Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1768: The corpse of the Lord God, not busy!

Yes, the soldiers on the extraterritorial battlefield would not care about how these immortals were made.

As long as Immortal Dan is cheap enough.

Immortal Dan equivalent to a pound of Shenye, but the price is only one-twentieth of the price of Shenye, it should not be too touching.

Therefore, those immortal dans visible to the naked eye were bought by the soldiers of the military.

Tylor managed to squeeze in, but the fourth-tier immortal was sold out, and he only snatched a third-tier immortal.

"You even bought one. I think many people over there haven't snatched it, and are repenting." Fengyun smiled wistfully.

"I used a little trick, or I couldn't buy it at all. This immortal is also very popular, but if the effect is so magical, I will try again." With that, Tyro grabbed himself with a sip. The third-order immortal Dan was swallowed, regardless of whether it was made from an alien corpse.

Suddenly, his face was wonderful.

He felt a majestic energy release and rushed into his limbs.

That feels really cool.

Ten minutes later, Tyro completely absorbed the third-order immortal, and he was a little shocked: "The energy contained in the third-order immortal is indeed equivalent to a pound of divine fluid, but it is not like divine fluid. Immortal Dan ’s energy is emitted all of a sudden and cannot be absorbed at all. Even if I only absorbed less than 90% of the energy, and it is estimated that the great consummation **** can absorb less than 80%, and the consummation **** estimates Only less than 70% can be absorbed ... If it is replaced by the next God, less than 30% should be absorbed. "

Feng Yun nodded fearlessly, he knew it was normal.

After all, the divine fluid is the energy of liquefaction, and even if you do n’t absorb it at all, it will not dissipate.

Immortal Dan releases so much energy all of a sudden, within the time it releases energy, you can't absorb it, and other nature will also dissipate.

This has a lot to do with everyone's practice and the practice they practice.

But even so, even the lower gods are more cost-effective than using the immortal to cultivate.

Therefore, the popularity of Immortal Dan is not difficult to understand.

After the sale of Immortal Dan, Liu Xin and the young guy said a few words and turned away.

Tyro pondered for a moment, and this time he didn't need to say anything, he caught up with himself.

Somewhere outside the commercial street.

"Mr. Liu Xin, and be slow." Feng Yun shouted without fear. "This person you may not have seen before. His name is Tyro and he is the commander of our 7th Army. At the time our college chose to participate in the extraterritorial battlefield, it was accepted At the invitation of the Commander of the Taylor Army, now he has something to say to you. "

Liu Xin looked at Tyro and frowned: "It turned out to be a teacher who is full of fear, you all followed me all the way, and I thought you would never show up. Is this Tyro Corps leader, you think? Tell me something, let's just talk, I'm busy. "

Looking at Liu Xin's bad expression, Tyro was speechless.

How I did it is like I begged you, but when Liu Xin was just talking, the breath revealed was definitely the pinnacle of the realm of the Lord God.

Terro was terrified. He always thought that Xianxian Academy was a fearless teacher in the realm of the gods, but he did not expect to have a second one.

This college is really terrible, and another silently emerged a strong man who is not weaker than himself.

"Mr. Liu Xin, don't be so impersonal. Let's talk about another place, it's a bit inappropriate here." Feng Yun smiled wistfully.

Liu Xin glanced at the situation, knowing that he was the head of Xianxian's extraterritorial battlefield.

Although the dean didn't say that he would listen to the situation, the situation is definitely to be given. After all, everyone is a colleague.

In the situation of unbridled camp.

Taylor opened the door and saw the mountain road: "Mr. Liu Xin, I know you have been corpses from the cemetery of our army. When you first went there, the general who guarded the cemetery recognized you as a member of the Immortal College, you know Immortal College is a member of my army, so I was notified first. At that time, I thought you might just use alien corpses for research, and you did n’t need much, and let him open one eye and close one eye. But these ten The years have passed, and you have taken more and more dead bodies from the cemetery, and the cemetery will be evacuated by you immediately. If you continue to do so, the commander in chief of the military will call for you. "

Liu Xin frowned, and it turned out to be this thing.

He had seen the caretaker general in that cemetery several times before, and was wondering why the other party ignored him, and it turned out that Tyro had greeted him in advance.

Suddenly, Liu Xin was also a little embarrassed. It seemed that he had misunderstood Taylor.

Fengyun Wuji thought about it at this time: "You have also seen that the alien corpses are the material of our teacher Liu Xin's alchemy, so you can go to the military department to apply for packing all the alien corpses in the cemetery Sell ​​it to Teacher Liu Xin. You can rest assured that the price will never be lost to your military department, and you can sell it to Teacher Liu Xin at the price you sell to others. "

Hearing this, Tyro twitched.

When you did n’t see it just now, I sold it to the teacher Liu Xin at the price I sold to others. He turned it into an elixir and the profit doubled.

This is simply huge profits!

"Feng Yun Wuji, the military department handles these alien corpses, and they have contracts with other acquirers. Wherever you can change, you can hardly do this for me." Tai Luo spread his hands, a pair of I can't help it.

Fengyun smiled wistfully: "Is that really the case of the Tailuo Corps? How do I feel that the army did not pay much attention to the alien corpses in the cemetery. Otherwise, even one of your regiments can treat Liu Xin The matter of the teacher has been pressed down. Probably from the point of view of your military, the alien corpses on the cemetery are not worth a lot of money. So, if you have anything to say, you just want to get some benefits or want to let What can our college do for you. "

Tyro was embarrassed and smiled at the situation.

As for what you said so directly, you saw everything.

At this time, Liu Xin showed scornful eyes. It turned out to be this way. He thought that the head of the army was very disciplined.

Tyro was embarrassed and bluntly said: "Since that is the case, I will speak straight. I just tried the third-order immortal, and to be honest, the effect of this immortal is amazing. So if you want me to be a middleman, Let the army sell you alien corpses to you, that's fine too. I hope this teacher Liu Xin can sell half of his immortal refined to our soldiers in the 7th Army, and I can only guarantee to get up to three One-half of an alien body. "

Fengyun Wuji did not speak at this time, but looked at Liu Xin.

In fact, he can understand Tylor very well. As the commander of the Seventh Army, Tyro naturally hopes that the soldiers of the Seventh Army can buy this cheap and elixir.

Liu Xin pondered for a moment: "Ok, for me there is no problem with this. My elixir is sold to anyone. But I hope you can find me some alien corpses of the Great God or even the Lord God. I am here The cemetery was searched for a long time, and only some stumps and fragments of the aliens of the Great Perfection Realm were found, but the stump and fragments of the Lord God have not been seen. "

Hearing this, Tai Luo laughed: "Miss Liu Xin has no idea. The alien corpses of the Great Perfection God and the Lord God are of high value and the number is not large, so they are rarely thrown directly to the cemetery. It was already collected separately, otherwise it is estimated that even the Lord God strong will go to the cemetery to find the corpse. However, if Teacher Liu Xin needs it, I can also get you some, the price is probably the alien in the Great Realm The corpse requires one million immortal crystals, and the alien corpse in the realm of the Lord God requires one hundred million immortal crystals. See if you can accept them. "

Liu Xin nodded: "Yes."

He bought the refining elixir and would definitely not lose money.

After such discussions, Tyro went to the military headquarters. Obviously, he still had channels in this regard.


After a month.

Tyro took a contract and happily came over and said, "It's done. Teacher Liu Xin will not have to go to the cemetery in the future. One third of the alien corpses in the extraterritorial battlefield will be delivered directly to your residence. Not only that, This time I brought something good to Teacher Liu Xin. "

As he said, ten complete alien corpses appeared in front of him with a wave of his hand.

There are seven Great Realms, and three Master Realms.

When Liu Xin was excited, she slowly said, "A total of 370 million immortal crystals, right, I'll give you right away."

At this time, Tyro shook his head: "No, no, wait until Mr. Liu Xin has refined the elixir and give me some."

The situation on the side is full of cries and laughter, and I will give it to you, which you thought.

The immortal immortality in the Great Perfection Realm can be refined into a fifth-order immortal, and the price is less than 10 million immortal crystals.

The alien immortality in the realm of the Lord God can be made into a sixth-order immortal, and the price may reach one billion immortal crystals.

Your mouth is to send some, and it ’s okay to send fifth-order immortal Dan. If you send sixth-order immortal Dan, you will earn one.

But Liu Xin was very generous ~ ~ nodded: "Yes, without you, I would not get the alien corpses in the realm of the Lord God. After I made these ten corpses into elixir , Send you three sixth-order immortals and seven fifth-order immortals. "

Suddenly, Tyro was ecstatic.

Not busy.

When Feng Xin saw Liu Xin speak, he said nothing.

He probably understood Liu Xin's meaning. Such an alien corpse is not easy to see. After seeing the benefits, if Tyro got such an alien corpse in this state, he would surely send it to him as soon as possible.

Ten years later, the alien army.

Princess Nissi looked at the Jiuqu Yellow River Array that she had cracked in front of her, and said excitedly: "Come, please go and ask Ulei to come in."

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