Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1772: Great battle, fall!

Time passes by every minute.

Nine commanders of the military are waiting, and the Xianxian Academy is waiting.

Everyone is waiting for a message, whether the Yellow River Formation of Jiuqu is cracked by an alien.

Interracial Army.

Wu Lei looked at the chaotic battlefield coldly: "It is almost ready to launch a full-scale attack. We have prepared for this battle for many years. For this, we bear the burden of humiliation, and even watch tens of millions of soldiers go to death. It is worthwhile that we will surely be able to penetrate the hinterland of the League of Gods in this battle. "

"Warriors, rush, crush these lowly creatures!"

With Uray's command, billions of alien warriors were killed.

For a time, the fire was horrifying.

League of Gods, Forty-ninth Army.

The head of the legion looked at the black alien who rushed over and shouted, "All the generals of the 49th Legion listened to the order and let the soldiers control the Jiuqu Yellow River Array at their respective positions. Be sure to put these **** aliens in They all fight. "


A total of 104 generals replied loudly, and then quickly flew back to their respective troops.

They control the Jiuqu Yellow River Array as they train daily, and everything seems methodical.

The alien army arrived, they knew that the Jiuqu Yellow River Array was ahead, but they rushed in without any hesitation.

Seeing here, the generals of the 49th Legion fully stimulated the formation, intending to kill as many aliens as possible.

But soon they found something wrong.

After the alien army entered the battle, they dispersed and rushed to each of the formations as soon as possible. The Alliance soldiers who guarded the formation did not respond and were slashed by the rushed alien soldiers.

One by one the bases were pulled out, and many soldiers of the 49th Legion were also exposed.

The aliens looked at the League of Gods soldiers still in shock and killed without hesitation.

"What's the matter, the aliens didn't fall into the formation at all. As soon as they entered the battle, they found all the formation bases of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. Damn, the aliens must have developed the cracking method of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. Hurry up and report this important news to the military. "A general of the 49th Army roared, and other generals also found out at this moment and contacted the military.

Military Department.

"General commander, emergency report! A total of forty-seven army commanders came with the same news. The aliens ... the aliens found the way to crack the Jiuqu Yellow River Array." A man rushed over, "The nine we arranged The Quhuanghe formation has completely lost its effect, and our fighters did not know about it. Each legion was killed by the other side, and the loss was heavy. Even if some legions reacted, they gave up the Jiuqu Yellow River formation, but the rush was fundamental Unable to line up to meet the enemy, now ... almost slaughtered by aliens. "

The commander of the black robe shivered when he heard this.

The other commanders are also extremely ugly, which is definitely the worst case.

"Emergency report. The 49th Army was broken by the alien army. The chief of the army, Bunker, asked for support!"

"Emergency report. The 34th Army was breached by the alien army. The leader of the army, Gardstone, asked for assistance!"

"Emergency report, the 92nd Army was breached by an alien army, and the chief of the army, Burns, asked for support!"


In a row, eleven army commanders asked for assistance, and the headquarters of the entire army ’s flood and desert battlefield was quiet.

The commander in the black robe gritted his teeth: "We miscalculated, the aliens really cracked the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, and they launched a full-scale war instead of jumping over the wall, but they were prepared. I admit that my judgment made a mistake, which gave the Ministry of Military Affairs Caused an unforgivable loss. Afterwards, I would go to the military headquarters to report. But before we do, we must stop aliens from invading, and we must not let aliens enter the hinterland of our universe. Rongyu, you can sort it out now. Here are the location maps of the various legions. "

"Yes," Long Ying answered, and about ten minutes later he figured out the position of the alien army.

Looking at the dense battlefield map marking the location of the alien army, the commander in black robe frowned: "Although the alien race rushed down along our defense line, but you see the direction of the alien army's movement. All alien troops are divided into a total Six shares, about 1.5 billion aliens in these two shares have been heading straight to the Eagle's Mouth Cliff, about 2.5 billion aliens in these two shares have been heading in the direction of Qiu Minggu, these two shares have about 1 billion aliens It ’s always going straight to the direction of the Luohe River. So I think the purpose of the aliens is self-evident. They just want to break through these three directions and enter the hinterland of our universe. "

Hearing this, everyone shivered.

When they were shocked, they also admired the commander of the black robe, but at this time, the commander of the black robe did not settle himself, but calm down to analyze the purpose of the alien race.

"Yes, the aliens certainly have this intention. In fact, it is also very clear that we are more than twice the number of aliens, and they can't just come here and fight us dead. Their purpose from the beginning to the end is to kill our universe. Go to the hinterland. "Long Yan nodded.

"So what now?" Someone couldn't help asking.

"We have a total of 106 legions. Currently, we have arranged 60 legions of the first line of defense, 36 legions of the second line of defense, and 10 legions of the third line of defense. Thirty-six legions of the second line of defense were transferred to the first line of defense.

Everyone knows that the first line of defense is no longer supportable.

In order not to let the aliens go further, the second line of defense was transferred to the first line of defense in order to intercept the aliens outside the first line of defense.

However, if this fails, it means that the second line of defense is gone, and the alien will directly kill the third line of defense.

As the order was communicated, each army quickly dispatched.

Among the other races, Wu Lei watched the movement of the League of Gods and smiled coldly: "I still know the King of the Black Robe. I didn't expect his misjudgment in front of him. He can still see our intentions so quickly. But we are ready For a few years, this is not the only preparation. The good show has just begun, and we will inevitably invade the Alliance's hinterland of the universe in this battle. "

Several other alien commanders also nodded firmly, and they were all confident in this battle.

So far the Seventh Army is located.

Tyro was a little bit miscalculated. He had planned to retreat while fighting, leading the aliens into the ten perfect array.

But who knows that when he pretended not to retreat, there were more and more aliens. The aliens in two directions gathered toward the Eagle's Mouth Cliff. From the beginning, the number of one legion reached three legions. The amount is still increasing.

That's 300 million aliens!

If all these aliens could be introduced into the ten perfect arrays, Tyro felt that it would be enough.

But who knows that at this time the Ministry of Military heard that the aliens might break through the Eagle's Mouth Cliff, and the seven legions around them gathered in the Eagle's Mouth Cliff, causing his seventh army to be squeezed in and unable to retreat.

Now he was anxious in his heart, knowing that there was a large array that could kill the aliens behind him, but he could only be anxious.

At this moment, he received a furious voice: "There are two alien troops converging in the direction of the Eagle's Mouth Cliff. A rough estimate is 1.5 billion. We hope that the leader of the Tyro Corps will be here at our college. Can you hold on again, after all the aliens come together, find a way to introduce them all into the ten perfect array. "

Tyro heard the news, and the whole man was aggressive.

The 1.5 billion aliens were all introduced into the ten perfect array, and the appetite of Xianxian College was too great.

However, if he can accomplish this feat, his seventh army will be famous, this is definitely a battle that can be recorded in the history of the League of Gods.

"Okay, let me try."

Tyro echoed back, leading the soldiers of the Seventh Legion to fight with aliens.

Three hours later, the entire battlefield of flood and wasteland became blood red.

God Alliance Army, the latest news came.

So far, more than 1.7 billion fighters have been killed and wounded in the League of Gods Army, while alien casualties have been only over 200 million.

Everyone was silent.

They naturally know what caused it.

"At present, all the troops of the alien race have gathered in the three directions of Qiu Minggu, Yingzui Cliff and Luoxing River, but because we have taken away the support of the army in the second line of defense in advance, it can be regarded as temporarily blocking the pace of the alien race. If you ca n’t make the attack, I believe that the aliens will still have to retreat as before. ”Long Ling took a deep breath, although this time the casualties were heavy, but as long as he can prevent the aliens from entering the hinterland universe, everything is not inevitable. Redeem.

"10 billion God ’s League soldiers, this battle killed nearly one-fifth, my sin." The commander of the black robe is a little dignified, "But the aliens have prepared for so long. It should not be the only means, definitely. What else is unknown to me. "

Several other commanders frowned when they heard this.

Is there really any hole card for the alien?

In the alien army, Wu Lei saw the blocked alien soldiers and snorted, "Did the people in the League of Gods think that they had successfully prevented our invasion, then give them a loud slap now. . "

Princess Nissi nodded her head ~ ~ with a wave of her hand.

At this time, only one crack appeared in the void, and one ship of Godships flew out of it, and then went straight to the three directions of Qiuming Valley, Yingzuya and Luoxinghe.

At the same time, the League of Gods got news that the aliens had increased their troops.

"Commander-in-chief, aliens ... aliens are sending two billion more soldiers," said a fighter shaking the message.

Hearing this, the commander of the Black Robe changed his face immediately: "No, with the addition of these two billion alien soldiers, even with the support of 36 legions of the second line of defense, the first line of defense must not be defended. Living."

Sure enough, the news came a lot.

In the direction of Qiu Minggu, the first line of defense fell, the 9th Army Commander, 33rd Army Commander, and 47th Army Commander died in succession!

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