 people, it is really not an army, otherwise this meeting ... you go out for a while."

After hearing this, Fire Monkey was dumbfounded.

I'm going, aren't all the troops qualified to come to the meeting?

He froze, no wonder those **** snatched his seat. It turned out that he didn't even take him seriously.

In fact, it is exactly the same. On the extraterrestrial battlefield, there is no million soldiers under the general, and no one takes you seriously.

"Head of the army, you are too much. I did my best for the Seventh Army and bleed blood. In the battle of Eaglemouth, who was firmly on the front line against the snake devil, and Who is going to turn the tide ... "Fire Ape began to gushed, with anger and dissatisfaction on his face, as if he had suffered great injustice.

Hearing this, the generals scoffed.

Can you stop talking about your deeds? Why can't you recruit people now, and you don't have a force in your heart?

When the Red Flame Army just arrived in the flood field, it was not difficult to recruit people, but after a few battles, the soldiers knew the death rate of the Red Flame Army ~ ~ Then no one dared Apply to join the Red Flame Army.

In order to gather enough people for the Red Flame Army, they had to start recruiting people forcibly.

Well now, no one came even if it was a strong move.

Tyro frowned. Are you still tickling again, what are you trying to do, rebel?

But immediately followed, I saw the face of the fire monkey suddenly changed, and smirked: "Although the Red Flame Army has less than 10,000 people, I am also a general anyway, colleagues give me some face, if I ca n’t Come to the meeting and talk about losing face. You can rest assured, I will just sit at the door and listen, and you will treat me as if I didn't exist. "

Tylor is absolutely down, you **** really do things.

But at this moment, a person came slowly to the door: "Excuse me, am I late?"

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