Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1775: Fight hard and break the line!

Immediately, the commander of the black robe said almost immediately: "Pass me a command to let the commanders of the army in the direction of the Eagle's mouth cliff to end the battle at a high speed, and then go to the third line of defense support in Qiuya Valley. Qiu Mingya's direction is very important and must not be alien The army broke through. In addition, I would like to ask the teachers of Xianxian College individually, hoping that they can come forward to support after the war over Eaglemouth Cliff, regardless of their previous suspicions. "

Hearing this, everyone looked different.

Twenty-four legions of the League of Gods in the direction of the Eagle's Mouth were asked to come to support without any problems. But I asked the teachers of Xianxian University to come alone for support, obviously there was a kind of meaning to ask Xianxian University to forgive myself, which definitely put Xianxian University in a very high position.

However, several commanders were not stupid, and soon understood the idea of ​​the commander in black.

Immortal College killed more than 1.3 billion aliens and turned the tide when it was about to kill. It held the Eagle's Mouth Cliff by its own power, which made Immortal College have a high reputation in the flood field. On the contrary, the military department did not immediately adopt the ten terrific arrays of the Immortal Academy, which will definitely cause many soldiers to complain. It is estimated that there are many legions and generals who think that they are the commanders of the military. Tragic death.

Immediately after the messenger heard the figure, he immediately went to speak.

The commander of the black robe shouted at this time: "Dear soldiers of the League of Legends, tell you the good news. We are holding in the direction of the Eagle's Mouth. As long as you insist, the twenty-four legions in the direction of the Eagle's Mouth. , A total of more than 1.3 billion soldiers will come to support. At that time, our number is three times that of the alien race, and the direction of Qiu Mingu will be as stable as Tarzan! "

His words spread, and many of the original Alliance League warriors who had resigned themselves were inspiring.

It turned out that they were not fighting alone, they also had reinforcements.

During this meeting, Wu Lei also learned the situation in the direction of the Eagle's Mouth Cliff.

He couldn't believe that the news turned out to be true. The two billion alien soldiers in the direction of the Eagle's Mouth cliff were almost wiped out.

The breakthrough in the direction of the Eagle's Mouth failed, and suffered a fiasco!

Princess Niss frowned: "We didn't take this fairy college seriously before. We all felt that they were lucky to have created the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, but it definitely doesn't look like this now. That ten perfect array is proof. Now it is really fortunate that the League of Gods Army did not completely replace the Jiuqu Yellow River Array with ten perfect arrays. Otherwise, even if we have hidden two billion soldiers in this battle, we will be seriously injured.

The other commanders of other races also nodded sympathetically, and couldn't help being afraid for a while.

As for immortal college, they are also firmly remembered.

Wu Lei knew that time could not wait any longer, and shouted, "Soldiers, even if the God Union soldiers in the direction of the Eagle's Mouth can come to support, it will take at least half an hour. This half hour is enough for us to break through the League of God's defense. Now everyone kills me, into the League of God! "

He said, the alien soldiers followed with a big drink.

It is the dream of almost every alien warrior to enter the hinterland of the League of Gods, and now it is the last step.

"Death battle! For our universe!"

The commander of the black robe had only one sentence, and at this moment he was definitely in the heart of death.

At this moment, there is only death fighting, otherwise the Alliance League soldiers will not be able to persist for half an hour and will be broken through by the alien army.

"Death Fight!"

Many the League of Gods warriors are drinking too much. If the universe is really destroyed, what will be the difference between them and the fallen slaves.

For a time, the soldiers on both sides fought again.

Time passes minute by minute.

Suddenly, a loud drink came.


Seeing only a commander of the alien race, he slashed to Fager, the commander of the League of Gods.

Fager is defeated, and can only be forced to seduce all the power of the God-king level, and if this is motivated, he will definitely be drawn into the Shenhe River. In that case, there will be one less commander in the League of Gods.

But at this moment, Commander Lean next said, "Fage, I'll help you!"

Fager turned his head and found that Lien had avoided Princess Niss, who was at war with him, and blocked him directly in front of him, trying to intercept the fatal blow for him.

He couldn't help but feel relieved and relaxed his vigilance.

Princess Nis looked at Lean and wanted to assist Fager, and sneered in her heart. A ball flew out of her hand, and a purple light was emitted from the ball, heading for Leon. Lien did not respond at all, and was blasted out by this purple light, and at this time the blow that was supposed to be blocked by him fell directly on the defenseless King Fage.


A sharp, harsh voice came, only to see that Fager's fourth-order original artifact artifact was cut, and at the same time the power of this sword went straight into his kingdom, cutting his kingdom into two halves.


Lean looked back at this time and shouted.

The commanders of several other Leagues of God were also frightened, and they clearly felt the energy escaped from the kingdom of Fager.


The black robe angered, and the sword in his hand tried to drive Wu Lei back, but Wu Lei entangled him so tightly that he couldn't get away.

Over there, Fager's face was full of pain and unwillingness, but soon he reacted and yelled, "My kingdom is destroyed, and it is definitely dead, but even if I die, I will not let you aliens. The puppies are better off. Big Star Silence, Explosive! "

Speaking, he completely disregarded the power of the divine kingdom.

His entire body glowed with bright white light, and then rushed to the alien commander who killed him like a star. The other side was astounded. It was hurried to avoid hundreds of millions of kilometers, but Fager didn't catch up, but rushed into the alien army suddenly, and then exploded like a star, letting tens of millions approach him. Alien warrior turned into fly ash.


The Black Robe commander roared, and he knew it was Fager's mortal blow.

After all, Fager's kingdom of God was destroyed, and the power of the God-king level gradually dissipated.

At the time, Fager certainly understood that in the case of the other party's intentional dodging, it was impossible for him to pull a foreign commander to be buried, so he chose to rush into the foreign legion and destroy tens of millions of foreigners. warrior.

Fager is dead, his breath completely disappears in this universe.

Honghuang battlefield, this is also the first **** king killed.

Everyone is still unbelievable at this moment. Even the God King said that he would die, and the extraterrestrial battlefield was even more cruel than they thought.

But the fighting did not end, and it continued.

At the moment of Fager's death, Katz, who had been killing the alien commander and general, suddenly appeared, turning into a ray of light that penetrated the commander who had escaped Fager's mortal counterattack from the rear.

In fact, Katz has been waiting for a long time, and the timing of this sword selection is just right.


Princess Niss was shocked and banged at Katz with a single palm.

Katz froze, and at this time Nells, who was pierced with a sword by her sword, waved and slashed at her, scaring her to escape immediately.

Until one billion kilometers away, Katz's figure condensed again, and then looked at the alien commanders coldly.

"It's a pity." The Commander in Black Robe saw this scene and sighed. "Katz practiced space and the rule of virtual shadows, and was particularly good at assassinations and sneak attacks, but she also shot hastily just now, so she didn't pierce this with a sword. Nerms ’kingdom of God, but it also looks like it has severely damaged Nerms ’s body and greatly weakened Nerms’ strength. ”

"Kill!" Wu Lei and Princess Nis glanced at each other, at the same time.

Fifteen minutes have passed, and we must hurry up.

In a blink of an eye a group of people were fighting again.

However, the seven commanders of the League of Legends were all pinned down by the seven commanders of the alien race. Now even if the strength of the alien Nells is damaged, but as long as they cannot kill Nernus, the League of God will not be able to spare Commander in chief.

One commander was missing to hunt down alien commanders and generals, and the situation immediately turned to one side.

Originally, the League of God could barely support it, but now the aliens have a tendency to break through the third line of defense.

After twenty-five minutes.

The staff of the League of God has been halved, leaving only more than 600 million people, while the number of aliens is more than 500 million.

At this time, the advantages of aliens were even greater, almost crushing.

Over the commanders, the commander in the black robe still couldn't help Uray. Although the strength of the alien Nelms was damaged, he did not confront the commander of the League of Gods at all, which made the commanders of the League of God tickle. ~ ~ Not good, aliens have to break through the third line of defense. "

The commander of the black robe saw that tens of thousands of alien soldiers had broken through the third direction and rushed to the hinterland of the League of Gods.

Ouray also noticed at this time: "Haha, it succeeded."

Princess Nis was also very excited: "Great, we are finally going to enter the heart of the League of God."

Just at this time, a silver light flashed in the sky.

The crowd hadn't responded yet, only to see Nernus screaming, and he was already in a different place.

Suddenly, everyone's face changed greatly.

.. m.

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