Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1796: Ten million years, lessee!

After Wang Xing felt that there was no problem, he left the floodfield.

Earth Federation, Milky Way.

Wang Xing met Tiandi again: "Do you remember what I said to you to promote you again? Now I have a perfect plan. After the plan is successful, the entire galaxy will be promoted, and you as the galaxy's Will will also be a huge gain at that time, and the will to be promoted to the rank of **** and king should be absolutely secure. "

The Emperor of Heaven was stunned, and then he received many messages from Wang Xing's intentions.

Suddenly, Tiandi was inexplicably excited.

Wang Xing smiled: "You only need to know, when you are ready, of course, you must do what you can, don't accidentally break yourself. You can also leave a place for the Emperor properly, although the Emperor guards the underworld, You do n’t need that kind of practice, but he has a big gap with you. I'm worried he will complain. "

The Emperor of Heaven marched his head.

Although he and Hades are the same will, they also have their own thinking and emotions, and it is not surprising that they have complaints.

It is like some world will have evil thoughts.

Subsequently, Wang Xing returned to the Immortal Academy, and the figure flashed into the world of stars.

The stars change the world now obviously more traces of science and technology than before, this is the ghost of Qin Yu. Qin Yu now also has the cultivation of the upper god, which is equivalent to a powerful master **** in the main universe. His strength will not be much weaker than the situation and the master of heaven, and his accomplishments on matrix formation and refining have also exceeded The Eurasian son and Duanmufeng of this world can already make Hongmeng Lingbao, which is moving closer to the realm of Chehouyu.

Xi Hongmeng and Lin Meng naturally knew Qin Yu, but they did not interfere arbitrarily, but allowed Qin Yu to grow freely until they became an existence that could stand up to them.

They have lived so many epochs, but they are also very lonely, and they hope to have someone on their side.

As soon as Pluto enters the world of stars, Lin Lei, the master of the universe, notices it.


Lin Lei's voice passed through the Three Realms, and then suddenly ingested Wang Xing into Hongmeng Space.

Wang Xingye, I came in with a big swing, how can I do it for smuggling: "Well, here, are you not welcome, or am I in the wrong posture, or should I come in again?"

Lin Lei couldn't laugh or cry, don't you be so skinny?

Hongmeng waved his hand: "Sit down and say, in the past few years, you have tucked a dozen of your college students towards us. Before you say it, you also let us study several topics for your college. What's on the law Possibility and specific method of the order ',' On the power and fusion conditions of the fusion of laws', and the recent 'On the order of energy and how to quickly upgrade the energy' It's really not polite at all. "

Wang Xingye, anyway, you are all going to become college teachers, I just exercise the rights of the following dean in advance.

I ca n’t see how they look, this is really a big complaint.

Lin Lei also said: "You really treat us as free laborers for you. I have asked if your college teacher is actually paid, should you settle our salary for so many years?"

King Xing suddenly burst into tears, and the two of you asked me for a salary. Can I afford it?

The two of them seemed to be prepared today, and they did not know what the idea was. Wang Xing planned to continue to listen to what they said.

Hongmeng pondered for a moment, and continued: "We have an agreement. After one hundred million years, you will take us to the higher-dimensional world you said. But we will knock on students and teachers who have already come from your college. Know there, what you said was true or false, what is higher dimension, but it ’s just the main universe. To be honest, we were really deceived by you at the beginning, this billion years is too long, you and your college students grow up It ’s too fast. It ’s only been a few years. It ’s only a million years. You now have the strength of the **** king in our universe. ”

Wang Xing doesn't know what to say, but now you find that you have been deceived. Is it too late?

Lin Meng was a little bit angry at this time: "The most pitfall is the two books you showed us. We really believed in your evil at first, thinking that it was the man named" I eat tomatoes "that set our destiny. Later we learned that the 'I eat tomatoes' is just one of the more powerful novelists in your universe, and the author who is more watery and more pitty. "

This is not to blame Lin Meng's anger, it is the same for everyone, it is too miserable to treat them as idiots.

Hongmeng is a little better, and said lightly: "But we think about it carefully. It may be that there are two books based on 'I eat tomatoes', and then we have created our universe, or there may be someone based on the situation of our universe. , And the experiences of Qin Yu and Lin Meng, passed these to the man named 'I eat tomatoes', so he wrote the two books, Xing Chen Bian and Pan Long. "

Pluto's silence is too profound.

There is a classic philosophical question of whether there is a chicken or an egg first. Who can tell?

Wang Xing knows his faults and is not good at quibbling, but said helplessly: "Then what do you want to know now, I promise to tell the truth this time."

Tong Hongmeng and Lin Meng glanced at each other, and then nodded in satisfaction.

Wang Xing naturally knows that this is what they have planned, just to let themselves solve their doubts, but this is all the mistakes that they made before.

Tong Hongmeng thought for a moment, and said, "I'll ask you a question first. Where did we come from and who dominates all of this? You tell us everything you know."

Wang Xing dumb, the first question should be so explosive.

如果 If I tell you that most of the universe has been created by the system, can you accept it? It is likely that you will ask what the system is.

After organizing the language, Wang Xing was truly telling the truth: "I ca n’t explain the truth, you can think that I do n’t know either. But in fact it should be that I am not qualified to know it, but when I ’ve cultivated to the universe and **** realm, it ’s almost You should be able to figure out what is going on. "

This is the speculation of Wang Xing. In the realm of the universe, he must understand what the system is.

I heard these words, Hongmeng and Linmeng both sighed, but did not lose much, it seems that this is also what they expected.

Lin Meng said at this time: "How can we let us go to the main universe as you said, and I know that we cannot enter the main universe without your consent. To be honest, if we get to the main universe, we may Can find out what is going on here. "

Wang Xing was silent, but he really wanted to get out two contract books of the college for Hong Meng and Lin Meng to sign, and recruited them to the college.

But the risks are too great. .

Once Xi Hongmeng and Lin Meng got rid of the restrictions of the college contract, at that time they would be two super bombs that could be detonated at any time in the college, and they would even smash the college into pieces.

The system's suggestion is to let Wang Xingzhi own the practice of the Supreme God, and then recruit Hongmeng and Linmeng to the college.

At present, Wang Xing is only the realm of God King, which is a little worse.

Pluto can detect that the system is still afraid of Hongmeng and Linmeng, which actually shows that the universe **** can already threaten the system.

So Wang Xing felt that when he became a cosmic god, he should be able to know what kind of system exists.

I pondered for a moment, Wang Xing slowly said: "Wait a second, before saying that 100 million years is indeed too long, I promise you will let you enter the main universe for at most 10 million years."

Twenty million years became ten million years, which made Hongmeng and Linmeng both eyes bright.

Wang Xing smiled. He would definitely become a supreme **** for ten million years. By then, he would sign Hongmeng and Linmeng and the matter would be stable.

Wu Hongmeng nodded: "Okay, ten million years is ten million years."

Next, Hongmeng and Linmeng asked a few more questions, but these questions were better answered.

Wang Xing replied one by one without concealing it.

After Hongmeng and Linmeng had no problems, Wang Xing smiled at this time: "You see I shortened your time to enter the main universe from 100 million years to 10 million years, and also answered so many of your questions. Did you also Do me a favor? "

Wu Hongmeng and Lin Meng nodded, it didn't matter if they were a little bit busy.

Wang Xing grinned: "In fact, it's really a small favor. You can borrow someone to give me a shit! I recently encountered some enemies in the main universe, and I was a bit overwhelmed. There are many strong people in your universe, so I will borrow some. Don't worry, I will definitely borrow them, and when they are finished fighting for me, I will send them back. "

After hearing this, Hong Hongmeng cried and laughed, "Well, who do you want to borrow?"

Wang Xing almost blurted out at this time: "The Holy Emperor Zhou Huo in the northwest of the Divine Realm, the Holy Emperor Jiang Fan in the Arctic, the Duan Muyun in the Antarctic Emperor, Shen Tuyan in the West Antarctica, Tang Emperor Tang Lan in the Southwest, Emperor Muqin in the Northeast, Dongji Holy Emperor Huangpu Yu, Southeastern Emperor Pu Taihong, Carpenter God Hou Yan, Shura Haishuura God, Blood Demon Mountain Blood Demon Queen, Shuangyu Island King God ~ ~ In addition, there is also Yifeng God King , King Xunyan, King Muxu, King Sun Lian, King Anxun, King Liulian, King Zhoutong, King Wulian, Zuo Qiulin, King Huangfu Liuxiang ... "

I heard that Wang Xing almost clicked the name of the **** of the gods, and Lin Meng's face was black.

You are not borrowing, you are evacuating the whole divine realm.

"How about, not too much?" Wang Xing looked at Lin Meng with a thick face.

Don't worry about whether you can borrow or not, he really said everything he can borrow.

If the Supreme God could not appear outside of the Shenhe River, he would even want to borrow the three deities.

"What are you thinking about? The **** king of the **** world has been taken away by you, and the **** world will be chaotic." Lei said angrily, "borrow you up to ten **** kings, no more."

"Ten?" Wang Xing laughed secretly. He had only thought that he could borrow the eight emperors and Che Houyi. Now it seems that he can borrow one more. "Well, ten to ten, I will borrow The Eight Holy Emperors, Che Houyi, and King Shura. "

Lin Lei's face turned blue after hearing it, you are really a bit rude. I borrowed the stronger ones from the King of God, and I do n’t know if it ’s too late to say no to borrow.

Uh ...

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