Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1769: The formation method is cracked, a great omen!

In less than ten minutes, Commander Wu Lei came over.

"Princess, you cracked the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation?" Wu Lei asked as soon as he entered.

Their army was out of breath under the pressure of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. If they could no longer find a way to crack the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, this battle would be completely defeated.

Whether the Jiuqu Yellow River Array has been cracked or not has a bearing on the next situation in the entire extraterritorial battlefield.

Nisi nodded: "Combining the array and layout of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, I have successfully found a way to solve the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. As to whether it is true, Wu Lei's commander will know at a glance."

Then, Nisi motioned to the alien soldiers.

Only saw the alien soldiers immediately moved, turned out to be setting up the Jiuqu Yellow River array.

There is a map, and Nisi, a person who knows the star array, it is not difficult to arrange the Jiuqu Yellow River Array.

After all, many people in the League of God's military department who have no knowledge of the star array can arrange the Jiuqu Yellow River Array after simple training.

Soon, the Jiuqu Yellow River Array was set up.

At this time, she only saw Nissi walking into the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, her figure flashed constantly, seemingly irregular, but the entire formation was as if she did not exist in front of her.

Soon, she found a formation and destroyed it.

Then, she even found all the formations one by one, and at this time, the formation of the frontalities was exposed.

Seeing this, Wu Lei's excited face flushed: "It is really good to crack the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. As long as we teach the cracking method to our fighters, we will certainly be able to fight back, but let the League of God ’s Army The losses were heavy. Even let us directly break through the three defense lines of the League of Gods in the flood and battlefield, and kill them into the universe's hinterland in one fell swoop. "

Hearing this, Nicole was also a little excited.

At this time, Wu Lei was serious: "I will immediately call the other five commanders, let us discuss how to give the League of Legends a fatal blow. At present, we have cracked the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation and keep it confidential. Here we must immediately The blockade is closed, and anyone who knows the matter is not allowed to leave or contact the outside world. "

Nisi looked at the soldiers under her and nodded silently.

Not afraid of 10,000, just in case.

If there is a spy of the League of God, or if anyone goes out and accidentally says that they have leaked, it will really be a loss.


"What, cracked the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation?" Shen, an alien commander, seemed unbelievable.

"Yes, Princess Nicole also showed me the process of cracking the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. It can't be wrong. Now we are going to discuss how we can crack the Jiuqu Yellow River Array while the League of Gods is still unknown. The military department struck a fatal blow and plunged into the cosmic hinterland of the League of Gods. "Wu Lei said in a deep voice, his body was astonishing.

"If the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is cracked, the Alliance of the League of Gods will be absolutely unbeatable. Now the army of the League of Gods thinks that the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is unbreakable. In fact, it is completely overconfident. If we suddenly break the array, we will be able to kill They fart and urinate. But Marshal Uray was right, this time is a good opportunity. We not only want to break the battle, but also take the opportunity to kill into the core area of ​​the universe of the League of God, "said a man.

"I have studied the form of the extraterrestrial battlefield for a long time. In fact, we have to enter the hinterland of the League of Gods. The best direction is these three. One is the direction of the Eagle's Mouth Cliff. We have hit it once before, but we failed. One hundred and twenty-two master gods were slaughtered by a hidden **** king of the League of Gods. Another direction is the direction of Qiu Minggu, where you can go straight into the heavenly mountains of the League of Gods, and the heavens of the mountains of Gods are the gods of the League of Gods. Outside the central star field, killing it from here, the center blooms and radiates, and can easily slaughter dozens of God Alliance star fields. But this is also the strongest defense place of the League of Gods Army. It ended in failure. The last one is the direction of the falling star river. We have not yet hit here. It is also the weakest defense direction of the League of God. If there is no Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, we should have tried to break through from here. " Wu Lei pointed slowly at a map of the flood battlefield.

Several commanders pondered.

There are a total of three directions, whether to focus on one direction to break, or three directions together.

Alternatively, choose to break through in two directions.

Princess Nis said at this time: "Commander Uray, what do you mean?"

The other five commanders also looked at Uray. After all, the flood battlefield is currently dominated by the Dashan Empire, and Princess Nis as the princess of the Dashan Empire has to ask Uray, they still don't want to express their opinions casually.

Wu Lei said in a low voice: "My idea is that since we are going to fight, this time we will concentrate all our forces and start the war in these three directions at the same time. In this way, no matter which direction is successful, we can kill the League of God. Hinterland. In the flood battlefield, we have not yet waged this level of war with the League of God, but I think the opportunity this time is too precious and worthy of our own desperation. "

Hearing this, everyone was choking.

Concentrating all forces to launch a war at the same time is to start a comprehensive war.

The previous large-scale battle involved a few hundred million people at most, but to start a full-scale war, that is, all the legions of both sides will participate in the war, and the number of participants will exceed 10 billion.

"I need to ask my father for this." Princess Nis thought for a moment, solemnly.

The other five commanders nodded, and they did not dare to agree directly.

Wu Lei said: "Okay, if the emperor agrees, we will immediately start preparing for the war, but late will change."

The crowd did not say anything this time. If the emperor agreed, then start a full-scale war.

A month later.

After receiving the will of the emperor, Princess Niss agreed with Wu Lei's request for him to start a full-scale war as soon as possible and to enter the hinterland of the League of Gods.

The entire army of alien races ran at high speed.


A year later, it was within a certain camp of Xianxian College.

Xia Yumo looked at the distance, and threw his dice in his whim, and then frowned: "This hexagram ... the sign of great fierce, what's going on, our college is in a good situation in the flood field, where did it come from? Ominous horror. Is it that my derivation is wrong? Forget it, I'll ask the Dean. "

Wang Xing's small world.

"Dean, I just deduced a little bit of whim, about three months later we will be occupied by aliens, each of us will be in danger of life. But I really ca n’t see what danger we will have, is this the wrong deduction? Xia Yumo thought about it.

"It's not that you deduced it wrongly, it's true. If I didn't guess it wrong, someone in the alien race might have cracked the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. Now the alien race can't bear it, and it must be preparing in the dark. The sky suddenly launched a war and went straight into the hinterland of our universe. "Wang Xing took a deep breath." In fact, this is also my expectation. The Jiuqu Yellow River Array is not almighty. It can block the aliens for a while, but not their lives. But the aliens only use It took hundreds of years to crack the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. It seems that the array and layout of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array were leaked. "

"The layout and layout of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation have been leaked? Only the generals of the army and the nine commanders of the military headquarters know this," Xia Yumo said in shock.

"I will immediately ask Feng Yunwuji to remind the commanders of the military and prepare them. If they are willing to buy, our college can sell them a set of formations. But even if the new formations are now taught to them They can't be arranged within three months. "Wang Xing thought about it. After all, three months was too short, and three years was about the same.

"Then I can only hope that the military side can take this matter seriously." Xia Yu said helplessly.

Fengyun Wuji later got the voice of Wang Xing and immediately went to see the nine commanders of the military.

"You said that the aliens may have cracked the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation?" Long Yan frowned first. He also received the news yesterday that an 800,000 alien army was trapped by the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, and all were killed in the end. So I think it is impossible for aliens to have cracked the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation.

"Yes, although it is only possible, but I think the military department still has to defend. If the military department is willing to purchase, our college has recently developed a matrix method, the power guarantee is not weaker than the Jiuqu Yellow River array, can Sold to the military. If it can be arranged before the aliens start the war, as long as the formation is changed, they may be caught by surprise. As for the price, it is comparable to the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. He said, he didn't think there was any suspicion of this. It was a win-win situation after all.

"Well, I think you just want to sell your college formation." At this time, a somber voice sounded, "A Jiuqu Yellow River Formation has made your college full of money. Now your college has tasted it. Sweetness, so we treat the military as a grudge. "

Hearing this, Fengyun frowned unconsciously: "I don't know what the commander-in-chief called?"

Long Yan said at this time: "This is the commander of Leon."

Feng Yun nodded fearlessly: "Anyway, I have brought the words to ~ ~ It is your business whether you listen or not. If the military department is willing to buy a new formation method like our college, you can always go to Xian Academy Find me at the station. "

After that, Feng Yun turned around and left.

Commander Nalyn snorted: "A Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is already a fluke. Where does Xianxian Academy have the ability to research a similarly powerful formation, I think this Xianxue teacher is alarmist."

Long Yan didn't say anything. He knew that the main reason was that he had been at the Fairy Academy last time when he bought the formation method himself, and it was full of excitement. In the end, it was difficult for the military to ride a tiger, which forced them to buy the Jiuqu Huanghezhen of Xianxian College at such a high price. Although it was later proved that the Jiuqu Yellow River Array was indeed worth the price, these commanders of the military department obviously still had a bad heart.

At this time, a cold voice came: "No matter what, it is better to be cautious and let the armed forces strengthen their vigilance. At the same time, arrange for people to go to the other side to check and see if the other people have really cracked the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. "

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