Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1778: Changing the rules, terrible!

On the flood battlefield, Wang Xing can be said to be the one who knows the situation best.

Every action of the Honghuang battlefield was seen by him.

He saw the leader of the Tongtian Church slaying the Eagle's Mouth Cliff in a ten-strike array, killing more than 1.3 billion alien warriors, making great achievements, and seeing Qiming Valley ’s 700 million alien soldiers nearly broke through the defense of Qiuma Valley.

He also saw that the direction of Luoxinghe would be broken by aliens, so he came here in advance, so that after the alien broke through the League of Gods defense line in the direction of Luoxinghe, he set up the last line of defense here and intercepted the aliens outside the Alliance of Gods.

He is a member of the League of Gods Universe, and this is his responsibility.

A billion aliens are approaching, including 13 half-step **** kings and 1,164 master gods. Such kings of ordinary strength are afraid to confront directly.

But Wang Xinggan was so confident.

A scepter appeared in the palm of his hand, which was the dean's scepter.

The current Dean's Scepter has only unlocked the third form, which is only equivalent to the second-order original magic weapon.

However, the dean's scepter and Wang Xing have already been integrated into one, which is enough to exert the power of the third-order source magic weapon, and he is also handy to use.

"There is no way ahead, please come back!"

Wang Xing said faintly, his voice wandered tens of billions of kilometers with a fascinating force.

The alien soldiers followed the sound at this time, and they saw Wang Xing, who was standing in the direction of the Luoxing River.

At this moment, Wang Xing's figure is blurred, wrapped in a ball of white light, making people unclear at all.

"It's really beyond your control to dare to stand alone at the exit of the Xinghe River. Even if you are a **** king, our one billion army can crush you. You soldiers, we have reached the League of Gods. At the entrance of the hinterland, as long as you enter from here, it will surely occupy hundreds of the League of Stars. Now the Alliance ’s reinforcements are coming, we ca n’t stay here for a long time. Hinterland. "Harald shouted.

Behind him, one billion the League of Gods soldiers screamed and shouted.

Wang Xing was silent and said nothing.

A billion aliens have rushed here, and now they only need to take a small step forward to enter the hinterland of the League of Gods. It is naturally impossible to be persuaded by his word.

Therefore, it is inevitable to start doing it.

One billion the League of Gods soldiers rushed over, each one sacrificed his own weapon, and the goal was exactly Wang Xing.

They want to crush Wang Xing into pieces and make Wang Xing pay the price. This is how Wang Xing dare to stop them.

At this time, Wang Xing moved.

He threw it gently, the chief's scepter in his hand fell into the alien army, and then a strange power radiated from the scepter, covering the tens of billions of kilometers.

Then, the space within that 10 billion kilometers changed, as if separated from the main universe.

Harald rushed over with someone, and originally thought he could go straight into the hinterland of the League of Gods, but suddenly found that the universe in front of him was strange, and he couldn't even feel where the original law of the League of Gods was. He looked towards the entrance of the League of God's hinterland, where it also became a void, where there was an entrance. He reached out his hand, but found that half of his arm was missing, which made him startled. Was his arm cut off by something? But soon he found out that this was not the case. His arms were still there, and they were still fine, but the space in front of him didn't know what had happened, and a strange fold occurred, making his arms seem to be scattered into several The same in space.

In addition to him, the same happened to the other billion alien soldiers, all of them were shocked.

Then, something weirder happened.

Someone gently waved the sword, and it was clear that Bai was cut towards the front, but who knew that an alien soldier in the back was split in half by his knife. When the alien soldiers behind died, the whole man was aggressive and didn't know how he died. This is pretty good. Some alien soldiers were accidentally injured by others. It is natural to think that there was a hostile attack. Then they protected themselves first, regardless of the three or seventy-one. But they were improperly moved, and more alien soldiers were injured. By accident, a billion alien troops were all in a mess.

Harald was pale. He looked in horror at what was happening in front of him, and said in horror: "This is ... someone has pulled 10 billion kilometers of space into an independent world, and then artificially changed this world The most important change is the law of space. Now the law of space is completely chaotic and is operating with a rule we do not know. Therefore, all our actions in this space cannot follow the previous common sense. Come to guess. I just want to change the law of the space of tens of billions of miles. Even the **** king of the peak state may not be able to do it. Is it the Supreme God of the League of God?

Other alien commanders also realized this, and immediately trembled.

If a supreme **** from the League of Gods came out of the river of God, they would slaughter their billions of troops in an instant.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. Even if the King of God exerts all his powers, he will be dragged into the Shenhe River by the origin of the universe, not to mention the Supreme God. This is how the previous League of God Commander Tampit returned. What the **** is going on right now, how did the guy who kept the entrance to Luoxinghe do it? Is it the magic weapon he used at that time? "Harald was confused at the moment. He knew this time Something major has happened.

Countless aliens were trapped, and the scene became more chaotic.

Harald thought for a moment, and then yelled, "Do n’t move any soldiers ~ ~ Especially do n’t attack at will. The rules here have been changed, and any of your attacks will only fall to you. Companions. "

But after he finished speaking, he found all the aliens as if he hadn't heard him.

He was suddenly anxious and understood what was going on: "It must be that the law of sound transmission has also been changed, even if it is the same as the sound transmission. No, the law of void, force, speed, and gravity are also changed. , The law of the wind, the law of the earth, the law of fire, the law of water, the law of stars ... "

Harald continued to experiment and found that there were hundreds of rules that were changed.

He murmured for a moment, and his hair exploded instantly. At this moment, he seemed to have discovered the most terrifying thing in the world.

Changing one or two rules is nothing, but changing hundreds of rules, is it still possible for people to do it? It's almost unheard of.

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