Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1759: Are you guys really

The immortal college resident looked far into the distance.

"what happened?"

Fire Monkey said strangely, he also looked outside, and then frowned.

He felt a strong momentum and was very aggressive.

The visitor is not good!

"The military department is here, but this is also expected by our college. The Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is of great importance and can be used to change the situation in the flood and battlefields. The ministry really has a hidden **** king. I didn't even notice it before. But the dean noticed it a long time ago and made me ready in advance. "Feng Yun said lightly.

Fire ape was surprised: "Is there a **** king in the military department to the Honghuang battlefield?"

He's such a daddy, he didn't even know.

He is a general of the Red Flame Army. Isn't this qualified to know?

Feng Yun smiled wistfully, and then looked at the fire ape with a meaningful smile: "Fire ape, there is something you need to help, this military commander came over, and definitely wanted to take the Jiuqu Yellow River Array from us. To tell the truth, the Jiuqu Yellow River Array is understandable to the military. After all, this is related to the situation in the entire battlefield outside the world. We at Xian University are not selfish people. In places like this, when the timing is almost the same ... this matter is done, and I can give you some compensation. "

The fire ape froze and was dumbfounded.

What is this? Should I let him take care of it, should I refuse it or refuse it?

"Well, who do you think of me, but I am a general in the military department, how can you be bought by your sugar-coated shells. If you look for me, that's the wrong person. I still have some fire drills. Fire Monkey said coldly, a look of disdain on his face.

"A third-order original artifact-level helmet." Feng Yun said with no worries and amusement, with a smile on his face.

I don't know who you are yet.

Now I swear to tell me what kind of conduct is waiting for me to make an offer.

"Hehe, it ’s true to see people. For the military department ’s clever behavior, I will do it without compensation. You do n’t want to be a member of the military department, I am ashamed of them. So if you ask me about this matter, You're right, I'm working, you can rest assured that this matter has been done beautifully for you, and there is no trace at all. "The fire ape immediately showed a charming smile, and it was just like two people just now.

A third-order original artifact-level helmet is more precious than a third-order original artifact-level inner armor. He had long wanted to get one.

It is a pity that he is too poor, and the second is that the third-level original artifact-level helmet is too scarce, even scarce than the combat boots.

Now I just need to line up a few words by myself to get a third-order original artifact. Let alone let him pit the **** king of the army, he can pit his father and mother. Is there no guilt?

If a **** king can get a third-order original artifact, he can hang to the immortal college and go bankrupt.

"It's all about one word." Feng Yun no longer said anything.

Half an hour later, Tyro came over with the dragon.

Wang Xing knew it the first time, but Long Yan wasn't worth his appearance yet.

"Feng Yun Wujie, are you here? I'll introduce you to someone who is a commander from our military. You can call him Commander Long Yong. Commander Long Yong comes from Shenhe and I heard you immortal college It was shocking to kill two million aliens with the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. ”Tyro said, deliberately saying that the five words of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array are very heavy, which is already clear.

Feng Yun looked at Long Yan with no worries, his face was cold, like who killed his family.

The fire ape was also a little nervous, and the chief of the military department was also regarded as his superior, and the other party was still a **** king.

Ordinary immortality is even a natural gift, but as long as you are willing to endure hardships and add a little luck, it is not a problem to cultivate to the Lord God. But the **** king of the seventh order of immortality cannot be reached by hardship and a little luck.

Every strong person who becomes a God King is someone with great perseverance, determination, and fortune.

One of the one million immortals can reach the realm of the Lord God.

But within 100 million immortals, there may not be an immortality that can reach the realm of God King.

The God King is already high-end immortal, and is different from the Lord God.

As for the supreme **** and the most extreme cosmic god, they are all counted in the entire universe, and each of them is enough to affect the survival of the entire universe.

"You are the master **** of the immortal college. Seeing your cultivation has reached the peak of the **** god realm, but there are still many gaps to break through the **** king realm. Say where is the dean of your immortal college and let him Come to see me, I heard that he is also a **** king, but he can barely talk to me on an equal footing. "Long Yan said very proudly, and did not take the situation seriously.

The King of God's shelf is large and full.

Feng Yun was not jealous and angry, but said helplessly: "The dean of our academy did not come to the extraterritorial battlefield. His old man is either teaching the students at the academy at the moment, or he is in retreat. It may be disappointing for Mr. Long to see our dean I'm really sorry. But the dean once said that everything in the extraterritorial battlefield will be left to me to handle, so there is nothing the same as what I have discussed with me.

But Fengyun said with no worries, but in my heart I looked down on this dragonfly.

It looks like you're so bullying and cowardly, you have to talk to our dean, but the dean is in a space not far away from you, you found it.

"Do you really have full authority?" Long Yu looked suspiciously at the situation, and only talked to you as the main god. I haven't settled on your college yet. I dare not resist the conditions I have said.

Tyro was also surprised. He thought he could see the dean of Xianxian College this time.

It seems that he thinks too much.

"I testify that Fengyun Wuji can represent Xianxian College." Tyro resolutely said at this time. Since Fengyun said so, of course he chose to believe that Fengyun was not fearless.

The fire ape couldn't plug in at all, and could only watch.

Long Yu nodded: "Okay, then I'll talk to you. Although your immortal college has done great work in the flood field, killing a million aliens, but your immortal college's own army is not in line with the military. Regulations. Your immortal academy is not yet qualified to become an army and must be banned. "

Does this begin?

Feng Yun was not jealous or angry, and smiled: "Is there any misunderstanding of Captain Long Mao about our own army? Although we say it is an independent army, it is actually limited to the Seventh Army. But it ’s not in the entire military department. The commander of the 7th Regiment Tyro has also signed an agreement with us. Is the agreement between the commander of the Tyro Corps and us invalid? "

Tyro suddenly became embarrassed and knew that the fire was about to burn onto him.

Long Yu didn't have much respect for Tyro, and said directly: "That's natural. A self-made army is a special treatment of the military. Tyro is just a small army commander and is not qualified to sign this. So, The self-contained military agreement in your hands is naturally invalid. "

Feng Yun looked at Tyro with no worries, and found that he was crying and looked helpless.

After all, a higher level of crushing people, coupled with this one level higher than their own opponents, then it is more complete.

Long Yan will never give him a bit of face, and even anxious to step on him.

"I really can't retain the right of our own college to be an independent army?" Feng Yun looked at Long Yan without fear, but you were quite capable of acting, didn't you just wait for me to say this sentence.

"Regulations are regulations, and there is no way to do it. Unless it is your immortal academy that can now prove your strength to the military department, or if you have any special contribution, the military department may allow you to become your own army." Tao, it is certainly impossible to prove strength. He is implying that Xianxian College handed over the Jiuqu Yellow River Array as a special contribution. Otherwise, the end of your own army.

The fire ape is very speechless. The chief of the military is really shameless, more shameless than me.

Isn't this the kind of forcing the Immortal College to hand over the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, and it's still the kind of price you don't want to pay.

"So what ..." Feng Yun struggled wistfully, and Long Yan was proud.

Do you really understand what I mean? The Lord God is the Lord God. He cannot bear the coercion of the God King at all, and can only obey.

Jiuqu Huanghe Zhen is in hand.

"That being the case, then we will build the Academy immediately." Feng Yun suddenly raised his head and looked at Long Yan with a smile, "The commander of the Tyro Corps and the General Fire Ape, then we will immediately Pack up and leave. You know, our academy didn't really want to come to the extraterritorial battlefield, you have to invite our academy to participate in the war. But now that the military department is not very friendly to our academy, we will go back home. I won't disturb you. "

Suddenly, Tyro was dumbfounded.

Long Yan also threatened ~ ~ The fire monkey is a very surprised look.

Really go?

Your college is on the extraterritorial battlefield. Now is the time when the wind and the water rise. I do n’t know how much wealth is received every day. At this time, it is true or false to withdraw.

After Feng Yun had finished speaking, she went out to arrange immediately, and she looked in a good mood.

It seems that leaving the extraterritorial battlefield is simply not desirable.

"Commander-in-chief of Longhua, if this immortal academy really left, it would be our military department that lost it." Tailuo said rightly, expressing anger, but it blossomed in his heart.

He really admires Xian Academy now, you guys are really new.

Now that you have won a day's worth of merits and trophies, but you can just walk and leave without hesitation at all, but this will take the dragons into the army.

Sure enough, Long Yan's face was iron-blue, and he never expected that Fengyun would be so unreasonable to play the card.

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