Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1793: Xiandao army expanded and found traitors!

Jiang Lan also knew about this matter later, he contacted Heipao to ask about the progress of the matter, but he couldn't get in touch.

After the black robes handed over work with him, he had left the extraterritorial battlefield.

Jiang Lan did not blame the matter to the military, this is Wang Xing's request. Once Wang Xing has his own plan, if there are people in the military department who also have the Dark God organization, when the time comes to fight the grass and scare the snake, causing the aliens and the Dark God organization to terminate the plan, they will miss such a good opportunity.

The Wuhonghuang battlefield fell into a period of peace.

At this time, Tianhe Xiuyu found Wang Xing again: "Dean, the Xiandao Army is outshine and the Megatron battlefield is fragile. I think we have been very successful in training the Xiandao Army. However, the Xiandao Army originally had only 100,000 people. Now it has accumulated More than a hundred people were killed in battle, and less than 100,000 people. To be honest, there are too few 100,000 people. If we encounter a decisive battle, we will not achieve our positioning of the Xiandao Army, and they will not be able to control it. The battle is going. "

Wang Xing thought about it for a while, knowing that Tianhe 芊 羽 was right.

The last time the Immortal College killed more than 1.3 billion aliens with ten battles, but it combined the Iron Blood Army, Boulder Army, Fire Prison Army, Shi Gang Army, Zhenshan Army, and Fire Ape Red Flame Army, with a total input of about five troops. One and a half million, including ten Lord Gods. In addition, last time the aliens did not expect Xianxian Academy to arrange ten terrific arrays in advance, which allowed Xianxian Academy to use the array method to kill more than 1.3 billion of them.

But now, the aliens are very vigilant. It is basically impossible to kill as many aliens as they did last time.

In the future, even if the Xiandao Army used the formation method to fight, it must be prepared to confront the aliens.

Wang Xing understood the meaning of Tianhe Yanyu, and smiled, "You're right, there are too few immortal army of 100,000 people. Except for the fire ape, it is really impossible to recruit the Red Flame Army. Any There are more than 100,000 troops. However, the estimated size of the Xiandao Army is one million people, and now it is only just one-tenth completed. In this case, the second and third Xiandao Army will be formally established. "

After listening to Tianhe Yanyu, he was not satisfied: "Why not build nine branches at once, so that one million people can be brought together all at once. I think that if we have a million people's immortal army, if we train them, our strength will be It is comparable to a regular legion of the League of Gods. "

After listening, Wang Xing couldn't laugh or cry: "Girl, you are not in charge. You do n’t know that chai oil is expensive. The Xiandao Army is powerful, but that is also thrown out by numerous training resources. Otherwise, how can the Xiandao soldiers break through the realm and how to equip the whole body of the original artifact The suit. Just 100,000 people of the Immortal Army, our accumulated resources have exceeded 20 trillion meritorious contributions. If there are one million people, this number will be increased by ten times. Our immortal college does not have a mine at home, it is a basic burden. I'm sorry. "

Luo Tianhe Yan Yu was silent, and she never thought that Xiandao Army was so expensive.

However, the current Xiandao Army is indeed very powerful, even if it is 100,000 people, but its combat strength must be more than one million people.

First of all in the Immortal Army, now the basic minimum cultivation is all the median gods. Secondly, these Xiandao Army fighters are not like other troops on the extraterritorial battlefield. Even if they cannot arrange large formations together, three people can arrange three talents, five people can arrange five elements, and nine people can Arrange the Nine Palace Array, one hundred people, one thousand people, and ten thousand people. No matter how many people are together, they can combine to arrange the formation method, and as the Xiandao Army continues to fight, the soldiers of the Xiandao Army are getting more and more tacit understanding. The army's combat power is still steadily increasing.

Later, Wang Xing brought in the situation and asked him to cooperate with Tianhe Yuyu to form the second and third immortal army.

There are two Xiandao Army, totaling 200,000 people.

Because of the success of the first Xiandao Army, the second and third Xiandao Army were formed this time, and the number of applicants has more than ten times that of the last time.

The number of applicants in the last three days was 373,000. This time the number of applicants directly reached 428,000 in three days. The number of people who registered to join the Xiandao Army one month later was 2.9 million, this time it has reached 32 million.

All the chiefs of the army can't control the people below them, and they don't know how many times they have scolded the fairy college.

However, they can only scold behind their backs. Now even the commander-in-chief is a teacher at Xian Academy, what else can they do.

The bee ape is the most severely affected each time. Whoever made him and Immortal Academy have the deepest involvement, the last time the half of the Red Flame Army soldiers went to register, this time better, all went.

This lasted for three months, and the number of applicants exceeded 100 million. You must know that a full army is only 100 million. What is this concept?

Seeing this, Wang Xing quickly let Fengyun have no time to terminate the registration in advance. Among the one hundred million people, 200,000 people who can meet the requirements can be selected. It does not make sense to continue to accept the registration. The key is that it will cause anger. Some people have written an anonymous letter to Jiang Lan complaining that Xianxian College is disrupting the order in the flood and deserted battlefields, demanding that the Xianxian Academy be punished, so that the Xianxian Academy does not recruit people in the floods and battlefields, and wherever it goes on the battlefield.

Next, in accordance with the last selection rules, 200,000 people were quickly selected.

However, this time the quality of the soldiers of the Xiandao Army is obviously much higher than the last time. It is worth mentioning that although there is no star-level talents recruited this time, there are 1,147 people with galaxy-level talents. Then the great consummation cultivation reached an astonishing eighty-nine people, and the perfect consummation cultivation reached 3,172 people.

I am very satisfied with this.

However, Wang Xing is huh, huh. This time there are so many high-level trainings. It is estimated that the resources to be invested by the college should be doubled.

Next, as expected by Wang Xing, but not doubled, but quadrupled.

However, if you recruit yourself, you will have to support them even if you smash the pot to sell iron. Of course, when they can enter the battlefield in the future, the benefits will certainly be amazing.

Uh ...

After a while, one hundred and twenty years passed.

Under the leadership of Tianhe Yuyu, almost 300,000 immortals were almost a nightmare for aliens.

The current 300,000 immortal army has a total of 121 people, a total of 4,639 gods, a high **** of 19,496, and all the rest. It is the middle god, and there is no lower **** at all.

During the dying period, Tianhe Yuyu had to form a fourth Xiandao army and even a fifth Xiandao army, but this time Wang Xing did not agree to the death, and Xian Academy was really unable to support it. It is worth mentioning that at present, at least one of these Xiandao Army fighters has signed a service contract with Xian Academy for 1,200 years, and the largest one has signed 9.6 million years. If it wasn't for Xianxian's restrictions on advance resources, some people would like to sell themselves to Xianxian, and simply sign in to the barren land, so that there will be no shortage of cultivation resources in the future.

Uh ...

Qi Feng's death is a general of the Nineteenth Army All-Spirit Army, and also a titled general.

However, this is nothing, there is a special place where Feng Mingsheng actually comes from the spirit tribe, he is also the only spirit tribe master in the whole extraterrestrial battlefield, and all the soldiers of his soul army are all spirit tribe.

As we all know, most of the Ling people have various plants to cultivate and form. They are natural elixir. Even now there are many people who specialize in hunting the Ling people to refine them and use them to promote cultivation. Therefore, the spirit clan is very hostile to the various forces of the League of God, and it is basically not to buy the League of God account, and Feng Mingsheng can lead the race to fight against other races is really very valuable. Naturally, he and his Spirit Army have attracted the attention of many .

Today, there is no war between the All Spirits.

Qi Feng destroys his life and plans to practice well. However, if the spirit race is transformed into a physical practice, they will not be able to accommodate the all-spirit army, so he has to practice far away from the army station. The body he transformed into was a huge **** tree, which was a million miles high. Now the root of this **** tree has penetrated into a vessel with thousands of kilograms of divine fluid, and began to draw these gods. Liquid, this is the cultivation method of the spiritual race.

God Alliance Army.

Although only the commander-in-chief can make a big military decision, the rotation system is usually used to deal with daily affairs. The ten-year cycle is a cycle of nine commanders. After all, the commander-in-chief cannot rest. In this ten-year military command, the commander-in-chief was Aschu from the ancestors. During his rotation, he naturally gained a lot of benefits for the ancestors, which is also a practice on the battlefield outside the territory.

While Aschu was bored, a man rushed in: "Commander, I am the soldier in charge of monitoring the general contract, and I just found out that this spirit contract to be signed by the Maple Exterminator Variety."

Asqiu frowned, and gently waved the map of Feng Shuang's spirit and soul contract into his hands, his eyes were a bit cold: "This spirit and soul contract is actually a confidentiality agreement. The generals and the head of the army have signed the map and layout method. Now this maple's soul contract is glowing with red light, but it can only be explained that he is planning to leak out the ten map array and layout method. . Sure enough, it ’s not my family ’s heart. It seems that Feng Mingsheng is the traitor said by the commander of the black robe, and I will catch him and see how he explains it. ”

He said, Asqiu flew away in a flash.

He went all the way to the station of the Spirit Army and asked the people of the Spirit Army, but was told that Asciu went to retreat and practice: "I do n’t think he went to retreat to practice. The layout and layout methods were sold to aliens, but he should also know that he might be exposed, so he probably won't return at all. "

Asqiu thought in his heart, and hit a few seals at hand, only to see Feng Fengsheng's contract of spirits flying in one direction.

He immediately followed, and at the same time, he circulated to the commanders, the content of the message ‘Internal traitor, Feng extinction! '.

Soon, Asqiu was about to reach the place where Feng Misheng retreated, and Feng Meisheng, who was practicing, felt a strong breath approaching, and immediately ended the cultivation.

Asqiu also found Feng Mingsheng at this time, and immediately said coldly: "Feng Fengsheng, I didn't expect you to be the traitor said by the commander of the black robe. Last time you sold the layout and layout of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. It was given to the aliens, and this time they even wanted to sell the array and layout method of the ten terrific arrays to the aliens. I really don't know whether to live or die. You really ca n’t set up our military. "

Feng Feng died for a while and did not understand the situation at all.

He was trying to explain, but at this time he heard a message: "Feng Xiasheng runs away, this ancestral Aschu is deliberately slandering you, his purpose is actually to catch you, and then let people refine you Change, so that the ancestral religion can have another **** king. "

I heard this ~ ~ Feng Mingsheng believed it the first time.

Because in the universe, the most unfriendly among the eight forces to their spiritual tribe is the ancestral religion. There are no less than ten **** kings in the ancestral religion, and they broke through the immortality of their spiritual race. Even a supreme **** of the ancestorism has personally killed the **** king of the spiritual race.

I dare not hesitate at all, Feng Mingsheng immediately fled towards the distance.

Asqiu saw Feng Mingsheng still wanting to run away. Isn't that a trick? He just patted Feng Fengsheng with a palm of his hand.

Xi Feng Xisheng Xiu was not too strong at first. This palm came out of nowhere. Where he could escape, the blessed body was broken and the godhead almost collapsed.

"You still want to run away in front of me, it's a foolish dream." Aschu said, Asqiu will destroy Feng to the imprisonment, no matter how you catch it first.

"The ancestral **** deceived me too much, even if I die, I won't let your ancestor **** get what you want." Feng Misheng roared, a strong energy wave appeared on his body, and Aschu didn't respond. Hearing only a loud noise, Feng Fengsheng turned into flying ash.

Qi Feng died and he blew himself up.

At this time, the commanders arrived one after another, only to see everyone in this scene look bad.

Uh ...

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