Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1756: Divine fluid, Yao Jie wants to break!

Feng Yunwu smiled and said, "You're welcome, the generals are really very welcome. Even if you don't give it, can we still be strong. Betting, it's just entertainment, everyone is too serious."

Upon hearing this, the generals wanted to vomit blood.

Shameless, really shameless.

You now tell us not to take it seriously, we really want to get it back, it is estimated that this face will be swollen tomorrow.

If anyone believes you, that's a real shame.

All the generals fulfilled their bets one after another, and the situation felt like they really made a lot of money this time.

Well, I'm in a good mood.

With so many merits, how many things can be exchanged, it is exciting to think about it.

In another place, the Fire Ape is recruiting people. This time the Red Flame Army wins. Anyway, it seems to him that it can be a recruiting gimmick.

"What are you still doing? Joining the Red Flame Army, a lot of merit points are like white picks. Haven't you seen that the Red Flame Army under my leadership this time, but killed a million aliens? .A small number of Red Flame Army fighters have earned tens of thousands of merits. You join other army, how many battles you have to participate in, in order to achieve such gains. So, do not hesitate, take a bike to become a motorcycle, bet A bet, a motorcycle becomes a jeep ... how bold are people, how productive is the land? How dare you starve and die timidly ... "Hua Ao huddled, and in front of him were tens of thousands of newcomers who had not yet gone.

When these newcomers came in, they had long heard the name of the fire ape, and now they were a little dumbfounded.

Isn't the fire ape a pit haul, when did he lead the Red Flame Army to kill millions of aliens.

"That ... General, I heard that it was the Immortal Academy, not the Red Flame Army, that killed a million fire demons." A weak voice sounded at this time.

Hearing this, everyone looked at it.

Fire ape frowned, what do you mean, tear down my desk?

However, he is not surprised that although these are newcomers, it is difficult to ensure that there are no acquaintances in the extraterritorial battlefields, and these things must not be concealed.

However, the face of the fire monkey was very thick, and he dismissed it at this time: "Xian Academy, what is it? What do you know in that battle? Xian Academy participated in only a thousand people, and our Red Flame Army participated in the war. Look at this number, who played a major role in that war, it must be our Red Flame Army, isn't this clear at a glance. "

Some newcomers are aggressive, it seems to make sense.

The Red Flame Army has more than 10,000 people, and the Immortal Academy has only a thousand people. It is not who the Red Flame Army contributes the most.

"How about, join the Red Flame Army, you can earn meritorious deeds and get soft, killing aliens and vomiting." Fire Ape said excitedly, and he clearly saw that many people were a little moved.

But at this moment, a voice came: "Fire ape, are you lying again?"

The fire ape turned dumbfounded.

This is not someone else, it is his other creditor, the bull **** who hasn't seen him for a long time.

When the fire ape saw the cow **** general, he couldn't help but cursed, "Lao Niu, why aren't you guys dead?"

Niu Shen will not be angry, and smiled and said, "Why, I do n’t need to pay back my **** armor when I die. You are so beautiful. I wo n’t die if you die. I do n’t want to rely on the account."

After speaking, Niu God will look at the newcomers and say loudly: "I tell you, this fire ape is a big flicker, almost all the Red Flame Army soldiers who died with him, his Red Flame Army death rate is at All the troops in our military rank first in the army for a long time, even if the second one is beyond expectations. You can follow him if you want to die, and guarantee that you will be on the battlefield today, and tearful tomorrow. And what he just said Killing a million aliens, in fact, it was a great array of people from the Immortal Academy, and the Red Flame Army soldiers were completely holding on to other people's arrays, and everyone earned so many merits. And this, None of the students and teachers of Renxian Academy were dead, and seven soldiers of the Red Flame Army died, which is a shame. "

In the end, Niu Shen will spit on the fire ape fiercely.

The fire ape is going crazy, seeing that they are going to pull tens of thousands of people into the Red Flame Army, and now all are Huo Huo.

Sure enough, I only saw all the newcomers looking at the Fire Ape in horror. Fortunately, Niu God is in the future, otherwise they will be enlightened.

Niu God is proud of this time: "So, there is no future for the fire ape, and it is very likely to kill you, but if you join our third army, especially my reckless army, don't say How many merit points are earned, at least half of them will be able to leave the extraterritorial battlefield alive. "

Sure enough, many people were excited.

To live these two words is so tempting that no one wants to die.

The fire ape's teeth were tickling, he watched as the bull **** would really want to go up and beat him.

"Well, if you are willing to follow me, now go to the Third Army Regiment." Niu Shen will be proud to take a group of people and leave.

The fire ape was in a hurry at this time, and it was so difficult for so many recruits to come, how could it be possible to let the dead cows round the ball.

What to do, what to do at this time?

Suddenly, he thought of a good idea: "Everyone wait a moment, at this time I can only tell you the truth, in fact, I am not recruiting for the Red Flame Army, but for the Immortal College. Yes, you did not hear it wrong, just Fairy College. You have joined the Red Flame Army in name, but the Red Flame Army cannot be an army at all, so you will fight with the Xian Academy in the future. You just heard what the dead cow said. The formation method can kill millions of aliens. When you fight together, you will definitely be able to earn as much as the current Red Flame Army soldiers. "

I had to follow the tens of thousands of new people who left, but I couldn't help but stop at this moment.

They are stunned and can fight with Xian Xueyuan. Really?

You need to know the record of Xianxian Academy in this battle. It is too dazzling. The students and teachers of Xianxian Academy and the more than 10,000 people in the Red Flame Army are envied by many people.

"I heard that a mid-god of the Red Flame Army earned more than one million meritorious points in this battle, and other spoils are worth immortal crystals."

"I also heard that Xianxian Academy is very powerful. Their big team can trap the enemy and then kill the aliens in the big array. The aliens will not resist."

"If I can really fight with the Xian Academy, I won't go to the Third Army, as long as I follow the people in the Xian Academy, at least the security is guaranteed.


Many people said, slowly moving closer to the fire ape.

Niu Shen will be stunned. He looked at the tens of thousands of people who were going to follow him, and only less than a third were left.

At this time, everyone is not stupid, who can hold the thighs of Xianxian Academy, who is still following you.

"How's that?" Fire ape was so proud, feeling a sigh of anger.

"Dead monkey, you're ruthless, but you promised them, when the Xianxian Academy won't accept them, I see what you should do." Then, Niu Shen hummed away.

The fire ape didn't mind it, and brought people back first.

When he arrived at the Immortal College station, the fire ape went up and said, "Teacher Fengyun Wuji, these are the new fighters of our Red Flame Army, and they will give them to you in the future."

The situation is fearless and silent, and it's all up to me.

The fire monkey said quite shamelessly: "I can't help it, now the Red Flame Army will not talk about this person, and after fighting with your fairy college, you look at those people, no one wants to listen to me, They listen to your immortal college now. Anyway, I don't care, you must take my red flame army to fight. Well, there is me, you must also take me. In the future, we will have the red flame army, and of course me. It will be raised by your college. "

Fengyun could not help but rolled his eyes, this is not old age, raise a fart.

However, looking at the fire monkey, it is completely intended to rely on the immortal college.

It's just that the fire monkey's heart has another idea. I'll follow your fairy college first, and when I find an opportunity, I will usurp the position directly, and you will all listen to me at that time.

Thinking of the excitement, the fire monkey smiled excitedly, he felt that he was really too smart, and even learned to save the country by curve.

In the end, Feng Yun discussed with Wang Xing and felt that since Xianxian Academy wanted to control a legion, they could also accept these people.

The list of these people soon appeared on Wang Xing's desk, plus more than 10,000 Red Flame Army fighters, the total number of Red Flame Army people has reached 37,000.

In an instant, thirty years passed.

In these three decades, no major war has occurred, but minor wars have continued.

The 37,000 Red Flame Warriors also made a lot of contributions.

Of course, they said that they are Red Flame Army soldiers. In fact, everyone knows that they are only anchored in the Red Flame Army. The real commander is Xian Xian Academy.

In a small world, here is the practice space developed by Wang Xing for students and teachers to practice in the extraterrestrial battlefields, which is directly above the Eagle's Mouth Cliff.

Yao Jie was shrouded in energy at this moment.

These energy fluids are nothing else. In fact, they are refined from the energy of immortal stones and immortal crystals, forming a kind of liquid concentrated energy, also known as divine fluid.

Generally, 10,000 pieces of immortal crystals are needed for one pound of divine fluid to be refined, and converted into immortal stones, that is 100 million immortal stones.

If you can practice with divine fluid, if it is not a high-level god, then it must be a tyrant.

After all, even if it is a higher god, it must first be used with immortal stones. Because immortal stones can be dug by themselves, unless the immortal crystal is lucky, otherwise it is difficult to find the veins with immortal crystals.

Also on the battlefield outside the domain, immortal crystal can get some, after all, as long as ten points of merit can be exchanged for an immortal crystal.

However, even an immortal crystal is not long enough for the lower gods to cultivate. If it is fast, it may be absorbed in two or three days, and if it is slow, it will take 10 days and a half months.

After reaching the immortal realm, expanding his kingdom of God is simply a bottomless pit.

The weight of a small thousand world can become the lower **** ~ ~ The weight of three hundred small thousand worlds can become the middle god, and the weight of one thousand small thousand worlds can become the upper god.

To be honest, as long as there are enough **** crystals, honest cultivation, all the way to the top of the gods is just a matter of time.

Yao Jie practiced with divine fluid, to be honest it was already extravagant.

In fact, these divine fluids are only one hundred catties. The exchange price of one catty is 200,000 merit points, and one hundred catties is 20 million merit points, which exactly empties Yao Jie's family during this time.

With so many merits, it can be exchanged for two million immortal crystals, which is twice the energy contained in these divine fluids.

However, Yao Jie did not do this, because Shenye absorbed much better than Immortal Crystal, which allowed him to break through to the realm of God in the shortest time.

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