Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1753: Fighting like you is soulless

The soldiers of the Red Flame Army joined the battle as they wished, and they were going crazy.

This is simply a meritorious deed, it's really crooked.

However, compared with the students of Xianxian College, their range of activities is not large, because they are not familiar with the matrix method, and if they take a wrong step a little, they may be in danger of life. This is what the situation has always warned them, but even if the range of activity is not large, but that is 600,000 Huozu warriors. Everyone kills dozens of them, and a few can kill a dozen. .

More importantly, many of them are killing their enemies.

Before, they must have never thought about it.

A lower **** Red Flame Army soldier flushed with excitement at the moment: "I just killed a higher **** of the fire demon army ... I even killed a higher **** ..."

It is true that after killing himself, he saw the increase in merit points before he reacted. It turned out to be a higher god.

This Nima is really a bunker.

At this time, a mid-range God Chiyan soldier patted him on the shoulder and said, "Calm, calm, I have killed four high-end magical fire demon fighters, and I also leaked and killed a perfect god.

Hearing this, the next God Red Flame Soldier was full of jealousy.

A complete fire demon army warrior, but that's a million feats. On top, he killed a hundred superior gods.


The situation is also killing enemies. Although there is more than one main **** from Xianxian Academy, it is only him who really participates in the war.

However, it is more Buddha-like to kill enemies without fear. Basically, below the level of the Great Perfection God does not look at it, and he specifically selects those Great Perfection Gods to start with.

"The hands are soft." Yao Jie shook his shoulder. From the beginning to the present, he has killed 67 Huowei soldiers. "Yin Haojun, sixty-seven, how many are you?"

Yin Haojun responded, "Thirty-two."

"Well, if you continue to work hard, you will have half of me right away. Sure enough, is your talent still inadequate, and the combat experience is average?" Yao Jie pointed out the appearance of the junior.

Yin Haojun's hatred was tickling: "What a great kill."

Yao Jie is very calm, yes, killing more is great, just doing whatever he wants.

At this moment, He Yunze's voice came: "Yin Haojun, I am also seventy-two, of which thirty-four are the high-level magic fire fighters."

Su Yu's voice also came over: "Forty-nine, thirty-seven gods, one god."

Yin Haojun wants to cry, why do you tell me this, tell others not?

At first Yin Haojun was still a little proud, and thought that he had killed thirty-two, but now he just wants to cry.

Whether it's quantity or quality, doesn't it seem to work?

In fact, this is also normal. Yin Haojun just broke through to Jinxian Realm, and Su Yu is all Jinxian II. Yao Jie almost broke through to Jinxian II.

The fighting continues, and this is the one-sided massacre.

Huo Yao saw fewer and fewer people around him, his eyes were red, and to be honest he didn't know what was happening now.

It was as if there were a group of demons all around, constantly devouring his soldiers.

He felt like staying here, he was going to be swallowed.

Suddenly, a scream came next to him, scaring him with a shock.

It turned out that his lieutenant was killed, and his lieutenant was a great god, and his strength was even comparable to some weak gods.

"Damn, who did it?"

He shouted angrily, rushing forward and back, trying to escape.

Fengyun frowned fearlessly, every time Huoyao tried to break the array with brute force, he actually consumed 100,000 pieces of immortal crystals.

However, Fengyun is the position of Jinyan, and for the time being he will preside over the formation, unless the fire is near the Jinyan, otherwise he would not dare to leave too far away from the Jinyan to kill Huoyan.

Over there, Savin finally arrived with his Aeolian Army.

He had already planned it. People from Xianxian Academy had been asking them about the Fengshen Army. After waiting to save the Xianxian people this time, he had to blackmail him well. Apart from that, the fire ape can get a fourth-order original artifact Longxu knife, why should he align with him?

"General, General ... Come and see ..."

At this time, a soldier of the Aeolus Army ran over, interrupting Savin's dream.

What are you looking at?

Savin immediately flew up to the gargoyle, then he was dumbfounded.

In his sight, the familiar Vulcan warrior, like a headless fly, was being slaughtered by the people of the Immortal Academy and the Red Flame Army, which was completely different from what was imagined.

Nima, what is the situation, who can come out and explain.

Is n’t the Warrior Warrior very fierce, is n’t it very aggressive? Now how can they be foolish, like being weakened by a halo, being slaughtered like this.

He also saw Huojiao. To be honest, Huojiao's strength is a little better than him, but the guy is running around like a fool at the moment. Sometimes he sees Huojiao from several teachers of Xian Academy. And the students approached, but they did not find the other.

He really wants to ask Huoyan now, are you blind?

"Savin, what's the situation over there?" At this time, Tyro asked from the main battlefield. As the legion leader, he naturally knew that the position of the Eagle's Mouth Cliff was very important, so he was still concerned about the situation of the Eagle's Mouth Cliff. .

Savin hesitated, not knowing how to answer.

It seems that he has no use at all. Does Xianxian College use its own support?

Don't be kidding, he wants to know how the people at Xianxian did it, is it the magical formation method?

In his realm, naturally, he also saw traces of matrix formations in space, but he did not know what the principle was, it was like an energy application system independent of the current universe.

"Savannah, speak, please answer when you receive. This is Tyro, 7th Army Commander."

Tyro was very speechless. Why was there no sound? Apparently he answered, wouldn't he be dead?

If that's the case, something must have happened over the Eagle's Mouth Cliff.

When Tyro was extremely nervous, Savin's voice came slowly: "Leader of the army, I am Savin, General of the Aeolus Army Savin. There were some unpredictable situations in the Eagle's Mouth Cliff. How do we say, the situation is with us The imagination is very different. The 600,000 fire demon warriors led by Huoyan are now silly. Teachers and students of Xian Academy are walking forward. They seem to have forgotten what they are doing, and they are being knocked over. Butchery. Well, that's it. This is not a war at all, but rather a beheading of a torture ground. For this weird war, I have expressed some doubts about life. Is there something wrong with our understanding of war? "

There was also the commander of the legion who was stunned.

What you said is something I don't understand at all, why is it so sceptical about life.

Are you lying to me?

"Captain, are you still there?"

"Yes, you wait, I'll be right there. What the **** is he doing?"

Tyro cut off the call as he spoke, and he finally couldn't sit still.

The fighting continues.

Six hundred thousand Fire Demon fighters have died more than half a million, and less than 100,000 are left.

The battle has also continued for an hour, and the current consumption of Immortal Crystals exceeds 300 million, which is greater than expected.

As a last resort, the situation has added some immortal crystals.

Tyro finally arrived, and he was equally dumbfounded looking at the situation in front of him.

Well, now he has to doubt life too.

"Savin, did I wake up?"

"not us."

Savyn felt helpless, and when they dreamed, they dared to think about such a scene.

Because of this scene, it is really shocking.


The situation saw that there were fewer and fewer people in the formation method, and he gave up the control of the formation method, and raised his sword to fire.

Huoyan shed his hair at this moment, his eyes congested.

This hour was a torture to him, and he felt like he was going crazy.


He felt an amazing sword, rushed towards him, and immediately waved his sword to stop it.


A sword slashed on his knife, letting him spit out blood.

So strong!

At this time, he saw the situation being fearless, and at this moment, the situation was approaching him step by step with his sword, as if death was approaching.

"who are you?"

Huo asked, his face was cold.

"Faculty teachers of Xianxue University are all the same."

"Xian Academy?"

Huoyan groaned a bit, and to be honest he had never heard of Xianxian Academy.

The situation was no jealous and no longer explained anything, and it was slain with a sword towards the fire.

His swordsmanship fits the way of space. Every sword goes out to block the space. The rule of cutting off, the flames are shrouded in this swordmanship, and he feels that his godhead will be torn off.

He successively received the Eleven Swords of Fate, and his body was already bloodied, and in the middle, he had no chance to fight back.

Seeing Feng Wuji beheading him again, it was like killing him with one sword after another. This was the suppression of strength.

And he was trapped in the formation, but could not escape, it seemed that he could only wait for death.

Finally, at the time of the thirty-first sword.

Fengyun impaled his body with a sword, and a devastating force crushed his soul.

Fire, death!

But even to death, he didn't know what was trapping him.


Feng Yun grabbed it without hesitation, and threw the fire corpse out of the formation ~ ~ right in front of Tyro and Savin.

"Head of the army, and General Savin, it seems that we are holding the gargoyle." Fengyun said lightly, who said that we must not be able to hold the gargoyle, and those who bet with our college, I hope you next Don't cry.

Tyro doesn't know what to say at this moment, you are really bullied this time.

As for Savin, he thought that he had also signed the ten billion gambling contract. At the moment, he was in a bad mood: "What's so great, isn't it the gargoyle that was defended by what kind of method? Huh, you guys Fighting is soulless. "

Hearing this, Fengyun couldn't help laughing.

Without soul, are you sure?

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