Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1795: 8 great emperors, amazing rewards!

澜 Jiang Lan is more familiar with Wang Xing than Wang Xing.

He pondered for a while and said to Wang Xing: "If the dean intends to borrow from the stars to change the world, I suggest that the dean must borrow these nine people. The first is the Eight Holy Emperors. They are all top-level **** kings. None of the people who the universe can match with them, and they all have the town's spiritual treasure, which is the fifth-order original magic weapon, which is the eternal weapon said in the Shenhe. Eight emperors control the eternal magic weapon. A combat power can actually be comparable to the low-level Supreme God without eternal weapons. If the eight people join forces, they will block the origin of the eight universes of gold, wood, fire, earth, light, and thunder. I think the alien and dark **** organizations do n’t mention twelve **** kings. Even if it doubles again, it can only be killed. "

After Wang Xing heard, he nodded secretly.

Jiang Lan also knows the Eight Holy Emperors.

The eight holy emperors are the northwest holy emperor Zhou Huo, who controls Leiyuan Lingzhu. Arctic Holy Emperor Jiang Fan, who controls the dark source spiritual beads; Antarctic Holy Emperor Du Yun, who controls the light source spiritual beads; West Antarctic Emperor Shen Tuyan, who controls the fire source spiritual beads; Southwestern Emperor Tang Lan, who controls the water source spiritual beads; Northeast Holy Emperor Mu Qin, who controls Muyuan Lingzhu; Dongji Holy Emperor Huangfu Yu, who controls Jinyuan Lingzhu; and Southeast Emperor Pu Taihong, who controls Tuyuan Lingzhu.

Jiang Lan continued at this time: "The eight emperors are eight people, and the next one is Xiaoyu's master craftsman, God Car Hou Xun. Now Che Hou Xun should not be a Celestial Master yet, he is just one God King. The reason why I hope the Dean can borrow Che Houyi is actually because of his refining ability. He should now be able to make Tianzun Lingbao, and in the main universe, it is the sixth-order origin. The magic weapon at the artifact level is a medium-level eternal weapon. Even in the Shenhe River, only a few supreme gods can possess this level of weapons. "

When Wang Xing heard Che Hou's name, his eyes flashed.

If there is a car Hou 辕, what magic weapon does the college lack? You must know that the college does not have a permanent weapon now.

Car Hou 辕 is really critical.

At this time, Wang Xing also felt a sense of awakening: "In fact, not only the carpenter God Hou Xun, Che Hou Xun became the world's No. 1 refining master, but the second one under him was called Ou Yezi, the third It's called Duanmufeng, but it can actually be 'borrowed' to the college. Whether it is to let them teach students to refiners, or to teach college refiners exclusively, there is absolutely no waste. "

I heard that Wang Xing bit the word "borrow" very heavily. Jiang Lan felt that Hongmeng and Linmeng were about to bleed this time.

However, for Wang Xing to borrow Eurasian son and Duanmufeng together to the academy, he absolutely raised his hands in favor.

These two people are also repaired by the upper gods. In the main universe, they are the main gods, and although they cannot refine the first-level eternal weapons, which are the celestial treasures of the stars, the fourth-order original artifact-level weapons Still OK. A fourth-order original artifact-level weapon may not be worth much money, but if a fourth-order original artifact-level magic weapon is refined, then a few will also be worth three or five hundred billion yuan in merit.

Wang Xing thought for a while and then said, "Mr. Jiang Lan, who else is more appropriate for you to change the world?"

Jiang Lan coughed. I don't know what Wang Xing's idea was. Would he like to borrow the stars who can change the world, but he still said: "The King Shura of Shurahai, the blood demon queen of Blood Demon Mountain. You can also use the King God of Shuangyu Island. In addition, you are like King Yifeng, King Xuanyan, King Muxu, King Sun Lian, King Anxun, King Liulian, and Zhou Tong God King, Zhou Wulian God, Zuo Qiulin God King, Huangfu Liuxiang God King ... "

Two people dared to ask, and one dared to say that they basically clicked the **** king who changed the world into the world.

Wang Xing nodded: "Well, I have taken notes, but I do n’t know if I can borrow it. This Hongmeng and Lin Meng now look at talking well, and they also accepted Yao Jie from our college as a student, but they may not Secretly think of our college. If it hadn't been agreed with me before, I would have rushed to the college. "

Jiang Lan 讪讪, I don't know what to say.

Xingchen changed the world to the idea of ​​two cosmic **** colleges. You dean did n’t do it too much. For this reason, the college has stuffed dozens of students to Hongmeng and Linmeng.

But this study abroad is not a study abroad, nor is it a study abroad, but a study of the universe, ask who has seen it.

Uh ...

Ten days later, the military department gave a reply.

Sure enough, this matter seems to be everyone's guess. The Military Department also identified Nelson as the traitor, and will never check this matter again.

The military obviously also knew that if Nelson was not classified as a traitor, this would be a big trouble.

Jiang Lan is helpless. Although he knows that Nelson is only a dead ghost, even if he raises it, the military will not pay attention to him. After all, this has already involved diplomatic relations with the Ling clan.

When the League of Gods unanimously went out, the marginal forces of the spirit race and the Zerg race, in fact, the League of God also thought that they could not be sinned.

For this reason, Jiang Lan originally wanted to mention that the array and layout method of the ten perfect arrays may have been leaked, and it was impossible to mention it.

The traitor has been found and killed. Then you say that the array and layout method of the ten terrific arrays were leaked. It does n’t make sense at all. Instead, you will be considered to have ulterior motives. Is your college out of money and want to sell? Give the military formation.

But for the college, this is actually fine.

If the military department really listened to Jiang Lan's suggestion, it was determined that the array and layout method of the ten perfect array had been leaked. At that time, the academy would definitely bring out a new formation method to the military department, and this would cause the aliens to stop planning. All the plans of that college have also failed. Now the aliens feel that everything is going well, as long as they have cracked the ten-strike array, they can launch an official invasion, destroy the Xian Academy in one fell swoop, go straight into the hinterland of the League of Gods, and wait for the trap to fall into the Xian Academy. Definitely amazing.

Of course, Jiang Lan did some work.

He told the army not to blindly trust the formation, and to be ready to be cracked at any time. Each army also carried out drills, so even if the 10th battle was cracked, the legions would not be like last time. Scrambled, don't know what to do. The commander-in-chief only thought that this was Jiang Lan's precautions, and there was not much warfare, so there was nothing to say.

Uh ...

Honghuang battlefield somewhere.

A shadowy torn space walked out, and in front of him were the heads of the Three Horned Empires, Uray, Polfrey, and Kinlock.

Wu Lei was the first to say: "The lord is really clever, but he really got the ten-perfect array and layout method, which is really admirable. Now Princess Nis is taking people to crack the formation, and I believe it has cracked the Jiuqu Yellow River. The experience of the battlefield will not be cracked for a long time. "

Heiying pridely said: "I actually took a risk this time, but the plan was very successful, and my suspicions were cleared out, but I was sorry for the bad luck of that spiritual tribe. Blame him if he is too suitable as a scapegoat. Then It's up to you to see if you can find a way to break the battle and start a war as planned. "

Wu Wulei all nodded, and they also wanted to destroy Xianxian Academy as soon as possible.

既然 "Now that you have gotten the ten perfect array and layout method, what about the rewards of our secret organization?" Heiying pondered for a moment and asked.

"Here." Jin Locke waved his hand at this moment, a space ring flew to the shadow.

"Um." Black Shadow Results Space Ring, looked at the contents, and nodded in satisfaction. "Remember, this is only the first stage of reward. When I take you into the heart of the League of God, you pay us dark The remuneration of the second stage of God's organization, after the destruction of the Immortal Academy, is paid to the third stage of the reward of the Dark God Organization. "

U Lei nodded, this is what they discussed later.

As for the reward, it is actually the same as last time. No magic weapon or weapon can be used.

The array and layout method of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation was sold last time, and the Dark God Organization collected 10 billion divine fluid. This time, the first phase of the ten array array and layout method was still 10 billion jin divine fluid. . In the second stage, people from other races were brought into the hinterland of the League of Gods. In the final third stage, the immortal college was destroyed, and the reward was as high as 30 billion jins of divine fluid. After all, the dark **** organization had to dispatch six **** kings, so a total of 45 billion jins of divine fluid was calculated. It takes a full nine trillion trillion feats to redeem it.

The four of them wanted to talk about the follow-up plans again, and left in a flash.

他们 After they left, Wang Xing, who was hidden in the dark, also left this place, because time was getting more and more urgent, Wang Xing planned to go back and officially go to the stars to change the world to borrow.

Shexian College Station.

Wang Xing told the situation and Jiang Lan again: "The aliens should be able to crack ten battles soon, as long as 100 years, and as few as 30 or 50 years. By then, the aliens will launch a full-scale war again. The direction of Yingzui Cliff must be The point is even more than Qiu Minggu's direction ~ ~ After all, according to their plan, after the extermination of our college, those **** kings organized by aliens and dark gods will return to the flood field and leave the rest of our college Everyone is killed, to ensure that the formation of our college is destroyed. "

Jiang Lan nodded: "So this time, our college has to arrange a large array in advance in the direction of Yingzui Cliff like last time, isn't it? We still have to go to the Tyro Corps to cooperate, but Tyro is taking After the **** Wang Dan, who was refined by Teacher Liu Xin, retreated and broke through the realm of the **** king, now the commander of the 7th Army Corps has another agent named Brownnick. "

Wang Xing pondered for a moment, and shook his head: "The aliens are not so stupid, and they will definitely not rush into the formation as stupid as last time. And I am sure that in order to prevent the recurrence of the last tragedy, the Seventh Army should People have been watching for a long time. As soon as we set up a battle, the news will spread to the ears of aliens. So this time, we did not arrange the array in advance, it was useless at all, and we let the 300,000 heavenly army prepare enough elixir. At that time, people line up and form an instant. The Xiandao Army has practiced the Wanxian array for hundreds of years, and it should be used. "

Jiang Lan nodded, if the 300,000 immortal army set up the Wanxian array, it would definitely be enough for the aliens to drink a pot.

Xixian Academy is the ancestor of playing arrays. Even if the aliens still have only a little knowledge of the arrays, they don't think they can use arrays instead of immortal crystals.

Uh ...

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