Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1757: Military plan

? So constantly absorbing the divine fluid, Yao Jie's fairyland is constantly expanding.

Already approaching the mass of six hundred Xiaoqian world.

"Five hundred and ninety-four, five hundred and ninety-five ..."

Yao Jie groaned, and also used these divine fluids to temper his body.

The exercises he practiced were created by Hongmeng and Linmonte for him, but they were no worse than Qin Yu's star-changing exercises, and the effects of the built-in exercises were stronger.

As long as you keep practicing, you can temper your body to the point of fourth-order **** body all the way.

"Five hundred and ninety-eight, five hundred and ninety-nine."

Although Yao Jie is full of confidence, he is also dignified at this moment.

Three days later, he felt a strange power emanating from his body. This power was nothing else, in fact it was the power of the immortal kingdom.

When the immortal kingdom reaches 600 masses, the power of the immortal kingdom can be projected across space.

At this moment, a ghost of the fairyland has condensed behind Yao Jie.

This phantom seems to be deep in the infinite space, mysterious and ancient, and even some vicissitudes.

It stands there and can be perceived by others.

It is not nothing but real.

"Jinxian is second-level."

Yao Jie muttered, and slowly collected Xianguo again.

The immortal kingdom, which is equivalent to the gods of the gods, is the same in nature.

But generally, even if it is fighting, no one will expose his kingdom.

Because once you reveal the kingdom of God, as long as others break your kingdom of God, you will lose the source of strength and your strength will inevitably drop.

After Yao Jie broke through, he went out.

The space on the extraterritorial battlefield is extremely unstable. This kind of cultivatable space is extremely precious. If it is not for the purpose of breakthrough, it will not be used by Yao Jie.

Wang Xing's residence, here is a space of his own, even if he passes by here under the King of God, he will not be aware of him.

But Yao Jie naturally knew it.

After he broke through the realm, the first thing he thought of was to come here.

For nothing else, if you generally break through the realm, proactively tell the dean, and you will probably get a reward.

And this reward is given by the dean alone, and it is not included in the college's reward, unless it is silly.

So Yao Jie is here now for the reward of Wang Xing.

Wang Xing seems to have known that Yao Jie would come, and smiled and said, "Yes, I broke through so quickly. Although the Jinxian Level 4 or below is mainly to accumulate energy and expand your fairyland world, but you can only use After less than 10,000 years, you have broken through from Jinxian Level I to Jinxian Level II, indicating that your body adapts quickly to the increasing fairy power and is worthy of praise. Here is a pair of my favorite boots, belonging to the second-order original artifact level Can increase your movement speed by 30% and your leg strength by 10%. "

After Yao Jie heard it, he was very excited.

The armor he wears, the gloves on his hand and the long sword he uses are all second-order original artifact levels. With a pair of combat boots, he can almost get a second-order original artifact set.

It's just that the Inner Armor, Glove and Long Sword are easy to find, and the boots are too scarce.

Mainly because the boots themselves are half magic weapons, the level of the first-order original artifact is better, and it can reach the level of the second-order original artifact, and its value is comparable to that of a third-order original artifact.

If it is exchanged for merit points, it will cost hundreds of millions of merit points, and this breakthrough only cost 20 million merit points.

So, can Yao Jie be excited?

"Hold it."

Wang Xing said, a pair of black boots floating in front of Yao Jie.

Yao Jie immediately caught it, and then simply refined it a bit, then took off the first-order original combat boots on his feet and put on this second-order original artifact level.

With a wave of his hand, Wang Xing looked at Yao Jie who was excited like a child, and jumped and fell. He was so speechless that he had to hurry him away.

The news of Yao Jie's breakthrough was naturally beyond concealment, and it spread quickly. Of course, Yao Jie's boots were too conspicuous.

The second-order original artifact-level combat boots, he is currently the first one worn by students.

In addition, I heard that there will be rewards for Yao Jie's breakthrough, and it is enviable.

The benefits of breakthroughs are too great, so other students are struggling to break through.

Yao Hao's residence, Yin Haojun found: "Yao Jie, you now have second-order original artifact level boots, how about giving me the first-order original artifact level?"

Yao Jie hehe, you know that you are doing this idea.

You need to know that even if it is a first-order artifact of the original art, if you exchange it, you will need millions of merits.

"The pair of boots I replaced are actually average."

"How can it be called ordinary, that is a super boot from the mech family, which can increase the speed by 10% and the attack power by 3%. I am still wearing a fifth-tier Force weapon-grade alloy combat boots. It ’s because the hungry man is hungry. "

"I have foot odor, do you want this too?"

"Yes, of course. Smelling your feet smells more motivating to me."

"My feet are too big and you may not be able to wear them."

"It's okay. I've made my feet longer. I learned the method of change. You don't have to worry."

Yao Jie listened, completely speechless: "One million achievements."

"Our relationship, it's hurting to talk about merit."

"Not talking about merit, hurting money."

"Ha ha!"

"Just a million merit points, don't you want to, don't forget."

"Yes, why not."

Yin Haojun said immediately, the fool didn't want it.

He originally intended to exchange a pair of boots. At the exchange price, it usually costs several million. The good ones are worth ten million points, and Yao Jie's replacement boots are sold to him for one million. He is earning blood.

However, in Xianxian Academy, it is only him who can do this. Most people really don't have such a thick skin.

In the following decades, more than a dozen people broke through the realm one after another.

Among them, Ye Ying and Xia Yumo were among them, and Wang Xing also rewarded them for their breakthrough.

Extraterrestrial battlefields, the military.

In a very hidden space, the outside of the space is surrounded by a giant world tree leaf, which is used to isolate the induction of the universe's original laws.

"Everyone is here, so let's open the door to see the mountain." A low voice sounded. "The investigation results of the array method of Xianxian Academy came out. This array method was called the Jiuqu Yellow River Array by Xianxian Academy. You can use immortal crystals. The arrangement, if less, hundreds of thousands of immortal crystals can be arranged, if more, billions or even tens of billions can be. However, the power of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is also related to the number of immortal crystals. This sixty years Inside, there are less than 40,000 people from the Xian Academy plus the Red Flame Army relying on the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, and then introducing aliens into the battle. The number of aliens killed has exceeded two million, and the casualties are only a hundred. This is simply a miracle. "

In the space, all nine figures are a little shocked.

Killing two million enemies and killing only a hundred people was a terrible record.

"Although the Jiuqu Yellow River Array cannot take the initiative to attack, UU reads, but it is the most suitable for defense. You can think about it, if we arrange such large arrays in the fortresses everywhere, the alien army If you want to break through, is the difficulty tenfold? So the above means that we can get the Jiuqu Yellow River Array as soon as possible, and then promote it in various legions. "The man continued, the Jiuqu Yellow River Array is really significant.

The other eight people also nodded, and the French military department really had to master it.

This is a big killer on the battlefield, and it can even determine the future direction of the war.

"Of course, it is best to let Xianxian Academy surrender the Jiuqu Yellow River Array actively, if you pay some price, after all, this Xianxian Academy still has some strength, and they are also ourselves." The man said, looking at a People, "Dragon, this matter is left to you to do, and try to keep the price we pay the lowest."

A fuzzy figure nodded and said coldly, "OK."

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