Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1802: Space cage, dark 0!

Solar system, somewhere in the void.

Wang Xing looked in one direction, his eyes were cold.

Behind him, a total of twelve teachers are ready to become the eight emperors of the world, Luofan, the king of Shura, Houyi, the craftsman, and Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, who have sealed the world.

Wang Xing pondered for a moment and slowly said, "They are here, exactly as expected. They are a total of four alien **** kings and six dark **** god kings. After they entered the galaxy, eight troubled emperor teachers reminded Moving the golden wood, water, fire, earth and light, the eight township spirit beads banned the entire galaxy, forming a space cage for the law of origin. By then, they will be the stunners and will never escape. "

The eight emperors nodded, which was not difficult for them.

At this time, Wang Xing looked at the empty space again, and the figure of Tiandi appeared: "The next step is very important. After the ten **** kings are trapped, don't rush to kill them, but just a little Drain their divine power. Although a large part of these divine power will return to the universe, but also a part of it will be captured by the Emperor of Heaven, and become the food for the promotion of the Milky Way. "

The emperor listened, but felt a little eager.

Wang Xing smiled and continued: "Of course, these are appetizers. When the power of the ten **** kings is almost consumed, what we need to do at this time is to capture them and sacrifice them to the emperor. Because every **** king The kingdom of God is a small universe, which is not comparable in size to the Milky Way. Tiandi swallowed ten such kingdoms, which is actually similar to the snake swallowing elephants. But after the successful swallowing, the benefits will be huge. I have calculated that although the swallowed The size of the Milky Way galaxy will not increase, but the space where the Milky Way galaxy is located will be ten times stronger than before, and the universe energy will be thirty times richer than before. Tiandi will also be promoted to God-level will, and the Milky Way galaxy will become the entire Wuxing Mountain. The core of the star field. "

Hearing this, even a group of teachers were excited.

However, there are some places that the teacher ca n’t understand. Jiang Fan directly asked: "Dean, why not kill them directly, it is easier to kill them than to kill them. It only takes ten minutes to kill them, and at least they have to kill them. An hour. "

After hearing this, Wang Xing smiled and said, "In fact, the truth is very simple. If you kill them, their gods will be broken, their spirits will disappear, and their kingdom will collapse. The emperor first swallowed up their kingdom of God. But they captured them and sacrificed them to the emperor. At this time, they were the sacrifices of the emperor and left to the emperor's disposal. "

The nine teachers who changed the world thought about it, but they didn't understand it.

However, the Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, who sealed the world of the gods, were very self-explanatory. They clearly understood the reasons.

This is actually similar to the amount of calamity in the world of Fengshen, and the reason is similar.

After Wang Xing assigned the tasks of the eight emperors, he looked at the other four: "Mr. Luo Fan, Che Houyi, Taishang Teacher, Yuanshi Teacher, the Eight Holy Emperors trapped the aliens and the dark gods and organized ten gods. After the king, on the one hand, you must prevent some of them from breaking out of the cage to escape, and on the other hand, you must also prevent other hidden enemies. I am afraid to say that the alien is, but the dark **** organization is likely to be hidden outside the Shenhe God King. "

The four of Luo Fan nodded, saying that they were just stopping someone to come to the rescue.

After repeating the plan in detail, the ten **** kings over there have also reached the edge of the galaxy.

Knight's consciousness extended unbridled, covering the entire galaxy: "I did not expect that there is such a beautiful small galaxy in such a marginal area of ​​the universe. But from today on, this beautiful galaxy will disappear in the universe. Medium. But I couldn't find where the Immortal College was. The college is still hidden. "

The other nine **** kings are also searching with divine knowledge.

After searching a bit, An pointed out the direction of the earth and said, "The planet called Earth is the mother star of the Milky Way human beings, and it is also the first planet to appear in the Immortal Academy. Look carefully at this planet and come out of it. There is a space channel. This space is very strong and straight into the deep space of the universe. If I didn't guess wrong, this space channel is the connected fairy college. "

After hearing this, other **** kings also noticed this space passage.

Wang Xing was not surprised to hear these people talking, because these people were right.

When he had the main deity, he discovered that Xian Academy was not really hiding behind Tianxian Mountain, but was hiding in the depths of infinite space. The earth was just a link to Xian Academy.

King Kawana also nodded at this time: "Yes, there is a huge space behind the passage connecting the earth, like a universe, where there are ten places of immortal college. Since the immortal college is also locked, then What are we waiting for? We will destroy Xianxian Academy earlier, and we will be able to return to the Honghuang battlefield as soon as possible. I just received the news, and the situation on the Honghuang battlefield is not great now. "

Hearing this, everyone no longer delays, heading straight for the earth.

Wang Xing looked at them, and he knew that the moment they entered the galaxy, they could no longer look back.

After pondering for a moment, Wang Xing's voice resounded immediately: "Welcome ten **** kings to the Milky Way. You have come all the way to destroy our immortal college. All of you are full of confidence, as if you destroyed our college without effort. In fact, You don't know that when you plan to implement this plan, you are destined to die because of it. Our college is not easy to mess with, our college is strong, and this is the biggest miscalculation of your plan. "

Hearing the voice of Wang Xing, Knight, Urdley, Cavana, Bayard, and even the six **** kings organized by the Dark God couldn't help but stop.

How could it be that their plans were exposed.

At this time, eight powerful breaths appeared at the same time around them.

Kawana's face changed greatly, and he followed these breaths, only to see that in each of the eight directions, there was a god-level king with strange beads.

An anxious brow frowned: "There are only 17 **** kings in the Alliance League Army Department. This immortal college already has five god-king-level teachers in the flood field, plus these eight, that is thirteen. The person who just spoke was not among the eight, but the momentum is definitely also a **** king, which is fourteen. No, Jiang Lan, the commander in chief of the Alliance Army Department, is also a teacher of the Immortal College. There are as many as fifteen king-level combat powers and god-king realms in the name of the Immortal College. "

Unconsciously, it was embarrassing to look dark.

They estimate that there are at most four **** kings remaining in the Immortal Academy plus the Dean, and this is obviously far beyond this number.

Anji whispered at this time: "Things are not good. Our plan should have been known by Xian Academy. There is another very fatal thing. Take a look at these eight **** kings holding strange beads. If I do n’t have If the induction is wrong, the beads in their hands should be the first-level eternal magic. In order to be able to come outside the Shenhe, we will not even carry the eternal magic, but this immortal college is too terrible. The son gave eight eternal magic weapons to God outside the river. "

The eight first-level eternal magic weapons, even if they can not exert their full power, but even if only 30% of them can be used to suppress them.

King Knight is silent. He is confident that he is the ultimate **** king in the universe, but let him fight against a **** king with a first-level eternal level, he dare not say how much chance of victory.

Kawat looked dignified: "Since the Xian Academy has learned our plan long ago, this is naturally a trap. We now only see eight **** kings holding primary eternal magic. Who knows how many **** kings are behind this? Hidden. If you want to destroy the Immortal Academy, it may take more than 30 **** kings. Now that the plan is exposed and the situation is reversed, we must immediately interrupt the plan and prepare to evacuate. "

Hearing this, he nodded secretly.

Netz and Urdley were silent for a while and agreed, let alone the other **** kings.

In a blink of an eye, the ten **** kings reached an agreement.


Kawat gave a loud sigh, and first took the lead and swept away in one direction.

The other nine **** kings followed closely, rushing in one direction, intending to leave the galaxy.

When Wang Xing saw this scene, he admired the decisiveness of these alien gods and dark gods. When he found out that things weren't good, he wouldn't choose a deadly battle in the end, but chose to run away.

It's just that Xianxian Academy has been planning this for so long, how could they let them escape.

At this moment, the eight emperors urged the source spirit beads, and suddenly saw only the power of the eight basic laws of the golden wood, water, fire, earth, and light and thunder, covering the Milky Way, and directly banning the Milky Way.

The ten **** kings only felt that the surrounding space changed, and they were drawn into another space.

Kawat saw something ~ ~ It was terrifying: "We still underestimated the Immortal Academy. The eight primary eternal magics correspond to the origins of the eight universes, which are obviously one. The eight people urged at the same time, the power It will even increase ten-fold. Now we have fallen into a cage of space created by these eight eternal magic weapons, and become one of them. "

Hearing this, everyone looked ugly.

At this moment, Wang Xing looked out of the Milky Way, and then looked sullen and angrily: "It's so courageous that he really hides a **** king. This is the **** king organized by the Dark God."

I saw the **** king rushing forward, but the punch was directed at the will of the emperor in the galaxy. This guy obviously wanted to rescue Wei.

At the moment, An also noticed something, Shen said, "He has shot the dark, he is the strongest of us. If we can break the space ban from the outside, we may not be able to go out."

Dark zero?

The four **** kings of the alien race were also a stunner. They did not expect that the alien race had concealed a **** king.

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