Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1760: Fight now!

After Feng Yun went out, he soon received the news that Xianxian Academy was leaving the extraterritorial battlefield.

Many students and teachers already knew what was going on, pretending to pack up, and looked like they were going home to celebrate the New Year.

A group of soldiers of the Red Flame Army don't know. It feels like a thunderbolt on a sunny day. If the people of the Immortal Academy are gone, where will they earn so much credit.

They are all used to the existence of the Immortal Academy, and even the entire Seventh Army is the same.

"Well, are you still there? Isn't the Commander in Chief Longxuan worried? We feel that our Xianxian Academy has a set of things on the surface and a set of things on the back. It may not really leave the extraterritorial battlefield, so we stay here to continue to monitor us. You can rest assured, I We guarantee that at the latest this afternoon, none of the teachers and students in our college will leave, and we will not come to the extraterritorial battlefields without the approval of your military department. "Fengyun Wuji said.

Tyro really wanted to laugh, and he was so nice.

Aren't you a cow, aren't you putting a **** on the shelf, now it's hard to ride a tiger.

The fire ape was also aggressive, and sent a message to Fengyun Wuji: "Fengyun Wuji, is your college going to leave, or is it going to leave, don't play me! If you really leave, Chiyanjun The group of bear cubs has not turned against the sky. "

Feng Yun was speechless, and said, "You are afraid that when the time comes, the entire Red Flame Army will run without even one person. At that time, the Red Flame Army will really exist in name."

What can the fire ape say? He's okay when he dies, but the red flame army's name must be retained.

This army is his life, his life.

At this time, Long Yan hummed, "The situation is frightening, you have won. I don't care if your college is really about to withdraw from the extraterritorial battlefield, or if it is fake, from the extraterritorial battlefield, but the Jiuqu Yellow River Array must stay and be handed over to the army The Jiuqu Yellow River Array is of great significance to the flood battlefield and even other extraterritorial battlefields. To a certain extent, it can determine the war situation on the extraterritorial battlefields, and the military department is bound to win. "

Tyro knew he could take the initiative to say this, and Long Yan had already lost the first game.

The situation was also jealous at this time: "Leader Commander Long, have you come from the Yellow River Formation of our Academy for the first time? What did you just say that our Xian Academy is not qualified to be an army, but If you want to force us, then Fan Ye. I really did not expect that the commander-in-chief of the military department would do such a thing, it is incredible. If I remember correctly, our fairy college is already a member of the League of God. We can appeal to the League of God. "

Long Yan frowned, and the army was formed by the League of Gods.

If the military department cleverly seizes things that are robbed of others, it is because they knowingly commit crimes, and the impact will be great.

Tai Luo looked at the situation with shock, and your mouth was really poisonous. Long Yao hadn't managed to win it, and you snapped this big hat on.

But it's really cool.

Immortal college persisted, the situation persisted, and it was like this.

Whatever **** **** king, don't take him seriously.

Long Yan glanced at Fengyun Wuji, he finally saw it now, Fengyun Wuji was definitely a hard stubble.

If in private, he could be oppressed by force, but at the moment Tyrone and Fire Ape are here. If he does this, the matter will spread throughout the entire battlefield in the next day.

"Where the teacher Fengyun Wuji said, I did not make a fool of winning the Jiuqu Yellow River Array of your immortal college. It is because your immortal college did not conform to the process. I just pointed it out. As for the military department, the Jiuqu Yellow River is needed. Array, that's another matter, and can't be confused. After all, even if you go back at this moment, our military will come to ask for the Jiuqu Yellow River Array for the infinite souls of the entire universe.

Feng Yun smiled wistfully. This dragonfly talked nonsense, and it didn't make any more sense than the fire ape.

Those who can practice above the Lord God have no thin-skinned people.

"The Jiuqu Yellow River Array was researched by hundreds of thousands of teachers in our college for several years, and the research funding invested has been incalculable. The military department sought the Jiuqu Yellow River Array for the sake of the universe. We have no reason to disagree. But What we spent ... you should let us collect the cost of R & D back, right? "Fengyun laughed wistfully.

Yes, how can such a formation be researched without cost.

This is something that even Tyro takes for granted.

He then said: "The commander of the Dragon Clan, the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is truly unparalleled. If it is researched, it will definitely require countless experiments, and each experiment will require the immortal crystal layout. As for manpower, this array method only has to gather Only the wisdom of all people can be researched. Xianxian Academy can research one, and I think there is a lot of luck in it, and it is impossible to research one in the future. "

The fire ape was aggressive, and he looked at Tyro inwardly and scolded him.

Yours, hasn't Xianxian bought you?

"Feng Yun is fearless, you can directly talk about the conditions of Xianxian College." Long Yan looked at Feng Yun without fear, his eyes were like a torch.

The situation was frightening, and he couldn't see where.

Since it is a doomed thing for Xianxian to present the formation method, it is nothing more than asking for benefits.

Feng Yun smiled without hesitation, and no longer hesitated. He said directly: "It seems that the military department is still very reasonable, so I will speak directly. We can reserve the array of the Jiuqu Yellow River array and the layout method without reservation. The military department gave us the following two rewards in order to thank our academy for their contributions. First, 100 million catties of divine fluid. Second, for all wars that used the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, our college took 30% of the war. income."

Hearing this, the fire ape swallowed directly.

His first feeling was that the situation was crazy, and he really dared to mention the conditions. This was simply that the lion spoke too much.

Tylo is also a little aggressive. Although he knew for a long time that the price of Xianxian Academy would not be low, he might even extort the army severely, but it was too high.

Not to mention anything else, that one hundred million pounds of divine fluid will require twenty trillion points of merit to be redeemed.

Killing a main **** is 10 billion merits, and twenty trillion merits is equivalent to 2,000 lives of the main god.

However, compared to this one hundred million pounds of magic fluid, in fact, the 50% of the war proceeds are the most terrifying.

The Honghuang battlefield now has more than one hundred legions, and each legion has more than one hundred troops. It can be said that there is war every day.

For every war that uses the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, the Immortal Academy will have to pump 30%, which is really scarier than wealth, and even far exceeds that 100 million catties of divine fluid.

Long Ling's face was iron-blue, and he thought that the situation was all right, so he asked for a condition, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

"The situation is frightful. You think the value of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is too high. Although our military is inevitable to obtain the Jiuqu Yellow River formation, it has not yet reached a point where it can be agreed. If you are interested, I can decide Give your college a million pounds of divine fluid, which is enough to see your college. After all, even in the entire universe, what is your college's calculations. One million pounds of divine fluid can be obtained at a time, which is enough to be worthy of What you call the cost. "Long Yan said coldly.

Feng Yun was unwilling to listen to this, what is enough to deserve our college.

How much is the value of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array? If it is replaced by several forces at the peak of the universe, it will be at least 100 million catties.

"Do you look down on our academy?" Feng Yun said wistfully, winking at the fire ape, which means that it is time for you to work hard.

"Well, there are so many forces in the universe. Your immortal academy is really nothing. If it is not limited by the system of the League of Gods, I will directly visit your academy and force you to hand over the formation method. What can you do in this universe? Finally, I want to speak with strength and say something bad, except for your dean, everyone else is not qualified to talk to me. "Long Yan said politely," So, a million pounds of divine fluid Just accept it when you see it. "

"That being the case, it seems that there is no need to talk about it." The situation was jealous and angry, and he let out his hands.

Seeing the situation, Long Yan was not stubborn, and he still became angry.

In his opinion, the situation is shameless.

What kind of thing do you think, I am a **** king whispering and telling you this is enough to give you face.

"Commander-in-chief of the dragon, don't be angry, don't be angry. It's not worth fighting with a small character like Xian Xue." At this time, Fire Monkey finally found an opportunity, smiled with a smile, and then he looked at the situation with impunity and irony. Get up, "Feng Yunwuji, if I were you, I would agree to the command of the commander. I know that you have high self-esteem and feel that you are invincible in the realm of the Lord God, not even the King of God. I feel that the **** king is a fart, and it is no better than myself. I have to say that your idea is really ridiculous. Compared with the real **** king, you are like an ant. No, it is not The ants are not as good. "

Fengyun Wuji suddenly looked difficult to look.

Tylor is also a little aggressive, what is going on, is the fire ape guilty of pumping, and how it hurts the situation to come.

Kneeling and licking the dragonfly like this, is it to hold the dragonfly's thigh.

Sure enough, only seeing Long Yan's look relieved, this wave of blows made him feel very good.

"Why, are you still not convinced?" Fire Monkey smirked. "The situation is all right, aren't you a lion opening your mouth? Opening your mouth will require 100 million catties of divine fluid and 30% of the proceeds of war. On the extraterritorial battlefield, everything is necessary Those who rely on strength to speak, our commander is standing here, if you can make ten moves in his hands ... "

Then, the fire ape stopped suddenly.

He looked at Long Ye, a little embarrassed: "Commander-in-chief, I'm a little embarrassed. You look at me as a bitch, really should be pumping."

Talking ~ ~ Fire monkey really gave himself a few big ear scrapers.

"No, you are saying very well." Long Yan smiled and stopped the fire ape. "The situation is jealous. I think this fire ape makes a lot of sense. Whether it is in an extraterritorial battlefield or anywhere, strength is It is the most important. To be honest, if the conditions you mentioned are replaced by ancestral religion, universe arena, adventurer alliance, machinery association, and so on, I may agree. But you have no name in Xian Academy, and do n’t talk about universe **** I do n’t even have a supreme god, how could I promise. This is not unfair, or you are too weak, you do n’t have the strength and qualifications to get so much. Why, it ’s hard to hit, but this is the fact that the universe is so cruel . But I can give you a chance. Since you have high self-esteem and feel that you are invincible in the realm of the Lord God, and I directly defeat you with the realm of the King of God, you may not be able to stop even one move, this is also for you. It's not fair. Then I will suppress the cultivation to the peak of the realm of the Lord God. If you can defeat me and the conditions you set, I promised it. But if I look at it, obviously you don't have this strength at all, Yet even close. "

The fire monkey laughed secretly at this moment, and this guy was really being tricked by himself.

It's up to you.

Fight now!

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