Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1773: The formation method starts, lore!

Heipao Zongshuai heard this, and felt his body tremble: "I knew that the aliens still had the means, but they did not expect to be two billion soldiers hidden. In this case, our number advantage over the aliens was not so obvious After all, the average strength of our fighters should have been weaker than the aliens. Now, the 36th Legion of our second line of defense has been transferred to the first line of defense, and the second line of defense is equivalent to non-existence. The aliens in the Tao direction will definitely go straight up, and then impact our third line of defense, and our third line of defense has only ten legions. "

Speaking of which, the other commanders are also dignified.

The aliens sent two billion more soldiers, and there were a total of seven billion aliens.

The League of Legends 106 Legion, the total number of soldiers is only 11 billion.

From 7 billion to 11 billion, the alien side has taken the absolute advantage.

After all, the ratio of casualties between the alien soldiers and the League of Gods soldiers was about one to three. If one soldier died from an alien race, the League of Gods would die three.

The 11 billion God Alliance fighters have been reluctant to defend 5 billion alien warriors, let alone 7 billion.

At this time, Long Yan thought and said, "Even if we report this matter to the headquarters, the headquarters cannot immediately arrange the army to come over. It is too late. Our only advantage is that there are nine commanders and only seven aliens. And a commander is enough to match a legion, even more useful than a legion. So at this time we must take a shot, even if we are drawn into the river of God by the law of origin. "

The commander of the black robe nodded.

There are seven commanders in the alien race, and nine of them. Don't underestimate that they have two commanders more than the alien race.

If seven to seven, they can free up two commanders, and these two commanders can do more.

For example, these two commanders can decapitate the commander and general of an alien legion. As long as the commander and general of a legion god's realm are killed, the alien legion will be halted.

"General Commander, after the aliens broke through the defense line of Qiu Minggu, 300 million aliens in the direction of Qiu Minggu have reached the original second line of defense. If the foreigners continue to go deep, they will impact our third line of defense in half an hour. In addition, the direction of the Eagle's Mouth Cliff and the direction of the Xinghe River will also be broken by the aliens.

The speed of the aliens was really too fast, which surprised some commanders.

The commander of the black robe knew that he could not wait any longer, and he said in a deep voice: "Now the ten army on the third line of defense are immediately sniping the aliens in the direction of Qiu Mingya. After Qiu Mingya's direction is the hinterland of our alliance, and still The Celestial Mountains Star Field in the heart of the hinterland must not be lost here. In addition, order the commanders of the League of Gods forces in the direction of Yingzuiya and Luoxinghe to let them stay in the position and fight to the end! "

Hearing this, everyone shivered.


What does this mean, no more assistance?

Long Yan immediately said: "General Commander, are you going to give up the direction of Yingzui Cliff and the direction of Luoxinghe?"

The commander of the black robe took a deep breath and said bitterly: "The seven billion aliens are menacing, and we can't keep it. If we really can only keep one direction, it must be the most important direction of Qiu Minggu .Otherwise, the aliens take root in the Celestial Mountains, and the center blooms, and at least dozens of them will be brutally slaughtered. As for the direction of the Eagle's Mouth Cliff and the direction of the Luohe River, they are on the edge of the territory of our League of God. Breaking the direction, the loss we can cause together is not as good as Qiu Minggu's direction. Now it can only be so, there must be a trade-off. But rest assured, if we have more strength after we intercepted the aliens in Qiu Minggu's direction, I We will definitely be afraid of people supporting the direction of the Eagle's Mouth Cliff and the Luohe River. "

Hearing this, everyone was silent.

Seven billion aliens, the League of God is absolutely unstoppable.

Fortunately, the alien race broke through in three directions at the same time. At this time, it was natural to concentrate all people first and keep the most important Qiu Minggu direction.


Several commanders answered, and ran towards Qiu Minggu at the same time.

They have sensed the breath of the seven commanders of the alien race, and the other party has already dispatched.

Eagle's mouth cliff direction.

A total of twenty-four legions of the League of Gods are gathered here, and seven of them are drawn from the second line of defense. But now the alien race has increased its strength by two billion, and 500 million of them have rushed to the direction of Yingzui Cliff.

In this way, the aliens invested up to two billion troops in the direction of Yingzui Cliff.

The twenty-four legions of the League of God have a force of only 2.6 billion.

Two billion to 2.6 billion, it can be said that aliens have occupied absolute advantages. Because in the past, to resist two billion aliens, at least four billion the League of Gods warriors could do the job.

The direction of the Eagle's Mouth is precarious.

Tyro gritted his teeth at this moment, almost killing red eyes.

In just three and a half hours of fighting, his 7th Army commander killed 30 million people.

The other twenty-three legions were not much better, and the total number of warriors killed in the Alliance reached 900 million.

On the alien side, two billion alien warriors also lost more than 300 million.

But even so, there are more than 1.6 billion alien fighters.

At this time, a voice came: "Tailor Corps, almost, quickly introduce aliens into the ten terrific array."

Tyro froze and nodded incomprehensible.

But at this time, it was definitely not possible for the Seventh Army to retreat alone. He immediately transmitted a message to the other legions.

Prior to this, he had contacted the legions of the various legions and was well prepared.

After the chiefs of the legions received the transmission, even if they were skeptical at the moment, there was nothing they could do because the superiority of the alien race became more and more obvious. If they continued to fight, they would only be wiped out.

They chose to believe in Taylor and hope that a miracle would happen.

The leader of the legion took the lead, and the fighters of the various legions had been beaten without any help. This retreat should not be too fast.

Instantly, the soldiers of the various legions receded towards the back like tides.

The aliens were overjoyed to see this situation.

The League of Gods soldiers retreated, and they can then drive straight into the Alliance's hinterland, even faster than the main force in the direction of Qiu Minggu.

For the first time, the news also reached the top of the Alliance League and the alien army.

Everyone was shocked.

Immediately, more than 1.6 billion aliens were in the shape of a rainbow.

"Here comes the alien race, the **** of iron chains, the **** of Buckman, the **** of Lement, the admiral of Stone Wade, the admiral of Fireman, the admiral of fire ape, and three college teachers. Listen to my order, I'm ready to start the Ten Peer Array. The 10 Peer Array I originally arranged can also resist one billion aliens, but I did not expect that there are as many as two billion aliens, even if more than 300 million aliens have died, there are still ten More than 600 million points. But at this moment, the fronts of the alien races are very long. Even if the formation of the formation is started, it is impossible to include all the 1.6 billion aliens into the formation, but there must be some 1.2 billion or 1.3 billion. It is also a test for Shi Jue Zhen. Therefore, at that time, each of you must have a clear heart, and you must remember that you must not leave the position of the eye, otherwise, if it is broken by a foreigner, the entire Shi Jue Zhen will be half lost. "Tongtian The leader said very seriously.

Hearing these words, including the three control matrix teachers of Xianxian College, also looked grim.

The ten must-do battles are really critical, and there must be no mistakes.

The aliens didn't know that they had fallen into the formation ~ ~ rushed forward in a frenzy.

The gods ’knowledge of the Heavenly Master quietly shrouded the entire battlefield. He wanted to add more alien soldiers to the formation, and this cannot be rushed.

After half an hour, the leader of Tongtian suddenly said: "It is now, everyone starts the formation together!"

Hearing this, ten eyes were excited at the same time.

A gigantic battle covering a billion kilometers was formed almost instantly, and a total of more than 1.3 billion aliens were taken into the formation.

At this moment, the 300 million alien warriors who have not been included in the formation are aggressive and do not understand what happened.

In the void, Wang Xing is watching all this: "It is, after this war, Xianxian Academy will certainly become a legendary existence on the entire flood and battlefield."

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