Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1794: Wang Xing's guess, go to the stars to borrow the wo

[PS: Modified the name of the **** of the unlucky eggs of the spiritual tribe. The reason is that someone talked privately. I said that using the names of people in other people ’s books to make a play. Those who did n’t see the name before can be automatically filtered. Affects reading. A soy sauce character hangs on the scene. 】

Jiang Lan flashed to Asqiu and frowned, "What the **** is going on?"

Aschu also reacted at this time, humming: "This Nelson is the insider who betrayed the tactics that the black robe commander said. He came here to deal with aliens alone, but I found out. I He wanted to catch him and interrogate him. Who knew he couldn't escape, the dog jumped off the wall and blew himself up. "

Jiang Lan looked at Asqiu, but he didn't believe it.

Thorn of the Cosmic Arena asked: "Aschu, Nelson has a special status. He is the only spiritual master **** on the flood battlefield, representing the entire spiritual race. You say he is a traitor, but there must be evidence Only if this is just your speculation, without any substantive evidence, the spirit tribe will certainly not give up. "

丘 Asqiu nodded, it was definitely a trouble to provoke the Ling people.

He took a trick and the spirit contract appeared in his hands: "This is the contract signed by Nelson. The soldier in charge of monitoring the contract today came to report and said that Nelson's contract was abnormal. Reaction. As soon as I saw the contract, there was a red light, and it was judged that Nelson was supposed to leak ten to the aliens, so I went to Nelson immediately, and later I found it all the way. Nelson stood at the time Here, it should be someone who is waiting for a foreigner. I have already said the next situation, I let him grab it, but he turned and ran, but I broke his **** body with one palm. He should also know at the time I must die, so I exploded. "

统 Several commanders are boasting endlessly, this Nelson did not expect that it was the traitor.

Jiang Lan took over Nelson's spirit contract, because Nelson's death, this spirit contract was completely abolished, and he couldn't tell whether it had been triggered before. He pondered for a moment and said, "Thorn, Excuse me, please find the soldiers in charge of the contract. "

"it is good."

Thorne responded and said nothing.

Aschu was unhappy, he knew this was what Jiang Lan didn't believe what he said.

About ten minutes later, the soldier in charge of the contract arrived.

His name is Kilduff, and it didn't take long for him to break through to the realm of perfection. He was trembling at this moment, and he couldn't even breathe.

Lien smiled and said lightly: "Don't be so nervous, we just want to ask you one thing. Nelson's contract is the first thing you find abnormal. Let's talk in detail about the situation at the time, don't have Any concealment. "

Kilduff nodded, and recalled carefully: "Masters, the situation was like this, I inspected the general contract of the generals as usual, and suddenly found that the contract of Master Nelson issued a dazzling Red light, I was horrified at the first glance, knowing that this might be a major event. I didn't dare to delay, and I went to see the Aschu commander in charge of the military today, and reported it to him. Yau took a glance at Nelson's contract and immediately left in a hurry. I think he should go to Nelson. "

Jiang Lan did not find any loopholes after listening.

Kilduff should not have lied. He really saw that Nelson's spirit contract was abnormal, but was it because Nelson wanted to leak the red light that was sent to the aliens? It is also impossible to explore now. .

Lien frowned: "Nelson has also fought for more than 10 million years in extraterritorial battlefields. Although he has not done much, but he is considered a hard work. I remember that in the last battle, his all-spirit army performed well. Because he defended Qiu Minggu's third line of defense, he killed 600,000 spirit warriors. After the war, he also received the award of the military. I really don't know what reason he had to sell the formation to aliens? "

Jiang Lan looked at Lien and said nothing.

But Aschu was sneering at the moment: "What's weird about this, once Nelson was a spirit race, and who did not know that the spirit race was hostile to the major forces of our League of God, Nelson may come to the famine. The battlefield is to retaliate against us. Second, if you sell the formation to aliens, the amount of training resources you can get is absolutely huge. This Nelson has lived for more than 70 epochs. Who knows if he feels hopeless and wants to rely on this Give it a try. "

Hearing this, Lien nodded.

Although the other commanders did not speak, they also felt that Asciu's words made some sense, and Nelson was completely justified in motivation.

Cronshaw of the Machinery Association smiled and rounded off: "I don't think Commander Asciu has any fault. If he didn't find Nelson for the first time, maybe Nelson would complete the deal with the alien and put ten The unique array and layout method have been leaked to the aliens. Now that Nelson's insider is dead, everyone can feel relieved. "

Manson of the Abandoned Shrine also followed: "Yes, Commander Asciu has no violations, and deserves a great achievement."

Jiang Lan nodded, but thought of one thing: "Even if Nelson blew himself up, what about his storage ring?"

"Here, although he blew himself up, his storage ring was made of refined fourth-order original artifacts and was not damaged. But after he died, I explored his storage ring. There is nothing of value. "Aschu said, handing over Nelson's space ring to Jiang Lan.

澜 Jiang Lan snorted. If he didn't ask, Aschu seemed to want to black out Nelson's space ring.

However, it also has a deeper meaning. Maybe Asciu was trying to destroy something, just like letting Nelson blow himself up.

Jiang Lan explored Nelson's space ring. There was really nothing valuable in it, but this is the space ring after Aschu's hand. Is there something missing in it? I don't know yet.

"Let ’s do this for the time being, because it involves the Ling clan, this matter is definitely not a trivial matter. I will truthfully sue this matter to the military department. In the end, how will the military department decide whether it needs to be investigated again and everything will wait Reply. "Jiang Lan finished, and the figure flew away.

The others also followed, but everyone knew that the witnesses and evidence were on the matter, and Nelson was dead. He died because of betraying ten terrible battles to aliens, but the best result. In this way, the military department is easy to explain, even if the people of the Ling clan are very dissatisfied, they cannot pick out the fault.

Uh ...

After I returned, Jiang Lan found Wang Xing.

Wang Xing knew Jiang Lan's whereabouts, and said lightly: "I already know the thing, and I also went to the place where the incident happened, but the gain was not great. To be honest, I didn't expect this traitor to be so effective and so Bold, the most important thing is that he found a great substitute for the dead. If I expected it well, the array and layout of the ten must be sent to the alien army. "

Jiang Lan nodded, he also knew that Nelson was just a dead ghost. .

After all, Wang Xing has peeked at the traitor, and has locked this traitor among the six commanders of the military. Nelson is obviously not among them.

Jiang Lan pondered for a moment: "I just checked Nelson's recent merit exchange records, and found that the 10,000 pounds of divine fluid he had exchanged disappeared, and the vice general of the Spirit Army also said that Nelson was Going to practice, so Nelson should really go out to practice. Second, when Nelson finally ran away, the direction of escape was where our military was located. If he was a traitor, he would never run towards the military. In the end, when Nelson died, the faint word came: "The ancestors have deceived me too much, even if I die, I won't let your ancestors get what they want," which almost directly refers to Aspen Commander Qiu. So if Nelson is not a traitor, it is likely that Aschu is betraying him, and Asci is the real traitor, that is, the person organized by the Dark God. "

Pluto Wang frowned, and this analysis was justified.

It is during Aschu's rotation that he wants Nelson to be a dead ghost. It is easy to do something on Nelson's contract. Especially before Nelson's death, he ran in the direction of the military department. Would Nelson realize that Aschu was a traitor at the time, so he wanted to go to the military department for help. However, one thing is that Nelson's final shout was a bit strange, saying that what ancestral gods deceived me is too much, and that death would not make the ancestors do what they want. What does it mean?

"What does the dean think?" Jiang Lan asked Wang Xing not to speak ~ ~.

"Actually, I probed with causality. When Nelson died, there should be three people present. In addition to Aschu and Nelson, there should be another person present. I think this talent is real. Traitor, and Nelson's shout at that time was probably because of the influence of this person, maybe this person told Nelson what. Even, this person may be familiar with Nelson, otherwise Nelson did not The reason directly believed his words, and began to run without saying a word. "Wang Xing slowly said, this was his guess.

"Is there another person?" Jiang Lan was shocked.

"By the way, which commander of Nelson's nineteenth group is under the jurisdiction of it?" Wang Xing asked casually.

"It should be the Lean of the Space Bank Association. The Space Bank Association and the Ling clan have many contacts. Even if the Ling clan lives alone, it is inevitable to conduct transactions through the Space Bank Association." Jiang Lan thought.

"Oh." Wang Xing said a little, his eyes were a little cold, "No matter who the traitor is, his second step plan should be successful. Next, when the aliens cracked the ten perfect array, it's time to start against us. I It's time to make some preparations. Immediately, I plan to go to Stars to change the world, talk to Hongmeng and Lin Meng, and borrow someone from the stars to change the world. "

I heard the stars change into the world, Jiang Lan's eyes brightened.

Uh ...

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