Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1764: 300 years, harvest!

Honghuang battlefield, alien army.

In the past 50 years, the alien race has suffered severe damage, and plans to enter the hinterland of the main universe have stalled, and the alien race has begun to show signs of decline.

To this end, senior military leaders had to convene meetings to discuss solutions.

In the dim space, high-ranking aliens appeared one after another, with a total of seven people.

Although these seven people dressed up in different ways, all of them had reached the realm of God King.

"Since fifty years ago, the various legions of the League of God began to arrange a peculiar formation, called the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. This array is very powerful. After falling into it, our soldiers cannot tell the direction and cannot leave. And they will gradually lose their minds, and eventually become powerless to fight back, and can only be killed one by one. According to statistics, in these 50 years, we have sacrificed more than 30 million soldiers. "A low The sound sounded.

Hearing this, the other six were frowning.

30 million alien soldiers, this is not a small number, and it is only fifty years.

"In the past, we fought against the League of Gods because our fighters were generally stronger than them. The casualty ratio on the extraterritorial battlefields. When we died alone, they would die more than three. But the appearance of this formation method, the casualty ratio of our two sides. It's already one to one. "When it came to this, the man's face was a little angry.

The one-to-one ratio seems to be fine, but it is really a big problem.

Aliens in this universe, after all, are invading races, and they have fewer people. If they die like this, they are not far from extinction.

"The League of God's luck is really good enough to get such a battlefield killer. Now the League of God's military department is only initially familiar with this formation, after they use it handily. At that time, our situation will only be more Not good. Therefore, we must find a way to solve the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation as soon as possible, and only in this way can we fundamentally solve the current disadvantageous situation. "A woman with a purple scale armor and a purple unicorn said lightly.

A Jiuqu Yellow River Array made them difficult, which is how they never thought of.

To continue the war, we must find a way to crack the Jiuqu Yellow River Array.

"Fuck, where did this array come from?" A burly man scolded.

"It is said that it was a training institute called Xianxian College, which was researched at a great cost. It first appeared in the direction of Yingzui Cliff, and the fire was encountered by this formation, and it was finally destroyed by the army. I have to say that this Xianxian College It's also good luck. Such a magical array can also be studied. However, there should be only one such array, and it can certainly be studied for a lot of luck. "The low voice replied.

The Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is really amazing.

After receiving Long Yan, he handed in a copy to the headquarters of the League of Gods. At that time, some of the supreme gods in the military department were amazed after watching it. They felt that even if they deduced for hundreds of millions of years, they might not be able to study such an array.

Now it seems to aliens, why not?

Therefore, they also think that this was accidentally researched by Xianxian Academy, which is mixed with the ingredients of walking dog shit, and it is almost impossible to research such a matrix method.

As long as they have cracked the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, the advantage of the League of God will disappear.

"Princess Nisi, I know that you are very researched on the star array and energy operation of the Shenhe civilization, and the Nine Songs Yellow River array is a combination of star array and energy operation as I observe. Therefore, I hope you can Take the lead and find the solution to the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. "The low voice slowly said.

The purple scale armor woman froze, and then nodded her head.

At this time, someone must find a solution to the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, and she is naturally responsible.

After all, the Jiuqu Yellow River Array is currently only on the flood battlefield, and even if the strong aliens in Shenhe want to help crack it, it is beyond their reach.

"The other five commanders, you also take care of the people below, so that they try not to fight with the Alliance of God ’s League troops who have deployed the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. Now we have not found a way to crack the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, so don't give up. Well, this meeting ends here, and it's time to see Princess Nisse. "The low voice added another sentence.

"I try," Niss said.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye it was three hundred years.

In these three hundred years, the League of Gods army relied on the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, and the aliens killed did not dare to rise.

The aliens are stuck in the current territory, let alone into the universe hinterland of the Shenhe civilization, and even their own territory is now almost impossible to maintain.

For three hundred years, according to statistics, more than 200 million aliens died of war.

This is 200 million immortals, and just think about how terrifying it is.

On the side of the League of Gods, the three hundred years have passed quite comfortably. Even the headquarters of the League of Gods in the Shenhe River feels light pressure.

With a matrix method to kill 200 million aliens, the price paid is only 100 million catties of divine fluid, and 30% of the proceeds of war are really worth it.

Here at Xianxian College, these three hundred years will only be more comfortable.

Thanks to the large amount of cultivation resources obtained from the flood field, many students have broken through the realm one after another.

According to the latest student statistics, there are 309 students in the university department, including 269 Jinxian level 1, 40 Jinxian level II, and Jinxian III level are currently unavailable. In the high school, there are 9,827 students, of which there are 2,323 students in the third-year high school realm of immortal realm, 3,271 students in the second high school senior Yuanxian realm, and 4,233 students in the high school first-class metaphysics realm.

In addition, there are 23,329 students in the junior middle school and 28,923 students in the primary school.

Immortal College has a total of 62,388 students.

As for teachers, there are currently 652 full-time teachers at Xianxian College. Among them, Jinxian Level 7 Mixed Yuan Wuji Jinxian Realm is still only Jiang Lan, but Jinxian Level 6 Mixed Yuan Daluo Jinxian Realm has as many as 22 There are nearly a hundred people at Jinxian level 5.

There are more than 3,000 part-time teachers. Of course, most of this part-time teachers are senior students.

"Dean, we and the military did not have to pay for the war again. The settlement of this decade is not far behind. A total of 113.2 billion points of merit were obtained. Other materials were converted into immortal coins, which is about 3.9 million. 100 million immortal coins. However, according to your requirements, all the materials have been converted into equivalent divine fluid by the military, which is about two million catties of divine fluid. "Feng Yun said carefully, and his heart was still shocked.

You know that this is only a decade of gains, and three hundred years together, even if the Supreme Academy gains, even the Supreme God will be jealous.

This is the benefit of a Jiuqu Yellow River Array, which is too horrible.

Wang Xing nodded, and as long as the Jiuqu Yellow River Array has been used, this income will continue to flow.

"No wonder Shuang Ning still complained to me a few days ago, saying that she worked hard to do business for the college outside, but after hundreds of thousands of years of hard work, the wealth she earned was not comparable to the one I sold." Wang Xing Could not help but laugh, "Now our academy's resources are abundant, if teachers have a realm of shock, they also provide their full strength."

"Yes, Dean." Feng Yun nodded fearlessly, and he felt that Xian Academy had ushered in the best era.


Interracial Army.

"Princess Nisi, how is the research progress of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation? Our side has been overwhelmed by the forces of the League of God. If we can no longer find a solution to this formation, I feel that our soldiers will lose The courage to continue fighting. "A low voice sounded, this was the man who presided over the meeting at the previous meeting.

He is actually a horn.

Strictly speaking, he and Princess Nis are both Horns, but Princess Nis is from the royal family and has the highest level of blood of the Horns.

Therefore, Princess Nissi's scale armor is purple, which is the color of scale armor only possessed by the highest-level horn blood.

As for the Horn nation, they are called the Dashan Empire, and they are one of the three empires that rule the entire Horn ethnic group.

At present the flood battlefield is dominated by the Dashan Empire of this Horn tribe.

When Nisse heard this, she slowly raised her head and sighed, "Commander Utrecht, things are not going well. I overestimated myself. I thought that the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation was so strange, but it was nothing but It has evolved from the star array. But as I continue to study, I find that this is not the case at all. The Jiuqu Yellow River Array has its own way of energy operation, which is different from any existing energy operation method. How do you say, I feel that the Jiuqu Yellow River Array is not like accidentally acquired by Xianxian Academy, but is born out of a certain energy operation system, and is a product of that system. "

Hearing this, Utrecht was a little dignified.

He actually guessed it, otherwise the Jiuqu Huanghezhen would have been cracked.

"Princess, if you get the map of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation and how to arrange it, can you find a way to crack it?" Utreid slowly said.

"What?" Nissi was a little shocked, and then she must be extremely incomparable. "If there is really a map of the Jiuqu Huanghe Formation and a layout method, I will definitely find a solution. This is like solving a problem. If you ca n’t solve it, then you ca n’t solve it. Those who don't think they are worse than the League of Gods can certainly crack the Jiuqu Yellow River Array by following the map. "

Hearing this, Utrecht let go.

That's easy.

Extraterrestrial battlefield, somewhere in the void.

Utrecht looked into the distance, waiting for something.

Suddenly, in the void in the distance, a dark shadow tore the space and emerged from it.

This black shadow was shrouded in a black cloak, and the whole body was isolated from the detective, so that people could not see his true face and could not sense any of his breath.

.. m.

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