Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1750: Bother

? Watching Fengyun Wuji leave like this, Taylor is helpless.

Can you give me a look at the commander of this army? So many people look at it and give me some face.

"That ... Fengyun Wuji is so straightforward and so refreshing, I'm used to it." Tyropy said with a smile, but it might as well not explain it.

What else can the generals say, I always feel that I have followed a particularly unreliable legion leader.

At this time, the fire monkey was in a hurry.

I wipe, everyone at Xianxian College can be stationed at Yingzui Cliff, they are less than a thousand people, and my Red Flame Army has 10,000 people, shouldn't you assign me a task?

Besides, everyone went to war, so I was idle. It would be too shameful to say that.

Almost without hesitation, the fire monkey said: "Head of the army, me, and me, did you forget me?"

Tyro stunned the fire ape.

To be honest, he still admired the Fire Ape, and not to mention anything else, Nima was arrogant to death, not to mention the entire Seventh Legion, that is, no legion in any legion could be better than him. This guy didn't take his little life seriously. But so many of the main gods have been killed, many of them have the title of God, and he is still alive and well, who do you want to justify. However, the entire Red Flame Army is almost annihilated. What's the matter if you are still alive, it is OK once or twice. This is more times. Anyone is afraid.

Follow you as a general, it's like death, who dare to follow you.

"Where should you go? No, you still have to recruit people. When will it be enough to recruit millions of people, I will arrange a mission for you." Tyro was not angry, and to be honest, he wants to give the fire ape now. Far away, stay with him, like a mascot, and many legionnaires make fun of themselves with fire apes.

The fire ape frustrated, and it was not too early to recruit people.

Now whoever comes to the Seventh Army, as long as they want to enter the Red Flame Army, they all hide away.

The situation went back without fear.

"Dean, I have made it clear to Tylor. We are responsible for intercepting the aliens in the direction of Eagle's Mouth Cliff." Fengyun said lightly. What. "

"Rest assured, although the alien invasion from the direction of Eagle's Mouth failed last time, but people, always have a strong head, bold. Besides, this is also the first time we have battled with the aliens, and the main force against the aliens when we come The military is also inappropriate. Intercepting the aliens in the direction of Yingzui Cliff is a small test, giving students a process of adaptation. "Wang Xing smiled.

Feng Yun thought for a moment, which is also the reason.

Wang Xing continued: "Well, hurry up and set up the battle. Against the aliens, the formation method is the big killer."

"it is good."

Feng Yun responded with impunity, a look of anticipation appeared on his face.

The matrix method is still in its infancy in the universe. Although there are also some who study the matrix method, those with the highest matrix method have reached the level of the junior middle school of Xian Xian College.

How powerful the formation method can be said to be great.

Powerful formations can kill high-level deities, and even make the universe gods helpless. When facing many enemies, one formation per person may be able to wipe out the entire army.

The situation knows well that after this battle, the formation of Xianxian College will shock the entire battlefield.

When going out, the situation was about to arrange people, but they were stopped.

This man is the fire ape, and he looks so smirk that Feng Yun wants to hammer him hard.

"Teacher Fengyun Wuji, hello ... haha, I haven't seen you for a long time." Fire Ape said with a charming look, letting Fengyun Wuji not know what to say, obviously we just met half an hour ago What's going on after a long absence? Are you serious?

"Say, what's the matter," Feng Yun said a little impatiently.

"Oh, this is the case. Didn't your Xianxian take the task of intercepting the aliens in the direction of Yingzuiya? To be honest, these aliens are all treacherous ones. To fight against the aliens, you must be careful and careful, otherwise it may be The army is gone. Your immortal academy has just arrived in the extraterritorial battlefield, and it seems that you have never played against aliens before. I think you need a senior with rich experience in combat at this time.

Fengyun nodded fearlessly: "You are a bit reasonable, do you know such a senior, please introduce one to me."

Fire ape dumbfounded.

Isn't that obvious enough, this senior is myself.

"No, then forget it."

"Don't, don't." Huo Ape hurriedly, "You look at me, and have dealt with the alien race no less than a million times. This experience is so rich that it ’s converted into experience value. If you have me at Xianxian College, The extraterrestrial battlefield is not like what human beings on earth say, that ... yes, tigers have wings. "

"That's like a tiger adding wings," Feng Yun said helplessly.

"It ’s all the same. How about, do n’t you think about it? I ’m free, not 998 or 98, it ’s free. All of them are free. You did n’t hear me wrong. If you miss this time, you have to wait a few more years. Oh. "Fire ape tempted.

It's just that the slogan was scourged after a trip to the Earth Federation.

Saying that the Earth Federation is the same now, it has been centuries old, and this ad word still does not bypass that set.

"Ha ha."

Fengyun Wuji smiled awkwardly and turned away.

"I'm going, don't go, can you discuss it again ..."

"I am a master god. With my master **** thug, the wave of your immortal college must be stable, and it must be a good start."

"If you don't have a price, I'll post it to the head office, as long as I can participate in the war."


Fengyun Wuji didn't plan to bother with the fire ape, but no matter what he was going to do, the fire ape followed him.

"what on earth do you want?"

"My Red Flame Army will also participate in the war."

"Okay, 100 million credits."

"you give me?"

"No, you gave it to me," Fengyun said lightly, "how?"

"This ... OK!" Fire ape gritted his teeth.

Fengyun Wuji suddenly felt dumbfounded, you can all agree, how much you want to die.

"Then ..."

"I haven't finished talking about it. In addition to 100 million points of merit, you, including your Red Flame Army soldiers, must all obey the arrangements of our college."

"This is not necessary, I will tell you that my experience of fighting with aliens is very rich. I will command the battle. This time we will definitely win. No matter how many aliens come, you can kill them. They don't leave anything ... "

"Hehe." Feng Yun looked at the fire ape without fear, at this time even the fire ape could not speak.

"Listen to you, listen to you." Fire ape quickly changed his mouth.

"Well then, go back and bring your people over." Feng Yun waved his hands, "Also, 100 million credits, transfer now!"

"I can't make ends meet, you still don't believe in my character." Fire Monkey gasped.

Feng Yun doesn't say anything. You do n’t know what your character is. Do n’t emphasize it at this time.

Fortunately, the fire ape is still a bit of a family member, and immediately turned over 100 million points of merit.

However, looking at the fire ape's painful appearance, Feng Yun can feel how poor the fire ape is.

Subsequently, the situation was hesitant and hesitant to immediately exchange all the 100 million merit points given by the Fire Ape to immortal crystals.

There is no way to arrange the matrix and it is such a matrix that will trap at least hundreds of thousands or even millions of immortals, which requires too many immortal crystals.

One hundred million points of merit is only exchanged for ten million pieces of immortal crystal.

Ten merit points for an immortal crystal, this is the exchange price.

Forget it, it's a long way off.

In desperation, the situation still found Wang Xing, who did not let him have so many immortal crystals.

"You plan to arrange the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation ..." Wang Xing calculated, "If this formation method is used, millions of immortals will be trapped. Even if these immortals are gods, it will consume millions of immortal crystals in one minute, and one hour is Sixty million immortal crystals. Of course, of course, there must be perfection, great perfection, and even the main god. The immortal crystals consumed will increase exponentially. It is estimated that one minute will be toward three or five million immortals. The crystal is gone, and there are hundreds of millions of immortal crystals in one hour. "

Feng Yun nodded helplessly: "So I agreed to the fire ape's request to let their Red Flame Army participate in the battle, so that the battle can be ended as soon as possible. By the way, it also pitted him a hundred million feats. Redeemed Immortal. "

Wang Xing nodded, and a space ring appeared with a wave of his hand.

"This is what I seized on the battlefield outside the territory. I didn't count it carefully, but hundreds of millions of immortal crystals should be available for you to use. But although the amount of immortal crystals consumed by the array is huge, but The income will also be very objective. In the future, the immortal crystals spent on the battle will still be drawn from the profits of the participating teachers and students. Of course, if the Red Fire Army of the Fire Ape also participates in the war, do n’t be polite, just catch the opportunity, He ransomed the scam. "

"I know."

The situation has been around for a long time, and this battle consumes resources, and the college is not an injustice.

It's a must.

Students and teachers have to earn a lot, and the fire ape can't let go.

Next, Fengyun took the teachers and students to battle.

Many of the generals who have been following the Immortal Academy are dumbfounded. What are you doing in the air, who can explain it?

"So get mysterious, wait for the alien legion to push over ~ ~ These colleges must run faster than the monkeys." Savin said, and the next few generals nodded.

"This immortal college is still an army by itself, and there are only a thousand people. After this war, it is estimated that the entire army will be wiped out." Someone followed, not cold or hot.

Immortal College Station.

Fire Ape, with his 10,000 Red Flame Army soldiers, looked at the busy teachers and students of Xianxian College, and was speechless.

What the **** are you doing, embroidering in the air?

Those Red Flame Army fighters were originally unlovable following the Fire Ape. Now they have seen a less reliable immortal college, and they have to fight with the people in this college. Is it?

It's not like sending him to death, he said he was killing himself.

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