Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1754: Immortal College is great!

? Taylor is speechless at this moment, your sister without soul.

With such an array, how many fewer people and how many extra-kinds will our 7th Army kill each year? Now you tell me that there is no soul, you have to come out with a soul.

Looking at Tyrone's unpleasant eyes, Savin shut up decisively.

Can't afford it, can't afford it.

"Teacher Wengyun, this is the power of that method?" Taylor was very open-minded at this moment, and to be honest, if it weren't for Xianxian Academy, and he was not a situationless opponent, he would probably start directly. Robbed.

Fengyun nodded fearlessly.

Where can't he see the meaning of Tylo, you guy is really brave, and now he is watching our college formation.

However, this is also expected.

The formation method on the battlefield outside the territory is definitely a big killer, more practical than that of any godship.

"That ..." Tello didn't know what to say for a while, "Well, very good, very good, but Xianxian College made great achievements this time."

"No courageous rat." Feng Yun despised it in his heart, clearly wanting to die, but his mouth is still hard, but you have the courage to speak, although you will not say I will directly give you the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation of.

At this time, the battle was over.

All the 600,000 Fire Demon fighters were killed, and their loot was also confiscated.

Tyro and Savin saw the teachers and students of the Xian Academy coming out of the formation, and the beasts of the Red Flame Army. They were all shiny, which was definitely a fortune. Not to mention anything else, everyone should have at least a few thousands of meritorious points, and more than tens of millions may be required. I don't know how many people I envy when I say it.

At this time, the school's Jun Qianzhen came up, and said helplessly: "Mr. Fengyun, this battle consumed nearly 500 million immortal crystals, but under the circumstances that we have such an advantage, we have killed seven people. . "

Hearing this, Fengyun's face changed slightly: "Even if the Immortal Crystal, seven people were killed in battle?"

"More than 10,000 people in the Red Flame Army are not familiar with the formation, and some people are eager to kill the enemy and do not obey our command. As a result, they are caught in the formation and cannot escape themselves, so ..."

Having said that, Jun Qianyi no longer wants to say any more.

To put it bluntly, these people are simply not greedy, otherwise they rely on the formation method, it is really difficult to die.

The two talked, and did not avoid it, but Tyro and Savin were dumbfounded, and Lei's outer focus was on Jeninen.

What do you mean, isn't that seven people dead? As for being so serious, it's like losing the battle. When we fight, one time, one million people will not die.

Feng Yun said wistfully, looking at the Red Flame Army soldiers who had counted his gains, soaring angrily: "A group of wastes, which can kill seven people, and I'm so funny. You are not our immortal college either People, I do n’t bother with your waste. But according to regulations, you have to pay half of all the proceeds of the war, understand that? Of course, if anyone broke through during the battle, or could break through the realm within 10,000 years after the war , You do n’t have to turn it in, and you can return the turned in earnings if it ’s already turned in. ”

Hearing here, the soldiers of the Red Flame Army remembered this, as if they had told them before.

But before, they felt that they would die, and there would be no gains, so they didn't take it seriously.

But now, as soon as I heard that 50% of the money will be turned in, everyone's face is very ugly. This is already in the pocket. Who wants to pay it?

Feng Yun naturally understands their minds and sneers: "If you change to the past, so many of you will fight in one battle, you may not even be half alive, and the gains may be less than one tenth of what they are now. . I asked you to hand in half of it, and I'm very polite to you. You must understand that fighting with our Xian Academy is basically a point of merit. Of course, you can also leave it, but this time you do n’t have to pay it, and you will all Don't fight with our academy. "

Suddenly, all Red Flame Army soldiers were dumbfounded.

If you do not pay once, you will not be able to fight with the Xian Academy in the future, wouldn't it kill them?

This time I have gained so much. Everyone has already learned the taste. Now I can't wait for the next battle to come quickly. Why would anyone want to quit.

At this time, they will have to pay their teeth, and they are not fools.

"If you break through the realm in ten thousand years, really ... can you really not have to hand in?" At this time a weak voice came. Everyone followed and looked. It turned out to be a short man, and at this time someone has noticed that before This guy is just the emperor of the realm now, and now there is already a breath of immortality on his body, it seems that he is about to kick the door.

Feng Yun nodded fearlessly: "Yes, if you break it, you do n’t have to pay it. If you have participated in many battles in the next 10,000 years, and then you break through in 10,000 years, then the five you paid each time in the previous 10,000 years. All the profits can be returned to you, and you can even give you the interest according to the interest rate of Star Bank. "

Hearing this, all eyes brightened.

Tyro listened to the twitch on his face next to him, can this **** still play?

He could see the meaning of Xianxian Academy. Xianxian's self-contained army is definitely not a joke. There are not enough people in Xianxian Academy, so they use this method to control an army. Moreover, through this policy, others are forced to break through, thereby making this army stronger and stronger.

But the situation was not over, he looked at the proud students of Xianxian College again.

"What are you proud of? Students pay 30% and teachers pay 20% as the cost of participating in the war." Feng Yun said coldly. "Then students break through in combat or break through the realm within millennia after the war. Turn in earnings. "

"Don't do it." Suddenly, a group of students immediately burst into tears, why did they have to turn in their earnings? Isn't it too harsh?

"You don't need any money to arrange the formation!" Feng Yun casually said, "Well, just like this, after the war, start to calculate the revenue, and then pay it in accordance with the regulations."

As soon as his words fell, a figure appeared in front of everyone.

A closer look is exactly the pit of the fire ape.

The fire monkey covered his chest, his face pale: "Teacher Wujie, help me quickly ..."

Feng Yun frowned, what this guy wanted to do.

"How to save you?"

"Just give me a few hundred million immortals."

When Fengyun heard this, she flew out of the fire ape and said, "Get off, you are all scammers."

The fire ape was a little embarrassed, spit a **** mouth, and said embarrassingly: "I saw it ... that, originally, I wanted to kill a main demon of the fire demon tribe. Who knows that he was found and killed only one fire demon The great tribe was fulfilled, and he was also slaped by a main god. "

When Feng Yun swept away, he discovered that the fire ape was indeed injured, but there was no danger to his life.

After thinking about it, Fengyun still threw an elixir to the fire ape.

"this is?"

"Seventh turn Jindan, for healing."

Feng Yun said lightly, but when he heard it was Xiandan, the fire ape's eyes flashed.

He had been to the Federation of the Earth. The magical effect of elixir had already been known for a long time, and his face was full of excitement, and he swallowed it without hesitation.

An elixir came down, and the fire ape showed a contented look.

It's so cool.

About half an hour later, he opened his eyes and looked rosy, and then looked forward to the situation with some expectation.


Fengyun shook his head without fear, what do you think? This is a second-order original artifact on top of the seven-turn elixir, and it ’s not bad to give you a cure.

The Fire Ape was a little disappointed, and then he looked at the 600,000 Fire Demon soldiers killed, and the whole person was bad.

"You hold on to the Eagle's Mouth ... Oh my God, how did you do that!"

"How about ~ terrific?"

The fire ape chicken nodded like a rice-cut. It was more than fierce. It was a bunker. I knew I had to take a hammer.

However, the fire monkey turned his head and shook his head: "It is terrible, but there are some things that you should learn more. As a senior, let me give you a lesson next."

With that said, he flew into the sky and entered the main battlefield.

When everyone was weird, I just listened to him shouting: "Xian Xueyuan killed millions of fire demon army, Xian Xuan Academy mighty, Xian Xuan Academy Niubi!"

It seemed afraid that someone could not hear him, and he even shouted a hundred times.

Everyone was stunned at the moment. You are really a master god, a titled general certified by the Military Department.

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