Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1765: Recruit, 3 master **** teachers!

Wu Lei looked at the person and slowly said, "What about the layout and layout of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation?

The man under the cape said in a deep voice: "Okay, but what I want. There are 10 billion jins of divine fluid in total, and one pound is not less. And I only need divine fluid, and no magic weapon or weapon of value. None of these things can be seen, and I don't want to reveal my identity yet. "

Uray thought for a moment and nodded.

At random, Uray threw a space ring over.

The other party caught it, and then went into it to check it, and then took out a scroll-like thing.

"This is the array of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array and the layout method. The Jiuqu Yellow River Array is very wonderful. Without this array and layout method, you ca n’t study it even if you spend another 10,000 years. So, I It ’s already cheap to receive only 10 billion pounds of your divine fluid. But this is not a manuscript, but I copied it. After all, if the manuscript sent by the military department is directly given to you, it may be seen by the military department. " The cape man said, and threw the scroll.

Wu Lei caught it, opened it and looked at it.

It's just that this map is very complicated, and it's definitely not something he can understand in a while.

"How do I know if the map you gave me is true or false?" Uray thought thoughtfully.

"Huh, we have a secret organization to do business, and this credibility is still there. Besides, you should know what role our dark organization plays in the Shenhe civilization. All the high-level members of the Shenhe civilization are a group of hypocritical guys. Sooner or later, the universe will be destroyed in their hands, and it is only our dark **** organization that can save the universe. "The cape man said, tearing the space without looking back and disappearing in front of Uray.

Wu Lei pondered for a moment, and quickly left as he grabbed the scroll.

Interracial Army.

After Princess Nis obtained the map of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, she was ecstatic: "Really, this map is real, and this map is too detailed. According to the comments above the map, these nodes are called array bases, and This core is called the array. The array can be controlled through the array, and the array can be adjusted by changing the array. If you add this layout of the Jiuqu Yellow River array, I think that in two hundred years, I should be able to Find a way to crack the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. "

Hearing this, Wu Lei also breathed a sigh of relief.

Two hundred years is not long.

The next thing you need to do is to silence the soldiers, and then when Niss finds the cracking method of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, they can give the League of Legends a heavy blow.

One hundred and twenty years later.

The Honghuang battlefield is still the same, but Wang Xing has received a system notification, saying that in this century, the conditions for starting recruitment of Wanjie have been reached, and a Wanjie recruitment can be conducted.

Wang Xing thought about it, returned to the college alone, and began to arrange an interview.

There were a total of four interviewees in Wanjie's recruitment this time, but only the first interviewee gave Wang Xing a surprise.

This interviewer is not someone else, it is the master of the Confucianism from the world of Fengshen.

Yes, it is one of the saints.

In front of Wang Xing's eyes, the Master of the Heavenly Master, Xiu reached the peak of Jinxian level 6, which is the level of Jinxian Daluo Jinxian. He can be promoted to the level of Jinxian level seven Xunyuan Promise.

This is actually similar to the description in the book.

In the book, the sage can open up the world and create all things. In fact, the sixth-order Lord God of Immortality cultivates to the end. Creating a small universe is another. As for the creation of everything by the Lord God, it is even more sparse and ordinary. After all, the strong in the realm of the Creator can change the material structure.

The further realm of the **** king has truly condensed a small universe and surpassed the realm of the main god, and it is the mixed Yuan Promise golden immortal realm corresponding to the seventh level of Jinxian of the college.

According to calculations, the master Hongtong, the master of Tongtian, should be in this state.

It is not surprising that Wang Xing, the strongest person in the world of Fengshen, has not reached the supreme state of the universe today.

After all, compared to Qin Yu who created a complete universe like this, it is considered to be the universe's realm of gods. Hongjun Taoist is far behind, and the Heavenly Master is even worse.

Even the legendary Pangu may not be comparable, after all, Pangu is not a world created out of nothing.

The meaning of the system is obviously that Wang Xing wants to fill the last part of the blank of Xiuxian.

For interviewers such as Master Tongtian, Wang Xing naturally will not refuse. Especially the ability of the Master of Tongtian, you can think of Xunxianzhen and Wanxianzhen. This power is completely a super-matrix master. Nowadays, in the battlefield outside the territory, the power of the formation method has been highlighted, and the assistance of the formation method such as the Master of Heaven is also needed.

Therefore, the Master of Heaven must definitely recruit.

Then the second interviewer was very ordinary, and the third interviewer turned out to be the protagonist Chen Yu from the eternal heart world.

In the world of the eternal heart, the protagonist Chen Yu passed through the earth, so now Chen Yu came to apply for a college teacher, and according to him, it was considered home.

Wang Xing couldn't help crying and crying, which family of yours this time, these two earths are not a ball.

However, Chen Yu ’s strength has also reached the peak of Jinxian Level 6. This is another peak of the Lord God, and like the Master of Heaven, since they can become the top power in their own world, they can be in the same realm. Said to be almost invincible.

So regardless of whether it is the Master of the Heavens or Chen Yu, in fact, both have abused Tai Luo and challenged the strength of Long Yu.

If they were to break through to the seventh level of Jinxian again, they would definitely be in the forefront among the **** kings.

But the surprise is not over, because there is one last interviewer.

If Chen Yu traveled from earth to the world of eternal heart, and finally became the top powerhouse in that world, then this fourth interviewer really stepped out of the earth step by step.

The interviewer is called Liu Xin, from the world of Dan Tao Xiantu.

Yes, you will know by listening to the name of this world, this Liu Xin is step by step to the top by refining the alchemy.

So needless to say, Liu Xin has a high level of alchemy.

In fact, it is exactly the same. In the book, Liu Xin has almost all the abilities.

In the book, Liu Xin ’s elixir has reached the point where nothing can be refined ~ ~ can even make living people into elixir, and even directly collect the heaven and earth vitality to make elixir.

What's more, he finally refined a world as a panacea.

His alchemy is really terrifying.

Wang Xing knew that as long as the master of refining alchemy was recruited into the college, the refining level of the institute's elixir could be improved from the previous sixty to close to full.

In the end, Wang Xing confirmed that it was these three people who were recruited.

Three years after the three new teachers joined, Wang Xing considered again and again, and decided to take them to the battlefield of flood and wasteland.

Only in extraterritorial battlefields can they exert their greatest value.

Moreover, the flood battlefields now need them.

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