Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1751: What do you think it is, praise?

? Fire ape is also very speechless. What the **** is this college doing?

Eventually, this incident got to Tyrol.

There is no way, the location of Yingzuiya is still very important, if it is lost, it is also a big trouble.

Tylo had no choice but to reconvene because of this matter.

Fengyun was also shouted without hesitation, and he naturally knew what was being called this time.

Ignorant mortal!

He can only sigh, after all, not everyone has seen the power of formation.

"Feng Yunwuji, it's really embarrassing to call you over this time." Tyro came up and clarified his relationship with him. It was like though I called you over, but so did I. Helpless.

Feng Yun smiled wistfully: "It's okay. I heard that many generals are very dissatisfied with me. They must have called me over."

Tyro heard a sigh of relief, and I was relieved. Anyway, as long as you don't doubt me.

Then he looked at the 92 generals. Basically, all the generals under his command had arrived. He didn't realize that he would mourn for these generals. You dare to offend the teacher of Xianxian College and walk at night. It's best to be careful. Maybe someone was put on a black sack and beaten, but just thinking about it, Tyro's face seemed to faintly hurt.

"Okay, let's say, I'm very busy about anything." Feng Yun said lightly, completely ignoring everyone.

The ninety-two generals looked arrogant and arrogant, all of them gritted their teeth.

You are busy, you are fart!

We commanded a million troops and didn't say busy, your thousand people, what are you busy with.

In fact, they have been dissatisfied with the situation for a long time. Why do you people in Xianxian Academy can be an army? The key is to be an army. How many of you are you? Among them, there are many leaders from some big races and even forces. They also want to be an army, but they do not have this qualification.

To put it bluntly, Xianxian College was completely enraged and jealous.

At this time a man stood up and said coldly, "This teacher of Xianxian College, did you participate in the battle with the aliens before coming to the Honghuang battlefield?"

The situation faltered.

What you asked, although I have countless battles, that is the world after the ascension, and I have never fought against aliens here.

Whoever makes me **** is not your main universe.

Seeing the reckless response, the man chuckled: "I guess it is true. In your fairy college, it is estimated that the little fart named Liu Fan went to the extraterrestrial battlefield and participated in battles with other races. Maybe you do n’t know what an alien is. But what are you doing now, and you are so vocal about attacking the aliens in the direction of the Eagle's Mouth? I just want to ask, who gave you the courage to make you dare to say such things?

Feng Yun is silent, he is also MMP in his heart now, is this what you think is good?

Who else gave us courage, I said it was Liang Jingru, do you know who she is.

We at Xian Academy have not participated in the battle against aliens, but if we really fight against aliens, the strength of our Xian Academy can scare you.

At this time someone stood up again and took a closer look at Savin, who had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

Now that so many generals are against the situation together, what else is he afraid of?

"Feng Yun Wuji, you know the geographical location of the Eagle's Head Cliff. If you can't hold the Eagle's Head Cliff and let aliens pass through the Eagle's Head Cliff, then they can run behind us and even the aliens continue to advance You can pass through the faulted world and enter our hinterland of the universe. And what is in the hinterland of the universe behind us is an ordinary planet that may not even be immortal, so I asked at that time, so the destroyed planet and Life, who will bear this responsibility? "

Savin said, but that was not merciful.

However, Fengyun knows that this guy is completely nonsense. If the alien wants to cross the fault world, he must go through three lines of defense, and they are just the first line of defense. Therefore, it is basically impossible for large-scale aliens to enter the hinterland of their universe. Small-scale aliens have always penetrated into the hinterland of the universe. For example, the Horns have invaded the gods of Wuxingshan Starfield River galaxy.

"Also, what are you doing now? I heard it's a battle formation? Haha, what a ghost formation is, it sounds scary." A man said, and laughed throughout the hall. .

Tylor looked helpless at these talking generals.

You really dare to say anything, it seems that you really don't know what kind of existence is in front of you.

The fire ape behind Fengyun Wuji is completely without such awareness. He only thinks that everyone said that it is too good. Whatever this immortal college is doing, he should let him direct the battle so that they can Hope for victory. Except for him, who can resist the aliens in the direction of the Eagle's Mouth Cliff, and as long as he turns over in this battle, he will not be able to recruit anyone.

"Did you finish talking?"

Feng Yun waited for a group of people to ridicule for half an hour, and finally there was a tendency to stop, and then slowly spoke.

All the generals looked at the situation with impunity, it seems that is to say, we have said so, you are not a little embarrassed, this cheek is too thick.

"It seems that you are all done, then I should say it. You say in a whisper that our Xian Academy cannot stop the aliens in the direction of the Eagle's Mouth. I would like to ask, this battle has not been fought. You do n’t know our Xian Academy Ca n’t stop the aliens in the direction of the Eagle's Mouth? Who told you that the laws of the origin of the universe have given you dreams, or are you only guessing yourself? ”Feng Yun said wistfully, staring at the first one who spoke openly. man.

"Isn't this obvious, you only have a thousand people, and although you are the main god, but the other party only needs one main **** to hold you back, other people can easily pass through the eagle mouth, and drive straight in." The man took it for granted.

The other generals also nodded secretly. That's the truth. This is too obvious.

Don't you even understand this?

Sure enough, you haven't played in extraterritorial battlefields at all, you don't understand anything.

"Really, so in the end you think it is." Feng Yun said indifferently, and then a strong momentum appeared on him, and he went straight to the man, although the man is also the title god, but Under the impact of this momentum, I only felt that one person cut into his sea of ​​knowledge with a sword and wanted to crush his godhead into a smash. At the moment, the man was pale and took a few steps back. .

"You, so strong ..." The man stood surprised, surprised.

"Huh, this is just a warning. You know nothing about our academy, and with this subjective speculation, it is ridiculous to say that we must fail. I can say that this battle is even for all of you If we ca n’t keep our own position, we will be as stable as Taishan here. Why, do n’t you believe it? If we make a bet, just bet that our college is able to keep the eagle mouth, and the stakes are so sloppy. Like? "Fengyun said indifferently.

However, in your heart, the situation is about laughing and blooming. Do you dare to gamble? At this time, you must gamble. If you do n’t gamble, you are just asking.

Hey, as long as you bet, you are sure to lose.

By then, one person will have 10 billion meritorious points, and these 92 people will be 920 billion meritorious points.

Oh my god, this is the rhythm of getting rich.

The man is also stunned. You dare to bet with us. What do you think, are you going to give us some credit?

Bet, this is definitely a bet.

"Bet, is there anything you dare not gamble on," the man snorted. "But you can really make so many contributions?"

"This ... Don't hide from you, I really can't take out so many merits. After all, I have just arrived in the extraterritorial battlefield and haven't fought against aliens. Where can I get any meritorious points?" Feng Yun embarrassed, and When I heard this, a group of people were also stunned. You are playing us, but at this time the situation turned around without a doubt, "But what, the value of tens of billions of merit points, we have a lot of fairy college. No Say anything else, look at this Longxu knife in the hands of Fire Ape, this is what our college gave. "

Everyone unconsciously looked at the fire ape.

The fire ape was suddenly startled. I wiped you guys what this was going to do, and it was so difficult for me to 'borrow' it from Liu Fan, where was it from Xianxian College.

But when I saw Feng Yun's fearless look at him constantly, Fire Ape understood, and immediately cried out: "Yes, what is this merit? I have been to Immortal College, and there are countless god-level secrets in Immortal College. , The original artifacts of the third and fourth steps are everywhere, and the immortal crystals are piled into mountains ... "

At this point, everyone was shocked.

I go, really fake.

Are all the immortal colleges so affluent, and the situation is a little dumbfounded, you are a bit overwhelmed.

The man is still a little unbelievable, but looking at the fire ape, I feel that Xianxian Academy is still a bit of a family member. Besides, Feng Yunwu is also a master god. If he really loses, he should be able to pay off the debt slowly.

"How's it, dare to gamble?" Feng Yun looked at the man with a mockery.

"Okay, I bet on you," the man hummed. "But I still have one condition, the fire ape cannot participate in the war."

"Why?" The fire ape suddenly blew up. It was a matter of concern to me. It was hard for me to discuss the situation with Feng Yun, can I participate in the battle?

"The fire ape is also a master god. You two master gods appear at the same time. Who knows if the alien will dare to come by then." The man said lightly.

"Okay, no problem." Fengyun nodded fearlessly, it doesn't matter if there is any fire ape.

"No, even if I can't participate in the battle, the Red Flame Army soldiers under my command must participate in the battle. They come to kill the aliens in the extraterritorial battlefields, and they are not allowed to enter the battlefield. This is not to chill their hearts." Fire apes are very serious. Said.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Are you sure you don't let them enter the battlefield, they will chill?

You know more about your fighters before you can say such things, you are not against your will.

"Okay, if you are willing to let the people under you die to death, casually." The man said lightly, a pair of fire ape feels like a brain, is this guy unable to hear himself this is for his good.

Next, the man set up a contract, and Fengyun looked at the man with no worries. What is this guy called an iron chain god, and looking at his neck, there is a glittering iron chain, this should be him Weapon. Just looking at it, it looks like a chain that is tied to a dog.

"What about you?" Feng Yun looked at the others afterwards.

"This is the point of merit. It's not for nothing. I bet on you too."

"A thousand people, even the 10,000 people who add the fire ape, but as long as the aliens come to 100,000, even if you are strong, you will not be able to stand by then."

"Haha, I think this is the strategy of Xianxian College. In this way, we will disperse a fortune, and everyone will embarrass them in the future."

"Is this really the case, then I have also bet, taking advantage of the opportunity to make a little money."


In the blink of an eye, sixty-nine of the ninety-two individuals signed a gambling agreement with the situation.

Feng Yun looked at these piles of agreements, and was really speechless, not too many, and there were too few Nima.

For the rest of you, don't you want to earn some merits?

"Hum, counsel, coward, courageous rat, even dare not gamble, it seems you dare not ask for money."

Feng Yun scorned those guys who didn't dare to gamble.

As soon as this remark came out, twenty-three agreement on gambling was harvested, which is eighty-two.

He continued to look at the ten remaining people. Those people were completely unrelated to me, and we came to see them.

However, eighty-two copies are eighty-two copies. This is also a merits of 82 billion, and all the immortal crystals that will be consumed in the next dozens of battles will be earned.

He held this sister-in-law's betting agreement and found for the first time that it was really wonderful to come to the extraterritorial battlefield.

Tylor was crying, he wanted to bet, but he didn't dare.

After going back.

Feng Yun is in a good mood, and the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is almost set up, and hundreds of millions of immortal crystals are scattered. If you don't kill hundreds of thousands of aliens, you will feel dead.

The Fire Ape was mobilized before the war, and he was already very experienced with this.

"I am proud of the soldiers of the Red Flame Army. I have won the opportunity for you to participate in the war. You do n’t know that in the corps commander ’s tent, the iron chain **** rammed the goods and wanted to prevent you from participating in the war. This is simply It's so shameless, it's just blatantly depriving you of opportunities to make achievements. Fortunately, I strive to protect this opportunity for you, but at the cost, I have lost my qualifications for this battle ... With that said, the fire ape's eyes were all red, and this guy even knew it was sensational.

But look at the Red Flame Army soldiers below, all of them are dumbfounded.

What they heard, they could not have participated in the war originally, but their second general, they even got them qualified. Oh my god, is there such a daddy general, is it because they hate them to die fast enough?

The point is that Nima, your general does not need to participate in the war, does it mean that you are safe?

You're still sensational, your **** face still comes to sensationalism.

If they can hurt the flat fire ape, they must not hesitate to go up now.

I knew that your general, the Red Flame Army, was a pit cargo, but the pit was too thorough, it was simply impossible to add, it was earth-shattering.

You are so good, do you know your mother, General?

The fire monkey himself was very proud, and felt that he had won this opportunity for the soldiers, and he was definitely the most competent general.

On the side, the students of Xian College were aggressive.

Especially Liu Fan, the whole person is not good, he really wants to go up and say something to the fire ape, have you been blind? You have not seen the eyes of the Red Flame Army soldiers trying to devour you.

What do you think it is, praise?

In the Fire Demon Legion, where the 7th Legion was stationed, the aliens were preparing.

This Fire Demon Legion is just a medium-sized legion of aliens, and the structure of the entire alien legion is actually similar to that of the League of Gods.

Six months later, the Fire Demon Legion set off.

The scouts had already heard the news from the Seventh Army, and after the news came back, everyone knew that the war was about to begin.


Tyro shouted, and led the main army of the Seventh Army into the battlefield.

As for the gargoyle on the side of Xianxian College, to be honest, it is not the main theater at all, and it is ten light years away from the main theater.

So after the war began, the situation was calm and calm. The reason was that no aliens were seen in the sight.

But Fengyun is not afraid or anxious, just wait, and he knows that there are still a lot of people who are paying attention to Xianxian College. After all, the 10 billion bets are not a small number.

You know, killing a main **** is only 10 billion meritorious points, and in the extraterritorial battlefields, there are actually not many main gods that can be killed in each army-level battle. After all, is it a melee, even if one main **** is not an opponent of another main god, escape is relatively easy.

In an instant, half a day passed.

The teachers and students of Xianxian College are bored to death. What a matter, it won't come without aliens.

"It's so boring." Yin Haojun said, and he was waiting for this wave to make a good fortune.

"Interracial people, have the courage to come here, Grandpa is waiting for you here." Luo Qiu shouted even more.

"Yeah, silly forks of other races, come to a decisive battle," shouted the dragon.

Su Yu stared intently at the space ahead. He also studied the location of the area here. He felt that Yingzuiya was like a sword here. If aliens rushed over from here, it would be possible to go straight into the hinterland. If he is a commander of an alien race, even if he has failed before, it is impossible to really give up this breakthrough direction, but now he has not moved, but he has doubts about his judgment.

Fengyun Wuji said it was very calm, but in fact he was very nervous.

In order to decorate the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, hundreds of millions of immortal crystals were thrown in. If there were no aliens coming, it would not be a pit father.

The fire ape was originally unable to participate in the war. After seeing that no alien came over, he immediately slipped away.

Of course, he won't really stop participating in the war. He vowed to tell Feng Yun that he is going to yin and die of an alien god.

To put it bluntly, this guy just got into the army without knowing which general, and then waited for a sneak attack.

In this way, the war lasted for three days, and there was still no one here, and Tyro also felt that there might be a problem here. An army ambush early in the area also evacuated yesterday.

"My grass, this Nima ... I feel like we are going to be a joke." Yao Jie reluctantly prepared for so long, but as a result, he did not see an alien, is there anything more embarrassing than this.

"This alien is a bit evil." Su Yu was also helpless.

But at this time ~ ~ a distant space suddenly appeared a ripple.

The situation stunned, Chang Shu breathed out, "Finally here!"

God knows, these days he is also suffering!

As soon as his words fell, he saw only the aliens appearing one after another, and seeing these people, the teachers and students of Xianxian College seemed to see their loved ones.

Brother, you are finally here!

Never again, we don't know what to do.

Among the aliens on the other side, a man rubbed his eyes, looked and looked, and couldn't help but be surprised: "I am a grass, just like this person wants to keep the Eagle's mouth cliff, are you here for fun?"

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