Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1806: The military was a little scared. Wang Xing talked about

Next, just listen to Wang Xingdao: "The next step is to officially expand the Xiandao Army. This time, the fourth to tenth Xiandao Army will be all formed."

The situation nodded fearlessly. This time, Xianxian Academy received 40 million meritorious resources for cultivation, which is enough to complete the formation of the Xiandao Army.

The 300,000 people of the Xiandao Army killed 670 million aliens. If the other seven Xiandao Army were also formed, the number of the Xiandao Army reached 1 million. What a terrible force the Xiandao Army would have by then .

At that time, one Xiandao army is comparable to thirty legions.

Wang Xing's words are not over yet, he continued: "Besides, we fully provide training resources for university students to accelerate their breakthrough. If they do not have task points to redeem, they can advance to them like Xiandao Army. In addition, join the army The department exchanges some practice resources useful for the elementary school, junior high school, and high school, and invests them in the college to speed up the practice of lower-grade students. Finally, I give part of the merit points to Shuang Ning and let her exchange some fairy rivers. The group needs the resources to operate and build Xianhe Group into a space-level commercial group as soon as possible. "

Feng Yun listened carefully, how it felt that the merit points were not enough.

The formation of the seven Immortal Army requires at least one trillion merits and provides students with full training. At the beginning, almost one trillion merits will be spent to exchange resources for students in the elementary, junior and senior high schools. How can I budget? For one trillion meritorious service, at least one trillion meritorious service will be given to Leng Shuangning.

This adds up to four trillion merits, and the real merit points of Xianxian Academy are more than one trillion merits.

The training resources obtained by other colleges in this war, especially the 12 billion kilograms of divine fluid, cannot be exchanged for success and then exchanged for others.

The key point is that it is not over in one go. The Xiandao Army and the students must continue to invest in cultivation resources. If this trillion-dollar feat is not saved, it will almost be lost in a thousand years.

However, Feng Yun also knows that at this time, he must be willing to invest, especially for students' cultivation.

A few days later, the black robe really came to the flood battlefield.

When Jiang Lan saw the black robe, he was a little funny: "Brother Black Robe, I didn't expect to say goodbye last time, we met again so quickly. Last time you told me to go back to your mother star to see, I was really The letter thought it was true. I didn't expect you to silently organize the Dark God's headquarters outside of Shenhe. How can the military department reward you for such a great contribution, and let me know. "

Hearing this, the whole man was bad.

It's okay not to say this, he is just a mad breath when it comes to it. He laid out this for a long time, but in the end it was the majority of the credit that was given to Xianxian College.

Gritting his teeth, the black robe said: "I thought I had everything, but I haven't counted your college to have the strength to stand alone against a total of ten **** kings of alien and dark **** organizations. To be honest, for this plan, the military did not hesitate Twelve **** kings were teleported, plus I am a total of thirteen. At that time we were lying in ambush outside your galaxy and wanted to wait for the **** king of your college to act. Our thirteen **** kings plus your college Together with the **** kings, not to mention killing all the **** kings of the alien race and the dark **** organization, but you can also kill five or six people. But who knows that the ten **** kings of the alien race and the dark **** organization have just entered your academy, and they will It was suppressed by the eight **** king teachers in your college. In the end, even the secret shots were lost by your college. Half of my life was lost. At that time, I saw that situation. Do you know how I feel? The military department spends so much It cost the twelve **** kings to come, and we ca n’t stand still. ”

Hearing here, Jiang Lan finally couldn't help laughing.

He could think of what the black robes looked like at the time. For this plan, the military department took great efforts to send the twelve **** kings, but it turned out to be useless.

The black robe also had no choice but to take someone to copy the old nest organized by the Dark God, and it was a bit of credit.

However, everyone knows that the greatest contributor to the annihilation of the Dark God Organization's headquarters outside Shenhe is the Immortal College.

The black robe coughed a bit: "Don't laugh, let's just say business. This time your college killed the Dark God Organization six **** kings, and also hit Dark Zero seriously. The Dark God Organization was offended and killed by you. Next You are waiting for revenge organized by the Dark God. In addition, the alien race, the battle formation of your academy once again shows its powerful power. If you do not solve your academy, their future battles will not be able to fight at all, so no matter what you pay No matter how much it costs, the aliens will still destroy you, and will not let your college come up with new formations. Of course, even if it is a dark **** organization, it is actually playing against your formations. "

After hearing this, Jiang Lan felt helpless: "In the final analysis, it is because our college's formation method is too powerful, and it has been remembered by the dark **** organization, and it is feared by foreigners."

The black robe did not speak, and he knew that was the case.

Next, sooner or later, the alien and dark **** organizations will definitely fight against the Immortal Academy until the goal is achieved.

Jiang Lan pondered for a long time and had no good solution. This matter still depends on Wang Xing.

The black robe was silent for a moment, suddenly a little dignified: "Next, the flood battlefield will be under your management, and I will be stationed in the universe of the League of Gods, which may have a place to deal with your academy. That ... can you give a little Let me reveal the details of your academy. To be honest, your academy's strength outside Shenhe is too strong. There are almost 20 people who have the king and the king-level combat power, and these **** kings even had their names before. It has never appeared before, and the military is a little scared. "

Jiang Lan smiled, but could understand the mood of the senior military officials at the moment.

They must have thought where did this fairy college come from? Are they too strong? Where do they have so many resources to send so many kings out of the Shenhe River, are they upstarts? What should we do with Xian Academy, are they with us?

Jiang Lan had already prepared for this and thought: "There are countless innate universes in the universe, which are divided into small universes, medium universes, and large universes. Small universes can give birth to **** kings, and medium universes can give birth to them. Coming out of the Supreme God, the large universe can even conceive the God of the Universe. We now divide the kingdom of God, the Supreme God, and the God of the universe, which is actually based on this. Now do you understand that these teachers in our college are just out herein."

The black robe thought for a moment, and lost his head and nodded: "I understand that, there can be so many **** kings, you college teachers should come from a medium-sized universe. In this case, presumably the military side can rest assured. "

After speaking, the black robe stood up and left, it was really direct.

This is the question he cares most about. After getting the answer, he really didn't want to stay too much for a second. It is estimated that it was hurt by the matter of being cut off by Xian Academy.

Jiang Lan looked at the back of the black robe and shook his head helplessly: "What do you understand, you will understand. Originally, I wanted to talk to you more, but you walk quickly, so forget it, you just give it to the military Say it. "

Is there any question in Jiang Lan's answer? In fact, this is also true.

These teachers come from one world, and those worlds are a universe.

It was just that the black robe thought too much. He thought it was a medium-sized universe. In fact, it was not a medium-sized universe, nor was it just a medium-sized universe.

Later, Jiang Lan found Wang Xing.

Jiang Lan explained the situation of the black robe. At this time, Wang Xing didn't seem to be worried.

Jiang Lan thought for a while and thought, "Did the dean think of a way?"

Wang nodded: "In fact, it ’s very simple. The aliens are afraid of our college ’s formation. They want to destroy our college. The dark gods organized our college ’s formation to get our college's formation. In this case, I will take our college's formation. Give them the formation, so that the best of both worlds is not achieved. "

Hearing this, Jiang Lan only felt that Wang Xing was sick.

How can you hand over the formation to the aliens and the dark gods? This is not the best of both worlds, and even if the aliens and the dark gods have obtained the formations, they will not just do so.

Wang Xing knows that Jiang Lan must be thinking wrong. He thought about it and asked a question: "Mr. Jiang Lan, what is the most important thing for you to realize the immortal? Is it the special line of the practitioner, Dan Tao, or the practice method? ? "

Jiang Lan was silent. He really didn't think about it.

Wang Xing seemed to know that Jiang Lan would not know how to answer, and continued at this time: "I also thought about this question for a long time ~ ~ I first thought that immortal was just a special cultivation method, but later I found out that it was not In this way, Xian can also use a variety of cultivation methods. Therefore, I think that Xian is because the Xianyuan cultivated by the Xianyuan is different from the current divine power, but I later researched the energy and found that in fact, many divine powers are very similar to the immortal power, and the immortal power is just A permutation and combination of energy. So I continued to think and think about many possibilities, that is, I gradually realized that one thousand years ago. Immortals are actually not these. Immortals are a kind of culture and a kind of thought. Cultivation is that kind of thinking, it is the kind of resonance between man and the universe, and it is the state of human law, earth, heaven, heaven, Tao, and Tao that the Taoists call nature. Man and the universe should be In the life community, human beings must respect the universe, conform to the universe, and protect the universe. According to my observations, people in the entire universe do not seem to realize this truth. "

Jiang Lan looked at Wang Xing, only feeling that Wang Xing's body was shining at the moment.

At this moment, Wang Xing is the best interpretation of ‘xian’.

Jiang Lan looked at Wang Xing for a long time, and still said, "Did the things you said have anything to do with the matter?"

At this moment, Wang Xing seemed to be kicked from the cloud, and watching Jiang Lan was full of resentment, can you let people express their feelings.

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