Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1805: Battle report, college earnings!

Let's talk about this news first. It comes from the Ministry of Military Affairs. There are only a few short sentences, which roughly means that the headquarters of the Dark God Organization was uprooted by the Military Department, and a total of 110,000 members of the Dark God Organization were killed.

The news also introduced the leader of this operation, which was a commander in the black field of the flood field.

Hearing this news, even Jiang Lan was incredible.

Everyone thought that the black robe had been resigned as the commander-in-chief by the military, and he was all alone, and no one paid attention to him. Who knows that at this time he got into everyone's sight again, and still in this extremely shocking way. At this time, even a fool understood that although the black robe was removed, the military did not abandon him. Perhaps the dismissal of the Black Robe was planned by the military, in order to numb everyone so as to carry out this shocking operation.

In the Immortal Academy, Wang Xing heard the news from Jiang Lan and deduced the cause and effect to understand the ins and outs of the matter.

Unconsciously, Wang Xing laughed: "In fact, the black robes were successful in this operation, thanks to our college. It was the Dark God Organization that cooperated with the aliens to destroy our college. They exposed themselves and were eventually brought by the black robes. It ’s the end of Lian Wo. But the credit of the black robe is actually not so great, because the Dark God organization has a total of seven **** kings outside the Shenhe. Dark one to dark six were captured by our college and sacrificed to the emperor. Dark Zero was also severely injured by Ding Yuanzhu from the teacher of our college, and he fled away. The black robe said this time that it was a dark **** organization. In fact, the 110,000 people were small shrimps. The seven leaders organized outside Shenhe were planted here at our college. "

Hearing this, Jiang Lan couldn't help but laugh: "No wonder the military only said that they killed 110,000 members of the Dark God Organization. They did not say what the killing was for the realm. It turned out that they killed All of them are small characters, not worth mentioning at all. This time the black robes don't know if they should hate us or whether they should be grateful to us. "

The other teachers also laughed without saying a word, but they did not expect that they would steal most of the credit for the black robe.

Wang Xing said at this time: "Don't worry, the black robe will come to you soon. By then you will know whether he hates us or appreciates us. Let me talk about the battle this time. I am curious about the overall situation. War, what happened to the casualties on both sides. "

Fengyun Wuji also said: "Yes, will our college get the military award again this time?"

Seeing the expectation of the teachers, Jiang Lan stopped talking nonsense and said directly: "This war, we have achieved the biggest victory on the battlefield of floods and famines in history. This battle totaled 6.5 billion people. Among them are six people who have beheaded and killed six alien gods, sixty-nine men commanders, five hundred and seventy-two generals, seventy-three Great Gods and nine hundred thirty thousand Gods.

Wang Xing nodded: "Thirteen billion aliens have been killed in half, what about the League of Gods situation?"

Jiang Lan pondered for a moment: "The number of soldiers killed in the League of God has reached nine billion, but compared with the previous one-two or one-three battle loss, this time it is definitely a victory. Among them, there was also one King of God killed, fifty-nine of the legionnaires, sixty-nine generals, one hundred and forty-four thousand people, and one hundred and thirty-seven thousand people. In World War I, the performance of our Xian Academy was the most outstanding, and the achievements of students and teachers will not be said. I will mainly talk about the Xiandao Army. The early Xiandao Army arranged the Wanxian array and killed 330 million aliens in one go. The Houxiandao Army deployed the Wanxian array twice, once killing 210 million foreigners, once killing 130 million foreigners, totaling 670 million foreigners. "

Hearing this figure, even Wang Xing took a breath of air.

The 300,000 immortal army, killing 670 million aliens, how shocking it is. No wonder he saw these immortal army soldiers proudly going to heaven in the past two days.

Fengyun woke up and coughed at this time: "This is similar to my guess. After the war, I went to Tianhe Yuyu to understand the situation. The 300,000 immortal soldiers in this battle became upstarts. On average, it is over 60 million. As a general of the Xiandao Army, Tianhe Yuyu is close to two trillion in merit points. The trophies they have obtained are piled up into mountains. The soldier's gain this time will exceed 100 million meritorious points, and Tianhe Yuyu will reach three trillion. "

Wang Xing's face was drawn: "Heavenly Yu Yu is too sturdy. Did she kill nearly 200 alien gods in this battle?"

Feng Yun pondered for a moment and laughed: "In fact, it is almost the same. With the power of Wanxian array, her strength is equivalent to a tenfold increase, killing a total of 149 alien gods. Other alien gods who are caught in the formation. There are about 500 more. These were killed by our college teachers, the commanders of other legions, and generals. "

Wang Xing nodded and said nothing.

Now he feels that Tianhe Jiuyu joined the Xiandao Army, not that the college earned it, but Tianhe Jiuyu made it. This time waiting for the reward from the Ministry of Military Affairs, the academy will definitely give out a portion of the reward to the Xiandao Army, and Tianhe Yuyu will be part of it. By then, she will be able to get five trillion merit points for this battle. With so many merits, how much cultivation resources can she exchange for. If she returns to the League of Nations, she won't be able to earn so many merits in 10 million years.

This woman really met her luck when she met the Immortal College.

Fengyun hesitated at this time, and said, "Of course, this war immortal army also killed 13,000 people, which is also a considerable loss for us."

The teachers were silent.

In fact, from entering the flood battlefield to the present, no matter how well they protect, several students have died during this period.

Wang Xing didn't want to be entangled with this, and thought, "What about the achievements of our college this time? Fengyun Wuji, you can summarize it."

Feng Yun nodded fearlessly, slowly speaking: "First of all, the war over the academy, we killed four alien kings in total, and six **** kings organized by the dark gods. They were seized from their space ring. With 12 billion jins of divine fluid, 320 original artifacts and magic weapons, and countless other items, if converted into a successful honour, the value can reach 30 trillion merits. Secondly, in the flood battlefield, we can get immortal The military's war draws about ten trillion merits, and then the military's reward. This is not yet determined, but it should be a lot. "

Wang Xing made a careful calculation. In fact, the big part of the gain was the 12 billion kilograms of divine fluid, which is worth 240 billion merits.

These divine fluids should be paid by the aliens to the Dark God Organization, but unfortunately, the third stage of the compensation agreed by the aliens and the Dark God Organization was not placed on the four alien **** kings, or it was 30 billion pounds. The value of Shenjin is as high as six trillion trillion meritorious deeds.

Next, look at the rewards at the military department. If the military department can count the credit for the killing of the four **** kings of the alien race and the six **** kings of the dark **** organization, then this reward will definitely not be a small one. The numbers will definitely exceed the last time.


Time passed, and after the seventh day there was a result there.

The first thing was Lien's affairs. The military department thoroughly checked Lien's past experience in the Shen River, and finally found clues. According to the military ministry, about ten epochs ago, Leon was associated with the Dark God Organization when he served at the Cosmic Bank Association. At that time, Leon was still in the realm of the Lord God. In order to break through the realm of the King of God, he opened a lot of accounts for the Dark God Organization in the Space Bank Association, and covered the various transactions carried out by the Dark God Organization in the Space Bank. Benefits, and it is precisely because of these benefits that Lien broke through to the realm of God and King. After Leon broke through to the realm of the **** king, he once wanted to get rid of the entanglement of the dark **** organization, but he got deeper and deeper, eventually unable to extricate himself completely, and only became a member of the dark **** organization.

Knowing this news, Wang Xing and Jiang Lan were not surprised.

The second thing is the rewards of the Ministry of Military Affairs. The victory of the victory over the Ministry of Military Affairs is also very generous. Basically, each army group has received a lot of meritorious rewards.

As for Xianxian Academy, the merit awards obtained this time are even more appalling, reaching 100 trillion merit.

The last time Xianxian College killed more than 1.3 billion aliens, it won only 12 billion in merit rewards. This time, if it is based on the previous situation, it will definitely not reach 1 trillion. There is only one possibility. The Ministry of Military Affairs recognizes the contribution of the Xian Academy to the killing of the four **** kings of the alien race and the six **** kings of the Dark God Organization ~

Calculating it, the college ’s war income from the First World War has reached four trillion merits and more.

Even if the eight major forces have been operating in the famine battlefield for many years, it is impossible to get so much revenue. It can be seen that this time, Xianxian College really made a big profit.

In addition, the academy also completed the promotion of Emperor Tian and Hades, which cannot be measured by merit points.

Wang Xing was holding huge sums at the moment, and he didn't hesitate. After thinking about it, he gave an order: "Nine trillion trillion of this merit should be awarded to us to kill ten **** kings, and the remaining one hundred Trillion is the reward for the contribution of the Xiandao Army. Here we also deduct our credit for providing the original artifact set and formation method to the Xiandao Army, as well as the assistance of other legions. In this way, get a ten trillion reward from it. To Xiandao Army, I believe it is enough to satisfy Tianhe Yan Yu. "

Hearing this, Fengyun nodded fearlessly.

But how can I spend so much money this time, I can't just put it in my hand like this.

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