Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1771: The war broke out and moved!

The next day, the Iron Blood Army Iron Chain General, the Megalith Army Buckman, the Fire Prison Army Rement, the Stone Horde Army Wade, the Zhenshan Army Atman, will all arrive.

The fire ape naturally arrived, and now he has benefited greatly from the immortal college.

The Immortal College said that the alien race was about to wage a full-scale war. If others did not believe it, he was convinced.

"Fire ape, you must be familiar with all the teachers at Xianxian College. What is the Tongtian teacher who is going to teach us the formation today, and how to cultivate it? If there is no cultivation practice in the realm of the Lord God, don't blame us first to give him a power. . Immortal Academy forced us to learn what a perfect match, but we are all angry. "Iron Chain God King said very politely.

Upon hearing the fire ape, his eyes turned: "Although Teacher Tongtian is also in the realm of the Lord God, but his strength is not even as good as me. If you want to give him a kick, I suggest that you treat him severely. He is not me. The opponent is definitely not your opponent of the five gods. At that time, I think that even if he was stabbed, he would be embarrassed to say such a shame, and stabbed is also a slapstick. "

The five gods would look at each other and nodded meaningfully.

Soon, Master Tongtian came over and grabbed Qing Pingjian.

At this time, Iron Chain God will give a signal to the other four people, and flew up instantly.

The iron chain **** will hit his iron chain, the Buckman **** will throw his sledgehammer, the Lement and Wade gods will split their sword, and the Atman blasts out his iron fist.

The five gods will face each other, and they will clean up the God of Heaven.

The master of Tongtian frowned, grabbed the Qingping sword in his hand, and didn't even look at the five of them.

Seeing only a crescent sword qi shattering the void, it was unstoppable. In the incredible eyes of the five people, their weapons were shot down, and they were also blown out.

The fire monkey came to the Master of Tongtian at this time, pointing at the righteous words of the five people: "What do you five want to do, contrary to the failure of the sky, even dare to do something to Teacher Tongtian. Fortunately, Teacher Tongtian is highly advanced and has strength comparable to God King Or, it ’s really your way. Hum, you wait, I will give the original obituary to the regimental commander, so that the army chief will know how the five of you came to learn the formation method. Teacher Tongtian, you have Not hurt? "

The leader of Tongtian shook his head, and the five of them were far from wanting to hurt him.

The Iron Chain God blasted the five people tens of thousands of miles with the sword of the Master of Heaven, and heard the words of the Fire Ape, all seeing the proud look of the Fire Ape, all his teeth were itchy.

"The fire ape **** said that Master Tongtian is not even as good as he is. He is simply talking nonsense. But the sword just now is not necessarily the leader of the Tyro Corps in the half-step **** king realm. If I do n’t guess If it is wrong, the strength of the teacher of Xiantian College is almost the same as that of the situation-free teacher. "The Iron Chain God thought to himself, but also secretly shocked.

The realm of the Lord God is cultivated, but the strength is comparable to the King of God.

One is already a miracle on the battlefield of floods and famines, but another one has appeared, and the two still come from the same place.

Rao is how the iron chain gods looked down on Xian Academy before, thinking that Xian Academy is just a ground snake outside the Shenhe River. At this moment, I can't help asking myself, is this really what a ground snake can have.

It is more difficult to train a **** king, and it is even harder to train a master **** with the power of a **** king.

In addition to the iron chain **** generals, the other four gods will also know that they have been played by the fire ape, and at this moment they are too angry.

"Even the first time, and the next time I will not be able to kill you, but I can still kill you and destroy your third-order deities." The Master of the Heavens said lightly.

The five of them didn't realize that their bodies were trembling. If they had lost their bodies, they would have ended their career as a god. The iron chain **** would be the first to say: "There will never be another time. If we know Tongtian The teacher's strength is comparable to that of the God King. Even if we give us ten more courage, we dare not take action against you. "

The other four gods will also speak one after another, saying that there will be no next time.

The Tongtian leader didn't say any more, and went straight to the topic: "Come with me, and I will teach you how to control the top ten. Because of the limited time, you have to follow me to study other than the one-hour break each day. In addition, this matter is classified as a top secret and no one can disclose it. I have asked the commander of the Tyro Corps to tell you that you are in retreat and you will not have to show up again in the last three months. "

The six were all stunned at this moment, then nodded firmly.

time flies.

Three months elapsed, during which the students and teachers of Xianxian College were actively preparing for the war, and they did not dare to delay it for a moment.

"Well, although you only know about Niu Niu Yi Mao for the entire ten jewels, it's barely enough to control the ten jewels. For the next period of time, you haven't done anything, what should you do, but what day When the aliens invaded, you immediately led your respective army to Yingzui Cliff to fight. "Said the leader of Tongtian.

During this time, he and his teachers have set up a ten-game team.

This array covers a billion kilometers and encompasses the entire Eagle's Mouth Cliff. The ten array eyes of the formation method are based on the third-order original artifact magic weapon, plus ten main gods sit in the town themselves, which is enough to resist millions of aliens. However, at this moment, the ten must-do battles are still dormant and have not been activated. When the alien race really launches a full-scale war, the ten-strike array can be instantly turned into a behemoth that devours everything.

The King of Iron Chains heard the words of the God of Heaven, such as amnesty.

Every day for the past three months, they have learned the way of formation, their heads are dizzy, and then they will go crazy.

After a few people went away, they could not help complaining.

"It's so tiring, these three months are really not people's lives. I remember when I studied Jiuqu Yellow River Array before, we spent three years."

"That's right, and the Superintendent of Education is too strict. He has an ice cube face all day, who owes him billions of credits."

"I think the Tongtian teacher of Xianxian College is a neuropathy. Such a complicated matrix method has taught us three months. I really don't know what he thinks. Is it possible that an alien race will not start a war after three months? Huh, if The alien came over these days, and I will call him Dad in the future. ”Iron Chain God King said with a grudge.

Everyone laughed and didn't take it seriously.

Two days later.

The League of Gods Army is quiet. Some people are practicing, some people are sorting out their trophies, and some people are drinking and having fun.

Suddenly, the earth shook.

In the void, densely packed godships flew over from alien territory.

The military scouts that were investigating on the front line were panicked at this moment. So many alien warships came over, and the whole army of alien races came out.

"All-out war, the aliens waged all-out war." A military scout shouted, picked up the horn in his hand and blew desperately. At the same time, many horns rang, and the voice quickly spread to all the military corps. .

Military Department, hidden space.

The commander of the Black Robe changed his face: "Fight now, and inform the various legions to prepare for it!"

Long glanced at the dense alien ship, and could not help thinking of the situation: "General, the aliens came here on a large scale, I think they have found a way to crack the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. So now they should Tell the various legions not to use the Jiuqu Yellow River Array again, or the aliens may surprise us and cause huge casualties to us. "

The commander of the black robe frowned, and the alien really cracked the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation.

The secret agent he arranged lurking in the alien race said before that the alien race had not found a way to break the formation. How long did it take the alien race to find it?

Lien chuckled at this moment: "Dragon, I think you are thinking too much. It is absolutely impossible for the aliens to find a solution to the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. I think it should be that the aliens are always helpless and do not want to retreat. I launched a full-scale war and wanted to open a breakthrough. After all, the number of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array we arranged was limited and did not cover the entire flood and battlefield. As long as there was a place that was not covered by the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, the aliens could drive straight in Into the hinterland of our universe. "

The commander of the black robe thought for a moment, and thought that Leon's words made some sense.

It is very likely that the alien race was really forced, so it was the all-out war.

If so, it means that the Jiuqu Yellow River Array has not been cracked by the aliens. They can still use this array to intercept more than half of the aliens.

Several other commanders are also silent, do not know how to decide. If you give up the advantage of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array now, and the aliens have not cracked the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, then who will be responsible for this loss.

"Chief Commander ..." Long Yan wanted to say a few more words, but the commander in black robe interrupted him.

"Let's observe for the time being, don't rush to abandon the Jiuqu Yellow River Array." The commander of the black robe said.

Extraterrestrial battlefields ~ ~ in the 7th Army.

The Iron Blood Army Iron Chain General, the Megalith Army Buckman, the Fire Prison Army Rement, the Stone Horde Army Wade, and the Zhenshan Army Atman also received news.

Iron Chain God will be very embarrassed at this moment, and several others are trying to laugh but can't laugh.

What did you say the other day? If the alien came here in the past few days, who will you call your father?

Fortunately, the figure of Tai Luo appeared at this time, which resolved the embarrassment: "The alien race is fierce, hundreds of thousands of alien races are moving in, this is basically to fight against us. If the alien race really cracked the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, you first Time will lead their respective troops to the Eagle's Mouth Cliff, and then I will pretend to be defeated and retreat while fighting, until the aliens are introduced into the terrible array. "

The five of them nodded solemnly when they heard Tyro's words.

.. m.

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