Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1777: 1 billion aliens, invade!

The fierce black robe commander and others who are fighting the alien race are also waking up at this moment.

By the way, there is the direction of Luoxinghe.

The alien race broke through in three directions. The direction of Akina Valley is the most important, because the direction of Akina Valley is connected to the Celestial Mountain Star Field. If the direction of Akina Valley is captured by the alien race, the alien race will use the direction of Akina Valley as a springboard, and the center will bloom, occupying hundreds of stars. The League of Gods territory. The second is the direction of the Eagle's Mouth Cliff. This direction leads to the star field where the Earth Federation is located. Although the location is not as important as the direction of Qiu Minggu, once it is breached, the damage caused is not small. The direction of the last Xinghe River leads to the edge star field that is more remote than the direction of Yingzui Cliff. Although there are many life planets there, but because of the relatively backward civilization, the loss caused by the breakthrough will be much smaller.

However, this is not to say that the direction of Luoxinghe is not important. The breakthrough of Luoxinghe also represents the formal invasion of the League of Gods by the aliens.

By that time, it would be the negligence of the army in the flood field.

So the first time, the commander of the black robe said: "Of course it is important to surround the commander of the alien race, but it is more important to keep the direction of Luo Xinghe. If the direction of Luo Xinghe is broken, even if we kill all the five remaining commanders of the alien We still lost this battle. Now, the four teachers of Long Ling, Kates and Xian Academy, please go to the direction of Luoxinghe to help you, and you must intercept the aliens at the entrance of the League of God. The remaining five commanders of the military The five commanders of the alien race are fully restrained. They do not seek to kill them, but only to prevent them from going to the direction of Xinghe. "

Fengyun Wuji waited for the four teachers of Xianxian College to look at each other and nodded.

Long Yu and Katz flashed, and immediately left in the direction of Luohe.

Wu Lei saw this and turned to yell: "Stop them, try to restrain the commander-in-chief of the League of God and the four teachers of Xianxian Academy, and do not give them the opportunity to help. Now Qiu Minggu's direction has been unable to continue to break through. The direction of the galaxy is our last chance. "

Speaking of which, including Princess Nisse, she did her best.

Suddenly, Long Yan and others were restrained and could not leave at all.

Fortunately, the five commanders such as Wu Lei also shot. With their help, Tongtian leader and Liu Xin first got rid of the five commanders of the alien race and went straight to the direction of Luohe. Following this, Long Ling and Feng Yun also got rid of the five commanders of the alien race, and the last one was Ruthless Emperor. It was only that Katz couldn't get rid of it, mainly because Princess Niss played out a strange magic weapon and entangled her firmly.

Wu Lei saw that Fengyun Wuji and others had disappeared and no longer reluctantly, but he was not lost, but sneered: "Heipao, don't be too happy, the distance from the Xinghe River is not too close. It takes more than half an hour even for the King of God to catch up with it, and after the direction of the falling star river is broken, because your third line of defense no longer exists, our billion army only needs one quarter of an hour to enter Your hinterland. So your so-called rescue is too late and can only be futile. "

The commander of the black robe suddenly became gloomy, and he realized the problem.

However, the rescue is still going, there is still a little hope, no hope at all.

Besides, even if the aliens really break through from the direction of Luoxinghe, someone needs to guard the entrance to the direction of Luoxinghe to prevent the aliens from continuing to invade the League of Gods from the direction of Luoxinghe.

Several commanders of the other League of Gods are also dignified.

If the aliens really entered the hinterland of the League of Legends from the direction of Luoxinghe, then the battle would be defeated by the League of Legends, and their commanders would definitely be punished by the military.

Not only that, the blood of the League of God will surely bleed into the river, and the losses will be heavy.

At the moment in the direction of the Xinghe River, two billion alien soldiers participated in the battle, and one billion soldiers broke through the League of Gods defense line and headed towards the hinterland of the League of Gods.

There was no obstruction in front of them, and they went straight forward, unstoppable.

"Into the hinterland of the League of Gods, the universe of Bloodwashing the League of Gods!"


"The Empire of the Mountains is immortal!"

Countless alien races came in like tides, black and black.

In the distance, many dispelled the League of Gods fighters have been frightened and did not dare to move forward.

They were trembling one by one, and their faces were full of death.

They were desperate, they knew what would happen to the alien soldiers invading the hinterland of the League of Gods, and at that time they did not know how many souls would die tragically.

But they have been unable to return to the sky, and with their strength they have been unable to restore all of this.

They were extremely blamed and extremely ashamed, feeling that it was all their fault.

"Hurry up, the exit in the direction of Luoxinghe is in front. From here, you can reach the Alexandria Starfield, the hinterland of the League of Gods. As far as I know, even if the Alexandria Starfield is on the edge of the League of God's territory, the souls in it It should be measured in trillions. If we can sacrifice the entire Alexandrian sphere, it is enough to promote one hundred number of Lord God Realm Horn Warriors to God King Realm, or let a God King Realm Horn Warrior to High God Realm. "Harald, the head of the Horn Army, was extremely excited.

"Yes, this is just a star field, and it is also a star field on the edge of the League of Gods. If we can break through from the direction of Qiu Minggu and sacrifice the heavenly mountain star domain in the center of the League of Gods, I think both 10,000 horned fighters in the main **** realm can be promoted to the **** king realm, or ten horned fighters in the realm of **** king can be promoted to the high **** realm, even more than that. "Another leader of the horn army followed.

They invaded the hinterland of the League of God at any cost, not for this.

At that time, as long as they sacrifice a star league of sacrifice, and spawned hundreds of god-level kings, they can also snowball and invade more sacred league territory.

Sacrifice is a unique means of aliens.

Not only the Horns will use it, but other aliens, even the Titans, will use it.

"The news has just come that the alien army has reached the exit in the direction of Luoxinghe, and we will be there as soon as a quarter of an hour, so we will not be able to catch up in time. By then, one billion alien soldiers will enter Alexandria in the direction of Luoxinghe. Star field, it only takes one day, they can build more than one million horns altar, and then sacrificed the entire Alexandr star field. "Long Yan said in a deep voice, extremely angry.

Hearing this, the four teachers of Xian Academy also looked ugly.

They had heard Wang Xing say before ~ ​​ ~ The Horns had invaded the Shenhe River galaxy in the Wuxingshan star area, and they also set up altars in the Shenhe River galaxy. If it weren't for the last immortal college to force Wang Wanglan to destroy the Horn altar for the first time, the entire Wuxingshan star area would be in danger.

After coming to the extraterrestrial battlefield, they further understood the altar of the Horns and knew the terribleness of that altar.

For the first time, Long Yan also passed on the message to the black robe.

The commander of the black robe shivered, only feeling heavy and light, and almost fell into the void.


At this moment, the direction of Luoxinghe connects to the entrance of the League of Gods territory.

Wang Xing looked at the mighty one billion alien soldiers, and slowly stood up: "You are still here, but no one wants to pass here if I am here."

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