Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1755: Fancy account

? But the effect is really good, everyone on the extraterrestrial battlefield heard it.

The generals of the Seventh Army were all dumbfounded.

What, Xian Xueyuan won, and also killed millions of fire demons. Really and falsely, we made a tens of billions of bets with Xian Xueyuan.

It's over, it's all over, and their hearts are cold and cool.

Ten billion merits is also a great wealth, not everyone is willing to pay.

As for the soldiers of the Fire Demon Army, it is very aggressive at this moment. When have we wiped out millions of troops? How so? Why don't we know what's going on, you **** it is nonsense.

However, the soldiers of the Fire Demon Army did not know these. When they heard that a million people had died, it was the number of the army, and their morale fell suddenly. On the contrary, the morale of the soldiers of the Seventh Legion increased greatly, and the situation of the even balance was immediately inclined.

Tyro saw that all this was aggressive. You really made a great contribution this time.

The fighting continued for another hour, and finally ended.

The aliens retired, but the Seventh Army did not get any good, after all, the strength of the aliens would be stronger.

Three days later, the battlefield was cleaned up, and the Seventh Army entered the rest period again, waiting for the next expedition.

Wang Xing stood on the cliff of Eagle's Mouth and looked into the distance. He looked dignified: "The immortal wars are far faster than we think. They may wait for a century, a millennium, or even a thousand years. The whole army was annihilated. The kind of war that took place over a few days, nights, or even months lied to readers. "

The situation is a little bit ridiculous, but you, the dean, look like a stranger at this time, but you are lamenting this, isn't it a bit off-topic?

The speed of the Jinxian-level strong man is many blocks, and billions of miles are only instantaneous. The strong man slaughters the weak, and can kill a million people with one stroke. Can it be unpleasant to kill?

"The situation is jealous. Do you see the skeletal bones below the Eagle's Mouth Cliff? These dead people are the highest but not the Lord God, and even the Supreme Creator. To be honest, they ca n’t decide the outcome of the war, but they have to look back "On the battlefield." Wang Xing said lightly, a little sad.

The situation is silent and silent.

Why didn't he know that it was only the top powerhouses who could decide the war, but the war between the two universes could not be ignored by anyone. The weak cannot decide the direction of the war, but the weak can only come out of the corpse. This kind of war is like raising a cricket, throwing all resources here like food, and then letting people fight for it. You can't rob others, and if you die, you will die, but the people you grab will keep growing stronger.

In the next few days, Fengyun started to collect the accounts.

If 820 billion merits are exchanged for immortal crystals, it is enough to exchange 820 billion, which is a great fortune.

You must know that in the extraterrestrial battlefield, killing an alien **** is only tens of billions of merits, and even if the fire ape has been fighting for so many years, the alien **** is only a dozen people. The average strength of alien gods is still stronger than that of the universe. The gods of the three major races of the alien race are like the giant gods, and they are crushing to the universe god.

The only advantage this universe may have is that there are too many people.

Just going out and not very optimistic.

The tens of billions of merit is not offered by anyone. Some people use the excuse of retreat to treat injuries. Some people directly say that there is no such thing, and they do not admit to betting at all. Even the commander of the army, Tyro, is useless.

There are so many old Lai!

After all the sighs of fearlessness, looking at the fire ape feels more pleasing to the eye, it seems that this guy is not without reason for the account, the big atmosphere is like this.

After one round, twenty-two people cashed out the bet, and then they received twenty IOUs.

Feng Yun laughed and did not say anything, but the next day Tyro's tent was full.

Only to see that there were sixty generals with swollen noses and swollen faces, and their bodies were fat all over. They were all crying and crying and asked Tyro to decide for them.

Tyro was aggressive, and the situation was really familiar. Wasn't that the case when he was captive.

He instantly thought of what it was, it must be that these guys were not paying the bill, and then they were stunned by the people of Xianxian College. It only pained the sixty main gods overnight, and this **** was too scary, even if he didn't have that strength.

Immortal Academy is so scary!

Tylor now believes what Fire Ape said before. The strong man who killed 122 alien gods overnight on the battlefield outside the realm should really come from the Immortal Academy.

"The commander of the army, unexpectedly, some people attacked sixty generals overnight, including thirty-seven gods under the title, which is simply unforgivable."

"Well, I know. Please rest assured, generals, I will definitely find the killer as soon as possible."

"Head of the army, as soon as possible."

"Rest assured that you go back to heal first, whoever hits the general of our 7th Army, I will not let go."

Tyro said with a lip, but he was totally out of mind.

You have been captive, haven't you got a bit of a hard count in your heart, why haven't the captives of those generals who paid their bets.

After these generals returned, Fengyun went to the account one by one. This time, except for one general, it was really impatient. I wanted to pass Fengyun as soon as possible. This gave a bet. , I feel that the situation is to spread salt on their wounds.

When things go badly, he smiles. It seems that if he doesn't get angry, he won't be angry. Everyone is convinced. You have a good temper.

But immediately afterwards, someone was captive again.

But this time there were only fifty-nine people, and in Tyro's camp, they looked at each other and were all aggressive.

I went, and it turned out that you were captive again.

Wait, someone found out why there was one person missing this time and whether the culprit had missed it this time.

The one who wasn't captured was called the Tiger Clan, and was also a titled general. He was soon summoned by everyone.

Everyone looked at him, why you didn't get jailed this time.

The tiger was terrified. You asked me, who I asked.

But watching other people get stung again, swelled a bit more than before, he laughed without restraint.

Tyro couldn't stand it at this time. He really wanted to ask the generals under his command. Are you a pig? You haven't figured out what happened.

He coughed a little, and said with deep meaning: "Tiger, what did you do yesterday and then you didn't get hit?"

Tiger stunned what it meant.

"You think about it?"

Tyro is speechless. What the **** did you do yesterday, don't you know, the 10 billion merit points, didn't you spend it from your account.

I go to your sister, what are you doing at the ceiling? It's hard to think, but this happened just yesterday, don't tell me you forgot.

In the eyes of everyone's expectations, after thinking about it for a while, Tiger Hu was sure to say: "I should be so handsome. Later, after seeing me, the assailant could not bear to strike me again "Well, it must be like this, it is really handsome enough to do whatever you want."

Everyone is aggressive at this moment, what is the sudden shamelessness.

Besides, you are an orc, a hair, handsome hair.

Tylo is going to explode. You thought about this for a long time, but he couldn't help being angry: "General Tiger Hu, think about it, is there anything else, such as Did you give anything to others. "

"Is it the case that I gave my son a second-order original artifact armor?" Tiger Hu thought for a moment.

"Your sister." Tyro couldn't help swearing, and you couldn't say that you had redeemed the bet, giving Fengyun ten million points of merit. Looking carefully at Hu Yan's look, Tyro suddenly understood. How could this guy not think of it, this is embarrassing to say at all. After all, everyone said that he had a good account together, but he gave it secretly. If he said that, how could he mix in the 7th Army.

The key is to speak out and be easily stung.

Tyro really feels tired, don't you say so, Nima, I'll tell you, I don't want to be entangled by these **** every morning.

"That ... General Tiger Hu, I heard that yesterday the situation went to you again to ask for accounts. It seems that your ten billion merit points have been given."

"What merit?"

The tiger was stunned, and the whole person was not good. You are a bit too much, chief of the army.

At this time, the other generals also glared at the tigers, didn't they say that the good thing depends on the account, you gave it.

Wait, this is not right.

Eventually someone realized what happened, was it because the bet was fulfilled that he wasn't assaulted. I grass, does that mean that the person who stabbed them is Xianxian College, how is this possible? The strength of Xian Academy is so strong, we are still young, don't lie to me.

Along this line of thought, they soon made major discoveries, and sure enough, the 22 people who did not show up on the first day also fulfilled their bets.

In other words, it was all of them who ran into trouble.

Then everyone looked at Tyro, and all of them were speechless. You, the commander of the army, already knew it. You still pretend here and act here.

What else can Tello say, I've been stung like this, can you know?

"Let ’s go back for a while, I will definitely find out the murderer." Tyro said rightly, although everyone knew the killer, but Tyro would not admit it, whoever you love to go to the trouble of Xianxian Academy Who will go, I will not go.

The generals despise it very much. You are also the commander of the army, and you are a seducer.

Tylor is completely indifferent, and whatever you despise, I should be invisible.

After going out ~ ~ so many people discussed it, and some people decided to give it. The strength of this fairy college looked a little strong and could not afford it. However, there are some people who are more iron-headed. I just don't give them a pair. I'd like to see if I can dare to hit me again.

It turns out that Xianxian College still dares.

Because that night, Iron Chain united more than a dozen generals, and was still stabbed.

With so many generals joining forces, it is still unstoppable, which is terrible. As a result, almost no one said the next day, all the things that haven't been given yet, took the initiative to deliver them to cash out the bet.

"Feng Yunwuji, what are you doing? If you don't accept it, you won't give us face." A shameless general, righteous, said that he was not the same as the one who ran into the account before. He was shameless and shameless.

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