Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1803: Sacrifice!

Wang Xing saw this scene and did not take any action.

His main task is actually to guard the entire galaxy. After all, the aftermath of the battle of the **** king is still terrifying, and the entire galaxy can be destroyed with a little carelessness.

Wang Xing didn't make a shot. In the first time, it was actually Shura God King Luo Fan who shot. He discovered Dark Zero a little later than Wang Xing.

Only saw a blood-red long ruler appearing in Luo Fan's hands, this is the Hung Meng Lingbao ‘death’ made by him in the stars to change the world.

Luo Fan looked at the dark zero organized by the dark god, and did not hesitate to draw a ruler.

The ruler draws a beautiful red light, and smashes the space of tens of billions of miles at once, and the space oscillates for hundreds of light years.

Secretly dark, looking at the blood ruler was shocked.

He could see that this blood ruler was again a first-level eternal magic weapon, and its power was not weaker than those eight original spiritual beads.

He didn't dare to attack the Emperor forward anymore, so he had to collect his fist and back, but the red light from the blood ruler still rubbed his arm and passed. Instantly this made the armour of his fourth-order original artifact shatter.

Luo Fan frowned, but was not satisfied with the blow.

He is the ultimate king of God, much stronger than the alien Knights, Erdley, and even Kawana, an emperor and disciple of the Yuan Dynasty. However, this time, while still occupying the magic weapon's advantage, he only broke the arm of Dark Zero, which was a failure.

According to his prediction, it should be almost the same to smash the dark zero arms into pieces.

The same is true, Luo Fan is serious now, he can feel that this dark zero is a bit strong. If there is no blood ruler, he and this dark zero are estimated to be five or five, and may not be able to suppress the other.

Realizing this in his heart, Luo Fan once again waved his blood ruler towards the dark zero, and this time he simultaneously urged the law of time to accelerate time.

It was dark, and he felt a change in the time flow around him.

However, he immediately sneered, and a force emerged from his kingdom of God, which urged him to reverse the flow of time around him.

Luo Fan knew that it was the power of the kingdom of God, and every immortal possessed this power. However, the kingdom of the **** king has been promoted to a small universe country, so that is also the power of the universe.

As the stars change the world, Qin Yu, who created the new universe, is using the power of the new universe to hit others, which is almost the same as the method of dark zero.

The two played against each other in hundreds of ways. Although Dark Zero was not as good as Luo Fan who possessed the first-level eternal magic weapon, they were not completely suppressed.

Wang Xing was also a little surprised at this moment. I did not expect that the Dark God Organization had such a master.

The presence of this person is definitely a huge threat.

Wang Xing couldn't help but want to take down this secret piece and sacrifice it to the Emperor together.

But he just had this idea, another college teacher shot, turned out to be the craftsman Hou Yan.

Che Houyi became the **** king. Few people have seen him shoot. In fact, Wang Xing and others have seen that Che Houyi's strength is not weak. The key is that Che Houyi also refined Tianzun Lingbao Dingyuan beads.

At this moment, Che Hou's shot was straightforward. He seized Ding Yuanzhu on time and smashed into the dark.

At this moment, Dark Zero only felt that the soul was anchored, and his whole body seemed unable to move.

He turned back hard, and saw Ding Yuanzhu coming straight to him.

That Dingyuan bead is definitely not a bead in his eyes, but a medium-sized universe of the Supreme God.

He was horrified and almost urged all the forces of the kingdom of God to resist, but Ding Yuanzhu smashed into his chest unstoppable all the way, and smashed him a few light years away. .

Che Hou made a move, Ding Yuanzhu flew back, and then he looked into the void, the law of the origin of the universe came down, and locked him, this was to lead him into Shenhe.

The reason is that he urged the Ding Yuanzhu, which was noticed by the laws of the universe.

From the perspective of the law of the universe's origin, this Dingyuan bead is almost similar to a supreme god, and it is definitely not allowed to appear outside the Shenhe.

"Dean, I'll go back to the college first."

Che Houzhen didn't dare to delay. In order not to be dragged into Shenhe, he could only return to the college to hide.

Over there, Luo Fan chased after Dingyuan Zhu was blown out by Dingyuan Bead, but he thought Dian Ling would be smashed to death, but who knew that Dian Ling was just a puddle of golden blood, but it was He disappeared, apparently escaping.

Luo Fan handed the golden blood to Wang Xing at this time, and said helplessly, "Dean, I only found this one."

Wang Xing looked at it, and said for a moment: "This is the blood of the Titans ... No wonder this guy is so strong. It turned out to be the blood of the Titans, and the concentration of this blood should be a very high-order Titan blood. However, today he was hit by Mr. Che Houzhen's Ding Yuanzhu. Even if he didn't die, he didn't want to recover for tens of thousands of years. Regardless of him, I will catch him personally if he encounters this person later. "

Luo Fan nodded, he still believed in Wang Xing's strength.

Space cage.

A bitter look on the dark side: "Dark Zero failed, and no one can really save us this time."

Wang Xing also relaxed at this time. He showed a meaningful smile outside the galaxy, and then ordered: "The eight Holy Emperor teachers immediately urged the source spirit beads to initiate the sky punishment. The ten **** kings were in the sky punishment. It's a matter of time before God's thunder is exhausted. "

The eight emperors nodded, and immediately began to move.

Suddenly Gengjin Shenlei, Ogi Shenlei, Guishui Shenlei, Cv Fire Shenlei, Wutu Shenlei, Light God Thunder, Dark God Thunder, and Tianjie God Thunder all fell down.

The ten people trapped in it were completely incessant, and the divine power was quickly consumed.

Waiting for them to imagine next.


After such an hour, the divine power of the four alien **** kings and six dark **** organizations was consumed by more than 99%.

Wang Xing looked at them with a dull look: "Almost, now their divine power is almost exhausted, and if they continue to slash, they may actually be slain, grab them directly, and prepare to sacrifice."

After hearing this, eight **** kings, Taishang Laojun and Yuan Shitianzun shot and arrested ten people at the same time.

Netz was almost becoming black coal at this moment, and he struggled: "I Netz killed the 37 Kings of the League of God, and made great achievements, and became famous. I did not expect to end up in prison."

Yuan Shi Tianzun heard this ~ ~ but snorted coldly: "The killer is always killed, and you have killed so many **** kings of the League of God, you should have expected this end."

Of the six **** kings of other dark **** organizations, three have now passed out due to the collapse of the **** body.

Dark thought for a moment, but said: "Dear Kings of the Immortal Academy, this time it is our dark **** organization ghosts and tricks that made a big mistake. But if your college dares to kill us, our organization will definitely not give up. When the original law of the universe collapses again, God will be willing to pay the price when the King of God can come outside the River of God at will. If you release us now, our dark **** organization will have to thank you again. "

Hearing this, Wang Xing couldn't help laughing.

Today he released these people organized by the Dark God, and tomorrow the League of God will come to you.

Wang Xing sneered and waved, "Heaven, they are yours."

Anyi didn't understand what was going on. Suddenly, the void collapsed. A huge figure grabbed at them, and grabbed them into the deep space.

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