Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1792: Interracial resolution, the top **** king dispatched!

After everyone left, a figure appeared.

This figure is Wang Xing. After he said in the black robe that there was internal molestation in the military, he was monitoring the Honghuang battlefield almost every moment except the days when he returned to the academy: "After waiting so long, it finally made me I've caught your fox tail. But who will this person be? He said that the last time he crushed Xian Academy had his participation, and who was there last time. Cosmic Bank Association Lean, Adventurer League Kates, Machinery Cronshaw of the Association, Manson of the Desolate Temple, Aschu of the Patriarch, and Telfer of the League of Nations appear to be among these six people. I really did not expect that this person who betrayed the Jiuqu Huanghezhen was really a commander and interesting. "

In fact, Pluto can follow up, so it is possible to lock in who the shadow is.

However, he did not do so, because Black Shadow shuttled the space and left, and if he followed, there would be any trace of fluctuations in the space, and Black Shadow might detect him, so he would be out of luck and outweigh the gains. Of course, there is a deeper meaning. Wang Xing feels that this is a good opportunity. As long as the operation is good, the revenue will definitely be amazing, and you can take advantage of the opportunity to complete many things.

An alien army.

Da Nisi told Heiying that there were a total of fifteen **** kings in the flood field, but there were actually eighteen.

She underreported three people, apparently she didn't fully trust the dark **** organization.

Among them, the Dashan Empire occupies eight people, and the Yuan Dynasty and Daxing Empire each have five people. Although the Dashan Empire still dominates the flood battlefield in nominal terms, each time some important orders are issued, the commanders of the other two empires must agree to the order, and the order can really be carried forward.

Wu Wulei looked at the commanders below and talked about things in detail with the shadow.

Suddenly, there was an uproar below.

Knowing that the crowd was shocked, Princess Nis took the initiative to stand up and said, "All three of our empires have high hopes for the flood field, but now you see the situation on the flood field. With the promotion of the formation method of the fairy college, We have more than three billion soldiers killed and wounded, which accounts for a quarter of the forces we invested in the flood field. Now we have been forced to retreat, and even the soldiers have not dared to fight, they have been The formation method is scared, and I always feel that if I step out, I will be caught in the formation method. Xianxian Academy does not know how many such formations. You can think about how much more we would die if Xianxian Academy continued to exist. People, how can we fight this battle. "

Hearing this, all the alien commanders were silent.

They have also participated in many extraterritorial battlefield battles, but those who have been suppressed like the floodfield battlefield dare not go to war, which is unique in history.

At this time, Polfrey, the commander-in-chief led by the Daxing Empire, said: "Yes, the existence of the Immortal Academy is the biggest obstacle to our invasion of the League of God. This time, even if we can crack ten more battles, who knows them? Can you come up with other powerful formations. So in order to solve this problem once and for all, then you must directly destroy Xian Academy, and let the Xian Academy's formation method be buried with Xian Academy. "

Polfrey's words basically represent the Daxing Empire, and the only remaining Yuan Empire.

At this time, everyone looked at a man in the Great Yuan Empire. This man was a horned old man named Jin Locke.

Jin Luoke coughed slowly, and said slowly: "The threat of Xianxian is indeed too great. I have studied their formation. Without the array and layout method, we would not be able to crack it even if it took 10,000 years. But if we wait for 10,000 years, this flood battlefield has basically fallen into the hands of the League of Gods. So if we can overthrow the Immortal Academy, our Yuan Empire will certainly support it. "

Ulei and Nisi nodded, and the leaders of the three empires agreed, which was easy to do.

However, King Locke added at this time: "Of course I have to sue the emperor to this matter. It all depends on the emperor's will. In addition, I also have a request that the next time your Dashan Empire meets with the people organized by the Dark God, Must bring me and Polfrey. To be honest, I don't trust the people in your mountain empire, I think Polfrey is the same. "

U Lei frowned. This request was not excessive, but it obviously had some meaning to compete with the Dashan Empire for the dominance of the flood field.

Polfry pondered for a moment and nodded: "Yes, you can't just listen to the words of your Dashan Empire. After all, this time the scale of the war will not be smaller than the last time, and among the eight billion soldiers, our two empires will also account for At four billion, we are responsible for their lives. "

Wu Lei nodded: "Okay, I'll let you know next time. Next, let's discuss the conditions of the Dark God organization. First of all, for the success of this plan, the Dark God organization wants our God King to reach 20. Six, we are currently only eighteen, still eight. Secondly, the dean of the Immortal Academy is suspected of being a top **** king. This dark **** organization also wants us to deal with it, who is it? "

Bolfrey and Kinlock didn't rush to answer at this time, but communicated secretly.

I sent a **** king from the Shenhe River, and almost all the costs involved could bring up a **** king. To be honest, they did not want to send the **** king again.

Wu Lei saw their thoughts, and said lightly: "If this battle is successful, we can invade the League of God's Alliance in one fell swoop. At that time, we can imagine our gains. I want to occupy a League of Legends' territory in one fell swoop. Star fields are still very easy. How to allocate these star fields is definitely who contributes more and who can get more. "

The commanders are not aware of their body trembling, they are just fighting for it.

At that time, it was really successful. I got an extra star field, and the cost of transmitting ten **** kings came back.

Polfry thought for a moment: "As long as the Xian Academy is successfully destroyed, and then the inside and outside should be closed together, there is a high probability that it will break through the League of God ’s Alliance and allow the army to invade the League of God ’s Alliance. So, our Daxing Empire can send three more Kings Come here, but we will get 30% of the proceeds of the war. "

U Lei frowned, these 30% are quite a lot.

At this time, Jin Luoke also said: "Our Great Yuan Empire can also send three more **** kings, and we must take 30% of the proceeds of the war."

Princess Niss couldn't stand it at this time, and hummed, "In this case, our Dashan Empire will also send two more **** kings, and all in all, the total number of **** kings in our Dashan Empire is ten, but you There are only eight people in each. In addition, now that the 8 billion soldiers on the flood battlefield, our Dashan Empire accounts for 4 billion, and each of you only accounts for 2 billion. You do n’t think that you have earned 30% of the war. What? "

Ulei didn't say anything, but it actually meant that.

两 Your two great empires are only doing so little, and wanting 30% is not enough.

Polfrey pondered for a moment: "Our Daxing Empire can add two billion more troops before the war begins."

He added two billion more troops, which is a total of four billion, reaching the current number of soldiers in the Dashan Empire.

Wu Lei nodded: "Before the war, our Dashan Empire will have another one billion troops, a total of five billion troops. We are still one billion more than you, and we are two more gods than you However, if you only take 30% of the proceeds of the war, it is almost the same. What about the Yuan Empire, if you have the same conditions, you can only get 20% of the proceeds of the war. "

Jin Locke took a deep breath, and said helplessly: "Our empire of the Yuan Dynasty will increase its troops by two billion, so it's always okay now."

Princess Ninis nodded secretly at this time, so that the total number of fighters on the extraterritorial battlefield reached 13 billion, and it was definitely more stable. After all, the troops they were planning to invest before was only 10 billion.

Lu Wulei obviously also felt that this condition was very good: "That way, our Dashan Empire contributed the most, divided into 40% of the proceeds of war, and your Daxing Empire and the Great Yuan Empire each divided into 30%."

No one else had any opinions on this, and the matter was confirmed.

Wu Wulei continued at this time: "There is one last question, how does the dean of Xianxian deal with it?"

Jin Locke sneered at this moment: "I don't think you need to worry about this, even if the dean of the Immortal Academy is the top **** king, there is no shortage of such strong men in our three empires. We only need to send one of these top **** kings to each other. In the case of three dozens, even if the dean of the Immortal Academy is no matter how strong he is, he is not likely to be an opponent. We in the Yuan Dynasty, I would suggest that the emperor send King Knight the Lord. "

When I heard Knight's name, all the commanders trembled.

This is a fierce character of the Great Yuan Empire. He has the highest level of blood of the Horns, and has killed more than 30 gods.

Wu Lei saw Kinlock being so sincere ~ ~ I thought and thought, "Our King Oedeli of our mountain empire is very powerful, and more than 20 **** kings have been killed. I would recommend the emperor to dispatch He comes over. "

Danis nodded: "King Odley has the qualification to attack the Supreme God and is definitely a top god."

The last Polfrey thought for a moment: "Our Daxing Empire can send King Cavana, who is proficient in the laws of space and is also a top king."

Ulei thought about this Kawana carefully, his eyes flashed.

卡 This Kawana is a big official of Daxing Empire, and he is also one of the disciples of Daxing Empire. Although the shots are not many, the strength is definitely not weak.

The three parties have no problem, they immediately report to the emperor, waiting for the emperor's decision.

Uh ...

The immortal college station at this moment.

Wang Xing also elaborated on the situation and the situation in full detail: "The Cosmic Bank Association Lean, the Adventurer Alliance Kates, the Machinery Association Cronshaw, the Shrine Manson, the Ancestral Aschu, the Universal League Telfer, this There should be a man organized by the Dark God. The black robe should be aware of it, so it was only deliberately tempted last time, but I don't know who he is now.

Feng Fengyun pondered for a moment, his face solemn.

Uh ...

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