Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1763: Special assistance, welfare

Where Wang Xing was, Fengyun Wuji waited for more than a dozen teachers to arrive.

Feng Yun thoughtfully and said, "One hundred million jins of divine fluid is not much, but not too much. After all, if the lower **** breaks through to the realm of the mid-level gods, he needs about one thousand jins of divine fluid. The median When God breaks through to the higher god, he needs about three thousand pounds of divine fluid. When the higher **** reaches the peak, he needs five thousand pounds of divine fluid. So many divine fluids are enough for many students to break through the realm, and now we are entering university Students in the Ministry are in need of Divine Fluid. "

Wang Xing nodded: "You're right, the lower **** to the higher god, which is the Jinxian level I to Jinxian level that our college said. This process is mainly to expand your fairyland world and to change your fairyland from The weight of a small world is increased to the weight of a thousand small worlds. If there is sufficient supply of spiritual fluid, this promotion process can be completed soon, and the training time for students will be greatly shortened. "

But for ordinary immortality, a hundred catties of divine fluid is a huge wealth, and it takes them tens of millions of years to make it.

After all, the energy of one hundred catties of divine fluid is equivalent to one million immortal crystals, and ordinary lower gods have not seen so many immortal crystals.

Furthermore, although the energy is equivalent, the divine fluid is easy to absorb and absorbs the same amount of energy. The speed of using the divine fluid is at least ten times that of the immortal crystal.

Therefore, the divine fluid and immortal crystals containing the same amount of energy, the divine fluid is also twice the price of immortal crystals.

The ruthless Emperor thought about it at this time: "In this case, it is better to distribute these divine spirits to those university students who have just broken through and let them break through quickly. Now our college students, even a Jinxian third-level There is no Luo Jinxian, I can't stand it anymore. "

Suddenly, several teachers frowned.

Fengyun gave a cough and said, "That's what we say, but after all, we are an academy, because students in the university department need the magic fluid to give them directly to let other students think. The fairness and justice promoted by our academy is not Child play. "

Many teachers nodded, which is the reason.

"Then what do you say, now the freshmen in the university department urgently need the breakthrough of the divine fluid, and since we have these divine fluids, do we still have to put them in the warehouse to mold it? The students of the university department also contribute the most to the college. Divine fluid is given to them directly as a reward. If anyone else feels unfair, they also break through to the golden fairy realm. Without that ability, do n’t be jealous of others. It ’s like a secular college. You ca n’t study well and do n’t get scholarships. Is it possible to blame others for their failure to learn. I think that doing so will actually inspire other students. "The ruthless emperor insisted.

Feng Yun was silent at this time, and he had to admit that the ruthless emperor said something reasonable.

Maybe this is unfair, but for students, as long as they break through the Jinxian realm, it is equivalent to going straight to Jinxian III in the future. It may not be an incentive.

Several teachers were persuaded and began to support the ruthless Emperor.

Gradually, more than a dozen teachers were noisy.

Wang Xing was also thinking at the moment, and he actually felt that the words of the ruthless emperor made sense.

Although the college is a college, it is not compulsory education. Besides, even if it is compulsory education, there are still high school entrance examinations and college entrance examinations. If you fail to pass the examination, you will still be eliminated.

The last two parties were so angry that Wang Xing quickly interrupted them.

"Teachers, you don't have to argue anymore. What you are saying is reasonable. I will combine your opinions and come up with a plan. For the time being, teachers should first appease the students and tell them to follow the college arrangements and not take the lead Hearing. Those who take the lead in trouble will definitely be punished by the college. "Wang Xing said, looking outside, many students were waiting for the college to send welfare.

There is no such group of students.

After three days.

Wang Xing's plan came out, it was indeed a compromise plan.

"From now on, all first-year students of the college can enjoy the special academy assistance benefits. Details of the benefits: one task point can exchange up to ten kilograms of divine fluid, and each student can accumulate up to ten thousand kilograms of divine fluid. You can redeem from the beginning, please consult the Fengyun Wuji teacher directly if you want to redeem in the flood field. "

All the students were shocked when they saw the news.

Ten thousand catties of divine fluid is equivalent to the energy contained in one hundred million immortal crystals, which is enough for many people to cultivate all the way to the peak of Luojinxian.

The key is to redeem this jin of divine fluid. The merit points required are only a thousand points. This is not the price of cabbage. Is it simply giving away?

After all, students in the university department, who have not yet had a thousand mission points.

When Fengyun saw it, he came to find dozens of students at the first time, and nodded secretly: "One thousand pounds of Divine Liquid can ensure that most students practice all the way to the peak of Da Luo Jinxian, but they want to further break through to Jinxian 4 The level of mixed Yuan Jinxian realm requires everyone's own understanding. Furthermore, each student is limited to a maximum of 10,000 kilograms of divine fluid, and the college can afford it. "

Almost all of the students in the university department came to exchange money. The most directly exchanged 10,000 kilograms, and the lesser exchanged more than 1,000 kilograms.

Even Su Yu and Liu Fan are no exception. They need breakthroughs if they want to break through.

In the next few days, the entire college was quiet. All the students who had exchanged the divine spirit worked hard to practice. Those students who were still in the realm of the Holy Fairy also started to impact the realm of the Golden Fairy with their teeth.

After all, as soon as they enter the realm of Jinxian, there will be 10,000 pounds of divine fluid waiting for them.

Even if it is only for this million pounds of magic fluid, we must break through.

Otherwise, I always feel a little lost.

Fire Ape is very proud recently, and Feng Yun has promised to give him his third-order original artifact-level helmet. For the first time, he took his helmet to all the camps of the Seventh Army and turned around. For the virtue of fire ape, Wang Xing is extremely speechless. You're so proud. Now Long Ye is still in the drum, so he didn't come to you to settle the bill. When he came to his senses, he felt good about you.

In the following fifty years, students from Jinxian level 1 broke through to Jinxian level 2 ~ ~ This is absolutely good news.

Because there will only be more students breaking through.

At the same time, when they sent the Shenye, they took away the layout and layout of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. Feng Yun also served as a technical consultant for one year, explaining the formation knowledge to the military. After three years, the military's Jiuqu Yellow River Array began to be used in extraterritorial battlefields, killing aliens was frightened. This directly led to the aliens now being suspicious, always feeling like the array was arranged in front.

When the military took the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, the college also signed an agreement with the military. At that time, the military department wrote that the military department would take the formation method of Xianxian Academy, and then give Xianxian Academy 100 million pounds of divine fluid, 30% of the proceeds of war and the like. Fortunately, Feng Yun received a voice from Wang Xing, and specially asked the military to change the content to the Jiuqu Yellow River Array of the Army's access to the Immortal Academy.

At that time, Long Ye was still aggressive, what ’s the difference? Your school ’s formation method does not refer to the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation.

Feng Yun laughed without saying a word, Long Ling didn't understand, but he knew what it meant.

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