Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1767: God corpse alchemy, huge profits!

Although Fengyun Wuji looked embarrassed, he said lightly: "Isn't it just some alien corpses? You are so fussed."

Suddenly, Tyro was speechless.

"Is that a corpse? The guarding generals at the cemetery told me that the teacher in your academy had taken more than 600,000 corpses from the extraterritorial battlefield in ten years, and they were fine before. It is below the higher **** realm. Now it is great. The dead bodies taken away are all at least the higher **** realm. You must know that in the past ten years, the number of aliens killed in war has been less than 10 million, and the higher gods are even higher. It's less than a million. "With that said, Tyro was about to explode.

If ordinary people dared to take so many bodies from the cemetery, he would have been arrested long ago.

But when it comes to Xian Xue Academy, he didn't do it directly.

In fact, Tyro knew about it ten years ago, but at that time Liu Xin didn't take many corpses. He also rebuked the general who guarded the cemetery, saying that he was fussed, wasn't it just a bit of an alien body? Just open your eyes and close your eyes, after all, they are teachers of Xianxian College. But who would have thought that Liu Xin's appetite was so big later, if he didn't stop it, he could evacuate the cemetery immediately.

So Tyro himself regrets what he said.

Don't underestimate this corpse, it's all money.

According to the price of the League of God's external sale, the price of an alien corpse in the lower **** realm is around an immortal crystal, the price of an alien corpse in the middle **** realm is about ten immortal crystals, and the price of an alien corpse in the higher **** realm is between Around one hundred immortal crystals, the price of a complete alien corpse is 10,000 immortal crystals. After all, the aliens that complete the **** realm can make the original artifacts, and the flesh generally reaches the level of the second-order **** body, which naturally far exceeds the superior. God's Corpse Price.

After careful calculation, the value of the alien corpse taken by Liu Xin from the extraterritorial battlefield may have exceeded 100 million immortal crystals.

So Tyro could sit anywhere, and he wouldn't be able to take it any further if he continued like this.

"Thai army commander, don't be excited. Teacher Liu Xin has selected the corpse, and this is about to go. Let ’s follow it up. After all, he took away so many alien corpses, why do n’t you wonder what he will do What? "Fengyun smiled wistfully.

Tyro thought for a moment and nodded.

After Liu Xin left, he soon came to a remote barren hill.

All he saw was a trick in his hand, and a black triangle Dan Ding appeared, and then a magic fire flew out of his hand, and he began to heat Dan Ding.

Seeing this, Tyro frowned: "If I read the tripod correctly, it should be a fourth-order original artifact. But what is this teacher in your college doing, and how does he use this fire to burn the tripod? Does he think Cooking here? It's too leisurely! "

To cook?

The situation looked at Tylor wistfully, and the gods were cooking, your brain circuit was fresh and refined.

"Look next."

The situation is nothing but Tao, and at this time Liu Xin showed ten high-level alien corpses in one move, and was thrown into Dan Ding.

At this time, the situation became clear.

Sure enough, his guess was similar. Teacher Liu Xin was going to use these alien corpses to refining the alchemy.

Tyro didn't understand what alchemy was, and he was extremely frightened: "He actually uses alien corpses as food for cooking. He ... is it to eat aliens? It's terrible. I only heard that aliens eat people. I haven't heard of anyone daring to eat aliens. The teacher in your college has such a heavy taste, and the **** scenes will infiltrate. "

The situation is frightening, and at this time, I don't know what to say, don't say that this is really eating aliens.

But the way to eat is more unique.

After the corpse of the alien race entered Danding, Liu Xin continued to make various seals, which made people all dazzled. In just ten minutes, he saw that more than one hundred golden elixir of elixir flew out of Dan Ding in his hand. Each elixir was the size of a grape, and looked very round, with clear lines on it, which looked very attractive.

"What's this?" Tyrow was dumbfounded, and a little shocked. "What about the alien corpses in Danding, I just watched him throwing ten alien corpses into it. What's going on, now in that tripod How empty, did the bodies of those ten aliens become more than a hundred golden danmars? "

"This is alchemy, which is a kind of side door that is more magical than the frontier in our college. As for this alchemy teacher, Liu Xin, is the teacher who has the highest alchemy skills in our college. He just put those ten The corpses of the superior gods of different races were trained into elixir through alchemy. "As a result, Fengyun counted carefully, and ten alien gods made a total of 120 immortals. "


Speaking of this, Tyro understood.

The fire ape was injured before, and Fengyun gave the fire ape a seven-turn elixir. After taking it, the fire ape was gone.

At that time, he felt that elixir was very magical.

Unexpectedly today, he even saw the scene of the teacher of Xianxian refining the alchemy himself.

Liu Xin didn't stop there, and put in ten other alien corpses, and continued to refine them.

Six hours later, Liu Xin refined a total of 350 alien high-level **** corpses to make immortals, and obtained 4,200 immortals.

Before he finished, he followed up with another fifty corpses of perfect gods, and refined 590 elixir.

Then Liu Xin left.

Fengyun pondered for a moment: "Walk, and follow up with me."

Tyro nodded, he is now more and more curious about Liu Xin, of course, more about some medicine.

He now has some doubts about whether the elixir can really be eaten and whether it will eat the dead.

In a blink of an eye, Liu Xin came to a strange place on the extraterritorial battlefield, which is the commercial street on the extraterritorial battlefield.

In extraterritorial battlefields, not all the trophies seized by soldiers are needed. These things can be sold to the League of God, but the purchase price of the League of God is too low, and some soldiers do not want to suffer from this loss, so they began to trade in private, and there are a fixed place with more people, and finally A commercial street similar to Fangshi was formed.

At this moment, there are hundreds of thousands of military generals.

After Liu Xin arrived here, he was completely familiar with the road, and many people saw him with green light in his eyes.

He walked to a shop without a name, and with a wave of his hand, he handed over all the refined elixir to a young man with only Jie Wang Jing Xiu.

The young guy immediately smiled: "Boss, why did you come so early today?"

"Do n’t talk nonsense, there are 4,200 third-order immortal dans, 590 four-tier immortal dans, old rules third-order immortal dans, one thousand immortal crystals or 10,000 points of merit, and fourth-order immortal dans. One hundred thousand immortal crystals or one million merits. "Liu Xin said faintly, then sat calmly in the chair next to him.

"Yes, boss." The young man answered, then shouted toward the outside, "The latest immortal is here, neither the third-order immortal nor the fourth-order immortal is available. Come and buy it."

Hearing this shout, even those who had noticed Liu Xin had ignored them. People who hadn't noticed Liu Xin, when they heard that the immortal was sold, all of them suddenly lighted up, and they rushed across hundreds of people. There is no shortage of great consummate realms, and the entire unknown store is surrounded by water in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Tyro and Fengyun were both thundered.

If they read it correctly, the so-called Immortal Dan should have been made by Liu Xin from a higher-level alien corpse.

It's just that the price is really amazing.

Tyro muttered a bit: "If all four thousand two hundred third-order immortals are sold, at the price of one thousand immortal crystals or ten thousand meritorious points, that is 4.2 million immortal crystals or 42 million points of merit. All 590 pieces of fourth-order immortal are sold, that is, 59 million immortal crystals or 590 million points of merit. If added together, it is 6,000 3.2 million pieces of immortal crystals or 632 million points of merit. And if sold as a corpse, a dead body of an alien **** is one hundred immortal crystals and 350 dead bodies of an alien god. Only 35,000 pieces of immortal crystals can be sold. The price of an alien perfect body is 10,000 immortal crystals, and 50 pieces will be 500,000 immortal crystals, a total of 500,000 pieces of immortal crystals. How many times the profit! "

With that said, Tyro was a little jealous.

He knows that this is just a day's harvest of this teacher Liu Xin, and this is just to take alchemy from the higher **** and perfection god. If the alchemy is refined by the great **** or the main god, is it that the elixir is more expensive.

Fengyun Wuji is also speechless for a long time, lamenting: "With this technology, it will be difficult to think of it in the future. The same extraterritorial battlefield, Tongtian and Teacher Chen Yu have been on the edge of alien territory for several years, and they are still nervous every day. Afraid of being discovered by alien **** kings, this killed six alien gods and made a fortune. But Teacher Liu Xin, just practicing Dan every day, has hundreds of millions of merits, and this year it is almost the same. Two hundred billion dollars in merit. "

At this time, Tyro has held a person: "You are not stupid, do you know what the immortal is made of? ~ ~ but it is made from the body of an alien, that can eat I advise you not to buy it, it may be poisonous. "

Hearing these words, the people who were stopped by Tyrola were not grateful, but disgusted, "Did you also buy immortal, and you want to take us away in this way, then you can buy immortal Now, I tell you, do n’t even think about it. A third-order immortal one needs only one thousand immortal crystals, but the effect is equivalent to one pound of divine fluid, and how much does one pound of divine fluid cost? One hundred thousand merit points is equivalent to 20,000 immortal crystals. As for the fourth-order immortal, one is equivalent to one hundred pounds of divine fluid ... and it is poisonous. You can tell how many soldiers eat immortal. Dan's breakthrough in the realm of immortal Dan is obvious to everyone. The effect of immortal Dan is good and the price is so low. As for what is made, who cares about it, as long as it can help us cultivate. "

Tylor froze, and the whole man was said to be speechless.

Fengyun could not help laughing aside.

.. m.

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