Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1762: Magic fluid

Followed by, he saw the three swords pierce the space and came towards his brows, pointing at the vital points.

Long Yu felt the death crisis.

Yes, it is the crisis of death. This is the instinct of the **** king.

If these three swords penetrated his skull, all his soul would be wiped out.

"Asshole, how could you be so strong, you are really a god?"

Long Yan was about to scold his mother. At this moment, in order to survive, he had to urge the godhead's personality power.

Godhead, kingdom, and body are three.

In this way, this is a true God King and belongs to the true power of God King.

The three swords were blocked by a powerful force within a foot of his eyebrow.

Fengyun frowned without fear. He found that the strength of the godhead was aroused, and in conjunction with the small universe of the king of the gods, the strength of the dragonfly had increased by more than three times.

Is the true power of the **** king really more terrifying than he thought?

"Get out of me!"

After Long Yan blocked Fengyun Wuji, backhand punched Fengyun Wuji.

At this moment he was already embarrassed and angry, completely subconscious.

Fengyun's face changed slightly. If this fist could not be avoided by himself, it was estimated that it would be blasted into a pile of minced meat.

Long Yan seems to be aware of it, but this punch can no longer be recovered.

"Dragon, you have spurred the power of the godhead. This is already the full power of the king of the gods. Not good, teacher Fengyun ..." Tai Luo exclaimed.

"Don't worry." Feng Yun said indifferently, calm down, "I'll just say, this is the true power of the God King. Unfortunately, this is outside the Shenhe, otherwise I must fight for three hundred rounds, See if you can compete with God of War, or even kill God. But now, it seems like that's all there is to it. "

Speaking, the situation of fearlessness suddenly disappeared, and then step by step like a teleportation, quickly away from the dragon cricket billions of miles.

Long Yan's punch seemed to be chasing the situation, but it was always a little worse.

It never seemed to catch up.

Separated from the front line, it is also close to the earth.

What Long Yun thought about, he suddenly breathed dignifiedly, like falling ice cave: "Don't do this. Is it ... the law of time, how can you even master the law of time? How can you realize the four rules by yourself? The rule of time is a first-class rule, which is too terrible. No wonder you dare to fight with me, it turns out that you are well-founded. I never thought that I was the only one who thought I was right from the beginning to the end. May not win you, and it is even more ridiculous to try to defeat you with the cultivation of the Lord God. "

Long Yan could not afford to be frightened, but after Fangyun showed the rules of time, he immediately mentioned Fengyun as being equal to himself.

The key is that Feng Yun's potential is too great. When Feng Yun breaks through to the realm of God King, he feels that he can crush him.

Even now, Fengyun can fight him.

He has only a 60% chance of winning, and this is still the case when there are no other cards.

Tyro was even more stunned, he felt that he was about to know the situation again.

Where is this still a master god, it is basically a pseudo-lord **** with a king-level combat power. It is ridiculous that he still feels that he is about the same as Fengyun.

The Fire Ape was a little confused for a while, and his assist should be considered a success.

"The law of the origin of the universe has come." At this moment Fengyun looked up at the void, where a veteran old man opened his vicissitudes and locked the area.

Long Yu's face changed immediately: "It was the power of the King of God that I just urged, which caught the attention of the law of the universe."

Speaking, he immediately converged all breath.

It took the military department a great price to send him out of the Shenhe River. If he was led back in this way, it would be even more shameful than losing this battle.

After a few minutes or so, the laws of the origin of the universe did not seem to have found the culprit and retreated.

Long Yan breathed a long breath, really dangerous.

The fire monkey immediately came up and said, "Commander, are you okay, are you swollen, are you okay?"

Long Yan looked at Fire Ape, and Shen said, "Are you still recording, this image of me and Fengyun fighting just now ..."

The fire ape seemed to think of it, and panicked, "Commander, I didn't mean it ... I thought you would win. When the law of the origin of the universe came, I interrupted the recording, but you urged it before. The picture of the power of the gods should be recorded on the interstellar network, and it was too late for me to react. "

Hearing this, Long Yan had a big head.

Originally, I didn't want to let Xianxian College take care of it, but now I'm hurting myself. I don't know if it's a stone of my feet.

The Fire Ape secretly winked at Feng Yun's fearlessly, which meant that I was doing pretty well.

The situation is nothing but seeing nothing.

After pondering for a while, Long Ling knew that he still had to face the problem: "The situation is jealous. Although you are not the **** king, you can't deny that you have the power of **** king. When the **** king can't come outside the river of God in large numbers. The military department needs your strength, plus the dean of your immortal college, who is also a **** king, promises that the conditions of your college are not impossible. But I still want to make it clear to you, 100 million pounds. Divine fluid is definitely indispensable for your academy, but the war income of 30% is too much. There will be war damage at that time, is it going to be removed, is the warrior ’s income going to be removed ... You can actually extract it. The proceeds of the war may only be more than 10%, or even less than Chengdu. "

Tyro didn't speak this time, he knew it was inevitable.

If it were replaced by his seventh army, he could share all the spoils of war with the soldiers, and then deduct the war damage from the obtained war merits, and the remaining war proceeds may not be available in Chengdu.

"I know."

Fengyun nodded fearlessly, but even if it was only 10%, it was a terrible fortune.

Long Ning no longer said anything, now it is clear ~ ~ The province was able to dispute afterwards.


Military Department, hidden space.

"Longyan, you really let me down." A cold voice sounded, "100 million catties of divine fluid, and 30% of the proceeds of the war, I will give you to the Immortal Academy according to your promises, after all, countless military fighters We all saw the video of your fight, and I could n’t even deny it. However, your improper handling of this matter has also damaged the face of our military, and you will not receive it for millions of years of salary. "

"Yes." Long Yan nodded, somewhat helpless.

Ten days later, the army came.

One hundred million jins of divine fluid was delivered first, and Fengyun signed it in person, and suddenly the entire immortal college station was boiling.

The teachers are okay, but all the students are waiting to be divided.

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