Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1766: Cemeteries on extraterrestrial battlefields, touch the d

Extraterrestrial battlefield, hidden space.

Three heavenly masters of the Celestial Master, Chen Yu and Dan Daoxiantu Liu Xin just went to observe an extraterrestrial battlefield.

They are really shocked. The level of Jinxian VI in their respective universe is almost the limit.

But here, the main gods of Jinxian Level 6 are everywhere.

For example, the League of Gods army on the battlefield of Honghuang has now expanded to 106 army groups. Each army group has an average of 100 troops. The general of each army is a master god.

This counts more than 10,000 Lord Gods.

In addition, Wang Xing also told them that there were still nine **** kings hidden in the headquarters of the military, but that was the equivalent of Jinxian Wuji Wuji Jinxian.

If you count aliens, this number will double.

The Master Tongtian sat down and was quite agitated: "This is the world I want. The world of Fengshen is all fighting in its own nest, what's the point. But here, there are countless strong men, there is a mighty river of God, there is The endless powers and mysteries are simply the dream of any immortal practitioner. If this main universe is the ocean, we are just a small river. How can it be possible to create a golden ninth-level supreme power in the small river. "

Wang Xing laughed and said nothing.

Tongtian's words actually have some reason. What the world of Fengshen is supposed to rob is actually too much fish in the stream, and some of them need to be picked up and killed.

But in this main universe, here is not a small river, but a vast sea, and the fish that it can hold are almost endless, and the individual will be larger.

"Yes, this is indeed a fascinating world." Chen Yu said, "Yes, I don't think it will take long, I should be able to break through to Jinxian VII. Maybe I was in the world of eternal heart, The transcendence attained corresponds to the seventh level of Jinxian. Just because the world of eternal heart is only equivalent to a thousand worlds, and cannot provide enough energy for my promotion, I can only be regarded as a half-god king. But to the main universe , As long as I have gathered a small universe-level fairyland, I will naturally be promoted to the true **** king. "

Hearing this, Wang Xing couldn't help but be happy.

It would be great if the college could have another **** king.

"Well, I have this feeling too. When I am in Dandao Fairyland World, the last Danjie created is actually the seed of a small universe. If Danjie absorbs enough energy and continues to grow, Danjie will eventually be promoted to Daqian The world. So, if I want to break through to the seventh level of Jinxian, the difficulty is not very big, just to recreate a thing in the Dan world. "Liu Xin thought for a moment, and said slowly.

The so-called world of thousands is the small universe.

Liu Xin also has this foundation, and it is naturally not difficult for him.

The Master of Tongtian heard this, and his eyes gradually became sharper: "In the past, the world of Fengshen was not allowed to have a second hybrid Yuan Promise, so I and the original, Lao Tzu and others were unable to break through the realm. Limitation, I would like to shock the realm of the teacher. "

The teacher he said was naturally Hongjun Taoist.

The cosmic energy of Fengshen World has bred a Hongjun Taoist who is the limit, and there will be no second Hongjun Taoist.

After all, if another Hongjun Taoist appears, he may have to drain half of the energy of Fengshen World.

At that time, I don't know how many immortals will dedicate themselves to this.

But the universe ’s energy in the main world is almost endless, enough to allow him to make breakthroughs without fear.

Wang Xing nodded: "You are all teachers at the college. The higher the cultivation, the better. If you have any cultivation needs, you can come to me. Of course, I have already prepared for you as the dean. A little something. "

With that said, a turquoise sword appeared in Wang Xing's hand.

As soon as the sword came out, it made a humming sound, like a wild horse, to break free from Wang Xing's hand.

Wang Xing slowly said, "This sword is a fourth-order original artifact according to the main universe. According to our college, this sword can also be called an a priori treasure. Unlike the world of Fengshen, the innate thing Rarely, congenital objects are everywhere in the main universe, so it is not difficult to refine any congenital treasure. This sword is gifted to Teacher Tongtian, which should be enough to replace the Qingping sword used by Teacher Tongtian in the world of Fengshen.

After the Master Tongtian took over, he was overjoyed.

When he came to the main universe, he was short of a weapon. Without it, his strength would be greatly reduced.

"Thank you dean!" He was grateful and immediately picked up the sword: "Since the dean said that it can replace my Qingping sword, it will be called Qingping sword in the future. But this sword is quite a bit crude, Moreover, the previous user did not seem to know how to raise a sword. When I sacrifice this sword, the power of this sword will definitely be far more than that of my Qingping sword, and even its order may be improved by one order to reach Level 5 Primal Artifact Level. "

Wang Xing nodded. The sword was obtained from the 122 alien gods he had previously killed.

The alien **** who owns this sword does not know how to make it, but just smelts some precious materials of the smelter together to forge the sword, so it naturally looks a bit rough.

But now falling into the powerful hands of the Master of Heaven, this sword will certainly shine.

At this time, Wang Xing looked at Chen Yu again: "It ’s not like the Master of Heaven is good at using swords, and I do n’t know what weapon you are suitable for. This is a fourth-order original artifact-level sword, and it ’s for you. If you do n’t like it, there are tens of thousands of alien gods on the floodfield, and they are all rich and oily. If you have magic weapons or something you like, just grab it. "

Go straight?

The Tongtian leader, Chen Yu, and Liu Xin were stunned.

After a long while, Chen Yu thanked him, "Thank you to the dean for giving the treasure. If you like it, I'll grab it."

He was definitely not joking, anyway, he was stealing aliens, and there was no pressure.

Finally, there was Liu Xin. A black little tripod appeared in Wang Xing's hand: "Mr. Liu Xin, your alchemy is very magical. It can be said that no one in the entire universe can compare with you. So it is worthy of you. There is only Dan Ding for alchemy. But in this universe, there are not many Dan Ding. This is what I have spent 100 billion meritorious points to redeem from the League of God. It is also a magic weapon, but it is definitely used for alchemy That's enough, you can look at it with satisfaction. "

After listening, Liu Xin's face moved.

He saw the extraordinaryness of Dan Ding at a glance. In the world of Dan Dao Xiantu, he certainly couldn't make Dan Ding of this level.

"Satisfied, too satisfied." Liu Xin said excitedly, took Dan Ding over immediately.


Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye it was ten years.

In ten years, six main gods of the alien race were killed.

According to the people from the other race, the people who shot were extremely scary. Several times they only saw a sword or sword flash, and the alien **** was in a different place, and then all the treasures in the whole body were robbed.

In this regard, Wang Xing just smiled and did not speak.

He only gave the Tongtian Master and Chen Yu a sword and a knife. No armor, war boots, or armor were given. The lower ranks looked down on them, and the higher ranks didn't do anything. Point to redeem, so you can only grab it.

The four main gods of the Clan tribe were killed in succession, which is the God of Heaven and Chen Yu.

Suddenly, someone came over within the tentative camp.

"Tailor Army Commander, why did you come to me?" Feng Yun looked at the person with a smile and smiled.

"Feng Yun Wuji, come with me." Tyro was dark-faced, and he came to a place without a word.

"Here is it?" Fengyun looked at his feet without fear, it was a cliff, and there was a corpse under the cliff, among which there were aliens and soldiers who died in various legions. Although these corpses may have been placed for a long time, they still seem to be alive since they had the lowest realm in the world.

It was only a few hundred meters high that the body piled up, and it looked very infiltrating.

Most people don't come here.

"This is a cemetery on the extraterritorial battlefield. Every time we clear the battlefield, whether it is a dead alien or a soldier killed by ourselves, after collecting all useful items from them, their bodies will be sent to Come to the cemetery for unified treatment. Among them, the bodies of our own soldiers will be returned to their families if they have their families claiming them. If they are not claimed, there will be a special transport ship to bring them in. Shenhe, buried in the veins of immortal crystal. "

Feng Yun nodded fearlessly, he knew that this was the cruelty of war.

Those unclaimed corpses were finally said to be buried in the veins of immortal crystals. In fact, the veins of immortal crystals absorbed the energy emitted during the decay of the corpses after their death.

So many people actually don't know that the immortal crystals they use for cultivation come from such veins.

"As for the bodies of alien soldiers, because we are extremely hateful to aliens, their bodies have no such preferential treatment. Among them, the lower-level alien bodies are fine, and some of them can be filled into the veins of immortal crystals. Most of the alien corpses above the gods will be divided directly into corpses, because their bones can be refined into the original artifacts, and the meat decomposed from their corpses will not be able to reach the aliens. It is wasted, some are sold to the Zerg, some are sold to some orcs, and some are not sold before they are filled into the veins. "Tyro said when he was here, he was a bit heavy.

This is an unknown aspect of the extraterritorial battlefield.

The soldiers who were killed by the army were taken away by the aliens, and this was basically the end.

Many aliens even eat the corpses they take with their life in the universe as food.

"I see, but what do you tell me about this?" Fengyun Wuji was a little strange.

At this time ~ ~ Taylor finally remembered the business, and suddenly turned his face black and said: "Teacher Fengyun Wuji, carefully look at the guy who picked the body on the cemetery. Is he from your college? How do I look, he is wearing your college teacher's clothes. To be honest, cemeteries often come to touch the corpse, and even steal the corpse, sometimes this kind of thing everyone just open one eye and close one eye . But this teacher of your college is like a day for ten years. Every day I come here to get rid of a lot of alien corpses. From a thousand a week before, to 10,000 corpses every day. Bring this! "

Speaking of which, Tyro could not help crying.

You said that you are a teacher of Xianxian College, and now Xianxian College is rich in oil, do you still go to the cemetery to find the dead body?

Feng Yun carefully looked at the guy who was picking and picking in the cemetery.

That's the teacher Liu Xin from the academy, and it can't be wrong.

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