Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1776: Immortal College came to help, the form is reversed!

Wu Lei looked coldly, and the shock in his heart was naturally self-evident.

He can see that Nerms' kingdom of God was shattered and shattered at that instant, and the **** body was broken at that instant.

Nells, fight to death!

At this time he looked at the silver light that killed Nulms, and found that it turned out to be a blue flying sword. The Feijian was hovering in the void at this moment, staring closely at Princess Nis among them. It seemed that as long as Princess Nis dared to move, Feijian would take Princess Nis' life instantly.

The King of the Black Robe and other gods of the League of God were overjoyed, knowing that things had turned around.

At this moment, a shivering voice came from a distance: "Hong Jun's biochemistry is open to the sky, and the earthly ugly man is on the stage. The golden body is immeasurable, and the talents in Biyu Palace are multi-talented. The teacher of the university department of Xianyuan University Lord, come and help out! "

The crowd looked at the sound, and saw a figure from far to near, and a few flashes came to the front.

"Teacher of Heaven?"

Several commanders of the League of God have heard this name, knowing that the ten perfect array was arranged by the Master of Heaven, and at this moment immediately arched.

As for the commanders of other races, they were a little dazed.

To be honest, they didn't know the Master of Heaven, but they knew it.

With the help of Master Tongtian, Qing Pingjian fell into his hands, and then he said, "Masters of the League of Gods, I ’ll be faster if I arrive first. Other soldiers of the League of God ’s Leagues and teachers of our Fairy College are here. One after another. No less than three minutes, they will all arrive. "

The commander of the black robe could not help feeling excited when he heard this.

Seems to be verifying the words of the Master of Heaven, and three more figures followed.

"Immortal College, the situation is loud!"

"Xian College, Liu Xin!"

"Immortal College, Ruthless Emperor!"

The three looked at Master Tongtian and nodded slightly.

Long Ye was delighted at this moment: "The commander-in-chief, Teacher Fengyun has the power of God-level king. I heard the commander of Tailuo Army that Teacher Tongtian also has the power of God-level king. In this case, we are equivalent to nine A **** king, and only six opponents, this is enough to allow us to easily suppress each other and change the situation. "

Feng Yun heard these words, but said: "Mr. Liu Xin and Ru Ren teacher of our college also have the power of God."

Long Yu stunned and said excitedly: "It will be better, our advantage will be greater."

The commander of the Black Robe is a little unbelievable, but he can also wait at this time, because there are more and more alien soldiers breaking through the third line of defense, but this time there will be no less than 100,000 people, so he Immediately ordered: "Thank you to the teachers of Xianxian for the first time to come to support, there are still six of our seven commanders to restrain each other, and the teachers of Xianxian, I would like to ask you to build a line of defense in front of you , To stop other aliens who are breaking through the line of defense. "

Feng Yun pondered for a moment, glanced at each other with several teachers, and nodded silently.

Talking, the four of them quickly formed a line of defense.

At the same time, the commander of the black robe also entangled the six commanders of the alien race, because it was seven dozen and six, which was obviously easier.

The commanders of the alien races became anxious for a moment. They had broken through their hopes. Now they only hope that the alien soldiers can continue to break through the line of defense.

However, the defense line formed by the four men and women of Weng Yun played a role. All the aliens who wanted to break through were killed by them.

Several commanders of the alien clan also noticed this situation. Nine legions of commanders joined forces to attack the defense line formed by the four, and wanted to open a gap. However, under a wave of shock, they failed. Not to mention, the heads of nine regiments were also beheaded and five killed, making everyone startled. You need to know that the commanders of these foreign legions are not weak. They are all half-step **** kings, but they were belittled by the teachers of Xianxian College, which shows that the four teachers of Xianxue University really have God Kings. Strength, not exaggeration.

Seeing this here, the commander of the Black Robe couldn't help but be very excited: "The four teachers of the Immortal Academy really have the power of the King of God. Now their defense line is like a line of death, blocking all the aliens. . Then, as soon as other reinforcements come in, Qiu Minggu's direction will be completely stable. "

Several commanders of other races knew that things were not good, but they could not change the current situation if they tried their best.

Suddenly, there was a strong shock in the distant space.

Everyone knows that this is the reinforcement of the League of Gods.

The head of the legion and the generals of the army came first. A total of more than 1.3 billion God ’s League reinforcements came over the sky, and suddenly the alien soldiers were frightened.

For the first time, Wu Lei shouted, "Retreat!"

At this time, it is definitely impossible to wait. When the 1.3 billion fighters of the League of Gods join the battle, then not only will they not be able to break through, but they will also encounter the siege of the League of Gods.

Suddenly, many alien soldiers retreated.

Princess Nisi sighed, knowing that Qiu Minggu's breakthrough in the direction was a failure, but fortunately, some alien soldiers have already entered the hinterland of the League of Gods. I just hope that these alien soldiers can upset the League of Gods ’ground.

"The commander-in-chief who stopped the aliens couldn't let them leave so easily." At this time, a cold voice came, but it was the leader of the Heavenly Leader. "Seven commanders of your military headquarters, plus four of our college have king-level battle Teacher Li, not to leave all six commanders of the alien race, but two or three can still be done. This battle, our side has suffered a great loss, if at this moment if we can kill the commanders of the alien race , It can make up for some losses. "

Hearing this, the Commander in Black Robe nodded: "Yes, those low-ranking alien warriors fled and fled. These six alien commanders must leave more than two. Especially the female commander is the princess of the alien mountain empire. If she can be killed, the League of God headquarters will definitely have a lot of rewards. "

Several commanders such as Long Yan had their eyes brightened and immediately started.

Fengyun Wuji and others handed the line of defense to the supporter of the Alliance League leader, and immediately killed six alien commanders.

After the teachers of Xianxian College joined, Wu Lei found that they could not escape completely, and their situation became more and more dangerous.

Suddenly, Princess Niss drank, "Sankin!"

Wu Lei looked, Sang Jin was besieged by the three, and he had no choice but to mobilize the full power of the God King.

At this time, the law of the origin of the universe came to draw Sanjin into the Shenhe.

"Want to go, there are no doors!"

I saw a blade of light flashing through, Sang Jin was split in half by the black robe, and the traction of the law of the universe's origin felt Sang Jin's breath disappeared, and then disappeared.

In an instant, the six alien commanders were dead.


Long Yu was extremely excited ~ ~ This one killed another commander of the alien race to see that their advantages were greater, and the results of this battle came to an end, which was much better.

"carry on."

The commander in the black robe is not very satisfied, especially after seeing the strength of the four teachers of Xianxian College, he hopes to leave all the commanders of the alien race.

The Tongtian Master and others nodded their heads, and the fighting was turbulent.

Only this time, the battle report came.

"Miss Coach, Luo Xinghe ... The direction of Luo Xinghe was broken by the aliens."

Everyone froze for a moment, then their faces changed dramatically.

.. m.

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