Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1774: God king fights, black robe regrets!

The success of the Master of the Heavenly Master's formation is also a shock in his heart.

In Fengshen World, he would never set up such a super team, because there are not so many Jinxian-level strongmen in the whole Fengshen world to kill him.

However, in the main universe, there are numerous Jinxian strong, but only one billion of the more than 1.3 billion alien warriors in this formation are Jinxian Xiuwei.

Among them, the Jinxuan level 6 mixed Yuan Da Luo Jinxian has 1,349 people.

Although it is not to say that these 1,349 people all have saints in the world of the gods, but the weakest is also equivalent to the big Luo Jinxian who cut off a corpse.

This division of strength was summed up by the Master of the Heavens after he came to the main universe.

The reason is that he found that the so-called Lord God of the Lord Universe is much weaker than their saints. Those immortals who first entered the Lord God Realm are just like the big Luo Jinxian who beheaded a corpse. The power is slightly stronger than the fire ape That is the equivalent of Da Luo Jinxian who cut off the two corpses. As for the half-step **** king like Tai Luo, it is comparable to the big Luo Jinxian who beheaded the three corpses.

However, even if the realm of the three corpses is also cut off, there are very few compared with these saints.

The Tongtian leader regained his mind, watching the flustered innumerable aliens among the formations, killing his heart suddenly.

He maneuvered the Tian Jue Zhen in the Ten Jue Zhen, which can be said to be the most powerful of the ten Jue Zhen. At this moment I saw him spurring the formation, = the thunder was rolling in the formation, and under one thunder, more than 10,000 alien warriors turned into powder.

The Iron Chain, General Buckman, General Lement, General Stone Wade, General Atman, Fire Ape, and the three teachers saw that the God of Heaven began to lead the array to kill the enemy. Dare to neglect, and drew the other nine formations. Under the combined attack, 100,000 aliens turned into blood.

This way of killing the enemy has shocked all nine.

At the same time, the six gods began to join the iron blood army, boulder army, the fire prison army, the stone warrior army, the Zhenshan army, the red flame army, and the fairy college. Allied soldiers left the formation, while massacres against alien soldiers. Because they know the safe route in the formation method, the shuttle back and forth in it is not affected by the formation method at all.

Beyond the top ten, the 300 million aliens are frightened at this moment.

They have realized that the more than 1.3 billion aliens must have fallen into some new type of formation, but they did not feel the shadow of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation again, making them tremble, and felt that the formation was like a Like the fierce beasts, they will be devoured immediately.

The leaders of the army such as Tyro overjoyed, and more than 1.6 billion aliens were captured by the Ten Greats at a time, and more than 1.3 billion were taken in. The remaining 300 million aliens were also frightened. At this moment, their 1.7 billion soldiers Quantity, if you can no longer afford these 300 million alien soldiers, you can really eat shit.

"Warriors, it ’s no doubt that more than 1.3 billion aliens have fallen into the tenth battle. The remaining 300 million alien warriors are definitely not our opponents in the twenty-four legions. In this battle, everyone may think we are eagle-mouthed. The direction of the cliff must not be able to hold, but we are going to create a miracle today. We not only need to hold the mouth of the eagle mouth, but also drive out the aliens in the direction of the eagle mouth. Now everyone, kill me! "

Hearing this, the other commanders of the army also shouted.

Suddenly, the 1.7 billion Divine Alliance fighters were as imposing as possible. They quickly surrounded 300 million alien soldiers and killed them.

In the case of a large number of people and the morale of the League of Legends fighters is growing, the casualty ratio is also shrinking. When 300 million aliens die by 100 million, the Alliance of Alliance soldiers die only 150 million.

At the same time, Qiu Minggu direction.

The aliens invested a total of 3.5 billion troops here. After the League of God took out all the ten legions of the third line of defense, the cumulative military input reached 6.5 billion. However, at the beginning, there was a problem with the strategy of the League of Gods Army. It was not predicted in advance that the aliens would break the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, leading to the death of 1.7 billion the League of Gods soldiers, of which Qiu Minggu took a billion .

Now Qiu Minggu has 2.7 billion alien warriors and 4 billion warriors in the League of Gods.

However, because the battle line in Akina Valley was stretched for a long time, two billion alien warriors were pinned on the first and second lines of defense. Currently, there are only 700 million alien warriors on the third line of defense. However, the League of Gods is not much better. The Alliance of Warriors on the third line of defense is 1.3 billion, of which 300 million came from the first and second lines of defense.

It can be said that the third direction is fragile.

After all, 700 million aliens have a great advantage against 1.3 billion Theo Alliance fighters.

Fortunately, the League of Gods has nine commanders, two more than aliens.

At this moment, the nine commanders are all shooting together, and they are about to intercept the aliens in the third line of defense. The aliens cannot break through the third direction for a while.

The commander of the black robe was looking at Wu Lei in front of him. A sword in his hand was covered with blood. He turned and said, "Long Chen and Katz, seven of us are responsible for holding down the seven commanders of the alien race. Kill the various legions and generals of the alien race. "

Long Yu and Katz nodded, and immediately rushed to the alien army.

Wu Lei saw this scene, but sneered: "The direction of the Eagle's Mouth Cliff has been broken by our alien warriors, and the direction of the Xinghe River is also fast. As for the direction of Qiu Minggu, you can't keep it. Don't do needless struggle In this battle, we will surely penetrate into the universe hinterland of your God League. Commanders, kill me now! "

He said that seven commanders of different races shot at the same time.

In an instant, the sky is turned upside down, the void is broken, and the laws of the universe are all triggered.

Naturally, the most intense battles are Wu Lei and Black Robe. The two of them can be said to be the strongest on both sides. At this moment, they can't win.

After fighting for a quarter of an hour like this, suddenly the law of the universe locked a military commander of the League of Gods, who was to be dragged into the river of God.

"Tempest!" The commander of the black robe suddenly changed his face. He didn't expect that they would be locked by the law of the universe's origin so quickly that they would be dragged into the Shenhe River. In this way, it becomes seven to eight, and they have only one number advantage in command.

Tempest gritted his teeth and looked at the strength of the Law of the Universe that was constantly locked in towards him. He was a little reluctant to say: "Sorry, I have done my best. If I had not erupted out of the power of the God King, I had already been killed at this moment Now. "

Having said that, he still wanted to urge the momentum, but found that his own power had been limited by the law of the origin of the universe.

The commander of the black robe nodded, and did not blame Tampist. If it was that time, he would definitely explode the full power of the kingdom of God.

Just then, they are even more difficult.

Tempest's body was drawn by the laws of the universe's origins and soon disappeared.

The battle continues.

Without a commander in chief, Long Yu immediately replenished, and formed another seven-on-seven with the other party, and then Katz continued to hunt the alien chiefs and generals.

However, the advantage of aliens has become more and more obvious, watching the third line of defense is about to be broken.

The black robe had a blue complexion. He had thought that he and others could keep the third line of defense. Now it seems that he is taking it for granted.

If this third line of defense in the direction of Akina is breached, the consequences would be unimaginable.

But at this moment, a voice came suddenly.

"The latest battle report, the direction of the Eagle's Mouth Cliff." A sharp voice came, so that both Heipao and Wu Lei could not help but stop and looked at the distant people.

After all, the battle report just said that the direction of Yingzuiya was broken by the aliens.

The commander of the black robe felt a hint of hope: "Come on, what's going on."

At this moment, everyone also looked at the messenger who reported the war report. At this time, he saw with excitement: "At first we thought that the direction of the Eagle's Mouth was breached by the aliens, but it was not the strategy of the immortal college envoys. Entered the monstrous battle they couldn't stop ahead of time, which was called the Ten Extreme Battles. As a result, the alien races were indeed recruited, and more than 1.6 billion alien soldiers ~ ~ more than 1.3 billion entered the battle, and they have now been killed As much as 800 million, the remaining 500 million is also at the end of the crossbow, and it will definitely be killed in an hour at most. The other 300 million alien warriors who have not entered the formation are also 24 by our side. The corps joined forces to siege, and it was almost annihilated. "

Hearing this, Wu Lei and others suddenly changed their faces.

The King of Black Robe was overjoyed and asked, "How many warriors do we have in the direction of the Eagle's Head?"

The messenger meditated, "There are probably as many as 1.3 billion."

"Okay, great." The commander of the black robe couldn't help it. He knew that as long as he transferred these 1.3 billion soldiers, Qiu Minggu could hold at least 80% of the way, and the thought of all this was due to the immortal college. He couldn't help but regret it.

If I had listened to the Immortal Academy at the beginning, I would change the formation method in advance and use the ten terrific formations. At this moment, the casualties would be terrible.

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