Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1749: There is a big question

? Taylor includes 103 generals, all looking at the door.

Only at the door, Feng Yun wore a black robe with a sword in his hand and stepped into the camp.

Watching the situation carefully, Tyro could not help but tremble.

Nima, that's the taste.

This guy must have been one of them last time.

OK, you dare to come here, believe it or not, I unite more than one hundred younger brothers and beat you out.

But soon, Tyro gave up the idea. He is a half-step **** king, but the situation can beat him without fear, and the situation must have the strength of the general **** king. Even if so many of them are together, the odds of winning are small. At this time, you still don't want to die, and wait for the original rule to collapse further, when the King of God can come to Shenhe, it is not too late to revenge himself.

"Fengyun Wuji, you ... why are you here?"

Tyro hurriedly stood up, knowing that he was not an opponent, so in order not to be beaten again, at this time, pretend to be a grandson.

A group of generals were dumbfounded.

I grass, what do you mean, how can you smell a dog licking.

Savin was about to vomit blood at the moment. He was only a little speculative at first. This Taylor did not dare to offend the Immortal Academy. It is now fully confirmed. I'm going. As a legionnaire leader, what about your martial arts? What do you mean, why did you go out and greet in person, you can still have a **** face.

The fire ape is even dumbfounded, without such a thing.

Why does my Red Flame Army have nearly 10,000 people, then the Immortal Academy only adds up to a thousand people. Why do I have to be taken out when I come over, and the teacher of the Immortal Academy comes over, you, the commander of the army, must meet in person.

Pit, is this discrimination?

Tyrol ignored these, so they weren't worth anything in order not to be beaten.

"Come, move a chair."

He exclaimed, it should look like this with a copy.

The situation was indifferent. He looked at the chair that Taylor had moved over, and sat up casually.

Looking at that location next to Tyro.

Could it be more obvious to kneel and lick, if it wasn't for the military ’s disapproval, would you have to give up your seat to the teacher at Xian Academy.

"What's wrong, don't look at me, let's have a meeting." Tyro was surprised to see everyone's eyes staring at himself.

What are you doing?

Is it because I'm not wearing the right clothes or I have flowers on my face.


Tyro gave a cough, and said lightly: "Then we will continue to say, Teacher Fengyun is watching, if there is anything wrong, I must correct it in time, never because I am the commander of the army. I am indulgent. "

The situation was felt at this time.

What do you mean, how do you do it? I want to grab your legion.

The generals below are about to vomit. Please don't say anything right. We followed you, the commander of the army, and we all felt ashamed and left home.

"Well, the head of the regiment should quickly tell the business." Feng Yun said helplessly, wondering whether this guy had found anything.

Taking a closer look at Tyrone's look, a charming look did indeed appear.

Otherwise, this guy was still very proud last time, how can he change so fast now.

Well, some people just owe a tadpole, a tadpole is obviously more honest.

However, the situation is not jealous and it does not show up. Anyway, our college will not admit it. We will not admit it to death

Tyro nodded, then sat in a serious position, with a serious face: "Generals, on the current extraterrestrial battlefields, the legion has expanded to 107. Each legion has one hundred troops and one million troops. This It is equivalent to more than 10 billion people fighting with aliens on this flood-stricken battlefield. Since the last battle of the Eagle's Mouth Cliff, our 7th Army has not had many major battles, so it is basically repairing. During this period, The entire flood battlefield has been expanded several times, and it is now comparable to the size of an outer star field. "

Hearing this, even the situation was shocked.

How big is a star field, the Milky Way is just one of a million star galaxies.

"I believe everyone knows that the law of the origin of the universe is collapsing. In the process, the law of the origin of the universe has become weaker and weaker. Now even the Lord God can come out of the river of God. Before, Limited to the law of the origin of the universe, alien strong can't come out of the Shenhe, so they do not hurt our own universe's life outside the Shenhe. But as long as the alien breaks the line of defense and enters the hinterland of our universe, God knows How many stars are going to be slaughtered. "Speaking of this, Tyro was a little worried.

In this regard, the situation is also dignified.

In the current universe, the aliens in the Shenhe and the creatures in the universe are actually indistinguishable from each other, each occupying half of the country.

But outside Shenhe, aliens occupy only one-tenth of the universe.

It is also mainly because the aliens who entered the universe at the beginning were mostly immortal. They were restricted by the law of the universe's origin and almost all were intercepted in the Shenhe River.

Shenhe, in fact, is just a cage for aliens.

But now, this cage is about to be broken.

All the aliens inside came to the outside, and what they had to do was naturally occupy more territories until they devoured the entire universe.

The flood field is a boundary line between the alien territory and the universe's life territory.

The League of God is determined to hold here, and it can be said that it is at all costs.

Even in the future, this may become the largest extraterrestrial battlefield between aliens and the creatures of the universe.

After all, when the law of the universe's origins completely collapsed, the Shenhe River no longer exists, and there are no meanings to the existence of the other four major extraterrestrial stations.

"Well, let's stop talking nonsense. Everyone must be clear about this. I'll just talk about the mission given by the military. The alien Fire Demon Legion will break through our defense from the direction of the Eagle's Mouth Cliff. We are ordered to stop The Fire Demon Legion. "Next, Tyro began to arrange the position of each general to meet the Fire Demon Legion, but this did not include the Immortal Academy, and of course the Red Flame Army of the Fire Demon.

"Well, Fengyun Wuji, do you think there is something wrong with my arrangement?" After Tyro finished speaking, his serious look just disappeared, and he turned into the face of the licking dog.

Everyone was ashamed.

"Well, good. But there is also a big problem in it." Feng Yun said without fear.

Hearing this, Tylor's face changed slightly.

something wrong?

Where there is a problem, my platoon formation is professional.

Feng Yun looked at Taylor very confusedly, and said lightly, "You didn't arrange our college. Although our students can join the army alone, but ..."

Tylor looked at Feng Yun's eyes, and really wanted to cry.

You are very good, but there are thousands of people in your immortal college, can we not mention them?

What can you guys do?

Fire Ape's eyes lit up at this time, and my Red Flame Army also had 10,000 people. How could it be better than the Immortal College?

Hey, do you want to give me a task?

Tyro gritted his teeth: "That stubborn teacher, wouldn't you just look at a random army and join them in the war?"

After Feng Yun listened, he shook his head.

What does it mean to follow other armies, our academy is an army alone, and is not a brother of others.

Tyro pondered for a moment, trying to say, "Why not wait for the post-war people to help clear the battlefield?"

Fengyun frowned, no matter what, what did you do? Did you treat us as a mess?

But looking at the generals below, they were all glaring.

Who doesn't know what this sweeping battlefield is doing, but at the time when the loot was confiscated, was it obvious that it was going to send something to Xianxian Academy.

Nima, Tyrol, would you like Bilian?

Tylor is also speechless ~ ~ This won't work, so what exactly do you immortal college do.

"Well ... what else do you want to do?"

Tyro really wanted to cry, my head of the army was really enough.

Feng Yun nodded fearlessly: "Eagle mouth cliff ... well, well, intercept the aliens in the direction of Eagle mouth cliff, that's it."

After speaking, the situation stood up without fear.

Tyro looked at a serious situation, and the whole person was dumbfounded, when did I say Yingzuiya.

You **** thought about it, just come and let me know.

What are you talking about? Who is Huyou?

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