Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1770: All-out war, the final preparations for Immortal Academy

After hearing this person's words, the other eight commanders were silent.

After the situation left without fear, Long Yan chased after him: "Although the military did not purchase the new formation of your college, the Lord Heipao still listened to you and sent someone to explore the truth among the aliens. Really confirmed that the aliens cracked the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, and I believe that the military will probably consider purchasing a new formation of your college. "

Fengyun nodded fearlessly: "Thank you for telling me, I know."

Then he arched his hand.

Long Yan didn't say anything, that's all there is to it.

After returning, Feng Yun told the situation to Wang Xing.

Wang Xing thought about it: "It was not enough time to deploy a new formation, and it does not matter if the military department buys our formation or not. I just hope that the military department really listens to you and prepares in advance. Otherwise, this battle will be fought, and the most common casualties will be the ordinary soldiers below. Our college now speaks lightly and can only do so much. We will be ashamed when we try our best. "

Feng Yun nodded fearlessly. He knew that the military commanders of those Leagues of God did not take Xianxian Academy to their eyes.

Today they can see that they are exceptionally gracious.

Feng Yun thought for a moment and thought again: "Then we must prepare in advance. The Jiuqu Yellow River Array can no longer be used. What kind of array method should be replaced next? Is the Dean already aware of it?"

Wang Xing smiled, looked towards the door, and found that the Tongtian leader had arrived.

Feng Yun nodded, and nodded towards the Master of Heaven.

He still knew about this Tongtian teacher.

The Master of Tongtian is proficient in array formation. He is currently a teacher with the highest level of array formation in the college. It seems that this matter has to be left to him.

Sure enough, I only listened to Tongtianjiao's main words: "Dean, I have carefully checked the terrain near Yingzui Cliff. Here you can arrange a variety of arrays, even the Xianxian array. However, the Xianxian array is too high, the teacher None of them have studied it, and it may be too late to arrange the time. I think again and again that the level of the alien race is actually very limited. They just found a cracking method for the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, but they do n’t know anything about other array methods. In this case, we It is not necessary to arrange such a deep formation, because the scale of the war of the aliens will be relatively large. Instead, we only need to ensure that the lethality of the formation is large enough. Therefore, the formation of the formation that I intend to arrange is ten.

When it comes to the ten perfect battles, the Master of the Tongtian Church is full of murderous intentions.

Wang Xing thought for a moment and nodded.

Shi Ju Zhen is a pure killing battle, unlike the Jiuqu Huanghe Zhen, which is also mixed with any mind-losing effect.

If it is impossible to break into the ten finals, it is almost certain to die.

"Okay, then you have to set up ten superb formations, and the formation teachers are also very familiar with them, and they are also handy to arrange. As for what you need to set up a formation, you can come up now." Wang Xing said lightly.

"One hundred billion immortal crystals, one hundred third-order original artifact flying swords, ten third-order original artifact magic weapons, and one fourth-order original artifact-level magic weapon. In addition, there are ten formations combined in the ten perfect array. There will also be ten formations. At that time, ten teachers of Jinxian Level 6 will be required to sit in the town. If this formation is arranged, even if there are 1 billion aliens at the same time, they can kill them. Stay. "The leader of Tongtian was also polite and said a lot of conditions in one breath.

"Other issues are not big, but we have to arrange such a large-scale formation, and we must definitely cooperate with the Seventh Army. On our side, Teacher Wuji, Teacher Liu Xin, Tongtian Teacher, and Ruthless Teacher can each sit in an array. I plan to give all the other six generals of the Seventh Army so that our college will not have to be transferred from the college. "Wang Xing slowly said.

Master Tongtian thought for a while, and felt that there was no problem.

After all, the layout of the ten perfect array is simple, and the requirements for sitting in the array are not high.

The Immortal Academy can be regarded as hanging in the Seventh Army. If the Immortal Academy eats meat, how can it give some people in the Seventh Army some soup.

Next, the leader of Tongtian began to arrange ten unique arrays, which is naturally top secret, and no one was told.

At the same time, the investigation of the people sent by the military department came to fruition.

"Commander, the aliens are still studying the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. The Jiuqu Yellow River Array should not be cracked. The aliens on the battlefield outside the territory encounter the Jiuqu Yellow River Array every day, and they still have no power to fight back, nor do they seem to know how. Crack the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. "A man whispered.

This man was the one who the King of the Black Robe sent to investigate the situation of the alien race.

"The Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is very mysterious. If there is no map and layout method, it will never be cracked in ten thousand years. It seems that I am really careful. Next, you continue to stare at the actions of the aliens. If you find that they have After breaking the signs of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, I was notified immediately. "The commander of the black robe slowly said, and then the figure fled away.

After the commander of the black robe left, the man also hurried away.

Only they didn't find out, after both of them had gone, the alien commander Ulay appeared where they had just spoken.

Wu Lei looked at the direction of the League of Gods Army and smiled coldly: "I did not expect that the League of Gods really doubted whether we had cracked the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. Fortunately, I left a heart and was cracked in the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation The news was blocked the first time. Of course, thanks to the guy organized by the Dark God, the spies of the League of Legends lurked in advance. Those who know the news, even if they are not one of the commanders in the League of God ’s Army, It is also a more powerful title god. It is really a greedy guy, and this news has changed 10 billion pounds of divine fluid from me, but if we win this battle, we will give you a few hundred more. Billions of divine spirits count. "

At the door of the tent camp, Taylor brought five people.

Just when he was about to go in, Tyro was a little uneasy and turned back: "I know that you lost 10 billion merit points to Feng Yun last time, and you are very unconvinced. The Legion cooperates to do a great thing, and you'd better cooperate with me obediently. The mighty strength, presumably you also know that although he is not the realm of the **** king, the general **** king is not necessarily his opponent. So if you are If you don't cooperate, he just takes you away. If he deliberately makes things difficult for you, I can't save you. "

Hearing here, all five looked stunned.

At first, they had watched the images of the battle between Wengyun and Long Mao, and now they can't help but feel a little embarrassed.

That strength is so terrible that none of their legion commanders can be rivals.

Tylor saw that the five were a little nervous, knowing that they still listened to their words.

After entering the camp, Tylor looked at Fengyun Wuji and laughed: "Teacher Fengyun Wuji, I will introduce to you, these five generals are our 7th Legion Iron Blood Iron Chain Iron God, Megalith Buckman God general, God of Fire prisoner Lement, Lord Wade of Shijie army, Lord Atman of Zhenshan army. All five gods have fought in the extraterrestrial battlefield for many years, and it must not be a spy of an alien race. You are now What do they need to cooperate with, despite speaking. "

The five gods will look at the situation with all fears, and still arch their hands honestly.

Feng Yun nodded fearlessly: "I have seen these five **** generals before, and everyone is an old friend. In this case, I will not turn corners. The cause of this is that our college is worried that aliens have already cracked the Jiuqu Yellow River Or, the other race will one day crack the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. By then, if we do not take precautions in advance, the Jiuqu Yellow River Array will not only be our help but will instead become our grave. So in order to avoid This situation happened, our college arranged a super large array after the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, called it Ten Jue Zhen. If one day the aliens cracked the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation and killed in the direction of Yingzui Cliff, this ten The perfect match is our immortal college and the retreat of the Seventh Army. "

The five gods will all tremble and think they have heard it wrong.

The Immortal Academy was unexpectedly cracked by the aliens in the Daxin Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, but the Supreme God of Shenhe said that it would be impossible for the aliens to break the formation without 10,000 years.

Is this too alarmist?

Therefore, the first feeling of the five gods is unbelief.

Regardless of their ideas, Shen Yun said: "Whether you believe it or not, it is always right to be prepared in advance. This is well-prepared. Because the ten eyes of the ten perfect array all require the strong in the realm of the Lord to sit in town. There are already four teachers in our college occupying four eyes, and the other six eyes are five of you plus a Red Flame Army **** who will sit on the fire ape. Starting tomorrow, our college ’s Tongtian teacher will teach you so Manipulate the ten perfect array, each of you must come, if anyone does not come, or dare to leak this thing, don't blame me at that time. "

In the end, the situation unconsciously brought some threatening tones.

However, Tyro promised: "Relax, Teacher Fengyun, if they do not come, I will expel them directly from the Seventh Army."

The situation nodded nobly ~ ~ There is the army commander of Taylor, who is not afraid that these five people are not good at learning to manipulate the matrix.

After a few people left, Iron Chain God would complain first: "Leader of the Corps, the impassioned teacher of Xianxian College is full and has nothing to do. The supreme **** of the military department has said that the alien race will be within ten thousand years. The Jiuqu Yellow River Array cannot be cracked. They worry about nothing. "

Taek coughed and reprimanded: "Let you learn what you learn, even if you don't use it now, you can always use it in ten thousand years."

Hearing this, Iron God will be a little speechless.

In fact, even Tylo may not believe that the aliens have cracked the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, let alone that the aliens may launch a full-scale war in three months.

But time will prove that Xianxian Academy is right, the words of the Academy are truth.

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